Monday, September 28, 2015

When God closes a door...

I'm a planner!  I love to plan things...parties, my schedule, other people's schedules, and how to pay off my debt!  It just makes me feel like I'm doing something useful...when there is not much else to do!

Today I got an email that said I might be out of a choreographing job!  It was a bit of a random email.  One I was not expecting, so it really took me off guard.  It also took my inner finance gal for a loop as well!  You know the saying "When God closes a door, he opens a window"?  It's a good one.  But here is what I'm feeling as of right now...

I feel as if a door is closing, but I can't tell if I'm supposed to run and catch it before it closes.  Or let it close, so that a window can be opened!  It's a rough feeling, you know?

The email said:
Are you planning on returning as an assistant director on the musical?  I am not sure if Christa has spoken with you on this, but we need all assistant directors to be at all rehearsals for the full time for student supervision when they are not working on their specific area.

While on one hand, I totally understand this thought.  At my school, I'm at rehearsal every day...whether I'm needed or not.  Sometimes it's fun, sometimes it's a bit buggy.  I just end up sitting in the back literally doing nothing.  I get that you if are paying me, you would like me to be there.  On the other hand, I have a specific talent.  Not everyone has this kind of talent!  If I can be there 28 out of the 43 rehearsals- with my specific talent- do I really need to attend the other 15 rehearsals to just sit there?  

I guess the thing that is really bothering me is that we have been doing the same thing for the past 3 years.  So, why does it need to be different now?  Oh well!

I am trying to learn to let God close a door so he can open a window...but I tend to have doorstops that I want to use just in case!  That is probably why I have a billion jobs.  I keep all of these doors propped open...when sometimes they just need to close!

Okay, that is all for today!  Happy Monday, folks!

Friday, September 18, 2015

A brief post...

So, after a wonderful night with family: Watching the Chiefs game, listening to my nephew R read, and helping my niece A with her pre-school homework, and listening to L talk football after his one practice/game...I couldn't be happier!

Then I went to sleep!  It was later than normal, but not anything too crazy!  Until I started dreaming!

Megz- you might want to stop reading or jump down to below the dream sequence...ha ha ha...but my dream was pretty crazy!

I dreamt that I found out I was pregnant with twins!  And shortly after gave birth!  I'm sorry what?  It was nuts!  Everyone was so excited, but I remember thinking...we don't have anything prepared!  No beds, car seats...nothing!  At one point I realized I forgot to feed the babies!  I was holding one and Curt was holding the other.  When Curt's baby went to the bathroom on Curt, and he started gagging!  If you know him, he does that in real life!  And I couldn't do anything to help since I was still feeding the other baby!

My big thought was- I guess I can go to rehearsal for the three shows I'm doing with the 2 babies.  They will just sit there!

Ha ha ha!  It was so real!  I woke up very thankful that I did not have twins at the moment!  And props to those parents who have twins!

Moving on-
This week has been an amazing week!  Nothing really special happened, but the days have been pretty laid back!  I have had all my choreography done and rehearsals for both shows have gone great!  I have been going to be at a good time and sleeping pretty well!  It's just been a relaxed week!  So, I'm excited that it's over, but am so happy with how it's gone!  Happy Friday folks and let's get this weekend started!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The full swing of life

So, life is in full swing!  I'm working full time, choreographing 2 shows, and teaching dance class one day a week!  Yikes!  But right now, I'm feeling great!

I'm am choreographing ahead of time.  Which can be dangerous if you don't practice and go over what you made up every day!  That has always been my problem!  It's not that I don't want to choreograph ahead of time, I would love that!  It's the fact that I can't remember what I choreographed!  Ha ha ha!  But for some reason this year...or at least at this's different!  Maybe it's because I'm less stressed!  Or maybe it's because I know one of the shows I'm doing so well!  Who knows!  All I know is that I love it!  I love choreographing ahead of time!  I love being done with my stuff so far in advance that I'm not stressing about it the day of!  I'm even having some students tell me they are proud of me for working so far in advance!  Now, I still have to practice what I have made up every day!  But that is not too hard!  It's not like the dances are 12 min each!  They are anywhere from 1-4 min.  So, I am feeling good!

My first dance class went well!  The second class got canceled due to the lack of students.  But I'm trying to be positive!  At least I have one class, and they are a cute class!  It will be good to start off with one class!  Hopefully I will be subbing some as well!

My other goal is to go to school!  I am planning on taking one class this semester and 2 classes next semester, but have been waiting on a student loan!  I'm not sure why it's taking so long, probably because the class I will be taking from JCCC doesn't start until January.  The class that begins in October has to be paid right I was hoping to get the loan money!  But, I might just have to wait!  Wah Wah!  It's not the end of the world, it just doesn't work out perfectly!  But life does not normally work out perfectly!  So, I feel as if I'm doing pretty well so far!

I guess that is all from me at the moment!  Timeline if all goes well:
Class- 10/12
Enroll for Spring- 10/21/2015
ABMS musical- 10/22-10/23
GEH musical- 11/1-11/15
Christmas Musical- 12/13
School Ends- 12/16
Winter Break- 12/19