Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Inspirational Tuesday

Good morning workout folks,
This morning I woke up with a headache! I was so frusterated, because I should not have had one! I drank 8 glasses of water, ate 3 good meals, and went to dance class where I worked my rear end off, and went to bed at a decent hour. And I still have to wake up with a headache? So, I got out of bed, took some headache medicine and went back to sleep for 30 min! When I woke up again...it was almost gone!

First off, let's give a huge thank you to modern medicine! Can I get an AMEN!!! Secondly, let's be honest...did I drink plenty of water on Sunday? Did I eat healthy on Sunday? Did I get plenty of sleep this weekend? The answer to all of those is No, I did not! So, as mad as I was...and as much as I wanted to eat some chocolate to get rid of the headache...I had to face the fact that it was my fault that my head was hurting!

So, I'm staying on track with my healthy eating, water drinking, workout doing self! But man, it's not as easy as I wish it was! A few of my friends found out they were Glutten intolerant when they were in high school. It makes them physically sick. Not that I want to be physically sick, but it sure would make it easier to stay away from butterfingers if they made me sick. Instead I have to rely on myself...and that sucks! Ha ha ha! I think we all need to focus and give ourselves praise for the things we do right! For example, I went to fill my water glass, and there was a cake in there! It was Hy-Vee cake...I'm not sure if that is awesome cake or not...but it is still cake with what looks like yummy icing! And I walked away! I looked at the decorations, but I did not touch it!
Amy Cake
1        0

I have set a smaller goal for the next two weeks! And now I'm going to praise myself for the small accomplishments in my life!!! I'm not sure if I have said this in an email or just in my head (car, while walking my dog...or any other time I might talk to myself) but this whole "dieting" thing is all a mind game! How can I trick my mind to not want certain foods that are bad for me and to want foods that are good for me? Or how can I tell my mind that I love working out...when in reality I don't really like working out? It's all a game! So, for me to win this game, I need a lot of praise! So, I'm going to start by patting myself on the back for not eating a piece of cake!!! Congratulations Amy, you are a cake refuser!!!

Folks, do what you need to do to get yourself motivated!!! Whether it's offering rewards to yourself or patting yourself on the back! Everyone can do this! Everyone can feel good about themselves physically! You just have to figure out what games to play with your mind!!!

Say this out loud...I love myself! I can do this!!! I can do anything that I put my mind too! I can achieve my goals! Anything that I'm doing now, is better than doing nothing!!!

Okay, peace out folks...til tomorrow!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Just Breathe...

So, I'm moving in to an apartment on June 4th!  I'm so excited for this adventure, but my mind is not moving at the speed it should be.  I know I'm moving in 35 days, but my mind is acting as if it's not happening!  It's not like me!  I'm an advance planner!  I plan things out so far into the future, that by the time it arrives, I have nothing to do!  So, for me...not getting into the planning is crazy!  I guess I keep waiting for some time to actually look at what I have!  But I don't know if that time is ever going to arrive!  I also know that I need to plan my time better...but that doesn't seem fun either!

This weekend, I'm going to Worlds of Fun on Friday, Ford on Saturday morning, then a hair appointment Saturday early afternoon.  I have nothing going on for the rest of the day, so that would be a great day to start packing up stuff!  

My other "issue" (I am quoting the word issue, because I don't have any real issues, they are all silly when I look at the world's problems) is that I have crafts that I need to work on!  And I don't know when I'm going to do that!  I have the curtains to do for my mom, the little drawer, the ladder, the dress form, the dress that I started in '07...

One thing at a time, one thing at a time!  I should work on the ladder and the side table...and packing...everything else, can be done at a later time!

Another reason I'm not super excited about packing, is that I have a lot of stuff...and I'm a little nervous as too where it is all going to go!  I mean, I have a dresser, 2 shelving units, 2 drawer units, and a desk in my room alone.  Do I take all of that, do I not?  I don't know...so in reality maybe my mind is just not wanting to think about all of that stuff right now!  (sigh)  Okay, let's stop thinking about all of that!  And just focus on this week...
Monday- Work, Giant Sale, Dance
Tuesday- Work, Giant Sale
Wednesday- Work, Giant Sale
Thursday- Work, Giant Sale
Friday- Work, Worlds of Fun
Saturday- Work, Hair Apt, packing???
Sunday- Church, craft time, packing?
I should see Curt in there at some point...ha ha  ha

One week at a time folks, one week at a time!  Peace!

Inspirational Monday

Hello Workout Folks,

I'm so sorry for last week! I feel terrible that I did not write you 2 of the days! So, for that I apologize! Saturday I was on a field trip with the Choir, Band, and Strings from my middle school. We got to the school at 4am and were gone until 11:30pm. I was in charge of a bus and we communicated with the other busses via text. So, I had to save my phone (and therefore no emails were written). Anyway, I'm ready for this week!!!

So, last week I think I broke every rule or saying I have been giving to you! I said don't wait til tomorrow to start, start right now. Well, the second half of the week and weekend, I kept saying "Starting Monday I will...". Here is what I was thinking though...there are those people out there who try to motivate you and to get you moving. And in your heart you want to be able to have that motivation, but right now all you want to do is punch them in their cheery "we can do this" face! Well, folks...no one has to punch me in the face! Because I can't even follow my own rules/motivations! Here is the truth, we all struggle! I am not perfect! No one is! It's not easy for me to eat healthy! It's not easy for me to lose weight! It's not easy for me to workout!

Here is the good news and truth, with these emails, I tend to work harder than I did before I sent them out. I'm more aware of my eating than I was before! I'm trying and for me...for the first four weeks I was okay with that. But now we are in the last 6 weeks, I'm ready to really try! But 6 weeks still seems like plenty of time, so I have a goal within a goal. In 2 weeks, my dance studio is having a formal 50th Anniversary Party! I'm getting my hair done this Saturday and my nails done next Saturday...so why not see what healthy eating habits and working out can do for me in 2 weeks!

Sometimes, when we have a goal like 10 weeks, that is just too long to wait! If you are like me, you procrastinate...a lot!!! So, pick a date that is sooner! If 2 weeks is too long...do only a week! Or heck fire, do 3 days! The point is to do something! Believe in yourself to be able to set a goal and reach that goal! I am pretty sure that each of you has done something more difficult than this 10 week workout! Think of something that made you feel strong. That made you feel great about yourself! For me, it was getting out of a bad relationship! I up and left! And that was hard! Or maybe it's losing someone close to you! I know that a lot of you have had kids or raised kids! Compared to these things, this 10 week plan should be easy!

You can do anything! You can accomplish anything that you put your mind too! You can do things that will make you a healthier, happier person! You just have to put in the effort!!! You have to want it! No one can do it for you! I can barely do it for myself...but I want to try! I want to push myself and see if I can meet a goal for myself! I want to prove it to myself, that I'm a strong person. That I can do anything once I put my mind to it! Everyone, let's start week 5 by saying this to yourself...I have done things like this before...and I'm pretty sure you did not say it out loud! I can't even be sure you said it to yourself! But say this....right now!

I'm worthy of doing something for myself! I can do anything I put my mind too! I can accomplish anything I want! I am doing this for myself and only for myself! I love myself!!!

Say this to yourself and pretty soon you will start to believe it! Email you tomorrow!

Friday, April 26, 2013

I'm going to Six Flags!!!

So, tomorrow I am going with the Band, Choir, and Strings to Six Flags.  They have a competition to sing at!  I'm so excited to go, but kind of not excited because I have to be at the school at 3:45!  What?!?!?!  Yikes!!!  This morning I was trying to plan out my day...and seeing what time I should go to bed to get a good nights sleep...and you know what time I would have to go to bed?  8:30pm...if I wanted to wake up at 3:30!  Well of course now I have to wake up earlier than that...to get ready!!!  I have said that I need to go to bed around 9am!  I will hopefully also sleep on the bus as well (if the kids aren't too crazy)!

My next big delimma about going is what to wear!  I'm excited that we got shirts to wear...but do I wear it with leggings or with jeans!  I think I'm going to do leggings.  That will be more comfortable throughout the day!  More so than jeans!  I'm very excited!!!  Okay, so that big issue is fixed!

My next thing is food!  I don't know if I want to buy lunch and dinner at the park or try to bring some type of sandwich or something!  I mean, I am going to need to eat at very weird times throughout the day!  So, I will have to figure that out!

I also want to bring my camera!  That way I can have pics...wow!  Brilliant thought Amy!  Ha ha ha, I meant pics for the 2013 book I'm making!  Okay...I'm going to go eat my lunch and practically get ready for bed in a few minutes.  Ha ha ha!

Inspirational Friday

Hello Workout Group,
I'm sorry for the lack of email yesterday! I was feeling a bit under the weather! So, needless to say that I did not workout! Which I'm slightly sad about, but I am trying to move on and get back on track!

Last night as I was fixing my dinner, I had a realization! I had been a little sad earlier yesterday after stepping on the scale and not being a lower weight than I was. I know, I know, it's not always about the scale. But, then I realized last night...that I sometimes lie to myself about what I'm eating. For example, if I look back on my Thursday eating, I would say that I didn't eat all that much. Where the lie comes in...is in what I eat! I had a small bowl of cereal. Banana bread with a lot of butter, 5 cookies, a big bowl of pasta with alfredo sauce, and then an ice cream sunday with a cookie on the bottom. And the Wednesday night, I felt a little sick so I only ate peanut butter crackers, but for lunch I ate a 1/2lb cheese burger with fries! Then I ate a fance cupcake!

If you are annoyed that this workout thing isn't working. And you want to quit because it doesn't work. Take a look at a few things. How hard are you working out? Are you really doing as much as you can? Are you really working as hard as you can? Would you be working harder if a personal trainer was standing there next to you? The next thing to do is to look at what you are eating! Are you eating as healthy as you can? What I think of as a meal and what the actual meal size should be are two totally different things! Are you snacking in between the meals? Are the snacks healthy or are they candy bars?

Most people, if they put their minds to it, can lose weight! Sometimes people tend to cheat without even realizing they are cheating (hence my not really watching what I'm eating). So, we are almost at the half way mark, and for the last 5 weeks, I want to go in with my eyes wide open. With no false impressions of how hard I'm working or not working. I want to see what I'm actually eating and not pretend I'm doing a good job...when I'm actually not!

There is one gal, in this group who has gone into this workout like a true champ! She has lost weight! She put on a pair of pants that she hasn't worn in years!!! She is living proof that if you put the effort into it...then you will see results!!!

So people, let's do this!!! For the last 5 weeks of this program! Let's take off the blinders to how much we are eating and take off the blinders to our workouts!!! Let's see how much we can lose and tone in just 5 weeks! Wouldn't it be awesome to go into the month of June feeling healthy, looking healthy, and enjoying healthy habits? It will mean sacrifice! It will mean hard work, it will mean telling that inner brat to shut their loud, obnoxious, mouths! It will sacrificing when we won't want too! But, it will mean that we did it! That we can do it! That we were able to overcome one of the hardest things to do! Lose Weight!!! I know that it's hard to do! I know that by myself I'm not sure if I can do it! I also know that with this group, we are all trying to do the same thing. Reach the same goal! And with this group, I have no doubt that we can rock this out!!!

2 more days until the second half! Make today better than yesterday! Make this next meal better than the one before it! Write in, to everyone or just to me! Or to another person on the list...if you want too! Make yourself accountable to others! Here we go!!! Let's rock the last few days out of week 4!!!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Inspirational Wednesday!!!

Hello Folks,
How is your Wednesday? So far mine is pretty good!!! If your day is not going all that well, just remember that the weeked is so close now! Only a few days away!!!
Have you all been doing your excercises? I have now worked out 2 days in a row!!! Let me tell you, my legs are killing me!!! But, once again that just is a reminder that I'm working hard and doing something good for my body! So, tonight I'm going to try to workout for the 3rd day in a row!!! I totally think I can do that! Even though every time I walk around, my legs tell me otherwise! Ha ha ha

So, this weeks' running is run 5 min, walk 2 min! That is kind of rough! I walk at 3.5 mph and ran at 4mph. The good news is that you only have to do it 3 times! So, when I was running the first time, I thought...oh my I'm almost done with the run! I was just running and watcing one of my favorite tv shows. The other thing I noticed, is that by the 3rd run, I felt that I could go a little faster if I wanted too! So, today...I'm going to push myself a little more. I'm going to try to run a little faster than I did yesterday and walk a little faster as well!
Folks, today is the day where this week can either go down hill or it can take off!!! Don't let this week fail! Don't get lazy or tired, really try to push through! Tell yourself that you can do this! Yesterday, as I was putting my shoes on my puppy came over and would hardly let me tie my shoe. It was so cute and cuddle-tastic! And I held his little face and said, I'm going to work out for just a short bit and then I will be able to hang and snuggle with you all night! So, I did just that! I ran for 21 min and then I did my workout for 15 (okay, it was 20...but I had to sit in between each excercise!). Then I sat! For the rest of the night I did nothing but sit and enjoy it! I think I enjoyed it more, becuase I did something for myself!
So people, work through being tired. Becuase, the truth is...you are going to be tired whether or not you workout. But for me last night? It was nice to be exhausted and to know that I worked out! So, we are all tired! All of our lives go through exhausted times, sick times, bad times, good times, pumped up times, and so on...we can't workout according to our mood! Here is how that would go for me...

I'm in the best mood- if I workout now, I will be all mad that I'm hot and sweaty
I'm in the worst mood- I don't want to workout, I just want to lay down
I feel sick- working out will make me feel worse
I feel the best I could ever feel- I don't need to workout because I feel so good!

So, you might not ever workout if it depends on your mood! So...workout because you need too! Then maybe one day, it will be because you want too! One more honest coment, I have had the worst headache go away during the workout. I have had the worst mood lifted during a run! I have had the best mood enhanced because I did this workout for myself! So, in reality...it's all in your own head! Do this for you! Allow you to do something for yourself! Something that in the long run will help and affect all of those aournd you! Tell your inner brat to shut it and let your soul enjoy the pampering!!! Let your body feel the muscles it forgot were there! Let your mind focus only on you for those 35-40 min! Trust me, you will thank yourself! You will be happier you did...you will go to sleep feeling great about it! You will read these emails and think...Oh my goodness, it did suck...but I pushed through the suck to feel the greatness!

I know you all can do this, you all know you can do this! So, here we go! Day 3- can you read these emails and workout with me? I know you can! Lets go!!!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Lucky me...I have sisters!

Have you ever tried to describe someone with one word?  It is very hard to do!  Last night I was thinking about my sisters and I!  How similar we are and how different we are.  Then I thought, if I had to describe all four of us with one word, what would it be?  Here is what I came up with:

Sarah- Nice
Amy- Funny
Megan- Cool
Dana- Heart

The hard thing about only using one word is that it just doesn't even begin to touch the surface of who that person is!  I mean, Sarah is hysterical!!!  When she says something that is funny...it is funny for years to come!  She is cool in the fact that when growing up everyone wanted to be her friend!  Guys, girls, it did not matter!  She was just that nice person who everyone wanted to be around!  And she has a ton of heart!  I mean you kind of have to when working with kids as much as she does!

Megan, is cool!  I mean the clothes she wears and her attitude are just cool!  She is always ahead of the trend!  But then she is also wonderfully nice!  She cares about people and remembers to do things for people that others might forget!  It's the little stuff that she thinks about!  She is also hysterical!!!  When we are together we just laugh!  At ourselves, at others, at the world!

Dana, has heart!  There are people that I would have given up on so many times, but Dana is always there to lend them a hand!  She is nice to old people, when most people feel weird.  She is nice to young kids, when most people want to tell them to be quiet!  She is also funny!  Her funny is more in the sweet innocent kind of way...but it always makes us laugh!

So, when the 4 of us are together you can imagine the amount of laughter that happens!   Plus, then you have 4 gals who will cry at a commercial and can talk about helping others!  To have sisters with heart, humor, wonderful personalities and a cool factor...is pretty amazing!  I'm extremely lucky to have my sisters!  I'm pretty lucky to be able to describe them in more than one word!  I'm just pretty lucky in general!

Inspirational Tuesday!

Hello Workout Peeps,
How is your Tuesday so far? Mine has been kind of wah wah! I am going to blame the weather! I love Kansas weather! I love the seasons, I love snow and heat and freezing weather and the perfect temperature weather! That being said...my seasons are not lining up like they are supposed too! Spring was supposed to start in March! Here we are the end of April and it might snow today!!! So, this weather is bringing my mood down just a little!
You know what is not bringing my mood down? The fact that I worked out yesterday!!! I feel so proud of myself! I went to bed totally exhausted and wiped out! I did the daily workout and then went to dance class! Once again I did the dance full out almost the whole class and it was hard! I was hot, sweaty, and could not breath all that well...but I was happy with myself!
I'm a little nervous about working out today, because of the weather...it's totally go home and get into your flannel pants weather! Curl up on the couch weather! You all know what I'm talking about! So, my challenge to myself and to you all...is to go home and before you get into your flannel pants do your workout first! Then get comfy and cozy! You will feel better about yourself!
If you are like me, then tonight's choice of working out or not will affect the rest of your week. I know that if I don't workout tonight, then there is not much chance of me working out the rest of the week. I did yesterday's workout, can I do tonights? Can I workout for 2 days in a row? And if I do it for 2 days, can I do it for 3 days? Then 4? And if I'm working out on a regular basis, will I feel better? sleep better? Eat better? Who knows, but I kind of want to figure that out! Don't you? Don't you want to be able to look back and see all the hard work you have put in? Don't you want to be the best that you can be? So, join in! Let's do this together! Let's complain because we don't want to workout togehter...but we do it anyway for our own good! Let's talk about how awful squats are...but how amazing our thighs and butts feel once we are done! Stop sitting around making excuses! Stop talking about how hard it is to lose weight! Let's get out there and try! Let's do this together because we can! We can do this!!! If you did not workout yesterday, forget about it and do it tonight!!! Let's do this together and really push ourselves to be who want to be!!! I know you can do it!!! Now, show yourself that you can do it!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy thoughts about the summer!

It's Monday and there are a few awesome things about today!

1.  We only have 29 more days of school!!!  That is very exciting!!!  
2.  I worked an extra 14 hours this week at my dance studio's Ballet!  That is very exciting because I got paid to do that!  That paycheck is going to help pay for my STAMP pictures that I ordered, a hair appointment that I have in 2 weeks, and possibly getting my nails done!  So that was fun!
3.  I'm going to dance class tonight!  I have really enjoyed the past 3 weeks of working hard and getting a sweat!  

So, only 29 more days of school and that means that summer will finally be here!!!  The weather has not been all that cooperative, but it should be nice today!  However it might snow tomorrow, but we aren't going to think about that!  So, this summer is going to be awesome because...

I get to work at camp with all of my friends!  I know I have mentioned this before, but I don't think you understand!  I get to work with kids, teaching them a musical, with all of the people that I would love to hang out with on a normal basis!  I mean, it's 5 hours of laughing, joking, dancing, singing, and just having fun!  If I could do this (this job, with these people) full time...I totally would!  It is that much fun!  

This summer is also going to be awesome  because I get to move in with the man that I love!  Our schedules are so nutty and we are both kind of "stay at home" people, so the last 4 years have been hard.  We have to decide between getting a good nights rest or seeing each other.  Or going home if we don't feel well and seeing each other!  It kind of sucks!  I know we are sometimes babies about it...but it does stink.  To top it all off, I live with my parents and Curt lives with roommates.  So, even if we go over to each others places...we are rarely alone!  Don't get me wrong, I love living with my folks.  And I know there are going to be several things that I miss about living with them!  But as a 31 year old, it will be nice to live at my own place again!

The other awesome thing about this summer, is my sister Megan is coming into  town!  I'm lucky enough to have 2 out of 3 of my sisters living within walking distance (one is down the hall as of right now, and the other is 7 miles away.  Once I ran to her house...I would not recommend it).  But when the 4 of us are together...it's just the best!!!  So, I'm very excited about that!

Alright, thinking about the summer has put me in a great mood!  Thank you blogspot!  Have a wonderful day folks and get excited for what is to come this summer!!!!

Inspirational Monday

It's the 4th week for a lot of us! I know for me personally, last week was more of a "Bi-Week" to use a sports term. To be honest, I'm not even sure if that is the correct term. But in my statement it means that I took a week off! I'm not proud of that, but I'm over it! It was a decision that I made every day for myself. If I let myself look back, I will be disappointed in myself. When I get disappointed in myself, I tend to eat more and do less activity! So, that is why I'm over it!

Today is the start of a new day! It's the start of a new week! I was talking with my friend today who is doing this workout with us...and she mentioned that her running endurance is getting better! I replied with a similar thought. When you do the workouts they do get easier! You can run a little more or a little faster! You can do more jumping jacks in a row without stopping! You can squat a little farther down! Folks, this will work! 
But it can only work if you put the work into it! Don't be angry with your progress, focus on the positive! If you have started yet, that is okay! Make a point to start today! Don't go through these last 6 weeks doing things half out! Push yourself! You can make your life better!

Folks, let the past go! Let what you didn't do last week, month, year...go! It doesn't matter any more! What matters is what you do today! Is how you change your life from here on out! Do, I want you to go nuts and try to run a marathon right now? No, we are not weirdsmobiles! Take it slow, but to take it slow you actually have to move! You can do this, say it to yourself! I can do this!!! I can do this for me! I can do this for God! I can do this for my friends and family!!! I CAN DO THIS!!!!! 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Inspirational Friday

Happy Friday Folks,
Can you all believe that it is already Friday? My week has flown by...I can hardly believe it! I'm in an amazing mood today and when I think about this group, I don't really feel like I should be! I'm not meaning that how it sounds. I'm just saying that workout wise, I have not done good this week. But, I'm strangly okay with that. Why do you ask? Because I know that I can change my week around starting today! My week is not ruined! Have I used every excuse in the book? Oh yeah...and a lot of them worked this week. But once again I'm okay with that!

I have been trying to weigh myself every morning. I have read different things on that issue, weigh yourself vs. don't weigh yourself. But the one that I liked said, weigh yourself every day, at at the same time...so that you can look back and the day before and say...Okay, I lost weight because I ate great or worked out...or I gained weight because I did not work out or ate terrible. You will always have exceptions to the rule, where muscle weighs more and that type of stuff. But, I weighed my self yesterday and I weighed XX0.5! That was the lowest that I have weighed in weeks! But yesterday was ice cream bar treat day and I did not take it easy. I had a brownie sundae for breakfast, an ice cream cone for lunch, and then pasta and cookies for dinner. It wasn't the best food day for me. Well this morning I got on that scale and it said XX1.5! Do I think that I gained an entire lb? I don't know, but I do know that the scale went up. So, I know that I need to eat better! Did I know that before I got on the scale? Yes, but I also know that I can twist my eating around. For example, I ate ice cream, but I didn't eat lunch...so it's like the ice cream was my lunch! Anyway, the scale went up and my eating was terrible! That tells me that I need to change my eating!
As I go into the weekend, I'm going to try hard to workout these 3 days! I had such a thing going last week, but when I stopped working out...I stopped for almost the entire week! I know that I don't want to look back on these 10 weeks and say "What if I would have worked harder" "or that would have been a good thing if I could have just done it". I want to give it my all! I want to prove it to myself that I can stick with something! I want to fit into my clothes before the nice weather comes around and wearing leggings every day won't be possible! I not only want to fit back into my clothes, I need to fit back into my clothes! I refuse to go into the summer and warm weather feeling bad about myself! At least if I'm working on it, I can be proud that I'm trying!

Not a single person in this group should be sad about what they are doing! If you fell down like I did this week, where I didn't workout very much, pick yourself back up! Believe in yourself that you are worth all of this work! You should be able to feel as good about the outside appearance as everyone else does. And feel as beautiful on the outside as we all know you are on the inside and out! But outside people can only do so much for us! People can tell us that we are beautiful until they are blue in the face. Or that we are amazing people until they loose their voice, but if we don't believe it about ourselves...then no matter what they say it's going to be a lie in our ears! We can only be as pretty as we think we are. It sounds so lame when I type it out, but it's the truth! Why do I look in the mirror sometimes and feel ugly or chunky or compare myself to my sisters or friends? No one else is as mean or cruel or comparing as I am to myself! So, stop! Stop right now! We are all amazing people! We are working on things together! It might be baby steps some days and giant leaps on other days. But we are working! Sometimes we take a step forward and other times we take steps backs, but we are moving! We are working toward losing weight that took years to put on, we are working toward building ourselves up...after all of these years of knocking ourselves down! But we are working toward it! Be proud of what you have done in these last 3 weeks! Be proud of what you might be able to accomplish if you set your mind to it! Be proud of who you are at this moment, at this time, at this place in your life! Know that things can change and will change if you want them too! You are in charge of your own life and can do this for yourself!!!

Now go out and rock this day out!!! Email you all tomorrow!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

I'm playing kickball...um what?

Folks...I'm going to be a substitute on my small groups Kickball League!!!  For just a moment picture me playing kickball on a co-ed team.  (pause) Okay, moving on...hey stop laughing.  I will be awesome!!!  I can't kick very well...and I can't run very fast...and I can't catch or throw a kick ball.  So, I will basically be sitting in the outfield doing cartwheels (that is when someone is sick).  Holy cow, I still I can not believe that I signed up for that!  It should be a crazy summer!!!

Alright, here is the news...we have an apartment!  It's for sure as of this morning!!!  I can hardly believe it myself!  It seems that we have been waiting so long for this moment and now it's here.  Well as of June 4th it will be here!  So, I guess here we go!!!

Another exciting thing for me, is that I said okay to going on a trip with the middle school Choir, Band and STrings.  It is an all day thing...on a Saturday!!!  We have to be at school at 4am then we won't get home until 10pm!  That is just terrible news!  But I said okay that I would go.  I was able to get Extra Duty pay, so go me!!!  I agreed to this on Monday...Well I found out today that the choir is singing at Six Flags!!!  So, I get to go to six Flags to hear "my kids" play and sing and then ride some rides!  Sounds like a dream to me!

I guess this is all of the exciting news that is happening in my life!  Megan comes into town for a week in June!  That is amazing news!!!  Hello Megan!!!  Sarah's Birthday is on Saturday!!!  Hello Sarah!!!  And Hi Suzanne!  Miss you guys (well Sarah, I see you a lot and have texted you quite a bit today so...I'm not sure if the miss you is approps).

Okay, I'm out!!!

Inspirational Thursday!!!

Alright folks,
I have decided that this week is not my week! Okay, so that seems a wee bit dramatic, I can totally rephrase that. This week is not my workout week! I don't think there has been a day when I have done both the run and the daily workout. You know what the good news is? I am not really all that mad at myself.
This week, I have taken a different approach for myself. The approach is watch what you eat and only eat when you are hungry. Oh my goodness, I think this is something breakthrough!!! I think I should get a prize for coming up with something...that I'm pretty sure every has known for ages, but we just tend to ignore. I especially ignore it when there is dessert sitting out!

Okay, so my first week I was a bad eater and a bad workouter. Week 2 I was a bad eater but a really good workouter. And this week, week 3 I'm a good eater and a fair workouter. (For those of you having a hard time with the word "workouter", I know it's not a real word...but I like it)! After summng up my weeks, I'm okay with my progress! Do I wish that I was a great eater and great at working out from Day 1? Heck yes, I do! But that is not realistic! In reality you do better at one thing than another...you have to work to be great at stuff! You have to work hard to change and work hard to not be a brat!

I was talking to a friend of mine the other day. She mentioned that she turns SUPER stubborn when someone tells her what to do and she doesn't want to do it. So, for example, she needs to eat healthier. But she doesn't want too, because she loves her food! Or she needs to excercie more, but she dosen't want too because she doesn't want too. I wanted to tell her that her inner brat was crazy bratty! But I totally get it! There are times when my inner brat is screaming for ice cream. I feel as if I could throw up because I ate so much dinner, but do I get the ice cream? Yes, I do! There are times when I "HAVE" to buy a shirt or dress...I know that I don't need one, but my inner brat says "I NEED ONE". That inner brat can sometimes get out of control!!! I instead told her that she needs to figure out a way to trick her mind into thinking that the eating healthy and working out or whatever it is...is her idea!

The point is, we can all do things that our inner brats don't want us to do! If we skip working out, when summer comes we don't feel any better about ourselves and then we eat more. Making our inner brat happy! It's your inner brat that tells you you don't deserve things, or that you are not pretty enough...So do the best thing that you can for yourself. Shut that inner brat up!!! I have to tell my inner brat multiple times a day to Shut it! You are worth everything that you have more! YOu deserve the whole world on a platter!! You deserve to be the best you that you can be! You are able to lose weight! You are able to eat healthy! You are able to do anything that you put your mind too! Don't you ever forget that! Don't you for one moment let anyone (real or inner brat) take that away from you! Don't you ever doubt that you are less than one of the best people on this Earth! Prove that now...to yourself! To others! To your inner brat! I known when someone tells me that I can't do something...I work even harder to prove them wrong! So, lets do just that!!! Let's prove them wrong!!!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Reality Friends...

Hey Wednesday Readers, 

Today we are going to talk about my Reality Show Friends!

So, I have reality show friends!  It all started when I began watching Bill and Giuliana!  I just love that show! I think they are funny and pretty gosh darn real.  They make me laugh and Giuliana reminds me of my sister Megan!  She even said "Amazeballs" about a month after I heard Megan say it!  It was really amazing.  So, I found myself saying things like "Oh my goodness, that happened to Bill and Giuliana".  It was annoying at first, because why am I telling stories about these people who I don't even know...and I don't even know people who know them.  But after a few stories I got used to it.  So, I started saying "Well, my reality show friends Bill and Giuliana..." and then it turned into "My friends, (pause) Bill and Giuliana (pause because all of my friends know them)...".  It makes me giggle.  Oh my goodness, I forgot about Sean Lowe and Katherine!  They are friends of mine as well!  I love my reality show friends!!!

Now, anytime I watch a reality show that I really enjoy (I don't like all that many of them) I call these people my friends.  I started making jokes about sending wedding invites to my "friends" Bill and Giuliana and Tim Gunn.  And of course we can't forget my friends Theresa Caputo.  It gives my mom, sister Dana, and I a good laugh.  A few nights ago, Dana, mentioned one of her reality show friends and it just made me laugh!

I know you might not want to admit that you have "Reality Friends", but I do and I love them!  And I will send them invites to my wedding!  Ha ha ha!  Okay, maybe not...but it would make for an awesome post!  Have a happy Wednesday folks...the week is almost over!

Inspirational Wednesday

Happy Wednesday folks!!!
So, last night I went home and got into my flannel pants and did nothing all night long! I think every now and then a gal (or guy) is entitled to a night of relaxation and eating ice cream! So, that is what I did! I did not feel guilty! I did not feel anything other than happiness at my relaxing evening!
After my email yesterday, a few people told me that I made them feel guilty. They felt that it was there fault that I did not do the daily workout on Monday. Folks, let's talk about this for a minute. Every person is in charge of their own life. If instead of working out I was supposed to go get ice cream, I would not have let anyone stop me from doing that...so if I let people stop me from working out...that is no one's fault but my own!

We have to stop the excuses! I did not work out because I was doing this...or because they wouldn't let me...or because blah blah...I mean I can think of so many reasons why I shouldn't work out. I don't really enjoy working out! I don't like feeling exhausted, or hot, or sweaty, or anything that comes with working out. But I love the feeling of being done! I love the effect that working out has on me! I love being proud of myself! I love knowing that I did something great for myself...even when I didn't want too. If I'm honest with myself, I do enjoy some forms of workout. Like dance class or Zumba or swimming! Anyway, I can talk myself out of working out every day! You have read my emails, you see how I talk when I'm walking Chandler! If I end up talking myself out of it...then there is no one to blame but myself. When you really want something, there is nothing that can stop you from doing it! This is somthing that I want! I want to wear my pants again! I want to look in the mirror and be happy with what I have accomplished! If I want it...then I will do it!

So, this morning...I got up and I went downstairs and ran! This week you run 3min then walk 2 min. It was rough! But I did it! The last few minutes of the run I had to take at a lower speed...but I'm okay with that! The very last minute was a countdown- I was litterally saying only 60 more seconds. Only 30 more seconds. 15 more seconds, 10, 9, 8, 7...you get the picture. It wasn't easy, but it's done! I did not get up early enough to do the daily workout, but I feel that that is easier to do at any time. It's the run that I dread! But I did it! And I'm happy! And now I feel a little more awake! I'm walking with a little more pep because I did it! Don't let the thought of working out detour you...don't let the excuses turn you away from doing something that is so good for you! Don't start next week, don't start, tomorrow...Start right now! If you are at work, make healthier choices! If you have the chance to take the stairs, do it! Workout for yourself!!! You can do it! You can stick with it! I know some of you out there have already lost weight and are working hard to lose more! You all can do it! You are not hopeless, you are not reaching for something so out of reach...you can do this!!! I believe that you can and you should believe it as well!!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Folks, I have nothing to really report on today.  How lame is that?  I mean, my life seems a bit slow today!  So, I'm going to sit for a moment to think about what I could possibly write...


Okay, so a few weeks ago Curt says to me "When the Bachelor is not on, it's like you have no friends".  He was joking around with me, but it hurt my feelings.  When the TV show Bachelor or Bachelorette is on my friends and I get together every Monday to watch the show.  Sometimes there are a lot of us...and sometimes there only my and my friend Emily!  But he is correct...when the Bachelor is over...we don't try as hard to get together.  It's not that we don't care or that we don't like each other.  We just don't seem to make the time to just hang out like we do when the Bachelor is on.

So, this annoyed me.  I was more annoyed at Curt for saying things that are true...but that is besides the point.  So, last week I did something about it!  I went out to dinner with my friend, went to a baby shower and saw all of my friends, and then went out to dinner with my girlfriends!!!  That is 3-points for Amy with Friends and 0 points for No Friends Amy!  Yay me!

Here is the thing, everyone has their own lives.  And for the most part I assume that everyone is super busy with their own life to hang out with me.  And some days I don't want to hang with people.  I just want to go home and be super lazy.  The other thing is...is that I can't always go out to eat.  It starts getting pricey.  I loved dinner on Saturday and it was so yummy...but it was $25.  And that will start to add up!  The other hard thing for me, is that I live at home with my folks.  So, I can't just invite friends over.  So, a goal of mine will be...when I get my own place to invite people over so that we are not always spending money!

Okay, that is all for today!

Inspirational Tuesday

Happy Tuesday!!!
So, last night I found out that 85% of the time I should go with my first answer/thought/instinct. You know when people talk about gut instinct and all that jazz? Well, I don't always have that...but when it comes to working out and eating...my instinct is pretty good. But I found I don't really listen to it.

Yesterday I went from full time job to part time job. Yay for listening to my first thought!!! On the way home I said, when you get home eat, take Chan out, and then do your daily workout. I did not have to do the run because I was going to dance class. Then I got home and my second thought was "I don't really have to workout, I am dancing for an hour". So, I did not do the daily workout. Just wait folks, it gets worse. I did go to dance class, (yay, first thought!) Then on the way home my first thought was "Get home, jump in the shower, take Chan out and go to bed. Do not pass go, do not collect $200". Okay, so I did not think about Monolopy. Did I do that? No, I sat down and watched a TV show. And it wasn't even a new one. It was a recap of all of the episodes that I have already seen. And when my thought was, don't eat anything because it's after 8pm and you get weird dreams when you eat after 8pm. Did I listen? No, I went and got some ice cream! And did I listen to my first thought of taking a shower so I wouldn't have to get up earlier than I wanted too? No, I just sat and watched TV until I took Chan out at 10:45pm. Then did I go to bed after walking Chan like my first thought told me too? NO!!! I sat back down and watched more TV until going to bed around 11:30!!!

What was my problem? I could not have listened to myself any less than I did yesterday!!! I was so annoyed when I went to bed! I should be showered right now, it should only be 10:30, I should not be feeling a little ill because I ate the ice cream! ARG!!! Sometimes we can't see what is best for us. Or maybe we can see it (hence the first thought) but we don't want to listen. I guess that is our inner brat coming out! Here is the thing, most of the time the first thought is the best one. Go to bed early, eat better, do your workout! Then our inner brat talks us out of it! How many times has your first thought been, I'm going to get up early and workout before my day starts? And how many times have you hit snooze (if you are like me, you hit snooze at least 6 times). Why is it so easy for us to ignore ourselves. If anyone else ignored us like we ignored ourself...they would be grounded or sleeping on the couch or defriended on Facebook! Why are we so different?

Why is it okay for us to be mean to ourselves? Why is it okay for us to treat ourselves as if we don't matter? Because darn it, we do matter! In fact we should matter the most to us. I'm not saying you should be your very own first proirity...but you all know that if you are happy...those around you will notice and be happy with you. If you are in a bad mood..those around you will be more down. Or not want to be around you any more. Treat others how you want to be treated!!! And then actually treat yourself like that! (Cheese Moment) Stop right now and tell yourself that you are right where you are supposed to be! Tell youself that your goal for today is to not be a super hero but to just do better than you did yesterday! You are an amazing person on the inside and out. But if you are unhappy about the out...that is okay because you are working on it! You are amazing and are doing great! You know there is always room for improvement, but yesterday is done and today is a brand new day!!!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Inspiration Monday

I have an email workout group that I send emails too every day (maybe not Sunday's) and I just try to inspire them to workout and eat better.  I started this group to get me motivated to work hard and tone up!  So, far we are on Day 1 of Week 3.  Check out the "10 week workout" post if you want to join in!

Hallo folks (and yes I meant to write Hallo!!!)

Can you believe that we are already in week 3? I cannot! Only 8 weeks left!!! For me, this goes a long with my work schedule. I have 8 weeks left of working at the school until summer. So, this workout is literally taking me straight to summer!

Alright, I hope your week 2 was awesome! I did a much better job week 2, however I still can't seem to get the workout down on Saturday's and Sunday's. But that is okay! I'm not too worried about it! I figured that I can continue to work on that! I also feel as if I'm making better choices as well with my eating. However this Thursday is "Ice Cream Bar Treat Day" brought in by yours truely. So, that might be terrible! Ha ha ha!
If you don't feel you did your best last week or you have not really started...then today is your lucky day! Start fresh! Start over! You are not behind, you are exactly where you need to be! If last week you made better food choices, this week try adding on the daily workout out or the run. Then next week add the other! For some people, it's a daunting thing trying to do everything at once. So, do what works best for you! As long as you are giving it your all, then you are doing amazing! Let's say that again "As long as I am doing my best, I'm doing amazing"!!!

Everyone is different, everyone needs to do things at their own speed. This is what is awesome about this workout. Don't look at anyone but yourself! You are the only one you have to compete against! The cool thing about that is that you only need to do better this week than you did last week. Don't look at your friends or spouse...everyone works out differently, or loses weight differently, or eats differently...and all that is okay! Do bettern than YOU did last week!

You are amazing! You are doing great! And only compete against yourself!!! Email tomorrow!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Inspriational Friday

Alright folks, it's day 5 of week 2!!!
Let's just start by patting yourself on the back for making it to Friday!!! Sometimes, that in itself is amazing!!! Everyone take a moment to just sit and say way to go!

Yesterday I was a little worried because I thought that my schedule was going to make it difficult for me to workout. I was not looking forward to running at 8pm. But...I found out at lunch that I had signed up to work the choir concert!!! So, yay for me! I was able to run and do my daily reps all before the concert!
On the way to the concert I remembered that it was my last day for my Birthday Starbucks drink. You can get any drink, any size, for free! And of course I waited until the last day...but darn it...I wanted my free drink. So, I decided to get it on the way home. I knew in my heart, that I should not get a drink since that is just calories...but I told that rational side of my brain to shut it! Lucky for me it was cold outside, so ordering a Grande (yay for me not getting the biggest size in the world) Caramel Apple Cider! I felt that it was a bit better than a White Chocolate Mocha (man are those yummy)! Anyway, the point of this story is this...I did my workout and did not feel guilty about getting that drink!

Guys this is the whole point of us doing this! Well, okay..the whole point in us doing this is to workout, eat better, lose weight, and tone up. But if you take the actual points away...this experience for us is to lose the guilt. I mean who doesn't have guilt. And this guilt for the most part is in our own head! Here is how you know if the guilt should be real or not...

Pretend your friend came up to you and said I didn't workout because family stuff, crazy day...yada yada yada...then she says I feel so bad about not working out. What do you say as a friend? If you are a good friend (ha ha ha, just kidding) you say...hey stop feeling guilty! If you were busy then you were busy. Get over it move on, and try to workout tomorrow! I don't know many people who would say, wow, you are a bad person! You are never going to lose the weight...you might as well quit now!

Why are we so hard on ourselves? Why do we hold ourselves to some crazy high standard that we would never hold our best friends too or our family too? That is just silly! The best part about working out is that you can always start fresh! You ate everything in the house for breakfast, then eat a smaller lunch! You did not do the workout last night? No worries, try your best to do it the next day! Or split it up into smaller segments and do it throughout the day! You had 12 brownies while hiding in your closet so that no one else would see the brownies and want one? Well, now you might have a small problem! Once again I'm kidding (well if you are secretly eating in your closet, that is a bigger issue than these emails)! Moving on...

Folks, give yourself some credit! Feel great about how you have done this past week and a half! Even if you aren't doing everything that is on the list. Or you aren't eating your best! You are at least trying and thinking and moving some! Be proud of that and every day push yourself a little bit more than the day before. I know you can do it! You all know that you can do it!!! Yay for you guys!!!  

Thursday, April 11, 2013

I might be a little weird...and by a little I mean a lot!

So, my school has some back stairwells.  They remind me of stairwells that you see in parking garages or hotels.  I realized that every time I go on these back stairs I feel like I'm in a movie.  I normally start off normal (like they are normal stairs) then all of sudden I start trying to see how quite I can be.  As if someone has just entered the stairwell looking for me.  My mind usually transforms into some crazy action packed movie with guns firing and such.  Anyway, for one flight I'm going as quiet as I can, then when it comes to the second flight of stairs I usually take off and go up or down (depending on where I'm going) as fast as I can.  Thank goodness we only have 3 floors or I could be chased by fake intruders for a crazy amount of time.

So today's jaunt was no different.  I was helping a student on the 3rd floor.  I started to head down the stairs like a normal person, when 3 steps into it...I started walking as quiet as I could.  Then all of a sudden people entered the stairwell.  It was like a real movie (okay, so they were teachers who work here, no guns, no big chase scene...so it was nothing like a movie)!  I crept down the stairs undetected by them, for an entire flight of stairs.  Then I sprinted down the last flight and was out the door and safe!  I have decided if I'm ever being chased in a stairwell, I really hope that I get to go downstairs instead of up.  Let's be honest, after a few flights I'm going to sit down and try to talk it out with the mad man who is chasing me!

Does anyone else do this?  No?  Just me?  That is okay, but now the next time you go down a back stairwell...I hope you think of me and my crazy thoughts.  I hope you sneak down a few flights and then sprint down the rest, because it's actually kind of fun!  It really brings out the excitement in your day!!!

Random Funny Story- I apologize for those who have heard this.  It should be the first time you have read it though...just a thought!

I used to work in the Library at KU!  They are called the stacks and they are kind of creepy.  I would listen to my head phones and put books away.  My imagination is still the same as it was back in the day...so I would have crazy scenes going on in my head while working in the Stacks.  One day I'm in my head thinking of how to escape from this position...when I turned the corner and there was a man standing right in front of me.  I knew he was waiting for me...so I screamed in his face and took off running.  Down the several flights of stairs (little creepy stairs) until I came to be around other people.  That is when I realized that the "man" was probably a college student and he was probably looking at me because I was making noise and he turned toward my direction.  Anyway, it still cracks me up when I think about screaming in that guys face!

Happy Thursday Folks, let your imagination go crazy and run down some stairs!

Motivational Thursday

This is an email that I sent out to my amazing workout group!  Enjoy!

Happy Thursday Folks,
At this moment I'm feeling a little guilty, but only because I'm eating a cookie. It is after all Thursday Treat Day! The good news is, is that it's the only treat I have had. Remember last week when I was sitting here with my cake and many other desserts! This morning I made myself eat breakfast so that I would not be starving (like I normally am) for the treats. The other thing that helps, is that today's treat day doesn't seem to be all that awesome! Either way, it is helping me not eat everything that I see!!!
So far this week (all three days of it) I have done the daily excercise!!! Two of those days I also did the running and the other day I danced for an hour. Last night was a little rough! I had gotten home from school and did my running. Instead of doing the daily workout, I put a load of laundry away! Then I went and sang at Church and went to visit my boyfriend!

By the time I got home it was 11pm, I had to walk my dog, and it was freezing and drizzling outside. Once again the entire walk with Chandler I was trying to talk myself out of doing the daily excercise. I thought about nice it would be to just crawl into my flannel pj pants and then into bed. But then I thought of how great I had been doing. I mean, I already ran and that to me is the hard part. So, I got home, went upstairs and did the workout. It seemed harder than I remember, but maybe because it was 11:30 at night and my body was just done! But, I did it! And I can say that I did it! And as I fell asleep, I thought...yay me!

I hope that you all are allowing yourself to feel that! If you are making better choices with your eating and/or working out...it's all awesome! You are doing this for your health. Your choices in the short term only affect you! If you want to workout or eat better...that will not change anything other than your life. So, this is purely a selfish thing to do! And let's be honest, most of us could use a purely selfish moment! If you start looking out beyond yourself, you will see this decision affects those around you. If you eat better will your significant other eat better? If your kids see you working out and eating right, won't that affect how they eat and take care of themselves in the future. So, if you can't handle taking a moment or doing something for yourself...then think of if like this...your actions will affect and change those around you! My BFF FlyLady says all the time, if you are happy then those around you will be happier!

So, get out there and make yourself happy! Go to bed happy because you worked out! Go to bed sore because you kicked your own rear end and pushed yourself harder than you did yesterday! I know you can do it! You know you can do it! You just have to let yourself actually do it! Push away all the negative thoughts, the fears, the tiredness, the stress, the excuses...and make yourself happy! You deserve it as much as you think other people deserve it!  

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

About my week so far...

So far my week has been great!  I am doing this workout thing- see Inspirational Wednesday for today's well inspiration!  I also just want to talk as well sometimes!

Let's see, where to begin!  Oh, I went do a dance class on Monday night!  It was a lot of fun!  We are learning a few dances that I already know, so I was one of the leaders of the class!  This is awesome for one reason, I was never the leader when I was younger.  Mainly because I did not like dance all that much, because I was not flexible.  Part of the flexibility we will blame on my Dad's gene's and the other part will be blamed on my hips being rotated in and crooked!  We will not ever blame it on the fact that I might have been lazy and did not want to work hard, no...that would be silly!  Anyway, so it was nice to be the leader!  Being the leader has it's downfalls as well!  I was not able to mark the dances at all!  Since I knew them and others were following me...I danced full out for the entire hour.  I was sweating up a storm and by the end of class I was dead tired!  So I went home, took Chan out, and then went upstairs to bed!  I am not even sure if I said good night to anyone!

Yesterday I went out to dinner with my friend Emily!  We went to Unforked, which is an amazing place and has amazing frozen custard!  But since I'm trying to eat better and workout...I opted for a crispy avacado taco!  It was amazing, but that might be becasue I LOVE avacados!!!  Then we ate and talked for 2 hours.  If we didn't have stuff to do later that night, I'm sure we could have talked the whole night!  Not to brag, but I'm going to for just a minute.  I have great friends!!!  We can go a week, a month, or a few months without seeing each other...but when you see someone again...it's as if you saw them just the other day!  I never run out of things to say with them...it's just nice and fun and comfortable!  One of the reasons I'm so looking forward to camp is that a lot of my "inner circle" works there!  So, yay for me!!!  Okay, enough bragging!

Well, I guess I don't have much else to report on...this weekend is going to feel like a vacation compared to last weekend!  I'm trying to plan on doing nothing!  Ha ha ha, I never thought I would be that person, who had to plan on doing nothing!  Wait, I take that back...I would like to plan to sit out on the back porch and drink a glass of wine!  That is what I would like to plan!  Ha ha ha!  And right now after having the amazing avacado yesterday...maybe some chips and guac or cheese dip!  If we are going mexican themed here then forget the wine, and bring out the margarita's!  Ha ha ha...wow...I think it's time for me to go now!  Happy Wednesday folks!  Peace!

Inspirational Wednesday!

Happy Wednesday! Do you guys remember back in the day when Wednesday would be called Hump Day? I really wanted to start this email by saying Happy Hump Day!!!
Alright folks, it's the middle of the week! If you have not started working out that is okay! But don't put it off until next week! I once ready that if you are going to start eating healthy...don't say starting next Monday! Why wait, if you really want it...putting it off longer will stop you from doing it. Start that minute, that next meal, the afternoon or evening workout! You can do it, just believe in yourself!
Today I'm wearing my uber tight, muffin topping, painted on jeans. It was not my first choice in pants, but my stretchy looser (is that a word) jeans were in the washing machine. Anyway, I'm wearing these jeans...and I'm a bit grumpy about it. But, the only thing that is keeping me smiling is the fact that I'm doing something about it! I ate healthy all day yesterday!!! I even picked something somewhat healthy when I went out to dinner. I wanted the ice cream cookie sunday! But I got an avacado taco instead! And this morning, I really wanted to eat a pop tart! But I had toast instead! So, even though my pants are too tight for comfort, I'm still wearing them! And I'm still smiling because I'm doing something about it!
So folks, let's do something about it! Workout, sweat, get sore...you are still allowed to complain! I will listen to your complaints and probably join in...but then you can sit back and smile because you are working on it! There is nothing more annoying to me than someone who complains about something, but then does nothing about it! Arg!!! Losing weight, getting toned- well it basically sucks! It is no where near as fun as gaining the weight! But I feel amazing about my choices and I felt amazing last night going to bed- proud of how I did that day! I know that in 9 weeks time I will feel amazing about how my jeans fit!
Everyone stand up right now and do some jumping jacks!!! Did anyone stand up? Ha ha ha- I did not! Let's not get weird! But workout when you get home from work or before you start your day! Do something about it! You should be proud of what you are doing for yourself! And if you have not started yet, start right now!  

Monday, April 8, 2013

A bit random...but that is okay!

Good morning Monday!  My day is going great!  Monday's can be a bit rocky...but I'm fully prepared for an amazing day!  I actually woke up and worked out today!  How cool is that!  I wish I could say it was easy, but it was not!  I have not been sleeping well lately.  I guess it's been a while now.  I'm pretty sure it has something to do with my eating habits.  But I just dream like crazy and they are vivid dreams where when I wake up the next morning I feel like I didn't sleep at all.  I read last week that if you fall asleep the moment your head hits the pillow then you are exhausted and not getting enough sleep.  Wow, Sherlock was it?  Anyway, that is how I am!  So, when I dream like this I'm exhausted throughout the day.  Last night I had some crazy dreams and they weren't terrible, but I woke up with a weird feeling.  The most annoying part is that I can't remember the dream!  I hate when that happens.  Anyway, back to me waking up and working out.  I made myself do and I feel better!  I also woke up with a headache so the jumping jacks kind of sucked...but I made it through them and the rest of the workout and feel amazing!!!

I had cereal for breakfast.  As I was eating it, I thought I should make myself a snack because cereal doesn't last all but 10 min...and here it is about 90 min later and I just ate my snack.  Why doesn't cereal last?  I feel like those are just wasted calories and if I counted calories I would never eat cereal!  I was however proud that I made a snack of English muffin and nutella!  Yummy!!!

As of right now, the rest of my Monday isn't anything to write home about, but it's going to stay amazing and I will make it stay amazing!

This past weekend was a busy one.  Wolverine Night was awesome!  The kids don't know how to dance.  Okay, so a few of them do...and then you have to tell them to not dance like that because they are 12.  I was told that I dance like a sista, which was cool!  It beats being told that I dance like a goofy white chick!  So, I left happy!  Then I got to see Curt and hang out there!  The book I made about Colorado arrived and we looked at it together!  It was awesome!

I worked on Saturday, went to lunch with out of town family, went and bought stuff for my cousin-in-law's baby shower and then made a diaper tricycle!  You can see a picture below!  Then Saturday night I went to the Roller Derby with my family to celebrate a friends birthday!  It was actually pretty cool.  It was like stepping into a different world.  I was told that I should do the Roller Derby.  That my character would be amazing!  That I can agree with, but I would not want to be shoved or tripped.  That is a big ewww, for me! But who knows what is in my future!  Sunday was the baby shower.  It was a complete success!!!  Now I can't wait for the party we are trowing for our other Cousin-In-Law, Betsy!!!

Here is my idea, I would love to be a party planner!  So, I'm going to treat Betsy's shower like my first real party!  How fun is that?  My wedding will be the first wedding that I do!  So, maybe this will either show me that I love it...or that I don't like it as much as I thought!  Yahoo for me!  Okay, I'm out for today!  I need to start filling up my water bottle and getting my drink on!  Peace out folks!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Oh this week...

Happy Friday Folks!!!

So, as you know this week I started a workout group!  It's very exciting because I have added 3 people that I don't know!!!  Before you start thinking that I'm a really cool person (I'm serious stop that thought right now...) they are in a bible study with my sister.  Her bible study happens to be about losing weight!!!  So, it really helped my email list!  Ha ha ha.

I would also like to welcome my sister Megan to this blog!  Not that she is going to say anything or anything (unless you want to Megan...) but she is now reading it!  So, hello Megan!!!  I also had a guy I didn't know write a comment!  I was so excited when I read that!!!  So, Hello Mark (I'm not sure if you are reading still), thank you for your comment!  It meant a lot to me!

I have to make a confession!  I wasn't going to tell you guys, but now I feel as if I need too!  I was talking to Curt on Tuesday and he told me that he googled my name!  He said he was missing me in the wee early hours of the morning and started looking me up.  He looked at my MySpace (did not know it was still up...have not touched that since 2007), all of my Facebook pics, and then he told me that he looked at my Pinterest boards!!!  Um....what?  I'm not sure why...but that freaked me out!  He said he looked at my wedding one and loved everything that I had pinned.  I said, well thank goodness that you couldn't see the hidden wedding board I pinned.  I would have looked like a crazy wedding obsessed person (lucky for me, he knows that I'm wedding obsessed!!!).  The he said, I like the pic that you are going to leave on my night stand the day before our wedding.  Well folks lets be honest, I have pinning to this board for a few years now...and I don't remember every single pin that I pin.  (Sidebar: I pinned a pin that says "Sometimes I have a freak out moment on trying to remember if I pinned something.  Is it awesome enough to pin again if I did pin it?  Or do I risk not pinning it, then being mad because I can no longer find it- so funny and so true).  So, here is where my confession comes in.  I went and looked at my wedding board.  I said last week or a few weeks ago that I was cutting it out and not looking at anything wedding related.  But it was driving me nuts.  I had to know what pic I was going to leave for him!  Well, I found it...and then quickly got out of the wedding board!  So, that is all I have to say about that!

Last night I went to small group.  We are discussing Grief for the next 4-5 meetings.  It should be a really fun time.  Tyler (head group guy) said how do you deal with grief...well folks, I make jokes.  I make the people around me laugh and feel better.  Then I feel better, because while an event is sad...that sadness can crush you!  And for me...nothing is worse than a crushing sadness.  So, I make jokes and make light of the situation.  I am tasteful about it...but let me show you what I mean.

I talked about my experience with loss.  My exes mom, my marriage, My Grandfather...I was tearing up with all of those.  Then I started talking about Chandler (who is not dead) and I started bawling.  Someone earlier in the evening asked does grief and mourning have to be for a person.  So, I'm sitting here crying about how sad I will be when Chan Chan (my dog) dies.  And I stop and say...why am I even talking about this...he is not dead.  The same thing happened later in the evening when I was talking about a loss of innocence (I said there was a loss of innocence when my dad has his heart attack.  It became too real that my parents were going to eventually pass...as can anyone that I love) Anyway, once again I'm crying about my dad and his heart attack, and the gals are all crying with me and I stop myself saying...why am I crying about this...my dad is alive and well!  It made all of the gals laugh!  There have been plenty of "the next time I get married" jokes as well!  My point is...I make jokes when I feel sad or uncomfortable...it's what I do.  Make the people around me laugh!  For the record, it was funny last night...it might not be as funny today.  Oh well...that is just how it is!

This weekend, is Wolverine Night at my school (middle school mixer), then tomorrow I'm going to the Roller Derby, then on Sunday is a Baby Shower for my cousin's baby!!!  I also got an app on my phone for blogging...so I can blog on the weekends!!!  How fun for me...and you!  But really for me!  Okay, I'm out for today folks...peace!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

My priorities...oh dear

So many things to do...and it seems like there is never any time!  Or maybe my priorities are just a bit off.  Okay, so I don't think they are off...it just seems like the fun things I want to do are not at the top of the list.  For example, I want to do some crafts...but it's not any where near the top of my lists.  Here is what at the top of my lists...
1. Work (full time and part time)
2. Family time
3. Eating (this should be up even more...but I felt weird putting eating first)
4. Relaxing
5. Napping
6. Crafting

Now I know what you are saying, Hey Amy...how about you don't relax or nap and then you can move your crafting up...but those things are super important to me!  Ha ha ah!  So, I guess no complaining for me!  This summer I'm hoping to have some "real" time off.  I will work a ton from Monday-Thursday so that I can relax on Friday and Saturday!  Or do crafts or just chill or go to the pool!  Who knows what this summer will bring!

Here is a list of things I want to make this summer: I am hoping to take pics of everything
1. Dress Form 
2. The darn ladder that is still in the basement of my folks house (which is still my house as well)- picked up the end of November beginning of December
3. The side table- picked up last summer from the side of the road.
4.  Dress that I started making at the latest in 2008- now that is just sad!  But I can't figure out how to make the top...hopefully this summer it will be easy with a dress form!

Alright, I'm getting a little busy here at work, so I'm peace-ing out!  Dreaming of the wonderful days of summer with Camp and a bit of Ford...and hopefully some crafting stuff!!!  Bye!!!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

10 Week Workout- Week #1

Alright folks,

So, we all know (all two of my readers...if they actually read this...Sarah?  Suzanne?) that I have been off and on with working out.  We all know that I don't have a "body issue" or think that I am fat.  But we also know that for the poor person that I am...I need to do everything in my power to keep on fitting into the clothes that I had.  Well I was so crazy around the chiefs audition time...that after I didn't make it...I just kept eating and eating.  It was amazing and so much fun!

Fast forward 5 weeks...I am not fitting into my jeans without muffin topping over the top.  I'm feeling chunky in just about everything that I'm wearing and it's bringing my attitude down.  Does anyone else think I have gained weight?  No!  Did I gain a ton of weight?  No!  But...once again like before...to me...it feels like a ton of weight.

So, I thought...I need to get motivated!  And what is the best way for me to get motivated   To make other people feel motivated and workout with me!  So, I have done just that!  I have a 10 week workout plan (found on Pinterest) that I am doing with 5-8 other people!  You do a set workout every day and then add a running workout onto that!  Last night was day 1!  I need to take a pic or take measurements...because the scale is not going to be accurate!  For me it's all about the feeling!

So, if you would like to do this workout with us, you really should!  We started yesterday, but  I would suggest that you jump right on in with the Tuesday workout!  If you are reading this, and I don't know who you are...please let me know you joined this 10 week workout with us!  So, I'm excited and hope that we can all stick with it!  We all need to change a few things about the way we live!

10 Week Workout Plan

150 Jumping Jacks
50 crunches
20 Tricep Dips
15 Squats
20 Lunges (each leg)
70 Russian Twists
20 standing Calf Raises
5 Push-ups
30 Second Plank
15 Lunge Split Jumps

80 Jumping Jacks
50 Vertical Leg Crunches
20 Sit-ups
15 Tricep Dips
20 Squats
10 Side Lunges (each leg)
15 Leg Lifts
50 Bicycles
15 Wall Push-ups
40 Russian Twists

90 Jumping Jacks
20 Tricep Dips
10 Sit-ups
30 Bird-Dogs
30 Second Plank
30 Squats
40 Crunches
10 Oblique Crunches (each side)
20 Standing Calf raises

100 Jumping Jacks
25 Vertical Leg Crunches
20 Squats
20 Wall Push-Ups
50 Russian Twists
15 Second Side Plank (each side)
10 Lunge Split Jumps
5 Jump Squats
40 High Knees

60 Jumping Jacks
40 Crunches
10 Sit-ups
10 Tricep Dips
20 Side Lunges (each side)
15 Incline Push-ups
10 Oblique Crunches (each side)
50 Butt Kickers
5 Jump Squats
15 Jack Knife Sit-ups

50 Jumping Jacks
20 Squats
100 Russian twists
5 Kneeling Push-ups
1 Minute Downward Dog
15 Jack Knife Sit-ups
10 Lunges (each side)
10 Side Lunges (each side)
20 Bird Dogs
20 Inner Thigh Lifts (each leg)

45 Jumping Jacks
15 Squats
5 Jump Squats
50 Russian Twists
30 Second Plank
10 Standing Calf Raises
5 Kneeling Push-ups
30 Second Superman
10 Lunges (each leg)
40 Crunches

Cardio (by week at least 3x per week…If not more)
11.        1 min run, 2 min walk (7x)
22. .      2 min run, 2 min walk (5x)
33.        3 min run, 2 min walk (4x)
44.        5 min run, 2 min walk (3x)
55.         6 min run, 90 sec walk (3x)
66.         8 min run, 90 sec walk (2x)
77.        10 min run, 90 sec walk (2x)
88.       12 min run, 1 min walk, 8 min run
99.         15 min run, 1 min walk,  5 min run
110.    20 min run continuously

Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter Monday

Happy Easter Monday!!!  My calendar says it's Easter Monday.  I'm not sure what that means...but that is okay!  Easter has never been my favorite holiday.  That sounds weird...but let me explain.  When I was a kid...I didn't get the whole Easter/Jesus connection.  For a kid it's kind of all about the candy!  And I'm not a big plain chocolate fan...and we always got those big chocolate bunnies in our basket that I didn't want to eat.  Now before you start judging my folks, we all went to Church together and my parents would say "It's not about the candy"...but again let's be honest once again...it is all about the candy.

As I got older it was no longer about the candy, but it still wasn't my favorite holiday either.  It had such sadness around it.  I mean, Jesus died a few days before...that is sad.  People hating another person so much for what they are talking about that they would kill him....sad!  To me, I always focused on how mean and cruel the world is.  And for me the music at church wasn't as awesome as say Christmas music!  (Christmas is my favorite holiday).  Going outside of the Church, Easter weather is always up in the air...is it going to be cold, warm, rainy, sunny?  I mean...just pick one and always be that...but I digress!

This year, however, things changed.  I helped out with the Good Friday service.  The service was neat with different people reading about the crucifixion, the lights getting lower, the candles being blown out, it was just cool.  I read on thirst.  My section said this (paraphrasing) You need water to live like you need God to live. The last part of my speech said something like a thirst for life is a thirst for God!  We left in silence and sadness!

On Easter my pastor spoke about promises!  God is the only one who has kept every single one of his promises.  Even if it means that we receive punishment.  I hate when I break a promise, I actually try to not make promises if I am not sure I can keep them...and I hate when promises that are made to me are broken.  So, yesterday when Pastor Burt said "he has never broken and will never break a promise that he makes to you" it kind of changed the meaning of Easter a little bit for me!

Pastor Burt also brought up the fact that God loves everyone.  Even those that are evil and wicked and that if we hate those that are wicked...it makes us wicked.  Sometimes I can get overwhelmed in this world with all of the hate and the evilness that is all around us.  It makes me want to go into my little bubble and stay there.  But we can't!  We have to go out there and tell the world about God's promises!  People will always try to bring him down, to drown him out, to kill him off...but he will always keep his promise to return!  And when he returns, I want to be there telling the world of his promises and his love!

The new saying in our Church (even though the old one is still there as well)
He is Risen!
Just as He said!

Pretty cool stuff!  Happy Easter Monday Everyone!!!