Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Inspirational Tuesday!

So, last night was a very exciting time! It was the surprise Birthday Party to my sister's father-in-law...and right before the big surprise...we were all surprised by the fact that my cousin and cousin-in-law had gone into labor!

Needless to say, I celebrated both occasions by eating cheese fries and Italian Nachos! I did eat healthy during the day, because I knew about the b-day party! However, this morning I was feeling kind of gross! I'm positive it's because of what I ate last night...it was so amazing and greasy!!! I loved it! Do I want to eat it every meal? No, but it's fun to splurge every once in a while!

I read you should eat breakfast like a King, lunch like a Prince, and dinner like a pauper. That way your body had time to digest your biggest meal. But breakfast might not be everyone's favorite meal, or there might not be time to have a King like breakfast (or maybe you are thinking...what does that even mean?). My point on this rant, is that if you have a favorite meal or a favorite food that is terribly yummy and terrible for you...splurge every once in a while! If you do that, then you are going to do better at losing. Going 3 weeks with no sugar...is just a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. And when it does, watch out desserts...it's coming for you! So, have a piece of cake. Or a piece of pizza...just try to add something healthy to it. Have a salad before you eat pizza. Or eat a healthy lunch before pigging out at old chicago! You will feel better that you did!

The main goal is to eat better 90% of the time...and then splurge every now and then. But isn't that life in general? You have to save money to buy that special item! If you bought every thing you ever wanted...you would be so much debt! So, think of eating healthy like that...you don't want your body to be in a health debt! So you must save your healthy money so that you can spend it on a yummy ice cream sunday or fries with cheese!!!

Folks, I brought the left over birthday cake to my work place (teachers love free food). I went in just now, because I'm starving and wanted a piece of cake. But I decided instead to go with the fruit I brought! That almost killed me, but if I can make one tough decision...I can make 2! And if I can make 2, then I can surely make 3! So, make the first smart move! The second and third move will seem easier! Just trust in yourself to make the smart move!

Peace out for today!

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