Thursday, February 27, 2014

How can 12 min kill me?

So, I decided to start working out.  I know that I have mentioned my fears about gaining weight before the wedding.  I know that my wedding is 13 months away...but I'm nervous that all of sudden it will be November and before I know it, the 10 that I want to lose will be 20 or 30.  So, I decided to work out!  I am doing another 30 day challenge.  The workouts are about 12min long!  I thought, not so bad!  I can handle a 12 min workout!

Tuesday- I did the workout Tuesday night!  It was made up of 4 different exercises each one lasting about 1 minute.  With a 10 sec plank in between each exercise.  I thought, no big deal!  I mean it's 12 min!  Did I mention that 2 of those moves were lunges.  One lunge to the front and a lunge to the back with a bounce.  Well holy smokes!!!  That workout killed my legs!

I did not workout the next day, but today I got up and did my workout.  And guess what today was?  Squats!!!  Oh my goodness!  My legs are killing me!  I mean, it hurts to stand, sit, go to the bathroom...anything that has to do with using my legs is painful!

Tomorrow or maybe tonight will be day 3...I'm going to keep on it...even if I can't walk for the next month!

The other thing that helped, is everyone ate the cookies today.  I only got one!  I went back for another one and they were gone!  I was sad for a moment...but then I thought it's a good thing that the cookies are gone.  I am working out and now am not eating a second cookie!  So, go me!  The next step will be to not even go to get a second cookie!  Ha ha ha!  I'm heading in that direction once again!  It's not going to be easy...but I'm going to work hard to get where I feel good!  So, here is to drinking more water and eating less dessert!
And here is to trying to walk without looking funny!  Ha ha ha!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Wedding update- Historic Firestone Building

Hi!  Wedding Update....there is no update!  Ha ha ha!  Just kidding...sort of!

This past Saturday, my parents and I went over to see the Historic Firestone Building.  Also known as the Urban Event Space!  As of right now, it is Curt's and my first choice.  But we aren't set on that!  It is still under construction, so things are done there.  My folks and I walked in and it was freezing in there.  I took them down to the basement to show them.  Then we were headed up to the 8th floor, just for a look.  My mom said to me "I don't like it".  I knew that if she didn't like it, then it was going to be hard for me to like it.  Only because I would feel as if I'm constantly having to defend the place to people.  Anyway, it just would have been tough.  Then Nick and Chris got there (the owners) and they explained how they do things.  They walked us through where everything happens, they walked us through exactly what they do for their bride and groom.

Once they explained it, my mom could start to see how things would happen there!  I'm excited to go back with hopefully everyone (including Curt's family) to see it when it's fully finished!  That won't be until March 31st.  Hopefully by then, we will be able to either put a deposit down somewhere or be able to say "this is not going to work for us".  When we got home, my mom said...okay let's sit down and see where we can put some tables.  It was fun to go through the logistics with her on a place that I really like.

We are going to see a place on Saturday as well.  However, this one is really under construction.  So, it's going to take some brain power to imagine this place!  Then it will be down to money!  Which one offers the best deal...which one is going to make us feel as special as we should feel!  Which one is going to provide the most fun...I'm excited, but I'm also just ready to have a place and be done with it.

I have learned a few things since getting engaged.  I am learning to just smile and say thank you for thinking of me, when people give me suggestions.  I have learned to not take things personally when they don't like my ideas.  I have also learned that I don't like to sit on one idea for too long.  I like to think about for a day or two then make a decision.  All of this waiting a bit buggy!  But I honestly think, that as soon as we have the venue, we will be able to move on rather quickly from there!

Other wedding updates:
1.  We have decided on a wedding videographer.  We have emailed and are trying to get a date to meet with them!
2.  We have a meeting with one photographer.  I'm not sure if she will be the one, but at least we have a meeting set up!
3.  We have decided on a caterer.  Every space that we are looking at you are able to bring in your own food.  So, now we just have to decide what exactly we need from the company.

I think that is all of the major stuff that we have or at least sort of have at this time.  I'm so excited to try on dresses!  I know that I still have a month, but that gives me a month to get my act together and get into that when I try on dresses, I feel the best that I can feel!  It should be very exciting!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Another wedding dream!

So, I had another wedding dream last night.  My family and I were on a beach somewhere and my mom says, Why not just get married here, right now?  They start asking if there is a minister on the beach and for some reason there was (probably because it was a dream).  Anyway, so we get married right there on the beach!  It was sweet and romantic...but then I realize that it was not exactly what I wanted.  I tried to mention this to people, that I wanted to wear a dress...and have a dinner...and have a big party.  Everyone kept saying...but look at all of the money you saved!  I was just so upset and no one even cared.  Then I woke and had to actually think "Am I married?"

Ha ha ha, I don't know what that means!

This weekend, my folks and I are going to look at the Urban Event Space!  I'm so excited to have them see it!  Curt and I love it, but are unsure about it.  So, it will be nice to have a second opinion!  Then on Saturday  night it's a bit of STAMP, which is always fun!  Then maybe a relaxing Sunday...who knows!

I guess that is all that I have going on right now!  Wedding dress appointments have been set up and we have another appointment next week for another venue!  Then hopefully we can have something actually set!

I am ready to get this show on the road!  But we will see how it goes!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wedding No Man's Land!

No Man's Land!

That is where I am with wedding planning!  I am in the middle of everything and not able to make any decision's on anything!  We have a few venue's that we are looking at...we know the caterer...but need to figure out how many people we are inviting.  We can't know how many people to invite or not invite because we don't know how many we can have at the Venue!  Arg!

I know that once we make one decision that the other stuff will fall more into place!  Once we have the venue, then we will know how many people to invite, then we can tell the caterer how many to expect (the final count is not due until a month before the wedding).  Then we can tell teh church we have the exact date, and we can contact the photographer, videographer, and anyone else that we need too!  

But for now, when we are still deciding on the Venue...we are in no man's land!  This weekend, I'm have set up some appointments to show my folks at least one venue!  I keep going back to the same we will see, but at least my parents can see it and give their opinion if it would work or not.  I have calls in to a few other places as well.  We shall see!

I think that is everything for now!  I have set up appointments at 3 dress shops, and given our Engagement party list with address'!  How cool is that!

My goal now is to look at the list and for those people who I don't really see...but are on the list...I either need to get together with them or cut them from the list.  So, that is my goal...who do I really like enough to set up a get together and who do I like in thought!

Okay, bye for now!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I have gone off the deep end...sorry!

This is not a bridal post, but I will post about that later!  For now I just have to type...

I just watched an hour long video on how America is going to be thrown into a crisis pretty soon.  The US dollar will lose value and then the Govt. will close and stores will close.  And the guy in the video was saying that we need to prepare!

Now, I can't handle politics very well.  I HATE being lied too and I feel like that is all that happens with politics.  I feel as if I can't believe anything anyone says and that is buggy!  You can't believe what you read, you can't believe what you see on TV!  Then how are we supposed to know what is going on and how to help or prepare for stuff!  ARG!!!  So I am watching this and I'm panicking!  Which stinks, because I look so darn cute today...I should not be worried!  And I'm a hard worker, so I shouldn't have to worry about the Country around me collapsing!  It's not fair!  I have paid off my Credit Card debt!  It wasn't fun, it wasn't easy, but I did it!  Only to possibly have the world as I know it collapse?  Because the Govt. is greedy or can't figure out how to get out of debt?  Talk to Dave Ramsey...he will help!  Ha ha ha!

Then I'm thinking about the wedding I'm planning and the future kids that I want and I'm I really want to bring a kid into a place where we can't afford to buy anything?  I mean come on!  And then there is the side that says, it might not be as bad as they say.  Or that maybe my mind is so "Film-a-tized" that I go straight to the worse possible solution.  Or some of the post-apocolypse type scenarios!  It's just maddening to think about!  Do I worry so much that I'm sick about it and give myself headaches?  Or do I ignore it because ignorance is bliss?  Or do I become a crazy horder/couponer who has a grocery store in their atomic bomb proof basement?

I don't know!  I just don't know!

Here is what I just I typed in I don't know...I'm a believer!  I believe that God will take care of me.  It might not be the way that I want it to be (win the $25,000 for my wedding) or in the time that I want it to be (I could die tomorrow), but I will be taken care of!  So until it's my time to go, I will live smart!  I will pay off my debts, I will save money, I will love my family and friends...and know that even if America goes to hell in a handbag...I will get through it knowing God!  I'm sorry it got a little preachy there in the end, but I was about to go off the depend with my friend crazy!  Ha ha ha!

Things could get weird in the upcoming years...but I'm not going to live my life based on what could possible happen!  I'm not going to worry like crazy over things out of my control!  I just can't...because as I said...what if die tomorrow?  Then I spent my last day worrying!  And who wants that?  Not this girl!  Love the people you are with, because time goes by so quickly!  And if the world does go to hell, my family, friends, and I can join together to protect what we need to protect!  And do what needs to be done to get past the worst!

Whew!  I'm really sorry for this crazy stuff...see why I can't really do politics!  I just can't handle it!  So, I'm heading back to my wedding bubble of happiness!  Sorry if this brought you down!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

A little rant on working I go...AGAIN!

Alright, so I have been eating like crap and not drinking any water...which means that I get dehydration headaches all the time!  Which means that I eat a lot of unhealthy food to try and get my headaches to go away faster!  Which doesn't really work, but it at least makes me feel better.  When actually if I just drank more water, I wouldn't be dehydrated in the first place!  So annoying!  I will say that it's hard to drink so much water when it's -6 outside.  But that is no excuse!  Once I get back into the habit, it will be better!

Here is a fear of mine, that I will gain a ton of weight and then either have to lose it for the wedding or be a chunky bride!  I know that I have talked about this before...but it's still annoying!

I can't decide if I want to get a workout buddy...someone who will literally work out with me or that I can call every day and say...have you worked out?  Or just go it alone...I don't really have a set schedule that I can say every day at 6pm let's workout.  I used to send out an email, but no one would really it was basically just me.  Ha ha ha!  I had a few people respond, but I would like more motivational help for myself!

I have 6 weeks and 3 days before I go wedding dress shopping!  I would like to feel good when I go!  Right now I feel kind of like I'm pregnant!  Which is never fun, unless you are pregnant.  And it starts getting a little sad when you are sort of hoping that you are pregnant so that the stomach you have developed is not your fault!  Ha ha ha...or boo hoo hoo!  Just kidding!

I have 14 months to get into great shape!  I'm not saying that I want to weigh 110 or anything (although I could then maybe be a model...Victoria Secret here I come!) but I want to be fit! I want to feel good instead of annoyed by my eating!  This is going to take work...a lot of work!  And I'm not sure if I will be up for work all of the time!  I'm not sure if I will want to eat some what healthy...or if I will want to drink water that is actually a frozen block of ice!  I do know that I feel better after I work out!  I do know that I am less tired when I'm eating healthy and working out!  I do know that it's more fun to talk about working out...then workout is me walking to the fridge from the couch!

So, this is day 1! After I get off work, I will go home...and drink a big glass of water!  I will workout and get my groove on!  I'm ready to be on this path!  I'm ready to be feeling hot in 6 weeks time!  I will take my measurements and try to post them!  Even though that makes me nervous...

One more thing before I exit this blog:
I'm posting stuff on here for me!  If I post my measurements, my weight, what I'm doing right, what I'm doing's all for me!  It's not for anyone to judge me or think "you are skinny...why are you trying to lose weight?" Or any other reasons that we might think in our mean little heads (I have thought mean stuff before) no judging!  If you want to join in, please do!  It will be fun!  If you don't...then don't!

Let's work together!  Yahoo!!!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Here we go...

Holy Moly, it's been a long time since I have written!  We had 3 snow days last week and this week was just nuts as well!  I apologize for not writing sooner...for those few people who are reading this!  Ha ha ha!

Let's see what has been going on?  Not a whole lot anywhere!  We did go and see The Urban Event Space!  There were some things that were amazing and some that were not what I wanted.  Here are my thoughts about the space:
- The first floor is beautiful!  I love the chandeliers and the old school walls!
- The basement is an all white space.  It is a bit of a weird space.  There is a staircase in the middle of the room.  So the logistics were a bit weird to see for the first time.
- The lights they had on were bright white ones, so I would like to see it once there is mood lighting.  Or if I have to provide the mood lighting- that is fine as well
- I brought the iPad to take pictures, but with renovations still going on, I was a little taken back by what pictures I should take.  So, I went the take no pictures route.
- It was not what I was hoping, but I think it could be cool.
- I emailed them this past Sunday and they have not responded.  I'm not sure why that makes me nervous, but it does.  I did mention that we are going to look at some different venues, but that we really liked that one.  And I asked about the renovations.

That is really the only thing that we have done!  Tomorrow is our first Wedding Fund Deposit!  I am excited to get the savings started!  But it's so weird!  I feel as if time has just moved by so slow since we got engaged!  I think it's because we were just waiting!  Waiting to see a venue, waiting to start making payments, waiting, waiting, waiting...But starting tomorrow, we are up and running!

This weekend I will be attending a huge Bridal show!!!  My folks will be going with me and I'm just so excited!!!

Okay, it's back to work for me!  I have off until Tuesday, so I'm not sure if I will be writing this weekend!  Have a wonderful couple of days!

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Budget Bride

Okay, so last night I was driving to Red Robin.  I once learned a saying "If you are buying, I'm flying".  That means if you want me to go get it, you better get me something!  Ha ha ha!  I think that is an amazing saying!  Moving on, I was thinking about my blog...especially the wedding stuff and decided that I'm going to tell all!  I feel as if for the amount of people that will be attending we will be really spending our money very wisely!  Or to actually have a Budget Bride (something I find lacking on websites) why not use myself?  I am a real bride who doesn't want to buy my dress at a thrift store.  Nor do I have a $4000 budget, but am only feeding 50 people (I have more than 50 people in just my family)!  None of those budget brides are me!  So, here I go!  Being a budget bride, who will have 300-350 people at the wedding!

My fiance and I will be paying for the wedding!  We figured out that if we can save $1400 a month, for the next 13 months, we will have $18,200!  I did a few musicals this past fall and got the paychecks over Christmas!  So that will start our wedding fund!  Those checks totaled $1700.  Which makes our wedding budget a total of $19,900.  Here is where I keep going back and forth!  Yes, $20,000 to spend on one day is crazy!  But it's a big party for my family, friends, co-workers, and most importantly for Curt and I!  We are celebrating the biggest day in our lives thus far!  I want to be able to remember it as being amazing!  So,  if you are going to get on me about spending so much on one day.  Then please go away!  I don't want to hear it!  It is our choice!  We are paying for it!  Would I rather put that money toward a house?  Yes, but I also want a wedding!  So, there you have it!  We have also told each of our parents (though I would still like to talk with them all together) that if they would like to help out monetary or by putting in hours with the crafts we would love that!  But we aren't expecting either

The other thing is...we will try to spend as little as we can!  So, I will keep you all up to date at how we are spending!  Hopefully it will all be awesome!

Curt and I finally looked at all of my Venue information!  We chose our top three (which really means we have one that we both love...and then 2 that are just okay)!  I felt we needed to have some backups just in case the pictures are way better than the real thing!  I have seen that happen several times!  Our very top choice is called The Urban Event!  It looks amazing in the pictures and the gal who is in charge has been amazing!  We go on Wednesday to take a look!  I'm so excited but also nervous that it won't live up to the pictures!  And since it's our top choice by could leave us a little wah wah!  But I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Here is the information:
The Venue will cost a flat fee of $5,000-  but it includes so much stuff!  Tables, Linens and napkins (normally $7-$15 a table depending on the table), Plates, silverware, glasses (can be anywhere from $3-$5per person), Staff, Security, projector and screen, parking, cake cutting services ($3 per person), Staff, and the venue for the whole day (most places offer 5 hours for everything).  This place even said that if it's open the night before we can go in then!  So it's amazing!  I really am excited to see it...and nervous!  Ha ha ha!

I did have one person say they went to reception there (on the 8th floor, ours will be on the first floor) and they said it felt in not cozy!  Too modern for her!  I was nervous about this for a while.  And then I thought, we have not even seen it yet in person to know how it feels!  And I like the different look of the old building!  For us it's all about the money and how it feels!  The gal has been so nice and great through emails that I am looking forward to it!  And it might be a little cold, but that is something to work on (if that is the case)!  I'm not mad that they thought it was cold or not their choice, because that is their opinion!

I am learning and continue to keep learning that people aren't going to like everything that I do!  They might not like the decorations or the music!  Or the DJ or the food!  And that is okay!  It's not about what they like and don't like!  It's about what Curt and I love!  It's about what fits us as couple!  It's not an easy thing, especially since both Curt and I are people pleasers...but it's something that we need to learn and ignore!  Take their suggestions, think about what they are saying, and then make a decision based on everything that we know!  I don't want to ignore what they are saying, but I also don't want to make a decision based on what they are saying!  Does that make sense?

So, it's supposed to snow these next few days.  I'm not sure if school will be in session or what the deal is.  So, I will write more about the wedding in a few days!  Especially about the venue and how much we love it!  Hopefully!  Ha ha ha, bye for now!