Thursday, May 30, 2013

Oh my moving day blues

I'm moving in 5 days!  I have started to pack up my stuff and realize that I have a lot of little stuff.  I have a few big items...but a ton of stupid pens!  I have 50 thousand pens!  Why do I need them?  Who knows..but I have them!  And I will be darned if I throw out perfectly good pens!  But why do I have so many?  (sigh of frustration)

I have some furniture!  I'm bringing (not sure what will fit and what won't fit) a dresser, big book case, small bookcase, 1 night stand.  I had a brass table thing...but my dad has now taken it over and refuses to let me have it!  Ha ha ha!

So, while I don't have a ton of stuff, I do have stuff.  And while it should all fit right now I am not sure where it will fit and that is where my nervousness comes in.  Plus, I don't want the house to look junky...but then I also don't want to not have what we need. really is a bit unnerving!

Here is the last debbie downer of the day.  Curt said, let's move in on Tuesday.  I'm off work and my friend Paddy and I can move the heavy furniture.  Yesterday, it turns out that Paddy has some big meeting and cannot help move the furtniture.  And all of Curt's friends and my family (including myself) have to work on Tuesday.  So, Curt is going to move as much as he can Tuesday morning.  Then I will help him out, then my family and his friends will help us out as well...after they start getting off work.

It's not ideal...but I guess it's nothing to stress over either!  So, that is my life at the moment!  If my not being able to move into my house at the exact time I want my biggest issue, then I'm doing pretty great!  I'm out for now!

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