Monday, November 30, 2015

Day 1 of my new workout!

Creating new habits...

Today I started a new workout program!  It's called LiveFit and it's a 12 week workout/clean eating thing!  There is the link:

Today was day 1 and I woke up at 5:15am to get my workout in!  Yay me!  It was rough, but I really want to stick to it...and if I fail on day 1...then week 12 is going to take a long time to get here!

The Workout
Today was an arm day.  I used 10lb weights...however there was one exercise that I went down to a 5lb weight.   It was the cable fly one and I don't have I thought the 10lb weights were going to tear my arms out...overall, I loved the workout.  My arms were super shaky after the workout and actually continue to be a little shaky!  My only problem I'm having so far (day 1...cough cough) is my elbow keeps popping.  I was fine when it was doing it during the workout, but now it's doing it every time I bend my arm.  Which you don't realize how many times you bend your arm until it hurts to bend your arm.  I'm not sure what that is all about...but I will keep watch on it!

The Food
Today I'm hungry.  But I don't know if it's because I have not had any candy...or processed sugar.  I have had some sugar today...just not "Hello my name is Sugar" sugar.  It also might be a mental thing.  Where because I'm eating clean...I feel like I'm not eating much!  I'm excited for this evening, because I'm going to the store.  Hopefully that will help me with more filling foods.  So, right now, I have a bit of a headache.  I did not drink all that much water that might also be contributing to my headache!  But I'm going to do my best to tough it out!  Tomorrow is day 2 and I'm excited to workout after school instead of waking up at 5am!

Day 1
Brown sugar instant oatmeal w/ flax seed
1C crushed pineapple
4 mini caramel rice cakes
1/2 can of tuna with 1c. of green beans
10 candied pecans
1c. of pears
7C of water as of 3:40!

So, I'm feeling pretty good right about now!  I have pictures, but will probably post them later...

Thursday, November 5, 2015

It's a great day!

Today has been a wonderful day!  And it's only 11am!  What?!?!

1.  Booked our flights for Spring Break!  This was really starting to worry me!  The flights were going up and up in price!  I thought there might be a crazy flight price if I kept looking...but some flights were around $500!  Yikes!

2.  This morning I got up and got ready pretty quickly!  I had lunch already made for me and was able to put it into my lunch box.

3.  I did the dishes and started the dishwasher!  So, tonight when I get home from school I can empty the dishwasher and that will be done!

4.  I took Chandler out and was able to take him for a long walk!  With plenty of time to spare!

5.  I got my 2 tests done!  And got a 90 out of 100...I'm a little annoyed that I keep missing one question on each test, but over all...I'm okay!  I still have an A in the class and that is what I need!  I also got the okay to see a few shows for a paper and that is awesome- so that I can write my paper and be done with that before Thanksgiving!

6. We cast the Christmas program for the church!  I changed a few lines and got the final copy ready to go!

So, much has gotten done today!  I still need to create a dance, but I should be able to do that pretty easily!  The other cool thing is that I get to go home after school!!!  So, it makes my plan for after school perfect...

1. Get home
2. Start the Dryer
3. Put clothes in the wash
4. Take Chan out
5. Empty Dishwasher

And by 4:30ish I will be able to sit on the couch and relax!  It's going to be a great day!