Friday, May 17, 2013

Inspirational Friday

Hello Workout Peeps,
Does anyone else out there just live for Friday's? I feel like I do! So, needless to say I'm extremely happy that it's Friday!

Today, I'm going in to talk to my boss' at work. It's not's not bad...but it always makes me nervous! I would almost rather not do it...but then how will things ever change if I am not the one to bring it up. The same goes for losing weight and toning. It's not's not bad...but it kind of sucks to think about. To think that I can't eat whatever I want, whenever I want, however much I want...but...if I want my clothes to fit...or I want to feel better about myself and my appearance. Then I'm going to have to bring it up. I'm going to have to start doing whatever it is I need to do to get to where I want to be! That might be something simple as giving up pop, or not eating after a certain time. Or it might have to be something drastic... Gluten or Sugar. Either way, it's something that you yourself are going to have to do for yourself! Don't expect anyone else to do it for you!

All of that being said, let's be brave today! Let's do something that is going to better our lives in the near future and the distant future! I'm going to talk to my boss today...and I am going to change how I eat today! Both things make me nervous and a bit unhappy! But, I know that both things will make my life better in the long run! So, I'm going in strong! With my reasons, with my back up plans, with my facts all in a line! So that I can't chicken out...even if I wanted too!

I read that people who talk about their savings...actually save more! Because once you tell someone, they will hold you accountable. It's true as well with this email. I'm putting myself out there! There are a few things I hold back...aka my weight...but I let you know when I am doing well as well as when I fail (yesterday's treat day of white cake, chocolate cake, and pumpkin donut holes)! Are you being held accountable? Or are you just cruisin' along for the ride?

You all can do this! You can be accountable! You can do whatever you put your minds too! Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't! And if they do tell you that you can't, prove them wrong! You can do this!!!

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