Monday, April 28, 2014

One goal at a time

Okay, so I ordered a swim suit online.  It is a 1950's style, so I'm very excited!  The only bad thing is that I had to order one size for both the top and bottom.  Which is not ever a good thing!  So, I had to look and say "do I want a bottom that fits or a top that fits?"  It was a tough choice and to be honest, I ordered the suit in I don't really remember!

So, I will be going to the post office to pick it up this afternoon!  I'm very excited about it!  I really hope it fits!  If it does not fit, then it will have to be motivation to start fitting.  Ha ha ha!  I would have wasted $30...and I don't really like wasting money!

So, this eating healthy is nuts!  At the year day to my wedding, I started eating better, drinking more water, and working out.  But if I'm honest and I usually try to be...I really just started drinking more water.  I have not been eating better, nor have I been working more than 1 day here and 1 day there.

So, maybe I should change my approach!  Not do "change everything at once" but change things slowly!  So, for the month of April, I worked really hard on drinking at least 6 glasses of water a day.  Most of the time I got 8-9 glasses of water in!  If I look back I think there were only 2 days where I had less than 6 glasses!

So, lets take a look at the Month of May!  Do I want to try to eat better?  Or do I want to try to work out more?  Since I already have drinking water down, I should work on another goal!  I know that when I eat better I feel better!  I sleep better!  But it might be easier for me to workout and not worry about food quite yet for the end of the year.  Oh dear, I have 2 more days to figure out what I want to do!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Wedding Bliss...Love it!

A few things within the last 24 hours!

1.  Yesterday we hired ourselves a Photographer!!!  I'm so excited!  Her name is Viv and she is a fabulous person!  I have been hearing about her for a handful of years now!  Then I met her and her family a few years ago and got to choreograph her son in a few shows!  They whole fam is just great!  Very sweet and caring people!  So, yahoo!!!  One of these days I will put up a price list or something!  I'm so so happy to have that done!  Now the catering is the only big thing we have left!

2.  Curt was looking at vehicles yesterday.  Do I think we can afford one right now?  Not really, but he said, I don't like the idea of you driving your car around.  I was so scared when you spun out!  How sweet is that?  I mean, that is really sweet!  He was thinking ahead and he remembered me saying that I wanted an SUV when we had kids!  He even pointed out that he was thinking in advance!  I was so proud and thought it was such a sweet thought!  (Gushy love moment!)

3.  I also brought up living on one salary after we get married.  Putting all of my money in the bank and trying to live on just his!  He thought that was a great idea as well!  Yahoo!  So, last nights conversations were great!

4.  So last night I dreamt about my veil!  I love my veil and I'm so excited about how beautiful it is...but my dream had me adding a purple poofy veil to go on top of it!  And I mean 1980's poof!  And I was with my sisters and they kept saying "we think it's too poofy.  It's nice, but too poofy!"  Then my sisters were talking about bridesmaids dresses...I was still focused on my veil!  After I woke up, my first thought was how nice to get to spend time with my sisters!  I was so happy!  I hate that we don't live in the same state...we get along so just stinks!  But it was just fun to hang out with them all together!  My next thought was...why did I want a dark purple poofy veil!  Ha ha ha!  Such a funny dream!

5.  So, while a lot of our stuff for the wedding are done...we still have more to do!  The next "pressing" issue are invitations.  I had made one, and showed it around, but got mixed feelings about it!  For some reason I can't get a good feel about what I am looking for when it comes to invites!  I will keep looking, because we still have plenty of time.  Then we have all of the crafty stuff to do!

I'm really enjoying planning this wedding and  I think that I would have a blast doing this for a real job!  The only thing that I wouldn't like is working on the weekend.  But maybe we can hire someone to do that!  Or take turns...ha ha ha!

Okay, I'm out for today!  Leaving in a wonderfully happy mood!  Peace out!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

I'm not prepared!

So, I like to be prepared!  When I meet someone, when I sing, when I audition...and when I choreograph!

Yesterday was not a good day for that!  I did bring bread, peanut butter, and marshmallow fluff to have for either lunch or dinner.  Or maybe even 1/2 a sandwich for each...but it did not work out that way.  I ate Dirt Dessert for both lunch and dinner!  Well you all can guess how that made me feel.  NOT GOOD!  I felt slightly sick from so much sweets...and then bad for eating so poorly!  Dang it!

Then I went to Ford to work for a few hours and realized that I forgot the dance that I choreographed!  I had it all written out!  Not Prepared!  So, I had to quickly type it out again and hope that I did correctly!  Then trying to get the music from my email to my computer took some time!  Why didn't I do this this past weekend?  Because I wasn't prepared!

Then I pull up to rehearsal last night, my first rehearsal for the show!  With these people...and adults!  And I'm supposed to take roll!  What?  I have never been in charge charge before!  I was the only staff member there.  It was nuts!  So, once again I was unprepared!

It only gets worse...

I pull up to the rehearsal and I see adults...tonight we are doing Candy Man...there aren't any adults.  No folks, I'm not kidding...I had choreographed to the wrong number.  So, I am talking aka apologizing over and over because my first impression is not going well (at least that is how I feel).  I'm choreographing on the spot!  I am feeling so terrible!  I'm just out of it!  Arg!  And I don't know the song...where the words are...what the rhythm is...oh my goodness...Amy get your act together!

So, the first 10 minutes were rough!  Then it got better!

I'm trying a new thing with my choreography!  Hard is not always good and cool is not always good!  So, I'm taking a more simple route!  I tend to choreograph more towards "so you think you can dance"- not that my choreography is that good...but I just tend to do harder stuff and then am disapointed when the kids can't do it.  Or I want the kids to like the dance so I make it "cool", but cool can look really messy and be really hard!  Then I'm disappointed that the kids can't do it.

So, we are going simple and fun!  And last nights dance was simple and fun!  They did a great job!  We had some laughs and we finished the whole thing!  The dancers got a break while I did a cool and easy weave thing with the cooks.  Then the cooks got a break while the dancers had a little showcase part!  It was great!  And the best part is that we finished the dance!

So, tonight I'm much more prepared!  I have the dance down on paper, it's in my bag, and I'm ready to teach it!  I should start telling everyone to look at their calendar...because it might change...or be different from what is in your head!  Ha ha ha!

Today is going way better than yesterday!  Happy Tuesday folks...

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Love is the only way to fix the world

So, on Sunday there was a tragic shooting.  A very hateful person killed a 14-year old boy, his Grandfather, and then another lady.  He killed them in front of Jewish buildings (JCC and an Jewish retirement facility).  If I heard correctly, not a single person that he killed was actually Jewish.  When arrested he yelled "Heil Hitler".

A few things, I saw my friend, Greg, on Saturday and thought to myself.  I should go see his show tomorrow (Sunday).  I need to get better about seeing my friends in shows.  If you usher at a lot of places, you can get in for free.  On Sunday, I sang at church and it was rainy outside.  After church, I went out to lunch with my family and kind of forgot about going to see the show.

I went home and watched the movie 42!  Which was amazing!  And I was angered by the hatred that I saw and the racism!  And I thought, thank goodness I don't live in that world!  It was just so sad and stupid!  Then I got a text from my sister asking if everyone was alright or if anyone was at the JCC.  She said there was a shooting there.  The JCC was also where Greg's show was located (the one I had forgotten about).  My first thought was of Greg and the cast (made up of other friends as well).  Then I got another text from my BIL Mike, he had talked with Sam (a friend) and she is fine.  Another friend was shot at and luckily left unharmed- at least physically.  There is going to be some mental anguish over all of this!

I found out the next day that I had choreographed for the boy who was killed.  He was not in a dancing roll, so there wasn't much one on one action.  But he was a lead, so I knew him.  And that made it worse.  It was much better to not have a face with this boy who was killed.  Instead of a face, memories, laughter, and a loss of talent.

I'm sad!  I'm not at a loss for words, I actually have a lot to say!

I want people to wake up!  I want people to realize that if we commit any type of hate, that it can escalate into something worse.  Today people are wearing white for the boy who passed away.  They are coming together and sharing love!  It's amazing!  But they don't get it!  Or maybe they do!  But making fun of someone, calling someone names, ignoring them completely and having your friends do the same, all of this stuff is just as bad.  Because you are hurting someone.  That man, the one who killed these people, he is full of hate!  If he grew up in a place of love, than maybe this would not have happened!

We need to stop the hate, stop judging, stop being so critical and just love one another.  I know we can't all be best friends.  But we don't have to be mean.  You can say hello to people.  You can tell someone different than you to have a good day.  You can even compliment them on something.  You dont' have to hang out with them all the time.  But if that little change, that little action was the one that stopped a kid from bringing a gun to school.  Or stopped a kid from killing him or herself.  It's not guns, it's not knives, or bombs, or they help?  No, but it's the people wielding all of these things that are bringing pain to the world.

Look around and see what you can do to spread the love!  Look around and call your friends, family and forgive or laugh or love or do what is needed to stop the hate!  Smile at random people, hold the door!  Be aware of people outside of yourself!  Love and equality is going to be the way to change the world!

Friday, April 11, 2014

One Year

It's one year until my wedding day!!!  I wrote a facebook status about it this morning!  I said one year from today I will be able to wake up and shout "I'm getting married today"!  I am so excited I can't wait!  Last night I wanted to post about how "one year from today, I will be saying good night for the last time to my fiance!"  And tomorrow I'm sure I will want to write "One year from today I will wake up Mrs. Alderman"!

I'm just so excited for these moments!  Last night I asked Curt, do you know what tomorrow is?  He's one year til our wedding!  And then we hugged and kissed it was so sweet!  Later that night I was trying to update my facebook cover photo (very important) and Curt said stand up.  So I did, then he just hugged me!  He said that he loved me and had missed me so much that day!  It was such a sweet moment!  I'm so in love and giddy!  Sorry that I'm not sorry if I'm being way too mushy!

For the last few weeks, I have been saying April 11, is the big day!  It's the day that I will start my wedding day beauty regimine.  Or however you spell that!  I needed a day that I could say, let's do this!  Well, how perfect is a year out from the wedding!  I can start working out, eating better, drinking more water!  I'm sure I will fail sometimes, and I'm sure I will go 5 days with only eating ice cream.  But I'm going to keep picking myself back up and getting back on the looking great for your wedding day band wagon!  My mom has already started and is doing an amazing job!  Proud of you mom (if you read this...if not then a mental thought as gone your way).

I even made these little cards to keep with me at all times.  It has a place for me to write what I ate for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.  It has how many days until my wedding.  It has a place for me to mark off my glasses of water each day (I'm going for 10).  And it has what exercise I did for the day (arms, cardio, legs, anything, abs, cardio, back).  I wanted to give myself 7 options, because I would like to work out every day.  It doesn't have to be hour long workouts or anything...but I want to do something every day!  So hopefully it will be harder for me to fail!

I tried to take a before photo of myself, but my camera kept saying "there is no room".  Even after I deleted a lot of pictures and video!  Lame!  Oh well, taking a pic on day 2 won't kill me!  I'm not toning up everything in one day!  Ha ha ha!

In regards to wedding stuff (I'm not sure what I posted last time), we have:
A church & Pastor
A Reception Site
Alcohol & Bartender
A dress, veil, earrings, bracelet

Calls & Emails, we have:
An appointment with a photographer in 2 weeks
An email into a winery for the rehearsal dinner
An email into the caterer

What we still need to do:
Groom's Everything
Bridesmaids dresses
Groomsmen attire

Overall, I'm feeling great!  We have done so much and are at a good spot!  It's such an exciting time and to have most of the big stuff done!  It's just a great feeling!  This summer we will mess around with decorations and flowers!  As they say in Moulin Rouge "Everything's Going So Well"!

Okay, I'm out for today!  Happy Friday and Happy Weekend!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Near Death Experience

So, Wednesday started off as a weird day.  I got up like normal, got ready like normal, was running a few minutes behind like normal.  Nothing was different.  I made hot chocolate, since it was rainy and cold outside.  And I'm getting into my car, trying to juggle my purse, my bag, my hot chocolate, and an umbrella.  Did I mention that it was pouring down rain?  I mean pouring pouring!  Not was a hard rain!  And I spill my hot chocolate on my pants!  It's all over the tops of my thighs, enough so that I need to go change my pants!  Arg!!!  So, back upstairs I went...changed my pants and now I'm running late!

So, I'm on the highway, going 65, and it's pouring...and I'm late!  When my tires did a little out of control thing.  I slowed down to 60, got over into the right lane and continued on my way.  When my tires did a little out of control thing again.  Only this time it turned into me spinning out on the highway!

I did 3-4 360's on the highway.  Veering off the highway and into the ditch that is the medium.  I kept spinning almost going up on to the North bound traffic.  So I slam my brakes on.  No way in hell am I going up into on coming traffic!  And I finally stop!  All of the lights on my dashboard are on.  I can smell burnt rubber from my tires, and it's still pouring down rain.  I quickly turn my car off and think, please turn back on!  I can't afford a new car right now!  Come on Franny!  So, I turn it back on and it starts.  The lights on the dash turn off, and I start driving toward the other side of the highway.  I see a makeshift road- one used to illegally turn around.  I go to it, realizing that it's mud...not an actual road.  Once again I think to myself, come on!  If I survived that unscathed only to get stuck in the mud...I would just die!  But, Franny once again made it through.  I waited until there was a break in the traffic...and I went!  I'm not going to lie, my ankle did not want to push down on the gas pedal!  But it finally did and I drove myself to school!  I was fine!  My car looked like it went off roading, but it's doing great!  Ha ha ha!

I was telling people what happened and they were shocked!  I was so calm and was laughing about it!  Until that night!  Curt was driving us home and it was raining again.  Not like it was in the morning, but it freaked me out.  We couln't see the lines on the highway!  We got home and I told Curt, it wasn't your was just this morning's thing and then with the rain.  I said, I don't feel like I could be that lucky twice in one day!

So, that was my near death experience!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

I said yes to the dress!!!

I said Yes to the Dress!!!  This past Monday I said yes to an amazingly beautiful wedding dress!!!  But let's talk about the entire day!

The first appointment was at 11am at Ida's.  My mom and sisters Megan and Dana arrived first.  They realized that the location had moved.  When looking it up online the address still says Metcalf.  So, I didn't ever realize that it had moved.  My sister calls and says "don't freak out, but Ida's is no longer at that location."  For some reason I was calm as a cucumber and said okay I can call them.  She responded with, Megan is calling.  We found out the new location...a few minutes down the road...and met up there!

Having appointments on a Monday was amazing!  No one was in the store except one other bride.  Not like a Saturday where there might be up too 10 brides, it would be much crazier and being late would be a much bigger deal.  So, I tell the gal that I'm interested in Fit and Flare's!  I told her my budget was $1500 and off she went to find some dresses!

So, I started trying dresses on!  Every time I came out my niece Abby said "Oh, how beautiful!"  It was so amazing!  I tried on a fit and flare and realized that I did not like that style.  It was too tight on my legs.  I felt that I couldn't move.  So, I tried on some other styles and found a dress that I really liked.  It was different and in a year, I will post pictures.  But it was the one to beat.  Because it was different, I was not 100% sold on it.  Sometimes, when you wear something different...people say things that they think are compliments, but it's hard to hear it.  "Only you could wear that dress..." "I could never wear that...".  I know it's meant as a compliment, but when you hear it sucks!  So, I was not sold, but I was boosting myself up!  The dress was $1750 (but they were going to give it to me for $1500).  The veil was $375.  So, I was looking at $1875- In my head I thought I can go up to $2000 with everything.

Next we went to Belle Vogue!  A few years ago, I worked at David's Bridal.  The gal who hired me there now works at Belle Vogue!  She opened the store just for us!  The dresses were beautiful!  Once again I mentioned my budget and she was off!  I tried on several different dresses!  They were beautiful!  Whenever Ann would leave I would say, do you like this better than the other dress?  The answers were yes and no!  Then we found a dress that was just a good as the Ida's dress.  BV's dress was more bridal and Ida's dress was more fun!  At this time Ann said, I have one more dress for you to try on.  So, that dress went on and it was BEAUTIFUL!!!  I walked over to the mirror and just started tearing up!  It was just amazing!  So, I turned around and everyone saw that I was tearing they teared up!

Then Ann added a gorgeous veil, a bracelet, earrings!  It's just beautiful!  We did a wonderful reveal again and everyone just gasped! It was so amazing!  Ann had said, every once in a while a designer will send 2 dresses.  One goes to be a sample in the store and the other dress goes to the sale rack.  Even if they got the dress yesterday.  So, she said do you want to know the price?  I said okay...the dress was $1700 marked down to $699!  What!!!  Oh my goodness!  The veil, which I thought would be more expensive was $185.  And since I knew Ann, I got her discount of 30%.  So with everything- Dress, veil, headpiece, earrings, bracelet the total was around $1000!

The best part was when I was going to pay for everything (so far under budget) and I found out that my parents paid for my dress.  They had said that they would paid for the dress no matter what, but were so happy that the dress I loved was on sale!  Ha ha ha!

So, I said Yes to the Dress!!!