Thursday, December 19, 2013

Can my schedule be any crazier?

I love this season!!!  I love the hustle and bustle...but I'm not sure that I like all the hustling and bustling that I'm doing.  I am not sure what kind I would rather be doing (probably not working, hanging with family type)...but look at my nutty schedule:

Monday- work 7:15-4:00, dinner with out of town sister 5:00- 6:20, nephew's amazing Christmas Program- 6:30-7:10, Cousins concert 7:30-10:00

Tuesday- work 7:15-4:00, Choir fieldtrip 4:00-8:00, wrapping/delivering gift for Mishi 8:30-9:30 (Megan- a gift is coming your way for Mishi- keep your eye out for it!)

Wednesday- work 7:15-4:00, Bake- 4:00-6:40, Church 7:00-8:00, Dinner 8:30-9:00

Thursday- work 7:15-4:00, Bake 4:00-6:30, Small group 7:00-?

Friday- work 7:15-4:00(hopefully I will get to leave early), Grab Chandler & Party stuff 4:00-5:00, White Christmas Party 5:00-???

Saturday- Ford 7:30-9:30, Peterson kids 10:00-Sunday Morning

Sunday- Rehearsal 7:00-8:00, Sing at Church 8:00-9:00, Get kids ready 9:00-10:30, Sing at Church 10:45-12:00, Lunch, 12:00-1:00, Nails 1:00-2:00...then I have nothing else planned!!!

It has just been a go go go week!  It's fun stuff, but still...I'm tired!

Have wonderful Holiday, I probably won't write again until January!!!  Hopefully I will have a lot to report!  Fingers crossed!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

I hate hard choices- they suck!

Okay, I'm having a hard time trying to decide what to do!  I have been asked to choreograph a musical!  It would be my first one with adults!  Ahhh!!!  I am not in love with the show, but I have done the Jr. version, so I at least know a little bit about it.

So, now I have to try and figure out what my schedule would be, if I were to do it!  I'm not sure why I'm having such a hard time.  Curt said, it's because I want to do it.  Ha ha ha, but I can't tell.

I want to do it, but I'm so nervous that my summer is going to be like my fall!  And I don't want that!  4 shows was too much!  14 weeks of rehearsals was too much!

Right now on my summer schedule is:
StageWorx- June-July- 28 hours a week
Ford- working 20-30 hours a week (I'm not sure about this one- it probably depends how much money I need for my future wedding).

So to add another show- for the month of June- I can't tell if that is too much!  What I need to do is go home and pray over it and see what comes to me!

I don't want to be motivated by money!  That is what I always feel like I am!  I have to pay off my bills!  I want to have the wedding (still not engaged- wah wah) that I want!  Not saying that I need to have a $50,000 wedding, but I want to do everything that I want!  And to be honest, I don't even know what that is as of yet!  After the wedding, it will be money for a down payment then maybe money for kids!

My friend once said, you are never going to have money!  You will always think, if I could just make blank amount more!  She said this as I was talking about one of my many part time jobs.  I said that is true!  She said, I need to listen to what I WANT to do and not the money that is behind it.  I know that if I didn't spend as much I wouldn't need as much!  Ha ha ha!

I don't want to think any more today!  I just need to make a decision and go!  I will feel better once it's made...whether or not it's taking the job or not taking the job.  I just want the decision to be made.  I'm out!

Friday, December 13, 2013

It was a perfect start to the day...albeit early

So, I got up this morning and worked out!!!  Go me!!!  Let me tell you about my morning.  Curt went to see the Hobbit 2 at midnight!  It was of course one of the longest in the history of movies!  He got home around 3:40-3:50.  He is putzing around getting ready for bed.  I can hear him, but I can also continue sleeping- lucky me!

I do remember a flash light blinding me!  Not on purpose, but I remember saying "oh the light" and "turn the flashlight off".  Anyway, Curt is getting into bed and my 1st alarm goes off for my workout.  I hit snooze.  Curt asks if I'm going to workout now.  I said I don't know, but I want too!  He said, well if it's the only time for the workout, then you should go!  I waited another couple of minutes, then got up and went to workout!

This little story might sound lame, but the important thing is that Curt supported me and what I wanted.  He didn't laugh at me for wanting to workout.  He didn't try to convince me to lay back down with him.  He just said exactly what I wanted and needed to hear from him.  If you get up- great!  If you don't- great!  It was perfect!  And it made my day start off perfect!

Last night when I was walking Chandler- we were going over my schedule.  I tell Chan what to expect for the following day.  I said "A perfect day would be getting up and working out.  Going to work, then coming home to make cookie dough and relax!  That would be perfect!  And it was!

I have decided that if I can make it out of bed, then I will be good to go!  It's just that rolling out of bed part!  Oh well, here is to a great day!  Have a great weekend folks and be careful if the weather is crazy!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I'm so mad!

Today has not started off very well!  I woke up fine, but Curt got home last night and we talked for a bit at 4am!  He is normally out late on his Bowling nights, so that is not the issue.  Nor is us talking for a bit when he got home.  Here is where the issue comes into play.

He forgot to turn off the outside lights.  Not the real issue, but it is leading up to it!  So, I'm walking Chandler and I see that the lights are not turned off.  Which is fine, so when I get back inside I go and turn the lights off and I see that the tree has fallen over and some ornaments have fallen off and one broke!  THIS is where my real issue is!  Why is the tree knocked over?  There is no reason for that!  The lights are done by a remote!  So, I try to ask him...but of course he is sleeping and tries to answer with a mumble!  Which I can't understand!

So that is how my day started- trying to fix the tree!  Then some kids are switching lockers which reaks havoc on my job as locker keeper here!  Once again- yikes!

So, that is all for now, I need to eat, because I'm sure my being hungry is playing into my mood!  But it just sucks!

Friday, December 6, 2013

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

The last time I wrote, I was talking about decorating my house for the Holiday's!  I had planned a few days to get it done...but those did not work out.  I was tired on one day- lame excuse I know and then my mom asked me over for dinner- totally legit reason!  So, all I had was Tuesday.  Curt was supposed to be home on Wednesday.  How was I going to surprise him with a Christma-tized house?

So, I woke up early on Tuesday to workout!  I love working out in the morning.  I just wish it didn't have to be quite so early in the morning.  Ha haha!  But I did it, so that I could decorate after work!  And decorate I did!  I moved the furniture Monday night so that I could jump right in when I got home!  And I did!
Here are the before shots!  I moved the couch and both chairs (because I tried one, didn't like it, then moved the other one)!  I also moved the dining room table to the corner thinking to could look nice- it did not!  So I moved it back.  Ha ha ha!  Trial and Error! 

Then I brought out the Christmas Decorations!!!

 Then I chose to put the tree up first!  I figured it was the Kitchen Sink of the decorations!  This is my first tree to have as an adult in my own place!  After a few scratches and figuring out how the lights work!  The tree is up and working!  Yahoo!!!  So pretty!
 Then I got on a roll and went nuts!  I would add Christmas lights to everything if I had an endless supply!  I have also realized that I would like to add Garland to everything as well, but it's so messy and in an apartment, there is no space to store it!
Here is the dinning room, how it ended up!  These plates were my Grandmother's!  They are green with Holly's on them!  I loved them from the moment I saw them and when my folks asked if I wanted them, of course I said yes!  Mugs, bowls, salad plates, and big plates!  It makes me want to have people over for dinner, just so we can eat dinner on these plates!  Maybe I will ask my folks!
 Did anyone forget about the ladder?  I need to send these pictures to the woman that let me have the ladder!  I wrapped ribbon around the rungs and then added ornaments!  This type of picture was the inspiration for my getting the ladder in the first place!  Plus it's an amazing blanket holder!  Love love love!
 Here is my tree with my new Tree Skirt!  You can also see the stockings hung!  Curt, Chandler and I have matching stockings!!!  Chandler's has a paw print, Curt's has a C, and mine has an A!  I love it!

This second picture is with all of the lights turned off!  You can really get the feeling of Christmas!

Here the other side of the room!  You can see the outside lights, my new tall lamp.  The Christmas Ladder!  They new pillows!  The Christmas Blankets!  I also filled my lantern with Christmas Ornaments- but I think I will get some more before I take a picture of it!  Love this room!  It's so cozy with all the lights and decorations!

 On the counter going into the kitchen I have put up a cookie jar (I should probably fill that) and some Christmas nick-knacks!
 On the left you can see some of the hanging signs I have collected over the years!

On the right you can see the sign that I picked up on Black Friday!  It is the words to The Christmas Song

 These pictures are kind of weird because it's just a random wall.  The Noel sign belonged to my Grandmother!  It's hung on the wall going into the bathroom!

The towels are in the bathroom, but I loved them since they are KU colored!  Hee hee hee!

 This little guy on the left is one of my favorite things!  I think he is such a cute snowman!  You can see a better pic below!

On the right are some Christmas Star candles and some snowman lanterns!  I should put a candle in them and carry them around!
 In the bedroom I have put these candle holders, there is also a purple wreath, and I did put on Christmas sheets, but I have not gotten a picture of that yet!

When you walk up to our apartment you see this amazing garland and then this DIY Candy Cane Wreath!  I love making my own stuff, especially when it turns out awesome!  Ha ha ha!

There are a few other things that I am going to put up here!  It's some of the DIY projects that I did for the holiday!  Or maybe I will take pics of my decorations at school!

Happy Friday folks and Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

My was awesome!

Holy Moly, I have not written in so long!  Oh my goodness!!!  What shall we talk about?  Megan being in town?  Thanksgiving?  Black Friday Shopping?  Christmas Decorating?  Oh my goodness...

1.  Megan and Mishi came into town and once again it was amazing!  8 days of non-stop family time!  It really was a blast!  We spent a lot of time at my sisters new house!  We ate and played games!  We didn't even go out to eat all that much!  It really was a lot of fun!  My dad found a new game (new to me that is) called Dutch Blitz!  It was awesome and did not feel too competitive!  Sometimes too much competitiveness is not good for me!  Ha ha ha!  We literally just hung out and laughed!  It was awesome!

2.  I finished up my 30 day challenge!  I rested Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!  I was so tired after Megan and Mishi left that I took a nap...then the next day I took a nap!  Then I was told that I kept twitching myself awake throughout the night.  No wonder I was so tired!  I think it's because I wasn't working out!?!  I was not working out, but I kept eating what I was eating when I was working out.  Not good!  So, yesterday I started the 30 day workout again!  I'm going to try to work on my stomach muscles (did I mention that the other day...that I don't really use them while working out?  Yikes).  I will also try to do every exercise for the entire time!  We shall see how it works out for me.  So far (day 2) I'm doing pretty good.  There are a few things that just kill me!  Jump squats!  Those are terrible!

3.  Thanksgiving!  Wednesday was spent with Curt's family.  We had steak and baked potatoes!  It was nice because the food from Wednesday and Thursday were so different.  So I wasn't getting sick of anything!  We just hung out and talked.  It was a lot of fun!  Then Thursday was spent with my family!  We also had a great time and just hung out and talked.  Both days were great!  Both days I ate a ton of food!  It was awesome!

4.  Black Friday Shopping, should almost be called Black Thursday Shopping!  My dad, Megan, and I went to Kohls on Thursday at 8pm!  We got in, we got what we needed, and we got out!  It was bing bang boom!  Then we went back to my folks house (I spent the night there- due to shopping the next day), watched Hunger Games, ate Totino's pizza, and fell asleep- the falling asleep might just have been me!  Ha ha ha.  Then we got up at 6am, got dressed, and went out to find the good deals!  I think I spent about $300 and only bought one Christmas Gift!  The other $260, was money that I spent on things for me!  Ha ha ha, it was awesome!  I loved shopping!  I bought a lot of Christmas decorations and just had a blast with my Dad, Sarah, Megan, and Mishi!  So much fun!  My mom joined us after breakfast for some more holiday shopping!  I think we were up and shopping from 7am-3pm!  I did get 2 drinks from Starbucks since the Barrista made extra Egg Nog Latte!  Lucky Me!

5.  So, I have always had this dream to have my future kids go to sleep or school and when they wake up or  come home have the house decorated for Christmas!  Since I don't have kids yet, i wanted to do this for Curt!  However, on Sunday (the best day to decorate) I was exhausted!  And Curt came home that night!  So, I thought- Monday it is!  I will decorate on Monday.  Then my mom called and invited me over for Dinner!  So, of course I had to go!  Curt is out of town.  So I got home around 8:30 last night and decided to move the furniture around to accommodate the Christmas Tree!  That is as far as I got!  I moved the furtniture!  Today after school I will go home and really try to get some awesome decorations up!  I am meeting a friend for dinner, but I hope I can get a lot done before hand and then maybe finish it up afterwards!  Then I have tomorrow afternoon (if I workout in the morning) before I ahve rehearsal for the Christmas Program!!!  Thursday I am watching the Peterson kiddies!!!  Unless I workout before work, today will be my only day to really have the place explode with Christmas!  Curt is supposed to be home either Wednesday or Thursday...fingers crossed I won't be tired!

Okay, I think that is all for now!  I will have pictures of the before and after shots with the decorations!  So, that will be exciting!  Then I will also show some of the crafts that I have made!  I love this time of year, I love decorating for the holiday's and I'm excited for the crazy weather we might be getting!  Peace out!