Thursday, September 26, 2013

Show #1 and Show #3- drama drama drama!

So, tonight I have ABMS Musical from 3:15-5:15.  Then I have to be at CYT at 6:00.  Then I'm supposed to be at Gardner at 7:00!  Yikes, it's going to be a busy night!

CYT- Tech week has been great and rough at the same time.  I'm glad that it's over!  Last night was the parent preview and it went great!  The only thing that made me sad was the director at the end of the evening did not tell the kids that the show was great.  She kind of ripped it apart!  These kids pulled this stuff out of no where!  So, that was really nice.  Was it perfect?  No, far from it!  But it was a lot better than I thought it was going to be!  For me that is a win!  So, over the next 6 shows the show should just grow and grow until it explodes in awesomeness!!!

Gardner- This week I got news that some of my dancers and their parents were complaining.  One girl twisted my words around and told her mom that I told them to embrace their inner stripper!  I don't ever remember saying that.  But if I did, it wasn't said seriously...I mean come on!  I'm hurt by this and angered by this!  Thankfully, the director had my back and refused to believe I would say that!  I did a few things wrong however, I told the girls to wear something that makes them feel pretty.  I also told them that one of their costumes might be daisy dukes and a stomach showing shirt (I asked the director and that is what he told me, however...neither of us has seen the that is a mistake on our part).  So, with that costume in mind I told the girls, wear something that makes you feel pretty and if I were you, I would wear something to rehearse FOR THESE NUMBERS ONLY something that shows some stomach.  I told them, I want you to be comfortable with that so that when show week comes around and you all of a sudden have to show your tummy, you all aren't freaking out about that.  I told them about when I was in chorus line.  I was the only one to wear a leotard and tights to rehearsal.  But when show week came around all of the other girls were all freaking out about not having cover ups on...and their bodies...blah blah blah!  And for me it was just another day.

Anyway, the next night most girls had crop tops on.  A few had form fitting tanks, one girl had a t-shirt but then twisted up the back so that it showed her stomach a little.  Then one girl had a sports bra on.  I never told them what to wear.  I never told them how much stomach they had to show in the costumes or anything like that.  A few of the girls had on dance shorts, which the director brought up to me...but I hadn't even noticed them since that is what everyone is wearing in dance.  But they were a little tiny!  Anyway, some girls went home and complained about what they were wearing and one girl tried to quit because they felt uncomfortable...

So, I'm mad that they didn't come to me and say, this makes me uncomfortable.  Then I would have said, well then don't wear a sports bra.  I would have mentioned that we don't know what the costumes look like...blah blah blah!  The rumor is that the biggest complainer was mad because she didn't get a lead.  And that her and her parents were kind of looking for a reason to quit the show.  But still!  The other parent that I heard about wanted to approve the costume before the girls were allowed to wear it!  Folks, it's Guys and Dolls!  I get conservative...but come on!  This is just getting nutty!

So, I'm seeing them tonight for the first time and I'm not sure what I want to say to them.  I want to let them know that the twisting of my words could have cost me my job!  And that the twisting of my words could cause the parents to talk about me in a negative way.  And the not trusting that we (the directors of the show) would take care of anything that makes you feel uncomfortable is just wrong.  And it made me lose the trust in them and the bond that I had with them.  Maybe I will say something like that!  The whole thing is just buggy!  I will update you all on what happens tonight at rehearsal!  Okay, I'm done with my novel for today!  Peace out and have a wonderful Thursday!

Monday, September 23, 2013

My life is a little more than crazy right now...can I handle it? I'm not sure...yet...

Can we talk about my weekend?  It was so crazy...a few parts were awesome...but overall it was just exhausting!

Saturday- woke up early to workout- awesome
- went to Starbucks to welcome the Fall- awesome
- went to talk to Ford about getting a truck for the Sale- not too bad
- went to McDonalds for a healthy breakfast (oatmeal and a parfait- I also bought my lunch...salads)- fine
- went to Miller Marley to see my sister and niece- awesome
- went to rehearsal for CYT from 9:30-4:30- this was an exhausting part
- we got lunch at Johnny's- this was the bad part.  I should have said- no I brought a salad, but I had some espinaca dip (not the best either)- This was a bad part
- went and picked up the truck, grabbed Chan, and headed to my folks house for a steak dinner- this was an awesome part!
- had cake and Curt was able to come over to enjoy the fun.  I love my family

Sunday- Did not get up early to workout- not bad...but I wished I would have later in the day
- did some laundry and got some clothes organized for the Giant Sale at church- this was okay
- went up to church from 2-8:30 helping with the giant sale- it was fun but exhausting
- folded teenage girl clothes while standing on a concrete floor- it made my back hurt- wah wah
- put some things aside for myself from the sale!- that was fun
- went to go pick up the truck and ladder (that I got almost a year ago and painted a few months ago) from my folks house- that was fun
- got home and was exhausted- that was terrible

Monday- I could not get out of bed- no workout- bad
- went to drop the truck off at Ford- I was running 10 min behind
- realized that I did not bring my bread, that I only brought the peanut butter and fluff- bad
- had to stop at store for lunch- bad
- decided that my morning was in bad shape and I bought 4 donuts and some milk- good, but not good
- ate 2 donuts- yummy but not good
- got to work 30 min late!- BAD (however I did call in to let them know that I would be late)

Okay, so my week and my weekend were nutty!  I have no food at my house except for peanut butter type sandwich stuff.  Well I don't want to eat that all the time because I'm trying to be healthy...minus today's breakdown donut purchase!  I don't even feel better after I ate them!  That is the really lame part!

Oh well, I'm determined to make this week rock!  It's tech week with CYT which means long afternoons and late nights.  And another never ending weekend!  Oh well, it's almost over and I will miss some of these kids!  3 shows going- 1 show about to end- another show begins next week!  Crazy crazy crazy!

Friday, September 20, 2013


Okay, so sometimes as a create dances and you when you are done you can look at them and say "That was good".  Then there are times when you can create a dance and say "Wow, that is it!"  Yesterday I got to have a "That is it" moment!  One of my first dances to create, The Jitterbug, was a bit of a wow moment.  I just remember the kids saying I love this dance.  It's so cool!  They wanted their parents to come and watch it!  They gave me a feeling of "Okay, I can be a choreographer"!  I have created some awesome dances, some good dances, and some wah wah I wouldn't want to be in them dances.  But yesterday, I made up a dance to "Mabel's Prayer" from FAME Jr.  And it just worked!  It's a gospel type song, but it just clicked.  I didn't realize it until I had taught it to the kids!  And they loved it and it went so well with the music.  I just thought...Wow!  This is one of those moments!  Where the dancers and the dance just work!  It was a great experience!

This week I have had some really great moments!  I have loved going to Gardner!  They are working so hard!  This week I worked with the Hot Box dancers.  It was so fun to not only teach them the dances...but to also help them with their character!  It's a big jump for some of these girls to be a "showgirl".  It's a big jump for a lot of these girls to even be dancers!  So, it's been fun!  Plus, they are working, working, working like mad already!  They can see and feel a they will work as hard as they can to get that feeling to keep growing!  So amazing!

CYT's show opens in a week!  We have rehearsal tonight, tomorrow, and then tech week begins on Monday!  This show has been fun...but then also hard as well!  I really think it's my least favorite because it has young kids in it!  Now don't get me wrong, I think young kids are great...but 25 of them and it just turns into chaos!  As I sit here and think...CYT is the only show that I do with kids that are that young.  Everything else has Middle school kids and up!  And I love that!  So, if that doesn't tell you something right then...Middle School kids are the age for me!  High School kids are pretty cool as well...but they can get a little lippy.  Ha ha ha!  I will sad and happy when this show ends!

Anyway, these are my musical stories!  Funny kids, fun dances, and even better stories!  Love it and love life right now!

Monday, September 16, 2013

My week...was...crazy!

Okay, so I have been trying really hard for the past few weeks on eating better, working out...and blah blah blah!  Yesterday I weighed myself and I weighed 144!!!  Oops, I told other people that I lost 8 lbs...that is only 6lbs!  Oh well...I'm sorry for not being able to subtract!  Moving on, because my not being able to do 1st grade math is not what we are discussing!

I should take another set of pics!  Because I'm feeling great!  I am pretty sure I'm not nearly as hungry as I used to be!  That is probably due to the fact that I'm getting enough water!  When I am hungry, I tend to make more conscience decisions about what I'm eating!  That does not mean that I will stop eating chips and cheese dip for dinner from a wonderful Mexican restaurant (last nights dinner).  It just means that I will eat better at other times of the day!  I am still allowing myself to eat fun stuff (ice cream, jalapeno dip, sour cream and onion dip), but I'm not eating as much of it...and I'm trying to throw in some healthy stuff with it!  For example, last week I had a salad and half a Quesadilla!  I ate the salad first, so when it was time to eat the wasn't as appetizing!  I still ate it...I just thought it was interesting that I didn't want it as much.  Ha hah!

Moving on...even though I'm slightly obsessed with my working out and toning up...I can talk about other things!  So, I made a wreath the other day to hang on the front door!  It is for the fall!  I went to JoAnn's bought a 16" wreath (next time I would not use the green styrafoam ones, it was just the correct size...but it was messy).  I bought one thing of yarn (I probably could have used 1/2 of another on...but I didn't care that much).  I bought a little acorn decoration and letters that said Fall.  I was going to cover the letters, but they looked better as just the wood!

I love it!!!  It turned out so great!  It was $20 for everything, which is not the cheapest...but it's my own design and I made it myself!  So, I love it!!!

Other news, I won the Sprinkler Award at my school.  The staff can write thank you notes to others who have helped them do something.  It doesn't matter what it is...if they are thankful...they write a note!  So, this month, my name was drawn!  It means that I get to add something of my to the trophy (picture below), you get a cupcake, and people say congratulations to you!  It's a lot of fun!  Especially the cupcake part!

Yahoo!!!  It was a great way to end the day! 

The other fun thing, well fun...isn't exactly the word I would have used at the moment...but it's fun now to think about...I got my first "I'm sorry" flowers from Curt!  He had to cancel a date with me!  It was a little bit of drama, but we talked it out and I got some pretty flowers out of it!  Flowers don't solve anything...and I did not take to the flowers at no worries girls!  But they are pretty!

Alright, that is all that happened last week!  Crazy times were had by all!  This week will be another crazy one, followed by an insane one...and then hopefully it will go back to being mildly nutty for a while!

Show #1- goes up next week
Show #2- goes up in 5 weeks
Show #3 & 4- go up in 10 weeks

Stay calm and take things one week at a time!  Back to work for me!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A little bit on 9/11!

It's 9/11 today.  How weird is that?  It's been 12 years since...well...9/11 happened!  It just seems crazy!  I remember driving to JCCC and hearing that a plane drove into a building!  I remember thinking- He is not a very good driver!  I got to school, took a stupid science test (that I'm pretty sure I failed) and then headed to my lab class with my cousin.

Everyone there was quiet.  Army planes were circling in the sky.  That is when I heard the news.  That a 2nd plane had hit!  That the buildings fell!  That a 3rd plane and a 4th plane had also crashed!  The craziest thing (and by craziest's really not...because America was attacked...that was the craziest thing), is that we stayed for Lab.  I mean, I finished out the day, then I went home!

Once home, I remember my mom calling (home phone, cell phone...I can't remember) and telling me to meet her at the gas station.  Everyone was afraid that gas would run out.  So EVERYONE was getting their "last" tank.  I remember walking (to save the gas, that will run out eventually) to Quick Trip with my sister to buy some milk.  In case we were attacked again and had to survive!  I remember sitting at home and watching everything that was happening on TV!  I remember getting calls that people we knew who lived in New York were okay.

Everything that day was sureal.  In fact, it still kind of is!  I know a lot of things changed that day!  For better or worse...I don't know!  Some for both I guess!  Every year I find myself tuning in to the 9/11 TV shows or short films, or documentaries.  I can't help it!  It's just too much to believe that something like that happened.  It's a moment in time where when anyone says 9/11 or sees 9:11 they will think of that day!  Where they were.  What they felt.  How life changed that day.

It's also weird to work at a school where kids who attend here were now born after 9/11!  They have no clue that things were different before that day.  I'm not sure where America is going from here!  I know that I love this country, but I also know that we are far from perfect!  There are things that we can work on to improve this country and make it even better than it was in the past!

On this post, I'm saying God Bless America!  I love this country and want to make it the best place in the world!

Monday, September 9, 2013

My workout weekend!

Um, can we talk about how I have worked out in some form or fashion every day for the past week. Last week I mentioned that I probably need to step it up a notch, and I kind of did that this weekend...but I'm still moving and feeling the burn!
On Saturday I woke up at 7am and went to the gym! I'm not always able to do this with 2 jobs on Saturday, but I loved it! It started off my day in the best way! 7am is my natural wake up time. Chan, was crying to be taken out and by the time I was done with his 7 min walk, I decided that I should get my excercise in!

Here is the workout I did on Saturday!

Let me tell you, I'm so thankful that no one was in the gym with me. Ha ha ha! The first thing is to run on the treadmill for 5 min at 6 mph. Well, I did that for about 2 min before I couldn't breath...and I was about to fall off the machine. So, I toned down the MPH! But I'm sure it was hysterical! The bike was also a little crazy for me, I tried do have a resistance of 10-15...but I could hardly move my legs! So, I brought that down from 13 to 5! Ha ha ha! I did love the arm workout...and the ab circut was great too...except that every time I would do a sit up my skin hitting the floor sounded a little like farting. Ha ha ha...once again, I'm glad no one was there!

I was hard on myself for about 1 min, before I said...Hey you are up you are doing are doing the best that you can! Then I was finished the workout with a smile!

I went rehearsal in the morning, then to a wedding that day and ate a very yummy salad (there was a time between rehearsal and the wedding where I was I ate half a candy bar...wah wah)! It had strawberries and pinapple as well as lettuce! Yummy! Then that night I went and ate bar food! Hot wings and sweet potatoe fries (which were amazing!!!)! Overall I felt great about the day!

On Sunday, I went to Church, hung out at my folks, watched the Chiefs game, made a yarn wreath (pics later), and then ate a cheese and enchilada dinner! After that I was trying to do some workouts...but I would do the first excercise and when I would move on to the second seemed a little too hard! Ha ha ha!
Yes, people...there are excercies that I did not want to do!!! They were gross and seemed like too much (I was a little sore from the crazy Saturday workout). So, I kept switching it up. I'm pretty sure that I was just being lazy...but I did keep moving! That counts for something right? Then my friend, Annie, came over to my folks house to show us her Jazz one warm up. Sarah and I got up to do it with her and as silly as it sounds it was a nice little workout! I did not eat a dessert last night...even though when I got home my stomach that candy bar! Yahoo, score for me!

Annie and Sarah were talking about a cycling. Annie was also going to be attending a class in the morning (and she is fit and looks AMAZING), so I got motivated once again and woke up this morning at 5:10 and went to my apartment gym and cycled! 
 I did this workout

I couldn't do all of it, because I ran out of time...but I was sweating up a storm! I also had to modify it...since my endurance for bike riding is terrible! But I still feel great because I got up and did something! And now, I don't have to do anything tonight! Yahoo!!! That is the real win! Ha ha ha! I will say going to the gym at 5am is a little weird. I got there, the lights were already on, the tv was already on, and the remote was on the bike I was going to use! Needless to say my imagination was going nuts! Ha ha ha! But, nothing happened...I didn't even see anyone to make me nervous! Oh dear, I'm a dork!

Happy Monday folks!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Breaks my heart...

A student wasn't feeling well at musical today.  I told her to use my phone to call home.  My phone is a little crazy, made more so by the long distance number of her parent.  I went to help her call.  She got a hold of her mom and I could tell that her mom wasn't happy about having to come up early to get her.  The girl started tearing up on the phone, something I do when I'm sick.  The worst part was, the parent hung up and the little girl said bye after the parent hung up.  I am pretty sure she was saying it for my sake!  To save face!  I know I have done that before!   Do sad!  Hopefully she feels better tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

No money...but there are things I want to buy...darn it!

So, I have no money!  I mean, I have a little bit of money...I have my cushion of $200- which I normally like it to be $300...but besides that...I have no money!  The past 6 weeks were a bit rough.  I spent money as if I was bringing in a regular pay check.  When in reality I wasn't bringing in any money!  Okay, that is a bit of an exaggeration...I brought in about $250!  Remember that is over the course of 6 weeks!  But I was spending as if I was bringing in my normal $1200 a month!  I know, I'm not exactly rolling in the dough in the first place...ha ha ha- Don't go trying to rob me...the joke will be on you!

Anyway, I normally spend about $800 a month on my daily needs (food, rent, car stuff...blah blah blah).  Which leaves me about $100 to do whatever I want with!  Well, for the next few months that is not an option for me!  And that is kind of killing me!

I got an email today that said body forms for sewing are on sale for $99!!!!  They are normally $250!!!  I want to buy one, I mean that is an awesome sale!  I have been wanting one of these for years!  Do you know how hard it is to make clothes when the only dummy you have to try things on is yourself?  And it really makes you a dummy because you end up get the crap scratched out of you by the pins you pinned...and then it's too small and you practically cut your arm off to get out of the dress!  Not that this has happened to me (cough cough- darn candy corn dress) but it's annoying!  So, a dress form, especially a nice one like they are offering...the kind with adjustable measurements (so that you can make clothes that are really tailored for you)...I just want it!  But instead I have to be practical and say "Amy, a deal like this will come again!  For now, just wait and hold onto your money so that you can pay for things like food!  Or Bills!"  But that is so hard!  And I hate it!

I also got an email today for a store I love!  The clothes are cute, modern, funky...and not too teenager.  Does that make sense?  But once again I have no money!  The other issue with clothes is that I'm not happy with how I look right now, so what is the point of buy big clothes...that in a few weeks/months won't fit!  Okay, it's a little easier to say no to the clothes!  However, I still want to just buy something!  Yikes!

So, instead of actually buying something...I'm going to vent on here as too what I'm actually going to do (nothing) and what I want to do (everything)!

So, let's just do a count down of what I current owe-
1.  I put rent on the credit card.  I am still not super comfortable with it...but I am getting great reward points for it.
2.  My new glasses- $345- I'm having buyers guilt, but I have to remember that I would have had to go for a whole month with not being able to see!  But now that my month is almost over...I'm annoyed!  Ha ha ha
3.  My car payment- $810- $400 something from my issues in March and $300 something from last week!  AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!  So annoying, but hopefully I won't have to do anything for a while!  Or else, I might flip my lid!
4.  I owe my mom- $250- remember when I mentioned that I spent money as if I was making it?  I bought papmered chef, and a sky diving are not made of money!  However, going sky diving is something that I have wanted to do since I was in high school!  Some *cough cough* years ago.  Ha ha ha, just was 13 years!  Yikes!

So, I'm on a spending Hiatus for a while!  Once I do have money I should save it up for a wedding, house, future kids....or something more worth while then a new shirt.  The dress form would still be awesome!  Ha ha ha!  I also have some gift cards that I can bust out and use if I'm feeling the to spend!  The only thing will "need" to spend money on is getting my hair done!

I know, 1st world problems, getting my hair done!  But it's an issue, I will be getting engaged at some point over the next 6 months (if Curt knows whats good for him...ha ha ha) and I need to have my hair done for the pictures!  I have given up on the nails thing!  #1- I need my nails to grow a bit and to be strong #2- it's super pricey ($30-$40).  However, if a friend/sister would say let's get our nails done...I will think maybe they know something I don't...and probably do be damned!  Ha haha

Okay, I think it's time for me to go!  I'm off in la la engagement world...and that is never a good place to be!  So, here I go...back to reality...and my 12,000 jobs!  Okay, I only have 6...but here I go back to them!  Peace out and have a great day!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Oh dear Tuesday...I'm not sure if I like you or not!

I hope everyone had an amazing Labor Day! I know I did! And I ate as if there were no tomorrow! Oh well, today is a new day right? 

Yesterday I worked my arms! I started off with an arm workout. I felt some things really worked and others not so much. Mid-afternoon I took my dog Chandler and my sister's dog Pacey for a walk. I said to myself, I should walk with my arms out. I Know that kills...but I figure a 15-min workout will be perfect! Well, after about 30 seconds the dogs were walking in front of my side by side. So, it was a little hard to walk with my arms in a T. That was when I realized I could used their retractable leashes for working out. It put just a slight resistance on each arm. So, I took a 15 min walk with the dogs and did an amazing arm workout. My arms were killing my by the time I was done and I felt like I had worked my entire arm! Go me!!! Inventing a workout! Yahoo!!!

Today I am working on the Butt! I did another 15 min workout. I will probably try to this workout again later in the day to get a total of 30 min for the rear! I could feel the burn. I think I will also try to do some extra stuff during the day. If I"m faxing something, I might do some leg lifts. Or if I am making a copy of something. It's just some added movement time!
Here is the workout I did this morning:

I did 15 reps of everything. It doesn't really tell you how many to do, so I figured that was a good number!
Thanks for joining in on this with me! 2 days of excercise and I am starting to eat healthy as well! Let's get physical!!! Ha ha ha...or just in shape!

I know I will have to eventually step up my game, but it's better for me to start off slow and not jump into a crazy arm workout...that will kill me and not allow me to use my arms for 3 days!  I have done those and they suck!  A little at a time!  

Moving on past working out!  I have 2 more weeks of only 2 shows before the craziness of 3 shows starts in!  I'm okay with that, because I know by Thanksgiving, it will all be over!  I will be able to just relax and enjoy my break!  Plus, my sister will be in town!  I know you all are that is 3 months away...there is nothing to look forward too until then?  You are right, I have a lot of stuff to look forward too before then...but that is just the big ultimate goal!  Ha ha ha!  I have Starlight, all of my shows, Teacher Conferences, More Shows, Les Mis, the smell of fall...the feeling of fitting into my clothes because I'm being healthy!  Just the little stuff!  My 5 year anniversary is coming up!  I get to wear my contacts again starting next week!  It's the little things leading up to the big things that are awesome!  Okay, I need to get to work on my shows and probably some school work as well!  Ha ha ha !

Have an amazing Tuesday and just think tomorrow is already Wednesday...followed by treat day...and then it's Friday already!!!  Yahoo!!!

Monday, September 2, 2013

My workout plan!

This morning I woke up hungry.  I didn't want to get up yet since it's my first day to sleep in for a few weeks.  So instead I sat there starving, until I remembered the half eaten Butterfinger bar that was sitting on my night stand.  I ate it, and felt better for about 30 secs.  Then I felt terrible, because yesterday I thought...I'm going to start fresh tomorrow!  I will eat healthy blah blah blah! 

My first thought was to start tomorrow.  I mean, it's a holiday and we are all bringing food to a family gathering!  So, really what is the point?  But then I thought...what if I just workout today.  Then I won't feel as bad if I eat something I shouldn't.  Then I thought, I need a plan for the whole month! 

So,  I thought I should get a schedule together for myself!  And then I thought, I could totally share it with you guys!  Here is what I'm thinking!

5 out of 7 days I will pick and target a certain zone (i.e. Legs, butt, abs, back, and arms).  On day 6 out of 7, I will do a cardio workout!  I'm thinking that seems like a totally do-able thing.  It's not saying that I have to go to the gym every day which right now with my schedule is not possible unless I wake up at 4:30...but being out until at least 10pm at nights, that does not sound fun or smart for me to do!  So, I'm going to see how it goes! 

If you want to join me, that is awesome! If not, no biggie!

So, yesterday I weighed myself.  I weighed in at 146!  I figure I have about 30 days until I will really need to fit into my jeans and other pants!  So that means that the month of September is going to be a get fit habit kind of month!  Let's see how it goes!