Wednesday, December 16, 2015

I can't imagine feeling like this all the time...

My anxiety:
So, I'm feeling a bit anxious today.  It has been coming and going...which is how it was yesterday as well.  Although, yesterday was more here and less gone!  Last night rehearsal was great and it went away while I was dancing and teaching.  Then this morning I got up and rocked out the day 17 workout and was feeling great.

A few hours into work an upset kid comes in and all of sudden I'm feeling the anxious feeling again.  So, I'm talking with my school nurse and she says it might have to do with the energy levels that kid was giving off.  He can be stressful!  She said it might be your hormones trying to sort themselves has been 4 days since I have been pill free.  I said, I might just be done with everything for the moment.  It might also be money.  A big bill was taken out yesterday...and we don't get paid until is always a stressor for me.  I need to figure that out.  So, I went into the restroom and did some stretching stuff and felt better.  Now I'm eating an apple, drinking water, and listening to Christmas Instrumental music and I'm feeling much better!

My schedule is looking pretty good"
Tonight I have school and then I can relax this evening!  Or maybe go look at Christmas lights with Curt!  That would be fun!  Who knows...

Thursday- Work then...NOTHING (can you tell I'm a bit excited?  Ha ha ha)
Friday- Work then rehearsal for the Youth Ballet- 4-7
Saturday- Teach dance, school, Ballet performance at 2, and a ballet performance at 7!
Sunday- Church, ballet performance at 2, and a ballet performance at 7!!!

Then it's 2 weeks of relaxing, working out, and hanging with the family!  I might do a little bit of choreography...since it will help me in the future...but who knows!  Ha ha ha!  I'm so excited!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Holy anxiety this afternoon...

A few years back, I got the feeling that something was stuck in my throat!  It was so bad and buggy that I even went to see a Dr. about it.  It was around the same time that I was having some chiropractic work done on my head and I actually thought it was a nerve poking into my throat.  The Dr. assured me it was nothing.  He actually asked if I was stressed.  I said, yes I am stressed!  But not really any more than normal!  He said, this feeling might be caused by anxiety.  I felt that thing in my throat for about 3 weeks.  Today, in the middle of the day...I am once again feeling that thing in my throat!  This time, I'm at least aware that it's anxiety and am able to try and work through it.  To be honest, I do feel stressed, but once again...not more than any other day.  

I don't know if it's the music/choreography for a show I'm doing.  There is a ton of music...and zero dancers!  Or if it's a control issue- Curt is doing all of the car stuff and while I'm thrilled...for some reason it had me rattled earlier today.  Or it could be all of the candy that has been given to me today for the Holiday's...and I want to eat it all...yet not have anything!  Or it could just be my emotions flying out of whack due to being off the pill!  Who knows!  The good news is...I'm pretty sure I can control it and fix it!  I just need to do some deep breathing and relax!  

After tomorrow at 5pm...I will feel a bit more free!  Then really after Sunday at 9pm...I will be free for 2 weeks!  Free from school, from choreography, from crafting, from every job...just free!!!  So, for now I will do some relaxation breaths, and go teach my dances, and go to school...and I can do it!

*Topic Change*
I'm on day 16 of working out and eating clean!  And I am loving it!  Well, today there is not so much love as annoyance- since I want to eat the candy, cookies, cupcakes...and everything wonderful!  Ha ha ha!  But besides all of that...I'm loving it!  My booty and thighs are sore from the squats and lunges!  But I'm making it work and wearing clothes I haven't been able to wear for a while now!  Yahoo!!!  I really do enjoy lifting weights!  I feel like I get so much done with my body...way more than running!  And as one person wrote "Only 12 more days until phase 2"!  That is crazy!  12 more days and I will have been working out and eating clean for a month!  Wow!  I love it!  I hope after a month, I will feel comfortable enough to eat a cookie here or there.  That is my goal!  To be able to have a cookie or drink a coffee without feeling guilty or without having to eat 12 more!

*topic change*
I have been officially off the pill for about a week now...but technically I have only been off for three days since my period pills were the last of the pill packet I was on!  Overall I'm feeling normal!  I did get all anxious this morning about the car.  But I'm not sure if that would have happened anyway!  The other day I said to Curt "oh my goodness, I might cry"  He said "That is because you are all prenatal".  Ha ha ha!  It was so funny!  I am also really loving this fertility calculator.  Not for any other reason than I'm a nerd who likes to enter data and see the graphs it designs!  I am actually trying to not get pregnant this month...which is why I got the app in the first place.  But now I just find it fun!  I try to enter in as much as I can...ha ha ha- I'm such a nerd!  That is all for now!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Day 11 of a 12 week program!

So, I'm on day 11 of the workout/eat clean program and today something crazy happened!  I put on short dress/long shirt that I have not been able to wear in probably 6 months to a year!  I am not kidding!  This made me so happy!!!  And on top of the fact that it fits...there is actually some room to breath!!!

So, today I walked into the Treat room (it's Treat Day Thursday) I looked at all the stuff that a few short weeks ago would have filled my plate (donuts, cookies, chips and dip) and I didn't even want it!  A co-worker was in there and said don't even come in's filled with sweets (he knows I have an issue...a love issue...with sweets).  I said, I am fine and don't even want any of that stuff?  You know why?  'Cause I have this dress on!  And this dress was not fitting a few weeks ago!  Thank you very much!

This morning I went and worked out at my apartment gym!  It's getting easier and easier to wake up at 5am.  I think it's because I'm sleeping better.  Which is probably because I'm not loaded up on sugars!!!  It was an abs and shoulders workout...although it was more focused on the shoulders...than the abs!  I might have to start doing a few extra things with the abs and inner thighs...

Anyway- seeing some fun results like the dress thing makes it worth it!  And it motivates me for the weekend which is filled with 2 holiday parties, and a Christmas program!  Yikes that just screams desserts all over the place!  Eventually I will get to a place where I will be able to have a cookie here or a sliver of cake there.  But for now...when I'm nervous and not sure if I can stop at one cookie...I might keep resisting those sweets!  Plus, if I can resist stuff during Christmas time, surely I can resist during regular times...right?

My goal is to keep up the eating clean and working out until I go to Disney...then I'm going to eat everything!  Bwahahaha...okay...that is probably not very realistic...and I don't want to work really hard to throw it I will just go with the flow and how I feel on a daily basis!

P.S. if you are reading this and live in California and are related to better start blogging again!  I am now!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

What a day...and it's only been a few hours!

I have 2 things to talk about today:
1. Going off of the pill
2. My car got hit...

1. Going off of the pill!
So, I'm going off of the pill and for some reason I'm terrified!  I have wanted to be a mom my entire life and now it might actually happen!  It's nerve racking!  Plus yesterday while driving- it's where I do my best thinking- I realized that I went on the pill in November 2003!  So, out of the last 12 years I have been on the pill for a little more than 10 of those years!  There was about a year and a half after I was divorced and/or I lived out of state (away from my boyfriend) where I wasn't on anything.  So...this is a new adventure!  I mean...this is real life here folks!  We are going to actively start trying...that is just insane!  For 33 years I have been told- "you don't want to have a kid until you are married"!  And now, I'm happily married and I want to have kids with my husband.  And my husband wants to have kids with me.  Are we in the most financially peaceful place?  No, but are we ever going to be in that place?  Probably not!  However, we are getting pretty good with money and we are learning I'm like freaking out!  Does anyone else freak out when it's actually happening?  I'm not sure how I'm going to feel when I am actually pregnant.  Who knows when that will be...I hope I don't freak out like this for months!  Ha ha ha!  My thoughts are just racing and it's crazy!  Okay- last regular pill was taken today and the last period pill will be taken on Saturday.  Do I even have to take the period pills?  Holy mind is going to explode!

2.  My car got hit
Okay, so my car was backed into this morning.  But let me start at last night.  Last night I got home after 9pm, I had a migraine that started at 4:30 and would not go away!  Not even with actual migraine meds!  Wah wah!  And I was bringing home our new Christmas tree!  When I got home, there was no parking!  This is nothing new, our apartment complex is known for a lack of parking.  So, people park on the curb.  I normally try to find a place- even if it's a 5 min walk back, but because of my migraine and the tree I decided to park on the curb.  Plus, I was going to be leaving around 6am I will probably be the first person up and out.  This morning, I was walking my dog Chandler, and I noticed a note on my car.  I thought oh no, someone write a mean note about my parking on the curb...(please take note that there were 4 cars behind me on the curb as well).  So, I put Chan in the dog park and walked over to my car.  The note said
"My wife backed into your car this A.M. Please call to discuss & to get things figured out. Sorry."  They also left their number.  I was mad at the woman, I was mad at myself, I was annoyed...I was feeling so many emotions!  So, I went and finished getting ready, and left for the gym.  I figured I would call them later today...but I am waiting to see a guy at my school can fix it!  I would rather not go to some place pricey!  And I feel like if you have to take your car's going to be pricey!  So keep your fingers crossed!  I feel bad because I wasn't in a true parking spot...but then again it's not illegal to park where I was parked.  That was not how I wanted my day to start...but then again, I doubt that she wanted to start her day by hitting my car either!  So, I'm trying to be thoughtful and hopefully it will work out!  If my work guy can fix it, I might just ask for a few dollars to get him a gift card!  I will let you all know in about an hour!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Days 3, 4 and a little of 5 of this workout! Plus a crazy schedule!

Today is day 5 of the LiveFit challenge!  I have done better than I thought I would!  After the first 2 days...the eating was better!  I was eating a bit more and the sugar headaches were gone!

I have had rice and egg whites for breakfast...then yesterday and today I added avocado with it!  That really made it do-able!
Greek yogurt with strawberries for a snack
Turkey, a spinach salad, and sweet potatoes for lunch!
On Wednesday evening I had sirloin steak wrapped in bacon- was it on the list?  Probably not, but it was a 5 oz I was feeling okay.  I also had asparagus with it!
Then last night I had a bowl of rice chex mix!
The amazing thing for me is the no snacking!  Meaning no sweet treats!  We had snacks ( a lot of yummy holiday desserts at the office on Tuesday) and I didn't touch anything!  Wednesday evening at the Christmas Program rehearsal there was a snack mix with marshmellow's and m&m's!  And I said...I can have one m & m or one marshmello...that won't hurt!  Then I said no!  Because then you would have one of something else...and it would be down hill from there!  Then on Thursday it was Treat Day and everyone brought a dessert of some kind!  It's as if everyone knows that I am trying to eat better and they are testing me!  Well, folks...I am passing with flying colors!  I did not eat a single thing!  I didn't even feel the need to go and smell it!  So, I was pretty proud of myself!  Then last night I was getting home from rehearsal and wanted/needed a snack (a bowl of cereal at 6:15 is not going to last very long) first snack thought was carrots and hummus!  What?!?!?  Just the night before carrots and hummus did not cross my mind as snacks!  All I wanted was a snickers bar or something of the sort!  Yahoo!!!  So, last night as I was getting my salad ready for today...I also made myself a veggie plate!  It was yummy!

Yesterday's workout was shoulders and abs!  I kind of wish they would do more with the abs...but it was only the first day so, I will wait and see!  I started off with 10lb weights, moved down to 7lb weights and then ended with 5lb weights.  I was afraid with doing all of the shoulder moves that I would end up dropping the weights on my head since my arms were feeling like jello!  Today, my shoulders are sore and my abs are sore...but what is killing me today (and yesterday) are my legs!  I mean...they are really hurting!  I'm used to my thighs hurting.  I can handle that!  In fact they have hurt worse in my time i worked out so hard that my leg muscles gave out on me and I fell down the stairs.  It's okay to laugh...I wasn't hurt!  And they tried to give out when I was just walking as well!  So, yes, my thighs hurt but it's whatever!  What I was not expecting was the pain in my calf muscles!  Who would have thought that 70 calf/toe raises would hurt so bad!  It's like an unexpected jolt of pain every time I stand and walk!  It kind of sucks...but then it reminds me of what terrible shape I'm in!

Day 5, 6, 7...
I now have 3 rest days in a row!  Thank goodness!  So far I'm eating well today...I am nervous for this weekend.  I have rehearsal tonight, a Christmas party tomorrow night, and then a day off on Sunday!  I'm going to have to be good and really be aware of what I'm eating!  My goal is to not have any bad snacks.  I would also love to not have a drink...but a glass of wine might be needed...ha ha ha!  We shall see!  I will report more on Monday!

One more schedule is getting kind of crazy!  So, I'm really trying to stay calm.  I have a schedule-claustrophobia.  When my schedule gets too crazy I start feeling really overwhelmed!  I guess here is my schedule
Friday- Work, take Chan out, make dinner, and head to rehearsal, rehearsal
Saturday- Teach dance, school, Christmas party
Sunday- rehearse for Children's program at church
Monday- Work, musical auditions, ballet
Tuesday- Work, a different musical audition, CYT
Wednesday- Work, musical callbacks, Children's Program rehearsal
Thursday- Work...what?  that is it?
Friday- Work, Christmas party
Saturday- Christmas program rehearsal, Christmas party
Sunday- Children's Christmas Program

So, as you can see...the next 10 days are a bit crazy!  After those 10 days we have one week of school left...but there is also the Ballet which will be Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!  So...that will be nuts!  But school will be out after and I can relax!

Can I make it through this crazy couple of days?  Yes...I just have to think about it one day at a time!  If I go all together it will get to be too much!  Okay- I'm out!  Have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

We have started Day 3!!!

Today I am starting day 3 of LiveFit!
Food Glorious Food!!!
Day 1 ended with a headache!  Day 2 began with a headache...and also ended with a headache!  So that kind of sucks!  I'm pretty sure I'm not eating enough.  Or maybe I just need to eat more of certain things like starch...or protein!  The alternative is that I have been eating terribly for a while and now that I'm trying to eat healthy my body is saying "What the heck is happening????  Where are the sweets?  The candy?  The pasta?!?!"  The day before I started this workout program I had a huge helping of Kraft Mac and Cheese, a soft pretzel with cheese, and 2 Reese's peanut butter cups...and I wasn't even hungry!  Ha ha ha!  Either way, it's been rough!

I will say that the past 2 mornings- even with a headache yesterday- I have gotten up so much easier than I have in months!  I feel as if I slept better as well!  So, if anything...I'm sleeping better and that is totally worth it!

Day 2-
1 t. of peanut butter
Brown Sugar Instant Oatmeal with 1Tlbs of Flax seed and 1t. of peanut butter
Cottage cheese w/ strawberries for a snack
Tuna w/ green beans for lunch
Vegetables for a snack
1 talapia fillet and a spinach salad w/ onions and jalapeno's for dinner
Carrots and hummus for a snack
And a handful of chex rice cereal...I was starving!
Plus about 10 cups of water and 1 cup of milk

Day 3-
1 cup of brown rice w/ 5 tlbs of egg white (and salt...I had to add it or I don't think I would have been able to eat it...remember my love of sweets?  That goes for breakfast as well!)
Vegetables- a few pieces with my helps
Greek yogurt for a snack
Turkey with sweet potatoes- the potatoes have brown sugar and marshmallows- but they are leftovers and I can't let them go to the piece of pie I have sitting in my fridge (insert crying)
Spinach salad with onions and jalapeno's...and a bit of ranch (but I normally drown my I'm hardly using any)
More vegatables and rice if I need more to eat for a snack!
Hopefully for dinner I will make those sirloin things I have in the fridge and asparagus!

I'm hoping that today I will make it through without a headache...that is the goal!

I have loved the workouts!  My arms are killing me!  But since you work different muscles's not as bad!  I mean don't get me wrong...I'm in arms are killing me!  Ha ha ha, but it's the good kind where you know you killed the workout and should feel proud!  So, I do feel proud and I have the sore arms to prove it! Ha ha ha

Arm workout- amazing!  And I was only using 5 or 10 lbs weights.  I have no arm strength!  So, I don't feel as if you have to be a weight lifter to get some amazing benefits!
Back workout- I think I need to work harder on these workouts.  I think I use my arm muscle a lot, when I should be using my back.  So, my back doesn't hurt all that much!
Leg workout- today was the leg workout and let me tell you when I was done and had to walk down a flight of stairs...I thought I would fall.  The muscles in my legs were all wobbly!  Luckily I was holding on to the railing!

One more thing- someone said "You don't need to lose weight.  You look beautiful".
1. I appreciate the sweet thought!  It makes me smile and feel good!
2. It's not about how I look it's about how I feel.  And I have been feeling gross.  I'm always tired to the point where I was thinking I might have Mono.  I am not sleeping all that well- waking up 20-30 times a night.  Eating when I was happy, sad, angry, tired...I mean as if I need a reason...but I would say if I could just have a candy bar (a mini one) that would make me feel better.  It was terrible!
3.  I'm not made of when a lot of my clothes don't fit, because I got them when I weighed less...and I can't afford to go and buy pants that fit me now...the alternative is to loose weight.  And again- it's not my main goal...but it will help the bank and my fashion to have so many more options.
4.  I'm eating's not as if I'm saying that I am only going to lettuce!  Or I want to weigh 90lbs.  I just don't think I need to eat mac and cheese, a soft pretzel, and a candy bar...or have 4 pieces of cookie dough in 30 min because that is easier/tastier than making a sandwich!
5.  Curt and I are going to start trying in the future, and I want to feel the best that I can feel when I get pregnant.  If I already feel bad about how I am looking/taking care of myself...that will only be more stressful as I gain weight for my future child.  So- why not start now and get to a great place where I can eat well and workout on a regular basis before that baby comes along!

Okay- I'm off now to finish my eggs and rice.  The veggies really help!  If only it didn't hurt to put the veggies to my mouth!  Ha ha ha!  Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Monday, November 30, 2015

Day 1 of my new workout!

Creating new habits...

Today I started a new workout program!  It's called LiveFit and it's a 12 week workout/clean eating thing!  There is the link:

Today was day 1 and I woke up at 5:15am to get my workout in!  Yay me!  It was rough, but I really want to stick to it...and if I fail on day 1...then week 12 is going to take a long time to get here!

The Workout
Today was an arm day.  I used 10lb weights...however there was one exercise that I went down to a 5lb weight.   It was the cable fly one and I don't have I thought the 10lb weights were going to tear my arms out...overall, I loved the workout.  My arms were super shaky after the workout and actually continue to be a little shaky!  My only problem I'm having so far (day 1...cough cough) is my elbow keeps popping.  I was fine when it was doing it during the workout, but now it's doing it every time I bend my arm.  Which you don't realize how many times you bend your arm until it hurts to bend your arm.  I'm not sure what that is all about...but I will keep watch on it!

The Food
Today I'm hungry.  But I don't know if it's because I have not had any candy...or processed sugar.  I have had some sugar today...just not "Hello my name is Sugar" sugar.  It also might be a mental thing.  Where because I'm eating clean...I feel like I'm not eating much!  I'm excited for this evening, because I'm going to the store.  Hopefully that will help me with more filling foods.  So, right now, I have a bit of a headache.  I did not drink all that much water that might also be contributing to my headache!  But I'm going to do my best to tough it out!  Tomorrow is day 2 and I'm excited to workout after school instead of waking up at 5am!

Day 1
Brown sugar instant oatmeal w/ flax seed
1C crushed pineapple
4 mini caramel rice cakes
1/2 can of tuna with 1c. of green beans
10 candied pecans
1c. of pears
7C of water as of 3:40!

So, I'm feeling pretty good right about now!  I have pictures, but will probably post them later...

Thursday, November 5, 2015

It's a great day!

Today has been a wonderful day!  And it's only 11am!  What?!?!

1.  Booked our flights for Spring Break!  This was really starting to worry me!  The flights were going up and up in price!  I thought there might be a crazy flight price if I kept looking...but some flights were around $500!  Yikes!

2.  This morning I got up and got ready pretty quickly!  I had lunch already made for me and was able to put it into my lunch box.

3.  I did the dishes and started the dishwasher!  So, tonight when I get home from school I can empty the dishwasher and that will be done!

4.  I took Chandler out and was able to take him for a long walk!  With plenty of time to spare!

5.  I got my 2 tests done!  And got a 90 out of 100...I'm a little annoyed that I keep missing one question on each test, but over all...I'm okay!  I still have an A in the class and that is what I need!  I also got the okay to see a few shows for a paper and that is awesome- so that I can write my paper and be done with that before Thanksgiving!

6. We cast the Christmas program for the church!  I changed a few lines and got the final copy ready to go!

So, much has gotten done today!  I still need to create a dance, but I should be able to do that pretty easily!  The other cool thing is that I get to go home after school!!!  So, it makes my plan for after school perfect...

1. Get home
2. Start the Dryer
3. Put clothes in the wash
4. Take Chan out
5. Empty Dishwasher

And by 4:30ish I will be able to sit on the couch and relax!  It's going to be a great day!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Papers suck

So, I'm in school.  I'm not telling a whole lot of people...and I apologize if I have already said this before, but I'm not telling a lot of people because, I have to take and ace 3 classes before I can even apply to the Masters program at Pitt State.  So, I'm currently in 2 of the 3 classes...I had a preview of my first project in one class this past Saturday and the final for that project is due on Halloween.  And I just wrote my first paper.  It had to be at least 3 pages.  I realized as I was writing said paper, that I hate writing papers.  That is the worst part about school.  Give me busy work, give me quizzes...tests kind of suck as well...but they are better than papers.  I mean, they just suck!  But I finished!  I had someone check it out (along with the criteria) and I feel as if I did pretty well.  It's not due until next week, but I wanted to get it done.  I had to write about a musical...the whole class is about as far as classes go, it's pretty fun so far!  Musicals are one of my favorite things in the world!  So...overall it's not terrible, but I have to get an A!  So, I want to work extra hard!  Even one B is not allowed and won't get me into the club!  Wah Wah!

Keep your fingers crossed that my work will be enough!  Thats all for today!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The next 6 months...are here!

Alright folks,
I had a really good topic to blog about the other day...but now I have forgotten it...

Oh wait!  I'm going to school!  I am not really telling people that I'm going to school...since it's not really for anything quite yet.  I have to take 3 classes and get A's in all three classes before I can even be accepted into the Masters of Art in Teaching program!  So, once I get into that program, then I will talk a little more about it!

So, this semester I'm taking a few courses- the first one is Musical Theatre Appreciation and History!  This seems to be a really fun class.  It started on Monday and I'm super excited about it!  I'm trying to not be the "annoying try-hard" of the class.  I have to really censor myself...ha ha ha!  The other class I'm taking is a Independent Study class of Oral Interpretation of Literature!  It should be a fun class as well!  I was totally cool with it, but then at my first class she said don't read it so acting like...make it more about the words.  So, I will have to really think about that and practice that!  The first topic is a Children's Book, then it's song Lyrics!  Both of those are pretty easy!  At least right now, I think they are easy!  We shall see!

On October 21, I can sign up for classes for next semester- which will be a video production class.  Hopefully that will be a fun class as well!

I know that I have spoken about the future before, but it really is a very exciting thing!  With school, and new jobs, and future kids, and's all so exciting!

My timeline:
Saturday's at 10- Teach Dance
Oct. 22 & 23- Annie Jr.
Nov. 6-7- Auditions for CYT
Nov. 11-15- Little Shop of Horrors
Nov. 24-29- Thanksgiving and the Schuellers
Dec. 2- CYT Rehearsals begin
Dec. 10-12- Auditions for BVMS
Dec. 13- Children's Christmas Program
Dec. 16- End of Class
Dec. 18-20- Clara's Dream
Dec. 21-Jan 3- Winter Break
Jan. 5- BVMS Rehearsals
Jan. 5- CYT Rehearsals start again
Feb. 2- Rockhurst auditions
Mar. 3-4- BVMS shows
Mar 9-13- CYT shows
Mar 14-20- Florida
Mar 30-Apr.2- Rockhurst shows
Apr. 2- May 27- Relax and enjoy the down time
May 27- June 3- Close up shop at school
June 3- June 25- StageworX
June 26-July 26- Relax and enjoy the down time
July 27- Start back up at school!

So, just a little of what I'm doing over the next 6-8 months!  Ha ha ha!  I'm so excited for the next 6 months...I mean putting on 5 shows in 6 months is a little nutty!  Especially since 3 of them are in the same month!  Ha ha ha!  Well I'm off, my VENTI coffee is catching up with me and my fingers are typing like crazy!

Everyone enjoy your day and send lots of love out into the world!

Monday, September 28, 2015

When God closes a door...

I'm a planner!  I love to plan things...parties, my schedule, other people's schedules, and how to pay off my debt!  It just makes me feel like I'm doing something useful...when there is not much else to do!

Today I got an email that said I might be out of a choreographing job!  It was a bit of a random email.  One I was not expecting, so it really took me off guard.  It also took my inner finance gal for a loop as well!  You know the saying "When God closes a door, he opens a window"?  It's a good one.  But here is what I'm feeling as of right now...

I feel as if a door is closing, but I can't tell if I'm supposed to run and catch it before it closes.  Or let it close, so that a window can be opened!  It's a rough feeling, you know?

The email said:
Are you planning on returning as an assistant director on the musical?  I am not sure if Christa has spoken with you on this, but we need all assistant directors to be at all rehearsals for the full time for student supervision when they are not working on their specific area.

While on one hand, I totally understand this thought.  At my school, I'm at rehearsal every day...whether I'm needed or not.  Sometimes it's fun, sometimes it's a bit buggy.  I just end up sitting in the back literally doing nothing.  I get that you if are paying me, you would like me to be there.  On the other hand, I have a specific talent.  Not everyone has this kind of talent!  If I can be there 28 out of the 43 rehearsals- with my specific talent- do I really need to attend the other 15 rehearsals to just sit there?  

I guess the thing that is really bothering me is that we have been doing the same thing for the past 3 years.  So, why does it need to be different now?  Oh well!

I am trying to learn to let God close a door so he can open a window...but I tend to have doorstops that I want to use just in case!  That is probably why I have a billion jobs.  I keep all of these doors propped open...when sometimes they just need to close!

Okay, that is all for today!  Happy Monday, folks!

Friday, September 18, 2015

A brief post...

So, after a wonderful night with family: Watching the Chiefs game, listening to my nephew R read, and helping my niece A with her pre-school homework, and listening to L talk football after his one practice/game...I couldn't be happier!

Then I went to sleep!  It was later than normal, but not anything too crazy!  Until I started dreaming!

Megz- you might want to stop reading or jump down to below the dream sequence...ha ha ha...but my dream was pretty crazy!

I dreamt that I found out I was pregnant with twins!  And shortly after gave birth!  I'm sorry what?  It was nuts!  Everyone was so excited, but I remember thinking...we don't have anything prepared!  No beds, car seats...nothing!  At one point I realized I forgot to feed the babies!  I was holding one and Curt was holding the other.  When Curt's baby went to the bathroom on Curt, and he started gagging!  If you know him, he does that in real life!  And I couldn't do anything to help since I was still feeding the other baby!

My big thought was- I guess I can go to rehearsal for the three shows I'm doing with the 2 babies.  They will just sit there!

Ha ha ha!  It was so real!  I woke up very thankful that I did not have twins at the moment!  And props to those parents who have twins!

Moving on-
This week has been an amazing week!  Nothing really special happened, but the days have been pretty laid back!  I have had all my choreography done and rehearsals for both shows have gone great!  I have been going to be at a good time and sleeping pretty well!  It's just been a relaxed week!  So, I'm excited that it's over, but am so happy with how it's gone!  Happy Friday folks and let's get this weekend started!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The full swing of life

So, life is in full swing!  I'm working full time, choreographing 2 shows, and teaching dance class one day a week!  Yikes!  But right now, I'm feeling great!

I'm am choreographing ahead of time.  Which can be dangerous if you don't practice and go over what you made up every day!  That has always been my problem!  It's not that I don't want to choreograph ahead of time, I would love that!  It's the fact that I can't remember what I choreographed!  Ha ha ha!  But for some reason this year...or at least at this's different!  Maybe it's because I'm less stressed!  Or maybe it's because I know one of the shows I'm doing so well!  Who knows!  All I know is that I love it!  I love choreographing ahead of time!  I love being done with my stuff so far in advance that I'm not stressing about it the day of!  I'm even having some students tell me they are proud of me for working so far in advance!  Now, I still have to practice what I have made up every day!  But that is not too hard!  It's not like the dances are 12 min each!  They are anywhere from 1-4 min.  So, I am feeling good!

My first dance class went well!  The second class got canceled due to the lack of students.  But I'm trying to be positive!  At least I have one class, and they are a cute class!  It will be good to start off with one class!  Hopefully I will be subbing some as well!

My other goal is to go to school!  I am planning on taking one class this semester and 2 classes next semester, but have been waiting on a student loan!  I'm not sure why it's taking so long, probably because the class I will be taking from JCCC doesn't start until January.  The class that begins in October has to be paid right I was hoping to get the loan money!  But, I might just have to wait!  Wah Wah!  It's not the end of the world, it just doesn't work out perfectly!  But life does not normally work out perfectly!  So, I feel as if I'm doing pretty well so far!

I guess that is all from me at the moment!  Timeline if all goes well:
Class- 10/12
Enroll for Spring- 10/21/2015
ABMS musical- 10/22-10/23
GEH musical- 11/1-11/15
Christmas Musical- 12/13
School Ends- 12/16
Winter Break- 12/19

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

School...oh my!

So, I'm trying to go back to school!  I have been thinking about going back to school for the past couple of years!  It's been annoying, because there are no "quick" programs for me to take!  Each program is 2-3 years- depending on what I wanted to teach!

This past summer, I really started thinking about it.  I talked with my friends and family!  And as my sister pointed out- whether you start the 2 year program today or in a few years, it's still going to be 2 years!  You might as well start now!  It made sense!  So, I really started to look into the process.

I had it narrowed down to an online school in Wisconsin to get my teaching degree in FACS!  It was going to be hard, since some of the classes weren't offered online and I was going to have to find them around town.  But I am not afraid of hard work...I just want the opportunity!

Then I got brave and applied for the Masters of Art in Teaching program at Pitt State University!  I sent my transcripts and have filled out all of the paperwork!  I was in a holding stance for about 2 weeks!  It was rough!

Yesterday, I found out that I have to take 3 classes to raise my GPA.  These classes must be done by May of 2016- since the Master's Program will begin June of 2016!  Yikes!  I was disappointed.  But I got the list of classes that I must take and have found them at JCCC and one at an online school in California!

Last night I spent the evening applying for JCCC and Saddleback College!  I was getting ready to sign up for the class at Saddleback, when they must pay by Credit Card!  Yikes!  It was $864 (not including text books)!  Man, school is pricey!  So, I'm going to wait about a week!  Figure out where the money will come from and we will be good to go!  The first class I will be taking is "Musical Theatre History and Appreciation"!  I am actually excited for the class...and a little nervous! It will be starting in October and run through December!  Hopefully, I will be done with most of my musical/ Christmas Program stuff!  It means I must get organized and be on top of my game!  I'm happy that Gardner has moved their rehearsals up to 5:30!  Yahoo!!!

I won't be talking about going back to school very much until I make the Master's Program.  It's the same with auditioning- you don't want everyone to ask how the audition went, because what if you don't make it!  So...once I make the program, then I will let people know that I'm going back to school to become a teacher!  I'm just so nervous about school...hopefully it will be different, since I actually have a goal in mind.  A purpose for going to school.

Here is the plan:
Take one class this semester- October-December- Musical Theatre History
Take two classes next semester- Jan. - May- Readers Theatre and Basic Visual Production
(The good news is that, all three of these classes seem interesting!  I am happy they are all theatre related)
I will also have to re-take the ACT or take a Praxis test and pass!
If everything works out and I pass the test and the classes then I will be starting the Masters program in June!
Masters Program- June 2016-May 2018! (6 hours a semester and 6 hours during the summer)  I would also like to Student Teach during the final semester...but again, I'm not sure if that is possible!  Once I make the program, then I will ask about that!
Graduate with my Masters in Teaching Speech/Theatre
Take a test to become a FACS teacher!
Be a teacher in the Fall of 2018!

So, I guess we will just see how it all goes!  I can't believe I'm actually going to try to do this!  Somewhere in there...I will also be having kids!  Ha ha ha!  Send prayers, happy thoughts, good luck vibes, and anything else my way!  I know that I can do this if I can stay calm, not worry about money, and work hard!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

How is married life?

How is married life?
This past month has been a rough one!  It has really tested me as a person, it has tested my husband and I, and it has tested my faith in God.  The good news about being tested, is that you find out what you are made of!  You find out if you can survive a tough situation or not.  You find out if you can trust/lean on the most important person in your life!  It can turn out wonderfully or it can be a disaster!

I am so happy to report that this last month has changed our lives for the better!  Was it easy?  No way!  Did I want to quit and throw in the towel?  Yes!  There were even a few weeks where I thought...would it even matter if I didn't come home tonight?  I was upset, being reminded of a past that I didn't want to be reminded of, I was a bit dramatic...and I was mad at both my husband and myself!  Let me explain:

Curt lost his job about a month ago.  It was unexpected and very surprising!  And I felt unprepared!  The first thing to go through my mind was money.  We had been spending for the last 2 years as if we were millionaires.  Curt, is a big spender!  He has always been able to get whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted it!  So, I was angry at both of us- for not saving more.  For not being smarter.  For thinking that we will always have a job and money and security!  All of that was now being questioned.  It was rough!

I took it especially rough, since I tend to freak out about money!  On top of my money freaking, I was being reminded of my ex-husband.  Who lost his job and decided to not get a new one!  Leaving me working full time and going to school full time!  It was a rough time...and now he is my ex!  Don't get me wrong, Curt started looking for work immediately!  He would apply for jobs, but then play video games all day!  I know it's hard to apply for job after job!  I had to do it when I moved back from Florida.  But I would get so annoyed with this!  He would not help around the house...he would not really tell me what he applied was very hard on me!  Now, I know that it was hard on him!  In his mind, he is supposed to be the provider!  He is the man!  And him playing video games was his way of not freaking out!  However, I need to see a bit of freaking out!  Does that make sense?  I need to see some worry- so that I know that he cares.  Him pretending that he is okay with how everything not good for me!

Next issue- He has no clue about money!  As Dave Ramsey would say- he is a spender!  And I'm the saver!  So, we are learning together that we can't go out to eat all the time- which was a terrible habit that we had gotten into!  We are learning that we might not get to eat exactly what we want to eat!  And that is okay!  We are learning that we might have to say no to going out to eat with friends and family!  Once again, that is okay!  It's been a learning experience for the both of us!  To give and take!  To talk about decisions- no matter how small they might seem!  We were invited out twice this week- what should we do?  It's rough, but we are working it out!  I just need to make sure that we keep it up, once he starts getting paychecks!  Take this time to save money/pay off that in our future, we don't have to worry about that!  It makes complete sense to money minded people!  Not so much to spenders!  Ha ha ha!  Then we go and throw things like a trip to Florida in the mix...and it messes everything up!  Ha ha ha!  I am going to Disney World!

The biggest change also happened!  I have tried to talk to Curt about a few things.  I get emotional, I cry, I become angry, and I start accusing him instead of talking with him.  The bad that my feelings are real, but are coming across as crazy!  For example- We were at one of his friends houses and I walked into the room where he was sitting.  Everyone was talking and then they all just stopped.  Curt said something like, wow don't you know how to break up a party.  It was nothing terrible, but he did not say just kidding, or squeeze my hand...or anything.  It just hurt my feelings.  When I brought it up later, he said I was just kidding.  All of my friends know I'm kidding, why can't you know when I'm kidding.  Needless to say, this was the start of some of our arguments.  Fast forward to last week.  I finally got up the courage to say what I wanted to say- without being accusatory, without sounding nuts, I wish I could say without crying- but if you know know that is impossible!  Ha ha ha!  I said, Curt I am your wife, but I feel more like a friend!  A friend with benefits!  And I don't want to be just a friend!  I am more!  I need more!  You used to romance me- and now you say "I don't have to do that anymore, I already got her"!  I have written notes on the bathroom mirror for the last 2 years and you have never written one back!  I finished with how much I loved him, but I was not willing to continue in a friendship with him!  I want to be his wife!  It was a rough conversation!  But it was amazing!  I don't know if I have even been able to express myself the way I did!  And Curt finally understood what I was talking about!  He got it!  And the past 2 weeks have been amazing!  He has written me notes, he has opened my door, he has made dinner for me every night!  We are talking about life, about money, about what we want to do this week!  It has been amazing!  I love coming home from work to see him!  I feel as if he loves when I'm home as well!  He has been helping out around the's just been great!  He now has a job, which is always helpful...but it's more than that!  It's being aware of what is going on with the one person you love most in the world!  I don't ever doubt that he loved me...because he did!  It just wasn't being shown to the way I needed it to be!

The last thing that has really changed is my praying!  I would pray before, but now I make it a point to pray every time I get in my car to go to work.  And every time I get in my car to go home from work!  I get to pray out loud- and it's more like a conversation with God then me actually praying.  Which works for me!  It's what I need to do for me to make it feel real and not fake!  I say good morning, and thank you for the day!  I prayed for a job for Curt, pray for my family- and ask for help in whatever I need help in!  Then when I get out of work, I say a hello- thank him for the day.  Say my family prayers and then talk about whatever I need to talk about!  It might look a little crazy, but it works!  And it helps!  And it gives me the time and focus that I need!  I really enjoy it!

Everyone asks- how is married life?  For the first few months I would say "pretty much the same" or "it's wonderful!"...because it was!  Life went on pretty close to how it did before we were married.  Curt was a little more aware of me as his wife, but overall it was the same!  Now, if someone were to ask...someone that I knew...not just a stranger, I would answer "I love it, it's hare, but we working it out!".  Yes, life is easy when things in your life are easy!  Marriage, no shows, plenty of money...verses marriage, shows, work, no work, no money...!  We still have no money, but Curt has a job!  I'm back to work and a full time paycheck is coming from me as well, and pretty soon I will start getting my musical money as well!  Things are looking up!  Curt and I be honest...we are better than we have ever been!  And I'm more in love with him today as I have ever been!  So- yes this past month was hard!  In fact it sucked!  But in the big scheme of things...I will get to look back and say "There was one month that changed everything for your dad and I..." or "One severe weather alert changed our lives for the better" and I will get to smile!  We have been through some crazy things together!  And we have come out on the other side smiling, holding hands, and in love!  I think we are doing pretty well!  I hesitate to post this, because it's the truth...not my modified version that I might tell people!  Or the version laced with humor!  It's hard to put the truth out there, I don't want anyone judging us!  We are learning...married life if different, just not in the ways I thought it was going to be different!  But different can be awesome...if you can embrace the change!  Okay, byeeeee!

Friday, July 31, 2015

I love this time of year!

So, I have not written in a long time.  Sorry about that!  The summer has passed and school is about to begin! 
I love this time of year!  This time and the time around New Years!  It's a time for new beginnings, it's a time that anything can happen!  You have the whole year ahead of you to be who ever you want to be or to do anything you want to do!  No matter what happened during the summer, the school year brings a fresh start!

I also love this time of year, because it means fall is right around the corner, followed by the Holiday season and winter!  Then of course it's the new year, my birthday, spring, and summer is here again!  Ha ha ha- it would seem that I love the entire.  But that is not true- I hate the month of February!  There are some super awesome days in February (mom's birthday, Megan's birthday), but besides that...the past few years have seemed to be very stressful!  I normally have a lot of shows, it's dreary outside, I'm over winter...but why am I talking about that?  Let's get back to right now!

I love this time of year!  You know what I read the other day?  I read that tonight will be a blue moon!  I'm so excited to see it!  I also downloaded an app for the stars!  I love the stars!  I totally aced that section of my earth science class!  Wow, my thoughts are all over the place! 

Let's write down everything I would like to do during the first half of the year:
1. Write the Christmas play- I have done it for 2 years in a row and I think I can totally rock it out again!
2.  Start writing another play called "Family Reunion". 
3. Pick a date for the White Christmas Party!  This should be #1 on the list! 
4. Get a few things in my life under control- my ideal life vs. reality!  Sometimes they match up, sometimes they don't!  I need to work on handling the not so matchy matchy life!  Ha ha ha
5.  Feel comfortable teaching dance
6.  Get 2 shows choreographed and try to not stress out about it!
7.  Move money into the logical category and not the emotional one.
8.  Go to the cider mill and have an apple cider donut!
9.  Walk the arboretum with Christmas lights
10. Carve a pumpkin
I guess 10 things is a good start! 

So, if you are like me, you are ready to go!  Let's start the year, because I'm ready to see what exciting things are in store for me, my family, my friends!  You never know what is going to happen...and that is exciting!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

My wedding- do's and don'ts!

Hello People,
Let me just tell you folks, that not planning a wedding is amazing!!!  But let's go back and talk about the wedding for just a minute!

Wedding Talk
1.  The wedding was amazing!  I'm married to the man of my dreams!  I didn't sweat the small stuff!
2.  The day before and sometimes even the day didn't feel like my wedding day!  It was very weird...ha ha ha!  Even when I was shouting out the window "I'm getting married today!!!"  Ha ha!
3.  The people at Starbucks were a bit rude!  They didn't even call out "Bride"- so that was annoying!  Nor did I get a free drink!  That was also buggy- however that could have been because I was not in my wedding dress!  It was 9am- who gets dressed that early!  I did have a bride sweatshirt on...Oh well!  My sister said "Oh, Bride, your drink is ready!"  Ha ha ha!  My suggestion is to go to a bigger Starbucks...
4.  Having my hair and makeup done was amazing!  I would like to do that every day!
5.  Having all my sisters there was also great!
6.  We had plenty of time to get ready- I even packed my bags for the honeymoon while everyone was getting ready!  We were able to eat lunch and just relax!
7.  Eat something!  Order your favorite meal!  We ate Mr. Goodcents...double yummy!
8.  Plan how everyone is getting to the Church- that was a little stressful- nothing too much...just a bit!
9. Once at the church everything went pretty smooth!
10. Having a list of pictures was perfect!  This way someone could read the list and make sure that every picture that I wanted was being taken!
11. Sometimes ideas in your head don't turn out as you want them too!  That is just have to go with the flow!  I feel pretty good about my going with the flow!  Not thing anything went wrong, they just didn't go exactly how I had pictured them!
12.  I tried my hardest not to cry, but hearing the music, seeing Curt standing down at the end of the isle, knowing that I was marrying the guy that I the wedding that I had planned...the wedding of my was just too much!  At least there is one picture where I was smiling...ha ha ha!
13.  The wedding ceremony itself was wonderful!  The Pastor's sermon was wonderful and to the point!  Our vows were amazing!  It took me a bit to get through mine, but I was determined to get through it with a semi normal voice! I might have said "One minute" on several occasions.  But it was wonderful!
14.  Riding in the Limo going to take pictures was my favorite part of the day!  It was the only time- once the wedding started- that I was able to relax!  That I did not feel obligated to be anything other than happy!  It was perfect!
15. All of the pictures were amazing from the Bridal Party as well!!!
16. The reception was not what I had pictured.  The lighting was not what I had pictured.  The DJ was not what I had pictured.  It was good to know that everyone had a wonderful time!
17.  The entrance to the Reception was pretty fun!  Curt carried me over his shoulder!
18.  The video was perfect!  And entertaining!
19.  Dinner was great- I loved the Mashed Potatoe Martini's.  However they ran out of martini glasses!
20.  Knowing the seating chart was also funny- because I knew where people were sitting and saw who didn't show up!  That was kind of hard!  Especially since we had put up some extra tables...that was not needed and looked a little funny...ha ha ha
21.  The cake was amazing!!!  It was beautiful and looked exactly how she told me it would!!!  We should have practiced going over what to do...I had no clue!  And the details of cutting the cake- see things I would change.
22. The group dance was a success!!!  Everyone did a great job and I was so happy with it!
23.  Dancing for the rest of the night was a bit weird.  I thought more people would be dancing- I don't know if it was the music that was played...or that people weren't in the mood to dance.  Or as my sister said- when the bride and groom aren't dancing- no one really is!  Is that a big deal?  No, it was just different than what I thought would happen!
24.  Being the bride and groom is hard work.  Everyone wants to say hello!  Everyone wants a picture!  It's hard to just sit back and enjoy the night!  I'm not sure if there is any other way to be...!  As someone said on the honeymoon- I want to go back to the wedding as a guest at my wedding!
25.  We danced the last dance all by ourselves!  It was awesome!  I walked down the isle to his song for us, we had our first dance to our song, and our last dance was my song for us!  It was perfect!
26.  There was a large crowd waiting for us outside!  As we walked out to the car- everyone had a bell wand and they were ringing it!  And then all of a sudden Curt's mom was throwing them at us!  I was a little peeved, since it took us so long to make those.  But oh well!
27.  The car was decorated with glow in the dark balloons!  And writing on the windows!  There were also beer cans on the back (but we didn't know that until later).  As we were driving to the hotel- a car drove by flipping us off- so we drove by them and flipped them off.  Ha ha ha!  We later saw the cans and wondered if one flew off and hit them.  Ha, oops!
28.  The hotel was wonderfully decorated by me family (a family tradition!)!
29.  The next day we got up and left around 9am!  We had brunch and opened gifts with my family!  Then my sister Dana, drove us to the airport!
30.  All of our planes were on time and we made it to Mexico and our hotel in one piece!

Things I would change-
1. Hire an assistant for the few weeks before the wedding!  I could do most things myself, but the last few weeks- especially with working full time- were rough.  I was not thinking about all of the little details like I should have been.  I wanted to just enjoy everything- but things like making sure someone was cutting the cake- those type of details would have been nice to go over!
2. Talk to the lighting people as too where the lights will be- I had pictured them differently...and didn't like how they turned out!
3.  Talking to all of the vendors!  That would be why the assistant would be amazing!
4.  Have a plan about who will pick up what and write it down.  Not everyone realizes what goes into planning or cleaning up of a wedding.  So, to have a list of who is doing what and letting them know that they are doing it!
5.  Keeping papers needed for the actual rehearsal dinner, wedding, the same folder!  It got a little crazy for me.  Things seemed to be everywhere!
6.  Ask people for help.  I can not even pin point what I would have people do...but I realized how tense I was after the wedding.  My dad said, we should have done more.  Again - what would they do?  I don't know...but I should have asked!
7.  Being out of my own house that last week was difficult!  I felt displaced!  It was amazing being able to see my sisters as much as I did.  But I felt slightly out of whack.  I had done all of my planning at my own to be removed from there was rough!

As I said- the wedding was amazing!  The things I would change are very small details!  I mean, I was pretty organized for being in charge of as many things as I was!  As everyone kept saying and I kept reading "In the end if you are married, it was an amazing wedding!"  I am married!  I had a wonderful day!  We had an amazing honeymoon!  And now being back we are starting to put our married lives back together!  It's not easy!  It's not's just a lot!  I will write about the honeymoon and about how the new Alderman's are doing later!  Happy Thursday folks!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

I'm stress free!

The wedding is over!!!  To be honest, I loved it!  I had a wonderful time.  Looking back there are a few things that I might have changed...but overall it was amazing!  All that being said- I'm so happy that I am done planning a wedding!

A few moments ago, I realized that my week has been pretty great!  My moods have been great!  I am able to go home and get some stuff done!  I'm not feeling exhausted- or feeling like I should be doing something and that I don't have time to sit and relax!  I did not realize how stressed out I was about the wedding.  If someone would have asked me, I would have said- I feel great!  Until this week!  Even while on the honeymoon I would now say that I was a little stressed.  Probably the trying to bring life back to normal.  A new life of no wedding planning, no shows to's brand new terrain!  Ha ha ha!

So, looking back at the last 4 days- it's been great!  I have gone home and done some laundry!  I have been able to relax and just enjoy the evenings!  Curt and I have been getting along great!  So, maybe the wedding stress was more than I realized!

Yay for having an amazing week!  Yay for being in better spirits!  Yay for trying new things (I started having ITWorks Greens in the morning)!

I will begin my wedding posts today or tomorrow,  so stay tuned!  I'm sure all of my 2 readers will be waiting with breathless anticipation!  Ha haha!  Okay- bye!

Monday, March 30, 2015

12 days!

Holy Moly!!!  Folks, there are 12 days until I'm getting married!!!  That is just nutty!  I'm feeling pretty good!

What have I finished thus far:
1. Finish Table Numbers
2. Escort Cards
3. Groomsmen gifts- a little something
4. Specialty Drink- Wednesday? 
5. Ceremony Music is a 2 parter
  A.  Arrangement and words for "Can't Take That Away From Me"
  B.  Music for everything else
6. Make a Pick a Seat sign
7. Cake- I have a meeting on Wednesday  
8. Wedding Video is a 2 parter as well
  A. Video montage of pics of Curt and I
  B.  Other video- we have started working on it
9.  Bathroom Baskets- Girls & Guys
10. Rehearsal Dinner Stuff

Alright!!!  Now even though my list keeps getting smaller...I seem to keep adding things to the bottom!  So, here is the current list!
1. Escort Cards- I made the first attempt at a seating chart today!
2. Welcome bags- that should be easy!
3. I need to add music to the slide show
4. Background music for Rehearsal dinner
5. Print wedding programs
6. Fold the wedding programs
7. Wedding party announcement
8. Make CD of the music for the Ceremony
9. Make CD of the slideshow for the Rehearsal dinner & the Reception
10. Make CD/DVD of the Dance
11. Write letter for the wedding box
12. Wrap Groom's gifts & get card
13. Get Rehearsal dinner gifts
14. Get rehearsal dinner gifts ready to go
15. Finish shopping for the honeymoon
16. Get suitcase for the honeymoon
17. Pack for the honeymoon.
18. Pick a seat Sign
19. Tossing Bouquet

Wait a second?!?  How did my list of 10 things wind down to 4 things...and then back up to 19 things and counting?  That is just crazy!  A lot of the stuff seems to be pretty easy things, just getting them done!  And if you hadn't noticed as of yet...when I get something done...something else gets put on the list!  Oh dear!  Well, I'm off!  I'm not sure what I will be doing, but it will probably be something wedding wise!  I'm out!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Um, Spring Break was amazing!

Holy Spring Break!  It's almost over, but I'm feeling so great!!!  I have worked my fanny off to get a ton of stuff done!  The amazing thing is that tomorrow I get to relax!  And I mean really relax!  I might do one load of laundry, but besides's a do nothing kind of day!

As of right now we have 193 people coming to the wedding.  With 30 some people still waiting to hear from!  Then it's been a total crafty sort of week!  To show how much I have gotten done, I will highlight what was done this week!

2.  Table numbers- I need to find pictures of myself and start converting them to 4x6's.  Then I need to take all of Curt's pictures and make them 4x6's and see how many more of them we need.- I have a few pictures of me, but a lot of Curt!  So, I'm not feeling too bad about this!- I still have a few more to scan, but I'm feeling pretty great!
3.  At some point we will need to put the centerpieces together- Waiting until Spring Break!
4.  Start looking at what pictures to use for the Escort Cards- Or an idea for the escort cards

7.  Gifts (Groomsmen)
8.  Bouquets- Done by March 7th- after bridal shower 
9.  Put Table Numbers Together

11. Finalize Menu
12. Specialty Drink
13. Reception Music
14. Wedding Video
15. Ball Conference Center Table Cloths- meeting sometime between 3/9-3/13

17. Ceremony Decorations- Lanterns, Chests, Fabric Draping?

19. Ceremony Music
20. Make a Pick a seat & not a side sign- Spring Break
21. Uncle Curt, Here comes your gal- Spring Break

23. Talk about cake- We are going to meet some time in March.  No rush!- have an appointment on Wednesday
25. Bridal Pictures & Hair Trial- March 15th
26. Corsages/Boutonniere's
27. Chose a reader 
  I mean, it's just so exciting!  I can go to bed a super happy Bride!  So, if we start a new list...
1. Finish Table Numbers
2. Escort Cards
3. Groomsmen gifts- a little something
4. Specialty Drink- Wednesday? 
5. Ceremony Music is a 2 parter
  A.  Arrangement and words for "Can't Take That Away From Me"
  B.  Music for everything else
6. Make a Pick a Seat sign
7. Cake- I have a meeting on Wednesday  
8. Wedding Video is a 2 parter as well
  A. Video montage of pics of Curt and I
  B.  Other video- we have started working on it
9.  Bathroom Baskets- Girls & Guys
10. Rehearsal Dinner Stuff
I mean, 10 more on my To-Do list is not exactly terribly when I'm 3 weeks out!  So, yay and go me!  I'm outta here to relax and fall asleep a happy bride!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

I feel like I did stuff today!

Last night was a bit rough.  Chandler was bleeding and it took a long time (okay, so maybe a few minutes, but it seemed like a very long time).  I think it was a popped hemorrhoid or something.  He stopped bleeding and acted fine all last night and this morning.  Since he has to get his rabies shot, I decided to schedule that for tomorrow- so that we can take him to get that done and have the Vet look at him.
I don't like it when something is wrong with Chandler.  He is already getting just makes me tear up!  Hopefully it won't be anything too crazy!  I will let you all know once we know something!

Then last night I had some really weird dreams.  The kind that linger with you after you wake up.  You know, give you weird feelings during the day.  There was about 20 min this morning when I couldn't remember the dream...but knew it was a weird/bad one...then it hit me when I was in the shower.  Very strange- a guy following me and a circus theme.  Anyone would be scared with that!  At least there were no clowns!  Yikes!

Alright, so in trying to move on from feeling weird from the dream/nervous about Chandler/ and well life...I decided to get some stuff done!  Things I have gotten done today:

1.  Found a wedding topper and ordered it!
2.  Got my days off approved (okay, so I didn't really have to do anything for that)
3.  I found a gal in Olathe that rents wedding items!  She has lanterns- which I want to use for the Church!  We have a meeting set up over Spring Break!
Hmmm, well I thought there were more things that I had gotten done.  Oh well, I'm so excited...wait I'm going back to type #3.  Okay, I feel better with my list!  Checking things off one item at a time!

I'm feeling better, still a little weird, but I also just might be hungry.  Ha ha ha!  Okay, I'm off to fix up my lunch!  Have a wonderful rest of your day and peace out!

Monday, March 2, 2015

It's not personal


When people aren't coming to the wedding- it's not personal!
When people have family plans or weird plans or stupid (I mean come on...just say you don't want to go to a wedding)'s not personal.  Well, that last one might be personal, but they also might just hate weddings.  Which would not be personal.

I have to keep telling myself that...especially since I feel like right now we have a lot of people saying "no".  It's not personal!  

I have to keep telling myself that the people that I really care about- nothing personal on that either to the other people- will be there!  I know that if I host a party with 50 people, how many do I actually hang out with?  About I'm doing okay!

We are at 128 people out of the 310 that we invited!  

We are still waiting on a ton of invites as well!  The good news is...the less people- the less money we spend!  So, maybe I will re-think being upset and really just enjoy the lower cost!

So, it's not personal in either direction!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Things are winding down!

I can not believe I am here!  I have one week until my last show for the current season is finished!!!  I have been doing shows non-stop for almost a year and I'm tired!  I'm ready to just plan a wedding...and then after that, I'm ready to just do nothing!  To go home after school and hopefully want to read more!  Or do more crafting!  Or write thank you notes!

I would like for the house to be clean...and to only really have to pick it up!  I'm not sure why my life is going to be like Leave it to beaver after I'm married!  I mean, let's be honest, it won't be!  But the thought of only have one amazing!  Then, summer will be here and once again, I will only be working one job!  Then I will also have a full month that I have nothing going on!  That is what I'm so excited for!  To have nothing to do!  I'm also extremely nervous for that time as well!  Money wise that is...yikes!

4 more rehearsals & 2 shows until Aladdin is over!  44 more days until the wedding is here!  I can't believe it!  Then it's really time for me to get down to business!!!  To get my rear in gear for the wedding!  So much to do...with not exactly so little time.  But not exactly a lot of time either!

Okay, I'm out!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Not much of an update!

After some trial and error, I have found which flowers I want to use for the corsages.  I need to practice making them smaller, but the rose I made looked really pretty!  I can also make them in another color besides the dark purple!  That might also make it more "real". Now, I need to make a trip to JoAnn's/Michaels/Hobby Lobby to look for bracelets to put the flowers on and more bridesmaids bouquet holders.

So far, my list has not shrunk any...but it's not grown either!  I guess that is a good thing!  Unless you count...hold on...I have to add things to the list!  So, my list does keep growing, but I am not super panic-y about the list!  Most of it seems to be small stuff that we can handle!  Does that make sense!  And I can't forget that I have an entire week to do stuff over spring break!  I have got time!

Now I need people to turn in their RSVP's!  Come on folks!

2.  Table numbers- I need to find pictures of myself and start converting them to 4x6's.  Then I need to take all of Curt's pictures and make them 4x6's and see how many more of them we need.- I have a few pictures of me, but a lot of Curt!  So, I'm not feeling too bad about this!
3.  At some point we will need to put the centerpieces together- Waiting until Spring Break!
4.  Start looking at what pictures to use for the Escort Cards- Or an idea for the escort cards

7.  Gifts (Groomsmen)
8.  Bouquets- Done by March 7th- after bridal shower 
9.  Put Table Numbers Together

11. Finalize Menu
12. Specialty Drink
13. Reception Music
14. Wedding Video
15. Ball Conference Center Table Cloths- meeting sometime between 3/9-3/13

17. Ceremony Decorations- Lanterns, Chests, Fabric Draping?

19. Ceremony Music
20. Make a Pick a seat & not a side sign- Spring Break
21. Uncle Curt, Here comes your gal- Spring Break

23. Talk about cake- We are going to meet some time in March.  No rush!
25. Bridal Pictures & Hair Trial- March 15th
26. Corsages/Boutonniere's
27. Chose a reader

Friday, February 20, 2015

There are only 50 days left...

People, the wedding is 50 days away!  Last night I was sitting at my house watching tv and thinking about the wedding!  I do that a lot... I was thinking about how during Spring Break I can hopefully get a lot of stuff done!  Spring break still seems far away, until you actually think about it.

Next week- Feb. 23-Feb. 27
Week after- March 2-March 6- My Birthday
the week after that- March 9- March 13
Spring Break

So, I guess it's still 3 weeks away, but then the wedding will be less than 30 days!  I mean, this whole thing is just crazy!  And it hit me yesterday...that the wedding is getting closer and closer!

I just can't believe that it's almost here!  I can't believe that in a few short days I will be married to the man of my dreams!  I can't believe that I have 50 days to get everything done!  Yikes!

Okay, I'm done for today!

On a "non-wedding note" tonight is the first Friday where I have nothing to do since January 2nd!!!  I"m so excited to do nothing!