Thursday, August 29, 2013

Pick your battles wisely...

I have 2 things to talk about today:

1.  My car- so I took it in yesterday.  They got it looked at and the DTFE Sensor needs to be replaced.  It is going to cost me $250.  Then with the oil change it will be a total of $290ish.  I know I should be thankful that it's nothing more than that.  But I can't help but tear up at the moment.  It's just always one thing after another.  I feel as if I can't ever catch a break!  I guess that is why I'm working so hard.  So that I know, okay I can pay that $250.  But it's hard because that $250 should be going somewhere else.  It should be going to fun stuff or savings...and right now it can't!  It just sucks!  I just want to scream and shout and throw something, but I can't because I'm at school!  It's just SO FRUSTERATING!!!  I told the guy who called me, I said if I didn't know you, I would think that you all fix things just enough for me to wait a while before something else breaks.  I said, I know you don't do that, but that is how it feels.  ARG!

Moving on...

2.  Yesterday I got pulled over.  Let me set up this situation...I was at my school until 6:45 helping out with the musical.  At 7:00 I had to be at my church to rehearse for Sunday's church service.  We have a new music minister, so I wanted to be on time and prompt.  I should have left school a little earlier, but I was trying to be helpful.  I pull out of my school, I call Curt.  We always call when we are leaving work.  I pull up to the stop sign.  I stop.  I see that if I don't go right now, I will have to wait for 3 cars.  So, I pull out and I start driving.  I see that I'm getting pulled over and I tell Curt, I'm getting pulled over, but I have no idea why.  Here is my conversation with the Police Officer.
P.O.- Do you know why I pulled you over?
Me- Actually I don't, I even said to the phone call- I'm getting pulled over and don't know why.
P.O.- Were you aware that you did not make a complete stop at the stop sign?  Most people learn to stop when they find out the ticket is $175.
Me- I am so sorry.  I thought I stopped at the stop sign.  I also did not know about the ticket price.  But regardless of the price I stop at stop signs.  I apologize, I really thought I would stop.
P.O.- I ride a motorcycle and have almost been hit by people who didn't stop at a stop sign.  I also see that you were on your cell phone, maybe not paying attention.
Me- (light goes on in my head- is he pulling me over because I didn't stop of because he was mad that I was on my cell phone).  Once again, I'm so sorry.  I really did think I stopped.  I will be more careful at stop signs.
P.O.- (He takes my DL and see's that I have no traffic violations, he comes back)- Make sure you stop at stop signs or you will get a ticket.
Me- Thank you and I will.
P.O.- A good rule of thumb is to say is there a truck coming?  Is there a car coming?  Is there a motorcycle coming? (Along with these words he is looking both directions for each question).
Me- Nodding, that is a good rule.  Thanks again and I'm sorry for not stopping.  (I knew to just keep my mouth shut and be thankful that I did not get a ticket).

As I drove away, I was so annoyed.  I was thinking back to my stop.  Okay, it might have been a rolling stop.  When you pull up to this stop sign you can see for miles.  So, I knew no one was coming.  And I know I at least slowed down to an almost complete stop, because I do it every day.  And there was traffic.  But fine, I will go with a rolling stop.  I pulled up to a stop sign 10 min later and did his 3 questions.  It takes so long.  If I were behind someone who stopped for that long I would probably honk at them.  Making sure they knew it was there turn.  If I pulled up to a 4 way stop and someone across the way was asking themselves the 3 questions, I would probably think they were giving me the right away.  I just honestly felt, that he didn't think I was paying attention because I was on my cell phone.  I was in a rental car, and the gas and brakes on a 2009 Lincoln compared to my 2002 Taurus is crazy different.  I'm sure it looked like I peeled out of the side street onto the main street.

Then at 10min after 7pm, I get a call from Wisdom (the new music guy at church) asking if I forgot about rehearsal.  I said no, I was going to be on time, but I got pulled over.  He was very nice and even sent me a a really nice email after rehearsal (not about me getting pulled over) but about what a great rehearsal it was.

On a good note about yesterday, before you think I am just in the worst mood ever!!!
1.  We were singing at church and I was belting some pretty high notes!  And Wisdom said, really can get up there!  So that made me feel great!  The whole rehearsal was not that smooth.  I was trying to learn harmony and for people who can harmonize they don't understand why people don't learn harmony right away.  Everyone was very nice, but I was embarassed.

2.  When I got home (at 9:00pm) Curt's friends were over.  I sat out with them and talked.  They are always so ligh hearted and make me laugh.  We were talking about weddings, which made me laugh.  One of the guys, Robert, has gone to so many weddings this year.  A lot of their high school friends are starting to get married right now.  It just made me laugh at what they were saying was awesome and what was not cool!  We are all going to a wedding in 2 weeks and it should be interesting.  I will be the only girl in this group of guys.  I'm excited!  Anyway, that was another fun way to end the evening.

Okay, so there is my craziness of the last 2 days.  I will pick my car up today on my lunch break and pay the crazy amount and suck it up and once again say..."At least I don't have to get a new car!"  Alright, peace out for today folks!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

So, I might be a bit angry...

I am so annoyed right now!  Last night I saw that my gas was low.  I was headed home from rehearsal and I thought...I should have enough to make it too school in the morning and then to a gas station after school.  I ended up parking on a hill.  So, this morning I get in my car and my gas light comes on.  Right there, that is annoying!  Especially since I should have "more" gas than it says.  Oh well, I should still be able to drive to school and then to a gas station after school!  I'm about 2 miles from school when my Check Engine light comes on!  Arg!!!

So, by now I'm so annoyed that my gas light is on and now I'm angry that my check engine light is on!  I'm just pissed!  Here is why, I'm so mad!  My car is a 2002.  It only has around 82k miles on it.  For the first 2 years it only cost me oil changes and $600 to work it out (plus the $3k that it initially cost to buy it).  Now, the 3rd year that I had it...I have already paid $1600 on the car!  So, I'm paying off that $1600 and I have $500 more dollars on that car issue and my check engine light comes on!  I just want to go get my oil changed!  I want them to tell me that my car is looking great!  I want to pay the $40 and move on with my life!

So, I'm slightly freaking out!  The other thing that is not helping, is that since I work at a school I have not really gotten paid since mid summer.  And since that pay check  I have gone on vacation for 2 weeks and started back at work.  Needless to say, I'm down to my last dimes.  That is dramatic, I am down to my last hundreds!  So, it's just nerve racking to not have that money!  Thankfully I get paid on Friday!  But still, I will get paid just in time for bills to be due!

My dad has told me to not worry about my car, until I know what I should be worrying about.  The only thing that is really making me worry is the fact that my schedule is so crazy right now, I'm trying to figure out who I have to cancel on to get my car to the car place!  And if all I need is an oil change, I just might punch someone in the face!  Okay so I won't do that, but I was going to get my oil changed on Saturday!  And this happens 3 days before I do that!  ANNOYING!!!

I have written into the car place and asked for a rental car while mine gets looked at.  It should be easy to get one, especially since I work there!  But, it's still out of my way and my lunch time.  Ha ha ha !

Okay, I'm getting way too dramatic!  I just hate money issues and car issues!  They drive me nuts!  The money issues are my own fault!  If I didn't spend it like I was a billionaire, it wouldn't be so bad!  That I can personally work on and get better at!  Alright, I am done ranting!  Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Oh my...I started this last week...sorry!

So, it's the first day of school!  It has been crazy!!!  Everyone has lost their locker combinations...and I'm just about the only one who has access to that information.  Everyone has lost their schedules...and I"m one of the only ones able to print that.  Everyone is asking for rosters and verifying kids...and getting school records of the kids who have moved...and counting kids so that our numbers are correct!  As for me...I love it!  The day has gone by so fast.  I have not even gone to lunch yet!  Not going to lunch is going to get me in trouble with the boss, but when I'm the only one who can do certain things...that makes me invaluable!  And I love that!!!  So today was a great day!

Yesterday, there was a little 6th grader who made me a clipboard!!!  It was so cute!  She wrote a note to me on the back, and included in the note "God loves you."  I thought this was the most wonderful thing in the world!  I told everyone in my office and they all gushed!  I mean what kid writes that?  I would have a tough time writing that an adult!  I did have one person think it was weird, but I explained that I also love God, so having some little kids tell me, only makes me happy!

Wow, I am so behind!  I started writing this a week ago!  I feel as if a lifetime has happened since then!  Ha ha ha!  Okay, so not really a life time...but you all get the picture!

So, the 6th graders came, the 7th and 8th graders came to school!  So far it has been great!  I relaxed last week and spent a lot of time with Curt!  It was a lot of fun.  We had dinner and watched tv or a movie every night.  The I hung out with my family on Saturday!  I helped my dad and Mike audition for Les Mis!  I made all of these curtains for my mom and her kitchen!  I had been doing it once a month, but am so excited that it's now done and that I don't have that guilty feeling anymore if they aren't done!  It was a guilty feeling given to yours truly!  For the record, my mom never made me feel guilty!  Ha ha ha!

This week I started my crazy show schedule!  The first of 4 auditions happened on Monday!  We have now cast for Honk Jr.!  The next show to start is Fame Jr!  Yahoo!!!

I also found out that I lost 5 lbs since I started eating better!  These past few days have been terrible...but oh well!  I brought a salad to eat for lunch today and I'm very excited about it!  So, I realized that I was making somewhat thoughful decesions...not really anything major!  So...that was good news!

Okay, I should be able to write more on here.  The craziness of school starting is slowing down a bit!  So, yeah!  I will try to post at least every other day if not every day!

For real though...I need to choreograph!  Peace out!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Weight gain...and a viral infection? I thought my weekend was good...

Okay, so 6 days ago I wrote about getting fit!  I have not exactly been doing great on that...but I'm determined to keep going!  I have worked out twice in the last week!  If I can just keep that number going up...I will be amazing!

One of my big changers, was the fact that on Saturday, we hosted a baby shower for my cousin-in-law!  It was great, but the dramatic part happened before I even got to the shower location!  I could not fit into any of the clothes I tried on!  I tried on multiple outfits...and nothing was working.  I ended up in a dress...but I had to really work to get it zipped up!  So, that was pretty discouraging...and I'm going to really try to work on that!

So, yesterday, I did an AB workout and an Inner Thigh workout.  I figure if I can do a different workout each day, I will touch on all parts of my body!  I would still like to go to the gym, I feel that it's the best arm workout...and back workout, if I can figure out a few of the machines.  But for legs and at home routine is the way to go!

Today, my abs are a bit sore and my inner thighs are killing me!  Which means tomorrow might suck just a bit!  But, I'm going to go with "It's a great feeling" because it means I'm working out!  So, go me!

The other crazy thing that happened to me, was a viral infection in both of my eyes!  Yahoo!!!  For the past month, my eyes have been stinging, red, and sensitive to light.  They have also felt swollen and dry!  I finally went in (2 weeks vacation and 2 weeks of improper terms to the eye doctor) resulted in me waiting for a month to see the Dr.  Anyway, I'm on steroids!  The really bad that I'm not allowed to wear my contacts for a month!  That is just terrible news, if I ever heard of any!

So, that might not seem like terrible news to you all.  But I don't like my current pair of glasses.  I went cheap on the lenses, so they are coke bottle thick, and the prescription on them is 7 years old.  So, now I feel ugly and I can't see all that well!  Ha ha ha!  My only bonus on this issue, is that am going to get a new pair of glasses!  Yahoo!!!

Okay, that is all of my drama for today.  Check back for posts about the Baby Shower!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I'm getting fit! And this time it's for real! Ha ha ha

Alright, so yesterday Monday August 5th, 2013...I started my weight loss plan!  I need to lose about 15lbs.  Now, when I say "need to lose", I don't really mean need to lose.  I don't want people who read this to think that I'm some crazy person who thinks she needs to weigh 10lbs.  However, I don't have the extra money to buy new clothes that fit!  So, that is where the "needs to lose" weight comes into play.  I can not fit into any of my clothes without being super muffin topy or extremely uncomfortable.  So, that means I need to eat less and workout more!

All of this is easier said than done!  Why?  Because I love to eat and I don't really enjoy working out.  So, I am going to have to change my mind set!  Write down what I eat and when I work out!  I'm going to tell you all my weight and show pictures of my now weight with progress!  So, if it's going to annoy you...then go away!  If you want some help being motivated or something like that...maybe this will help you.  Either way, it's what I'm doing!  I will be reporting on what I ate the day before and doing a weigh in thing once a week (my goal is also weigh in pictures as well)!

Monday- August 5th, 2013-
Breakfast- 2 cinnamon pop tarts with 2 glasses of skim milk
Snack- Apple sauce (the pre-packaged ones)
Lunch-Leftover fetticini Alfredo (not so good, but I didn't eat all of it).
Snack-3 cookies (the little pillsbury ones)
Dinner- About 2 pieces of pizza
Workout- None

Okay, so my afternoon did not go all that well!  I mean, I had the best of intentions to work out...but then I got side tracked by looking up stuff for a Baby Shower I'm hosting this Saturday with my sister.  Needless to say it was bad news bears!  So, on my way to the Bachelorette viewing party, I had a little talk with myself.  I need to not be so hard on myself.  Well that is not what I want to say, I need to realize that I can't cut things out that I love!  I love sweets.  So telling myself that I"m not going to eat them is just setting myself up to fail.  So, I need to try and not eat so many sweets!  Sarah put it perfectly, you have to do everything in moderation!  So, that is my goal!  So far, I feel as if I have done okay!  Left overs are a big deal to once again I ate my Fetticini Alfredo (today with shrimp) left overs for lunch.  However the portion was a lot smaller than yesterday.

The other thing I'm trying to do is drink more water!  So far today I have had 4 glasses.  My 5th and 6th glass is sitting right here and I'm hoping to drink it before I leave today!  Woot woot go me!

Here comes the tough part!  The part that I don't really want to do, but if I don't then why am I talking about it?  I'm going to put my weight and some pictures of myself that I took last night!  It was hard to take the pictures and hard to look at them.  But I'm hoping that it will help motivate me to do better!

I did not take measurements like I wanted too, but I was happy that I got the pictures taken!
I weigh 150.  It's not a bad weight, it just doesn't work for me.  These first 2 pictures are of my in workout shorts and a sports bra.  Yes, I went and changed into these clothes for the picture, then I changed out of them.  Ha ha ha!


And these next two pictures are of me in my "Nice Jeans"!  The only pair I have that are a great length and used to be a great fit as well!

So, these pants look a little painted on as well as a little too tight!

Here we go for motivation!  I am thinking it's working pretty well thus far!

I thought about blacking out my face, but then realized the chances of people re-posting this pic seems slim to none!  And if they do, I guess I should feel flattered!

Alright folks, I'm throwing out the dessert I have been eating (about half way through) and I'm going to start to change how I look and feel!  Now is the time to change as well!  Take pics of yourself for motivation.  You don't have to post them or anything, but be honest with yourself!  And then see the difference!  Not only on the scale, but in inches!

Okay, I'm out today!

Monday, August 5, 2013

I'm back to writing!!!

So, it was pointed out to me...several times (cough cough, Megan) that I had not posted very much as of late!  That is because my summer was a bit crazy!

I worked at a summer theatre camp Stageworx!!!  I am pretty sure I mentioned it several times!  Anyway, it was a blast...just like I knew it would be!  I mean my circle of friends all work's pretty awesome!  I also worked at Ford, but I wasn't allowed to get onto my blog on their computers!  Darn security blocks!  Ha ha ha, so that is how my summer went!

It doesn't seem all that crazy, when I type it out like that...but it really was!  I felt as if it rushed by like a wave!  I just got knocked down by it!  So bizarre! Some highlights of my summer:
Megan came into town for a week!  It was so much fun!  I love hanging out with her!  I miss her all the time and know that if she lived here in would be awesome!  However, there is nothing like saying, my sister Megan lives in California and dances at Disney Land!  It's always a bragging piece!  So, yeah that was fun!
Working with Sarah all summer was a blast!  We choreographed together, picked up costumes together, had multiple meals together!  Overall, it was awesome!!!
Babysitting my nephews and niece was also another highlight!  I took them swimming and we watched several movies together!  If I could make things easier on my sister and brother-in-law by taking the kids I would do it!  They are amazing and I love hanging out with them!
Living with Curt has also been a blast!  We are actually really enjoying ourselves!  We have had some arguments, but none of them have lasted for longer than 10 min.  And that includes the silence before we talk.  I think that is pretty good!  We are still getting some things worked out, i.e. taking out trash, not having to have a perfect house all the time...that type of thing!  But, once again's going better than either one of us has expected!
My sister Dana got a touring job with Sesame Street!  She actually left this past Sunday.  She will be gone for 10 months.  She does get to come home at some point around Christmas.  And they are performing in Kansas in January!  So, we all took her to the airport, hugged, cried and said good bye!  I am so excited for her and can't wait to hear and see what her adventure will be like!
Even though I do not live with my folks, it has been nice to go and visit them a lot!  They have helped out with some of my craft projects and just hanging out!
Then my last 10 days of the summer were crazy!  I went to the lake with STAMP, I stayed down at the lake with Curt and his family.  We came home Wednesday and I left Thursday morning at 8am to go Indiana and attend the first annual Arnott Day Family Reunion!!!  It was a lot of fun!  A little wacky, but a lot of fun!  Megan was able to fly in for this event as well!  Having all four girls there really made the trip!  It was awesome!
Last week I started school and the first few days were all about me and my job!  So, I was a hot mess!  Not to mention the fact that Sarah and Mike sold their house and moved in with my parents!  So, on top of being crazy busy at work, I was helping Sarah and Mike move!  It was nuts!  But it made the week fly by!  I'm hoping these next few weeks can be somewhat normal!  Because in 3 weeks...
I begin choreographing for 4 musicals!  I mean...what?!?!?!  Yes, I'm doing 4 shows between the the 20th of August and Mid-November!  It's going to be nutty, but hopefully it will be a lot of fun!  I'm very excited and a little nervous!  This might be the place where I unload of the craziness!  So, get ready!  Honk Jr., Fame Jr., Sound of Music, and the 4th one is still up in the air!  Besides all of this music, I'm also hearing the sound of money in my bank!

My last thing, sorry for the novel!  I am going to be talking about several things here in this blog!  I want to lose a few lbs, I want to show my crafts, I want to discuss all of my just enjoy and read on!  With everything I want to be super honest and put up pictures!  That includes listing what I weigh and showing pics!  It also includes when I mess up on art projects or they don't come out perfect!  All of these things will bring in some criticism or mean thoughts on the part of the just read and if you have a mean comment...keep it to yourself!  Okay?  Okay!

I guess I type to you tomorrow!!!  Peace out folks!