Friday, November 22, 2013

A little lame...sorry!

So, it's Friday!!!  Thank goodness for that!  I'm so ready for this next week it's ridiculous!  Let's take a look at some of the fun stuff that is going on this next week:
1.  Tonight is a hang out night with Curt!
2.  I have 4 new books to read!  I had 5, but I finished one between the yesterday and today!  I love to read!
3.  I am getting my nails done tomorrow!  I spent $30 on 2 shellac manicures!!!  It seemed like a lot, but I am going to go is totally worth it!  Especially considering that one costs around $30 anyway!  So, that is very exciting!  And now I will not have to worry about my nails over the Thanksgiving Holiday!  Now my drama is "What color should I paint my nails?"  Oh, first world problems!
4.  My sister Megan is coming into town tomorrow!!!  Yahoo!!!  Enough Said!
5.  The family is going to see Catching Fire this week at some point!
6.  Family Time, family time, Family time!!!
7.  Mishi flies in on Tuesday!
8.  Only 2 days of school next week!
9.  Christmas Invites are almost done!
10. Who knows, maybe I will get engaged?!?!?!  Ha ha ha- this one is just for fun!  I don't think it will be within the week- but you never know!

Okay, besides those 10 things- there is not much going on!  Ha ha ha!

What I really need to happen is for the kids to hold themselves together for these last 2.5 days of school before Thanksgiving break!  That way we can have a nice and relaxing couple of days at school and then really relax after school and on vacation!  So much fun!

Okay, kind of a lame post!  But that is okay!  I'm off to lunch!

Monday, November 18, 2013

A small wedding rant!

Wedding Post:

I'm posting an issue I have!  It's not my issue yet, because I'm still not engaged!  If someone knows Curt, can you call...please?  Ha ha ha!  Everyone might already be in the know...just not me!  This surprise is taking way to long and is too much for me to handle!  Ha ha ha!  Okay I'm over that little rant!  It's just hard to wait for something that is going to make me so happy!  But as Curt has pointed out "We are about as married as you can get, without being married".  In which respond "Then why not just get married"!  Fun times!

So, here is my real wedding issue that I have!  Once I finally do get to start planning my wedding, I will be on a budget!  So, I have been browsing Pinterest to see what ideas they have for Budget Brides or DIY Brides!  The Budget Brides is where I have an issue!  This is how every article goes:

Click here for Brides who were on a Budget!!!  Find out there secret!  So, I click on it.  And it never fails that these Budget Brides had a small budget...but then also had no one at their party!  For example, I was reading one the other day and the brides budget was $3000.  I thought, hmmm..this could be interesting.  So I began to read...and she had 30 people at her wedding!  And another bride had a budget of $5000 and had 50 people!  And I think, that is not really budget savy...I think that is quite pricey for only 30 people.  And you had the wedding in your backyard and people all brought side dishes for the Pot Luck Reception you threw!

Anyway, that just really annoys me!  So, my goal is to actually have a normal sized wedding on a budget!  I was challenged by my hairdresser to have the best looking wedding for the cheapest price!  Which is exactly how I would like it to be!  So, we will see how that goes!  Once I actually start planning the wedding...once I actually get engaged!

One other thing and then I promise I'm done with my wedding rant for today.  I should start planning my wedding now, but I want for Curt to love the wedding stuff as well!  I still want to have the final say, but I want for him to be a part of the process!  Not like me, but a part of it!  My other reason for not planning as of yet, is that I don't know what I want.  Until I have a budget and a guest list I can't really do anything.  I don't want to plan a country chic wedding and then get married is some fancy place.  Or plan a fancy wedding and then get married in a barn!  So, I'm at a standstill!  I hate standing still.  I would rather keep moving or go to sleep.  Ha ha ha!

Okay, that is all for today and my ranting!  Back to my White Christmas Invitations!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Rough start or a blessing in disguise?

Okay, so my night last night was kind of a crappy one!  Which stinks because it was opening night for Gardner!  Here is how it went:

I was so sleepy after school yesterday that I got home from school and ate and chilled!  Then I was late getting to Gardner.  Then I could tell I was getting a headache!  I don't think I ate enough yesterday- I had 8 glasses of I should be hydrated!  So, I'm watching the show and feeling worse and worse.  They had some technical difficulties, which didn't help...but I stayed for 90% of the show!  I did leave early, there were 2 numbers left in the show.  But I was just I snuck out!

So, I get home- starving with a headache!  I take Chan out, eat a piece of cookie dough and fall asleep within minutes of laying down.  Then this morning I wake up at 3:45 with a headache.  I'm not sure why I always think "if I can just sleep, my headache will go away.  And I won't have to take meds."  I never think that when I'm fully awake, only when I"m about to go to bed.  Arg!  So Buggy of myself!  Anyway, I get up and get some headache medicine and go back to bed.  I take the strong stuff so I think, it should kick in pretty quick!  I'm laying down and nothing is happening.  My head is still hurting as bad as it did before I took the meds.  I look at the clock and see that now it's 4:10.  So, I have a discussion with myself:
Me- I should get up right now and go workout
Me- No, you should lay back down and try to sleep
Me- But sometimes working out helps my headache
Me- That is true
Me- And then after I workout I can come back and lay down for a bit
Me- Another good point
Me- And if I continue to lay here, my headache will go away, but then I will be exhausted and won't want to get up and workout.
Me- You are making some really great arguments
Me- Thank you, let's get up!

So, I got up at 4:15.  Got in my gym clothes, bundled up, and went to the gym!  I got done around 5:20am, came home, and got back into bed.  The only bad thing was that my hair was a little sweaty.  I never actually fell back asleep, but I dozed and thought about what I was going to wear and how to do my hair!  Then I left on time, because that stuff was ready...and I was awake and without a headache!  I also was so happy that I had got my workout in!  It was a great/rough start to my day!  I don't think I will do that every day, but it was nice!

I have been taking pictures of myself every 3 days!  To see if I can see the progress.  And I'm not sure if you can tell with the pictures.  However, I'm wearing pants that were a little too tight a while ago!  And I am not muffin topping over my undies!  I know it sounds lame, but that is a real thing!  I remember telling Curt that it was happening and he said, well maybe the undies are too small.  And I got annoyed with that.  They aren't too small, I have just put on weight!  So, maybe I will post the pics when I'm done with the challenge.  I'm so annoyed with myself that I did not take measurements!  But alas, I can not change it now!

I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!!!  Chat later!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Day 15!!! I made it!

Day 15 in the 30 day challenge!!!  I woke up early and I mean early early!  My alarm went off at 4:15!  I hit snooze once and then got up!  So, 4:25 and was out the door by 4:33!!!  The workout for today was a long one (1:18:35) so I had to give myself the extra time!  However, I did think to myself while walking "I'm less likely to get a stalker or someone who is just waiting to attack me because my schedule is just so out of wack"!   So, that made my getting up a little early worth while.  Ha ha ha-I'm looney!

It was a hard workout and one that made me realize that I need to engage my abs more!  I don't do it as much as I should.  So, that is something that I will work on for the next 14 days!

This weekend I watched the Peterson kids-it was amazing as always!  We had a grand time, but I ate kind of bad!  Oh well, I'm back on and working hard!  Right now all I can think about is the asparagus sitting in my fridge!  I am so hungry for that!  Yummy!!!

This week is Tech week for both Spring Hill and Gardner!  It's going to be a long week of going to rehearsals and shows...we shall see how we do!  The shows go all the way until Sunday, but I'm not sure if I'm going to make that many times!  I will be going Wed, Thurs, Friday, and Saturday- 2 shows per school.  Sunday would make 3 shows per school, but we will just play that by ear!  It might be nice to just relax on that day!  Ha ha ha!

Okay, a short post for me today!  Happy Monday folks!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

An addictive personality?

I have just decided that I have an addictive personality!  Does that make sense?  For example, if I hear about politics, I feel as if I want to know everything!  I become obsessed with looking information up!  Then I get mad because I don't feel as if anyone tells the truth!  And for some reason lying is a big pet peeve of mine.  I think it's the feeling stupid part because I couldn't tell you were lying.  Who knows!  So, I tend to stay away from politics!  Which might be a cop-out, but it's for my own sanity!

Right now, I'm currently working out every day!  I'm doing a 30 day challenge!  We just finished day #12.  Well 13 and 14 are "Active Rest" days.  Which means that we should do something like go for a jog or take a long walk.  But I'm sad that my british chick won't be there leading the workout!  I look forward to the workout and can see myself becoming addicted!  I even thought the other day, I wonder if I can get a workout in before Thanksgiving!  I mean, that is crazy?!?!?!  But, I guess if I'm going to be addicted to something it might as well be working out.  I'm just not sure what I will do once this challenge is over.  The british chick said she will have something else...but I would like to know what?

Other things in my life- I have one more rehearsal for each show, then it's show time!  I can't believe it's almost done!  I am so excited for it to be over!  I will miss the Gardner kids a ton!  I really got to know them this past year!  I will also miss the Spring Hill kids, but we did not get as close!  Maybe next year...if I do it next year!  Who knows!

I have not eaten any sweets or snacked for the past 2 days!  I'm talking about candy, cake, ice cream...those kind of sweets!  And at the past 2 rehearsals there have been brownies with peanut butter and cake!  Yum!!!  But I walked out feeling great because I did not have any!  I do have a pumpkin cheese cake in the fridge that I might eat tonight, but there is only one piece and I don't have to be a nut about it!  But I could tell yesterday that I was jonesen for something sweet!  I just felt weird!  I wasn't hungry, but I wasn't satisfied!  I even went as far as telling myself that I can just eat one spoonful of ice cream.  Or once piece of halloween candy.  But I knew I was probably lying to myself.  So I stayed away from all of that stuff!  My other issue is the fact that my inner brat comes out.  I got home from working out yesterday and I wanted the stuff crust pizza in my fridge and I want to eat an entire box of mac and cheese!  But I didn't and couldn't...or wouldn't...because I'm looking at calories for the first time!  It was a rough moment and some choice words came out!  But I stayed strong and did not let my inner brat get the best of me!  

I am wearing a skirt that I was not able to get into before today!!!  Why?  Because I'm saying no to stuff!  This weekend will be tough for me!  I will want to snack with my nephews and niece!  I will want to buy them donuts for breakfast and eat one myself!  I will want to get pop corn at the movies and just eat the entire bag...but once again...I'm worried.  If I have pop corn at the movies on Friday, what is going to stop me from having pop corn while watching a movie on Saturday with my nephews and niece?  What is going to stop me from making desserts for them?  And snacking with them?  How am I going to do this?

I will tell you!  I will wear clothes that fit better because I'm eating better!  I will pick and choose what I want to eat and when!  If I get movie popcorn, then I won't have popcorn on Saturday!  I will just motivate myself and text my friends if I'm going down hill fast!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Random...once again

I have been working out for 9 straight days...Okay if we are going to be technical- Today is day 9 and I have not worked out yet.  The other technicality is that I started on Saturday...missed Sunday, but started up again and have been going strong ever since!  I'm loving it!

I'm eating a little bit better, but I feel that I will ALWAYS have to improve on that!  So, I'm taking it in stride!  I have also been drinking a ton of water!  Thank you workouts!

Besides that my shows are coming to an end!  I have been working on Musicals since August 20th and I'm down to less than 14 days!!!  I can  not wait!  I will miss the kids, but I'm looking forward to having my nights free again!  I will start Blue Valley Middle's show at some point in December...but those rehearsals only go until 5:30!  Which puts me home at the amazing time of 6ish!  Love it!  Plus it's been a long time since I have only done one show!  Yikes!

So, another date has passed and I'm not engaged!  I am trying to go with the flow!  I want to know stuff is in the works, but I don't want to know details.  That is a weird combination.  I'm lucky I know anything at all.  Or am I?  If I knew nothing, would I be better off?  Who knows?!?!?

I'm pretty excited about the next few weeks...even months if you think about it!  I have a busy week with relaxing weekend, then a busy week with shows for 2 schools, then a relaxing week before Megan arrives, then it's Thanksgiving Week!!!  Then we only have a few weeks until Winter Break...which is the White Christmas Party, Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Years Eve, New Years...and maybe...just maybe...and engagement in there some where!!!

It's the most wonderful time of the year!!!