Thursday, October 31, 2013

It's Halloween!!!

Happy Halloween!!!

I hope your day is fun and spooky!  My day started off very rainy!  Which made it very hard to get up and work out...which is why I did not do that!  Ha ha ha!  But that is okay, because I will workout after school, why?  Because I have the time!  Yahoo!!!

Today I wore my Halloween Candy Corn dress!  I made it last year and I loved it!  I was so happy that it fit this year.  It's a little tighter...but I'm working on that!
As you can see, last year I had brown hair and white tights!  This year I have blonde hair and yellow tights!  I also changed my location from the bathroom to my colorful orange wall!  So fun!  I hope to wear this dress several times!  And maybe look as good in it as I did last year.  This year is not bad...but it is not as loose, which means it rides up a little bit more!  Once again, I'm working  on that!  Ha ha ha!
I can't believe November will be here tomorrow!  The month of October has taken forever to get least that is how I feel!  Let's take a quick look at my month.  Honk Jr. ended the last weekend in September.  Baby Amelia was born, I began rehearsals for Smile and continued rehearsals for Fame Jr. and Guys and Dolls.  My first free weekend included a movie night with a friend.  My second weekend was spent watching the amazing Peterson kids!  Now that was a blast!  My 3rd week was tech week for Fame Jr. and watching the Peterson kids as their parents moved into their new home!  My 4th week was Wicked, Parent Teacher Conferences...and did I mention rehearsal for Guys and Dolls and Smile was still happening!  I also did Trunk or Treating for the Church!  Plus started working out (this past week) and am still rehearsing for Guys and Dolls and Smile!

So, while it's been a fun and busy month...I am ready for a hopefully more calming month of November.  Let's see how this month looks thus far:
This Saturday is My 5 year anniversary with Curt!!!  I can't believe it's already been 5 years!  Crazy!!!
17 more days of musical
Tech week for both Guys and Dolls and Smile
Show week for both Guys and Dolls and Smile
Les Mis at the JCC (my dad and brother-in-law are in)
Baby Amelia's Baptisim!  I'm her God Mother!!!
Engagement?  Ha ha ha...but maybe not so much laughing...hee hee hee...
Black Friday
And please make the trumpet noise that they do when announcing something awesome in the movies where they have balls-than dancing ones...not the boy ones (I hope you followed all of that...)
Megan comes into town!!!  And Mishi as well, although I'm not sure exactly when he will be in town, but he will still be here!!! that relaxing?  Not really, but it should be fun!  I'm so excited for Megan and Mishi to come into town that I can hardly stand it!  I love having my sisters here!  And while Dana will not be able to join us (boo you and your Sesame Tour- just kidding) will be fun non the less!

Dana- if you are reading will come into play during my December schedule...ha ha ha!

Okay, I'm out!  Thanks for reading and have a Happy Halloween!!!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Why are my posts so random...

Hello people,

My work life has just gone from being insane to the calm after the storm.  Is that a thing?  The calm after the storm?  It must be...and if it's not, then it is now!  Last week was Parent Teacher Conferences!  I had to print off report cards, MAP test scores, a letter to the parents, and a form describing the MAP test scores.  Plus address labels...then folding everything and stuffing everything.  And making sure parents who are divorced are recognized for being divorced!  That is the most nerve racking thing (yikes)!  On top of that I was in charge of setting up appointments for Conferences.  So, I had to call all the parents, and re-call them, and sometimes re-call them again, then I sent reminder emails to the families who set up appointments!

<sigh> And today I had to mail report cards (done).  I had to copy a file for a girl who moved (done).  Now all I have to do is put the 7th and 8th grade pics in their files!  But the best thing that my desk is clean!  I have finally gotten rid of all of the papers, envelopes, and labels that were making my desk look like a loony bin!  Yahoo!!!  I love clean spaces!!!

This weekend was Trunk or Treat!!!  I made my car into a Barbie House!!!  It was pretty awesome, even though they didn't give me an award for it!  Rude!   I will have to post pics or something!  I don't think I ever got a pic of myself with my that was a big boo!  Oh well!  Pictures of the final product will happen now, but I will post other pictures at a later time when I am able to hook my phone up to my computer.

In other news...I'm still "single"!  As in not engaged.  I didn't really think he would carve "Will You Marry Me" into a pumpkin...but it would have been cute!  Maybe someday I will experiment for my book that I'm writing!  I am not technically writing a book, but it is a dream of mine!  Plus, maybe Curt and I can be in all of the pictures!  That would be pretty amazing!!!  Ha ha ha!  A real dream of mine...being proposed too over and over in all of the crazy ways that I have thought up in my mind!  Yahoo!!!

Tomorrow I am taking a sick day!  I have a dentist appointment, and I hate them!  So, I decided to take the entire day!  Curt and I are going to meet with Pastor Burt at 1pm.  It's a getting to know you type of chat, but I wish he would scare Curt just a bit.  That would be pretty funny!  After coffee, I think we will take a trip to the Cider Mill!  I have wanted to go for so long, but there was never any time with our crazy schedule (Okay, my schedule is the one that makes it crazy...but who is pointing fingers).

A few things when it comes to getting engaged (I know, I'm's on my mind and I know that I'm just take it or leave it)!  I wish someone would talk with Curt about the wedding and engagement...but if they have...would they really take the time to tell me?  No!  Because it's supposed to be a surprise!  Sigh...but then I am not sure if anyone has talked to him to find out something!  I's so hard!!!  It just stinks and it's amazing at the same time!  Why do I care so much...Oh well!  Our 5 year Anniversary is this Saturday!  Let's see what happens!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

This post gets a little weird in the end...but I think it's a good one...

So, there are some important dates coming up for Curt and myself.  He has been dropping hints about proposing...and he even told me yesterday that he told his mom when he was going to do it!  But the anticipation is killing me!  Ha ha ha!  It's like Christmas...but better!  When I compare it to Christmas...I'm talking about the gifts...not the Birth of Jesus, because is there anything as awesome as that?  No!  So...back to me!  Ha ha ha!

So, here are some of the potential dates I'm talking about.  If you think I'm nutty...just click on that little red X in the top corner.  This page will go away and you won't have to read any more.  I have been told to just be happy where I am and to not think about getting engaged.  But to those people I would like to say...hush!  Ha ha ha, just kidding!  I just can't help myself!  So, once again if you don't want to read Crazy Amy's blog...then close the window!  If you want to read, laugh, and think man I'm glad I'm not that crazy...then rock that out!

Potential Dates-
10/22- Wicked- important because we both love this show.  A lot of my family was there.  It could have been a dress up thing with a nice dinner attached.- Reality- we had a blast!  It was a great night with a lot of fun!  But no engagement!  Oh well, moving on to the next date.

10/26- STAMP Halloween- he could always propose with a pumpkin!  That might be cool!  I don't really see it happening, but I think it would be a fun way to propose!

11/2- Our 5 year Anniversary!  Need I say anymore?  And this year, it's on a Saturday!

11/24- Les Mis at the JCC!  It's the theatre where we's a show that we both love!  Megan will be in town.  So, I just think it would be cool!  Once again I don't really see it happening here, but it would be another awesome way to propose!

11/28- Thanksgiving!  I don't really want a proposal on this date.  I wouldn't mind one on Thanksgiving...but this is the day I got married the first time.  So, I think that would be weird.  Can someone please mention this to Curt?  I guess, if he does it on this date...he would have really changed the meaning of this day.  However...if we can avoid it...I think that would be best!  Maybe mention this to him...those that read it and actually know him.  Ha ha ha

I guess the next day we can say...would be Christmas Eve, Christmas, and New Year's Eve/New Year's!

Or it could be any day between here and whenever!  He could pick a totally random day...and that would be awesome as well!

Okay, I'm off to work!  I'm dying in suspense...but it's awesome!  I love this feeling!  I love the Holidays and we are gearing up for the Holiday season!!!  I'm so excited!!!  I love this time of year!  Everything seems possible!  Everyone seems a little happier!  If you aren't a little happier, find the joy in your life!  I find joy in middle school kids, my puppy, my friends, my family, my everything that you see...find something to be happy about.  If there is nothing in your life...then go out and create something.  Volunteer and make a difference in someone's life!  Don't let this holiday season go by with you feeling sorry for yourself or negative nancy!  You can find something in any aspect of your life!

Wow, where did that come from?  I'm sorry for the soap box comment!  I'm going to blame the SRO at my school.  He told me that suicides go up starting now...and that is what makes me sad!  If you think outside of yourself you might be able to see how much you do for others!  Or start to make that happen!  Do stuff for others that are in need!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Oh my was a joke! Awkward moment...

You know what is awkward?

When you tell a joke...and the person on the other side does not get it.  So, then they answer in a true manner...which makes an awkward situation.

For Example:

A guy was coming around to check the computers at my school.  I come walking up (I was helping a kid) and I hear "it's not her computer" and then they see me and say "No worries, it's not your computer."  I laugh and say "Well, you probably just wanted a donut".  I was obviously just kidding, because I don't actually think that the computer guy was going to steal one of the donuts that I was eating for lunch.  When he responds with "No I didn't want a donut.  I don't eat donuts."

There is the awkward I laugh (what else do you do during the awkward moment?) and said "Well, that is terrible news".  Then I opened this up and decided to write about awkward moments!

Ha ha ha, happy Friday!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

My friend realization!

So today, I was having one of the many conversations that I have with myself while driving!  I thought everyone did this, but when I spoke with some middle schoolers they informed me that they do not ever talk to themselves!  Awesome!!!  Just me!

Anyway, we have a new girl who is not exactly the happy type.  We all believe she is very upset about having to move.  Which I get!  When I moved to Kansas in the 5th grade it was a very rough transition!  I did not have many friends and well...5th grade is just a tough  year!  Anyway, I was talking to myself and realized that most of my friends are around for a few years then I move on to other friends.  How weird right?  Until I realized that with moving so much as a kid, we made friends and then moved.  So, my friends were not my friends for longer than certain periods of time.

After realizing this, it seemed very funny to me!  But it is how I have been my whole life (until the last few years).  I have friends and we talk and are really close for a few years then things grow apart!  I had a different set of friends every couple of years in Junior High and High School.  Then in college, I went to JCCC for a few years, then I went to Emporia for a year, then I went to KU for a few years.  So, once again...friends for a few years!

Once I moved back to Kansas in 2008, I finally felt like I belonged!  Like I was part of the group instead of right out side of the group!  But that probably has something to do with the fact that I never stuck around for longer than a few years anyway!  It's crazy how you can realize something about yourself when you are 31 years old!

The good new is this...I now have a great group of friends and it's been pretty similar for 5 years now!  Look at me go!  My sisters have always been there and will always come first in my line of friends!  They are my best friends!  I get along with Sarah and Megan pretty perfectly!  When it comes to Dana, we are either in sync or so completely out of sync we can't be around each other!  As we get older (and now that we live apart) it has gotten better!  But when the 4 girls are together...there is nothing like it!  It's just laughs and jokes and making fun and laughs...and did I mention laughter?  I have gotten off track...anyway, besides my amazing sisters...there are a group of girls that I adore and love to be around!  I'm pretty lucky to find my group as an adult!

Okay, I think I'm done!  I'm off to fold 2250 pieces of paper!  Don't be jealous!

Friday, October 11, 2013

So little time...

So, this cold is trying to kick my rear!  I keep fighting with still working 60-70 hours a week!  Ha ha ha, in your face cold!  I realized today that 22 of those 60-70 hours are me dancing like a 15 year old.  Ha ha ha!  No wonder I'm exhausted!

Today I woke up at 7:10!  I had to be at work at 7:15...needless to say I was late!  I jumped out of bed, wore the pants I wore to bed threw on a shirt, took out the dog and headed into work!  It was nutty!  I was 30 min late..and it takes me 15 to get to work!  So, I don't look like a movie star...if you know what I mean!
Anyway, I got to school just in time to not have a lunch break!  Wah wah!  I have not had a lunch break for a few weeks now, because of the school musical!  So, I was really looking forward to a lunch break!  But now I don't get one because I was late!!!  Ahhhhh!!!!  Ha ha ha!  Oh well...there are no kids here, no teachers I might have just eaten lunch at my desk anyway!  Ha ha ha!

This weekend I get to babysit my nephews and niece!  I'm so excited!!!  I have so much fun stuff planned...I do have to get supplies for this fun weekend...but that should not be an issue!  Curt and I are both so excited!!!

Okay, I need to get to work before I fall asleep or start thinking about what I need to do for this weekend!!!  Bye folks!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Oh Wednesday...

So, the temp is starting to drop!  Now I don't mean drop as in "When I got here it was 65 and now it's might snow or maybe no school!".  No, what I mean is the morning temps are starting off lower and lower!  This morning's low was 45 degrees!!!  I am totally ready (mentally wise) for this cold weather.  Clothes wise...I'm a little behind.  My rain boots (the grass is very cold and very wet in the mornings) are at my parents house...along with my winter coat, scarfs, hats, and gloves!

Now, if you are like most might laugh at me.  Why do I need all of that gear for a low of 45?  I mean, the highs are still in the high 70's early 80's!  But let me tell you...I hate being cold!  I hate having wet feet (that one was an obvious...and I don't know anyone who enjoys wet feet)!  But when I'm walking my dog and standing out in the 45 degree weather...and it's dark out...I'm freezing!  It does not bode well for the rest of the day!  I have been blasting my heat (which works again...did I tell you all that story?) so that I can be toasty warm on my way to school.  I even had a warm drink the other day!  I love being toasty warm.

Which is why I'm ready for the cold weather!  I have had the fun summer heat!  I love the summer heat!  But only for the summer months.  Now we are into fall and I'm ready for the fall chill.  Once December hits, I will be ready for the cold and snow!  Now, this is where people really think I'm nuts!  But I love the seasons!  I love the changing temps and I'm always ready for the season change to happen!

Now that you know that I"m ready...don't laugh if you see a girl who is dressed in her boyfriends winter coat walking her dog in the early hours of the day!  She just hates being cold and doesn't really care if you think she looks silly!

Show update-
Fame Jr.- We are starting to do full runs of the show!  Which is good because it opens next week!  And it closes next week!  So, by next Friday I will be totally done with show #2!!!

Guys & Dolls- I have 3 more dances to teach!  I have made 1.5 of them up.  By tomorrow, I will be done with all of the hard dances!!!  I'm so excited!  That is a huge load off of my shoulders.  Plus they are working really hard on the dances they know already!  Which is great, since I don't have a lot of time to re-teach them things.

Smile- Only a few more dances for this show as well.  But they should be pretty easy ones so that is good!  The girls are working pretty hard, but they will need to step it up since their show is so close!!!

Yahoo for me and my shows!  I'm loving this...but I'm also hating being so busy all of the time!  But I'm knocking these shows out one at a time and feeling great.  Well, I"m feeling great about the shows...I feel a little sick myself!  Darn cold!

This weekend is going to rock, because I'm watching my nephews and niece!  I think I want to make pumpkin shirts, pumpkin, ghost, or Frankenstein lanterns, watch a Halloween movie, and just hang out!  I'm thinking about going for a walk...and maybe picking up some McDonalds on the way home!  It should be a blast!!!  I love these kids so much!!!

Monday, October 7, 2013

I actually posted some pics!

So, over the weekend I wrote so many posts in my head!  Now I can't remember a single one of them!  Boo that!  I guess the most fun thing I did was decorate my house for Halloween!  I love doing stuff like that, so for me that is really important!  I cleaned and decorated on Saturday!  I had my friend, Stormy, over and we watched Pitch Perfect!  She had never seen it!  Which is terrible news!  Thank goodness we put an end to that!  She had never seen my apartment or my awesome decorations!  Loved it!  I also finished my ladder!!!  One that I started posting about a year ago!  It is now decorated for Halloween!!!  Yahoo!!!

Other fun things at the moment...
I am totally paid up on my bills!  I finished paying off both credit cards for my car!  I finished paying off my glasses and paying my mom back!!!  Yahoo!!!  I'm broke...but that is A-okay!  Because I'm debt free and broke!  Yahoo for me!!!

I got my hair cut and colored this weekend!  I love doing that!  I think he took about 4 inches off!  So, it feels really short, but it's not actually all that short!  Does that make sense?

 before after

I miss my long hair, but my thoughts are this 1. It's still long so don't be lame!  2.  What is the point of having long hair if it's going to be damaged long hair!  3.  Did I mention that it's still really long?  Ha ha ha

Then yesterday I laid on the couch all day and watched the Chiefs win again!!!  5-0!!!  I am nervous for when they do lose.  Because everyone will be so down on them!  I just want everyone to be nice.  And I don't want to lose to one of our main rivals (Chargers or Raiders).  Oh well!  Chan was looking super cute he kept going back and forth from outside to inside!  It's beautiful outside so the porch door was open!  Here he is in all of his cuteness!  He needs a bath and haircut, but his little face is so cute when it's hairy!
I love this puppy so much!  

My cousin had a baby this week as well!  That was an awesome bonus to this week!  Our picture is below!  The pressure is really starting to mount with how cute all of these babies are!  It's a bit annoying!  In the best way possible!

I love her!!!  I'm her God-Mommy!!!

Okay, I think that is all for now!  I need to get better at writing more!  Okay...peace out for now!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

If my schedule could be a little more packed...

I started working on show #4 yesterday!  I think it will be a good show!  Am I challenging them?  You better believe it!  Are they going to work harder than they ever have before?  Probably!  Only because I need them to do exactly what I tell them to do!  Ha ha ha!

Good news, I think they like me!  My sister taught their the last few years and they loved her!  So, they were some big tiny shoes to fill!  So far so good!  I guess I should see if they like me after a couple of weeks!  That is when the not so nice me comes out...ha ha ha!  I don't know if I would call it the not so nice me...just the I work really hard...why aren't you working really hard me comes out!  Some people don't like that person!  Oh well, not much I can do about it!  Work hard and there won't be an issue!  Ha ha ha!

As of today, I have 17 more days until show #2 will be done!  I have 48 more days until shows 3 and 4 are done!  The thing that makes me the most that the week after I'm done with all of the shows, Megan will be in town!  It will be so nice to not have to think of anything or have to do any dances while she is here!  I will start working on the Winter show in I won't have to worry about that!  And only doing one show will probably seem like a breeze!  *side bar- I might need help on a basketball number*

I'm creating 1 or 2 dances a day and I'm keeping up with my schedule!  I think that is the only reason I"m not freaking out or stressing more!  I'm as organized as can be for having a billion dances and shows in my head!  Thank goodness for that!  I should get off of here and get to working on those said dances!

In my home life, I am not doing too bad either!  I have been doing laundry a little at a time.  Not putting it away, but it's washed and set out!  A little at a time, just a little at a time!

Things I need to do this week:
1.  Come up with names for the kids in the Christmas play that I wrote and look for some cool versions of the songs.
2.  Create one dance for Smile
3.  Create 2 dances for Fame
4.  Create 2 dances for Guys and Dolls
5.  Keep doing laundry
6.  Clean house- people are coming over on Saturday
7.  Decorate for Halloween

Yikes, I better go before my list becomes a little too crazy!  I can do 7 things this week!  I can totally do this!  Folks, let's do this!  One thing at a time!

A little workout motivation

Hello folks,
I hope you are all doing great! I am feeling pretty good today! This past weekend one of my shows ended! Last week was such a crazy week! I did not workout at all! I did eat a lot of salads...but then I also ate a lot of pizza and snacks! Ha ha ha! However, I had a great week! I did not stress too much about not working out. Sometimes you have to let yourself rest and relax. Especially if your week is nuts! So, last week, I slept as much as I could.

Yesterday, I did an at home workout! And today I'm sore! Ha ha ha! I'm not going to lie, I feel great about being sore! It means that I worked all that much harder and that I'm using muscles that I don't normally use. The workout I did (find it below) I did all the sets that it says to do! WHat? I know! It said do 3 sets of 20 and I actually did 3 sests of 20! I am pretty sure I normally cut the workout short because I am hurting! But I did it and today I can tell that I worked extra hard! Yahoo for me!

This morning did not work out for me workout wise! I was sleepy! But I didn't feel to guilty about it, since I did 2 hours of cardio last night at Spring Hill's musical rehearsal! So, I might try to throw something in...but more than likely I will just pick it back up tomorrow! And you know what? I'm okay with that!
Taking a break should not be the issue...especially if you are trying to eat right while exercising! Just get back on the wagon as soon as you can! Do what you can and do it as full out as you can! As long as you are working your hardest and trying your best, you should be nothing but happy with yourself! Remember that phrase! I know for me, if I really look at what I do I would say...I'm kind of doing stuff half way (remember me being happy because I did the exercise the correct amout). So, if I'm not gainging muscle or losing inches...I can only be annoyed at myself! Or if I choose to eat a bowl of ice cream for dinner and don't lose weight...can I really say "I am trying so hard and not losing weight?" No, not really! So, if you are stuck and can't seem to lose any more weight or inches...take a look at what you are doing and see if there is anywhere to step it up! Try heavier weights. That is my next step at the gym. I have to move to the 10lb weights...and they look a ton bigger than the 5lb ones. Ha ha ha!

The goal is to keep you all motivated! To keep you all trying your best! To make sure you don't get discouraged by the lack of change. Or becuase no one is noticing, but you! remember it takes 4 weeks for you to notice a change...8 weeks for someone else to notice...and 12 weeks for the world to notice. I might have made up those times...but the point is that you must keep working at it! You all can do it! I believe in you all! So, get out there and rock this day out! Go to bed knowing you made some awesome choices in eating, drinking water, or working out!

Happy Tuesday People!