Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Inspirational Tuesday

Alright folks, I'm on day 3 of really eating right! And I have lost 1 pound already! I have walked both days, but it's not crazy walking where you can't breathe. It's just walking around the neighborhood looking at people's houses. Trying to see which landscape you like best! I will say, no one really knows how to do landscaping! Very few houses look good! Then I also went to dance class last night!

I mean, you can really do so much with actually not doing anything at all! I am watching what I eat, but I still had a churro, cheese cake thing, and a cookie! It's not as if I ate one piece of lettuce all day! Folks, if you have been ignoring the workout part, this should be revolutionary for you!!! I mean, how many times have you read...you have to eat less than you burn. So, figure out how much you are burning and then eat less than that if you want to loose! I mean...it's crazy!!! I once read that losing weight is all about the diet...and that is a fact! But how fast you want to loose weight will depend on how much you burn!

Here is the bottom line- anyone can do this! I have been saying it for 5 weeks now, you are no exception! You can make the right choice, you can eat right, you can workout...you are no different in that way! Don't make the excuse that your body just won't let you lose weight! (If you are eating healthy and working out and still gaining....like a lot not just muscle weight...you might want to see a Dr.) For the rest of us normal folk, we gained weight the normal way. Eating the entire pan of brownies while vegging on the couch watching TV! For those of you who have had kids, that is a normal way to gain weight! Chosing to park in the closest parking space...instead of the farthest one. Someone who used to have muscle, but no longer goes to the gym will gain weight! I mean...there are several ways and choices that we have made to get to where we are today. It did not happen in one day...it happened over years and years!

The good news is...is that it can stop today! You can change all of that today!!! This is not a life condition! How you feel about yourself and your body image can start to change today! But you have to work for it! You have to take off the Rose colored I can't do it glasses! They aren't going to do anything but bring you down! Don't get me wrong, if you don't like yourself from the inside out...I'm not sure if you will ever like yourself from the outside in! You can lose 100 lbs, be a VS model or GQ for you guys out there...and you might still be down on yourself! There is an inner love and acceptance of yourself that you have to reach before your looks even start to play a factor in your life! But if you love yourself already, then the only thing standing in your way...is yourself! So, move! Get out of your own way! Do things for yourself and don't listen to anyone who trys to bring you down!

I can't remember if it's weight watchers or slim for life, but one of those things has people called "Feeders". These are all of the people that will try to bring you down. It's not always in a mean way, but these people will say things like "I don't want to be the only one eating ice cream, will you have some with me?" or "You don't need to loose weight, you could use this pasta". Those are the nice ones...then there is the mean feeder, the one who is mad because you are losing weight...so they say things like "You might as well eat this, you aren't any where near your goal anyway.". All three of these feeder types will stand in your way! They will take your mind to a bad place! You can be your own feeder as well they kind that says "If I eat this now, no one will know that I cheated". Don't let anyone stand in your way! If you have a goal, then go out and reach your goal! You can reach your goal! You can change the way you feel! You can be and do anything that you put your mind too! And don't you ever let anyone else tell you that you can't!!!

Say to yourself, I will not give up! I will keep on fighting to reach my goal! I can do this and I deserve this!!! I am proud of how far I have come and I will be even more porud once I reach my goal! No one can stand in my way...myself included! I am doing this for me!!! I'm not perfect, I make mistakes, but I will learn from my mistakes! I will be the best that I can be! I can do this!!!

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