Wednesday, December 19, 2012

So many little time

1.5 days until school is out for Winter Break!
4 days until Megan and Mishi fly in from California!!
6 more days until Christmas!!!

AAAaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!  There is still so much I have to do!!!

Here is the good news, I have finished the doggy bandana's.  I have only taken a picture of the one I made for Megan's puppy Moosie.  Being a girl, I thought I would add a ruffle to the doggy collar!  They were all pretty easy to make, especially when I used the most helpful blog...
I mean, it is just an amazing blog, check it out! 
Now the ruffle will not be on there...I had to figure that out on my own.  I really need to get better at taking pics of my crafts.  Let me just tell you that when sewing on the ruffle make sure it is in between the 2 right sides of the fabric.  The first time I put it together, I put the ruffle along the wrong side of the when I went to flip it, the ruffle was then on the inside.  (Insert choice words here).  So, I took out the stitches and re-did it! 

I have had to take out the stitches more than I would like to admit!  But that also means that I'm pretty good at it by now.  Ha ha ha!  I can't wait for Moosie to arrive so that she can wear it!

Another little tip on sewing that I have just realized...the bobbin thread is what it is all about.  If that is in any way messed up...your project is going to take 16 times longer.  So, if it ever starts getting wonky...take it out and either re-roll it or toss it and start over.  I'm not sure which is easier.

I'm working my way down the list of crafts that I have to do.  I'm currently working on making picture coasters and pj pants.  I still would like to make a cork wreath, and I'm pretty sure that I saw an easy way to do it.  I was not really into drilling 2 holes into 30 corks.  With me that kind of spells disaster.  I also still have that dreaded ladder in the basement!  I love it, but I am intimidated by I keep putting it off.  Hopefully I will get to it this week, so that I can proudly show it off somewhere in the house.  Ha ha ha

A quick story...
I'm working with a bunch of kids right now.  And when you are working with them you aren't sure if they like you or just think you are this goofy "old" person.  But I try to be fun, approachable, but still stern.  Well last night I realized that the kids like me and feel as if I could help.  There is a gal who was feeling self conscience after doing the whole costume thing.  If you have never tried on costumes, it can be rough.  The costumer does not have time to tell you all the things you might need to hear.  It's that doesn't fit, that doesn't fit, you are too big for that, that outfit is too small, the top is too just end up feeling terrible about yourself, no matter what you are wearing.  So this gal, she came to me!  I felt so happy that she felt comfortable enough to come to me.  I felt so honored that I could help this gal and let you know that she is beautiful and that the costume issues have nothing to do with her or her figure.  They are just trying to make everyone look the best they can!  Her mom is also working on costumes, and that was hard on her too.  She was taking things personally when they weren't meant to be taken that way.  And as a kid of Stage Managers, I could relate.  I too, would take things personally.  I remember thinking...okay you might be mad at the stage managers, but you aren't allowed to say anything about cast mates...beacuse they are my parents!  It's a hard place to be in and you just have to tell yourself not to take it personally!  No one is meaning to hurt feelings.  Especially the feelings of a kid!  We talked it out and ended rehearsal on a total high!  That gal is crazy talented and I hope one day she will get to show the world just how talented she is!

Okay folks, Have a wonderful day and I will get back to you with more crafts, stories, and life!

Monday, December 17, 2012

From Debbie Downer to So So Susan...but I'm rising up!

Wah Wah...I think I have the Monday Blues!  I'm not sure if it's because it is Monday or if it's because I have not seen my boyfriend in a few days, or because of money...or because of the events of Friday and being back at work (a school) are just too much even for me!  Who knows?

The point that today I'm feeling a little wah wah!  I don't enjoy this feeling, especially around the holiday's.  I had a great weekend!  I spent Saturday with my nephews and niece and had an amazing time!  On Sunday I went shopping!  I only have one more present to buy then I'm done!  So, maybe it's the money that is stressing me out.  My boyfriend is going out of town starting today until Wednesday afternoon for his extended family's Christmas!  I am not able to go because of work, late notice, and black out dates for the school.  So, that means that I will not see him until Wed. 

So, there are plenty of reasons as too why I'm feeling down.  But the real question do I get back to feeling up?  I mean...not even a reese's Peanut butter cup from my secret snowman (gift exchange at school) could bring me up!  I will really have to think and try to figure out how to get out of this slump and back into my holiday happiness!

Even though I'm feeling a little down, that doesn't mean that this post has to be down!  So here goes...step one with "Operation Lift Amy's Mood" (pictures to follow)

1. The crafts we made this weekend!
We finger painted then put Cut outs of Christmas tree's over it!  My 2 nephews went a little nuts and their picture was wet for like 6 hours...ha ha ha!  My niece wasn't sure she liked finger painting, but hers was very artistic...if only she would have done the whole page instead of just half!  But it was amazing none the less!
2.  We made snowglobes!  I have learned one thing with this project.  Don't put so much crap into the jar!  This was totally my fault.  They wanted more glitter, I said okay to more glitter.  They wanted a person, a tree, and a deer...I said okay to all three!  Moderation is the key to a good snowglobe.  Lesson learned...but they kids had a great time!  Oh, and the glue was smelly.  I might try a glue gun next time!
3.  We took pictures with some fake snow!  The kids were great!  Our family is so into pictures that they are becoming quite the picture posers.  I printed those off and am making coasters.  I thought about the kids helping with that...but thought they did enough with the other crafts!
4.  We also enjoyed 2 movies.  We watched The Santa Clause which is just an amazing movie with Tim Allen!  Nicely done movie makers.  Then Toy Story 2 was on when we were about to eat.  So, out came the picnic blanket and they ate in front of the TV (while I did the coasters)!

Over all it was an amazing day that I hope will continue for years and years.  I'm not sure what happens when I have kids...but I guess we all just have a great day.  I shouldn't worry about that any way...I'm not even married.  Ha ha ha...

Here is a funny conversation that happened on the way to pick up the pizza...
Me: Hello Chandler, you are being such a good baby! (Yes, I took 3 kids ages 5 and under and my dog to get pizza)
Abby (2): Chandler's your baby?
Me: Yes, Chandler's my baby!
Abby (2): Chandler's your baby? (now just repeat this every 45 secs or so)
Luke (5): Chandler is my brother from another mother.  (Luke's dog and my dog are brothers, so sometimes when we are around Luke for long periods of time...he calls Chandler his brother as well).
I started laughing at Luke, because that was so random and hysterical.  He repeated it 3 more times.
Meanwhile Ryan is talking to Abby and me
Ryan (3): Chandler is not a baby, he is a dog!

Here is how it went without all the explanation:
M- Hello Chandler, you are being such a good baby!
A- Chandler is your baby?
L- Chandler is my brother from another mother
M- Yes, Abby- bwahahahaha Luke
A- Chandler is your baby
R- Chandler is not a baby, he is a dog
M- Yes, Abby
A- Chandler is your baby?
R- Chandler is not a baby, he is a dog!

Anyway, little people make me giggle!  I love them so much!!!

So, my craft list went down a few things with the Aunt Amy HoliDay of Fun, but I still have a ton to do!  I guess if I don't get it all finished it's not the end of the world...who am I would totally suck!  Ha ha ha, just kidding!!!  Here is my super long to do craft list (this doesn't include the party that we are hosting on Friday)
1. Christmas Dog Scarves
2. Cork Wreath
3. Ladder
4. Joy Cans
5. Finish Coasters
6. Photo Props
7. Pajama Pants

Not anything too hard...if my sewing machine works like it should, it would be pretty smooth sailing!  I guess you will have to check back in to see!

p.s. Writing this help to bring up my spirits a little bit!  Yay!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Let the Holiday fun really begin!!!

So, yesterday I got to go home directly after school.  It sounds lame, but when you never get to do that it is just amazing!!!  So, home I went with my list of to-do's.  For the record I never not have a list of "To-Do's", but that doesn't mean that I always get to them.  I am able to put the list down.

That being said, there was one thing on my list that I could not put off any longer.  I was already behind where I wanted to be!  I wanted to make a video for the teachers at my school.  I'm the registrar and part of my job is to Nag my teachers about different stuff.  When it comes to Report Card time I have to nag them about turing their grades in.  I hate doing this, becuase they are already so busy and dealing with 100 I try to be as fun and creative as I can be. 

So, for this December Report Card I changed the words to one Christmas tune "Santa Baby" and went to work.  My dad, mom, and sister Dana were helping me- making sure the house was clean, setting up scenes for me, opening doors, and sometimes holding up signs when I couldn't remember the words.  We did 3 walk throughs, 1 test run, and then 1 true run!  The video turned out AMAZING!!! 

I hope you all enjoy, it was made in good fun and just an entertaining way to let the teachers know to post their grades.  I don't expect a if you are going to comment...don't be mean!  Okay, moving on...
In between the test run and the true run of this video my amazing nephews and niece came over to make Gingerbread houses!!!  This is the 3rd year we have done this and it's just a blast.  This year we (and by we I mean my sister, Sarah) made it easy on the adults and decided to do Rice Crispies houses!  It was much easier and the kids could to it themselves!  I will post pics, but they were just so cute!  They would put a piece of candy on their house and then eat one.  Then spit it out if it was gross and take all the gross ones off the house.  So hysterical!
I also made something for my Secret Snowman at school!!!  It's one of those hangers with a name on it!  But I made it with one of her favorite teams on it Chiefs!!!
It is made with Red and Gold wire, which is hard to see on the Orange Wall.  Oh well, I never claimed to be the best photographer!  That should be common sense, but it wasn't at the time I guess.
Tomorrow is the 2nd Annual HoliDay with Aunt Amy!!!  I'm so excited that I might have to put together a schedule today!  Not that you can really do the schedule with 3 kids under the age of 5, but I'm going to have one any way.
Crafts I have planned for them...
Finger painting for all 3
Snow Globes- for the 2 older ones
Picture coasters- for all 3
Winter Treats & a Christmas Movie! 
It should be a complete blast!!!  Plus you never know what might happen!!!  So excited for tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Sometimes things work out...

Everyone let's take a collective sigh...sometimes things do work out...let's go back a little in time so you can understand this sigh...and actually sigh with me.

I sometimes think that fate is against my boyfriend and myself.  Here is why, there have been many a time when I have been totally free and he has been busy.  Or I'm busy and he is free.  He will be free 2 nights in a row we won't hang out the first night...because we have the 2nd night to hang out...but then he or myself get sick.  It never fails...something weird always happens to prevent us from seeing each other. 

That being said, I thought all was going to come together for Christmas this year.  As of August, Curt's parents were going to be moving to the Lake (a couple hours away), we weren't sure if Curt would have off work...even though Tuesday is one of his days off, my sister and BiL were coming into town...and everyone was going to get to celebrate as a family on Christmas morning.  It would be the first time that Curt would be there for the Christmas morning part!  Which if you have ever opened presents with little kids, you know how cool it is.   So I wanted Curt to be there and watch my nephews and niece.  And it was looking that way (we were even pretty sure that he wasn't going to have to work).

Then comes a couple of weeks ago.  He tells me that his family might be celebrating on the 25th or the 26th.  They weren't sure yet.  His parents have not moved as of yet.  Their celebration means they drive 2 hours away to hang out with the family (a.k.a. no seeing him on Christmas).  The conversation might have kept going except for the fact that I went into tantrum mode.  I was in the middle of a pity party when I stopped and said "Maybe you can talk to your dad (who is the 2nd person in charge of the family) and tell him that my family is celebrating on the 25th and could they celebrate on the 26th?  I was answered with a growl of an answer...

To make a long silly story short...there were a few fights, hurt feelings, and some anger for about 4 days.  We are not really the type to stay angry for longer than a few minutes if you are Curt and a few hours if you are me.  But with our crazy schedules never matching up...we did not get to talk for 4 days.  Once we did finally talk, we were able to get our point across, apologize for what we said and how we made the other feel, and realize that this one day is not a make it or break it situation!

Skipping forward to a this past Sunday.  Curt tells me that his extended family is going to celebrate on the 18th!  The week before Christmas.  On one hand, I'm still a little bummed because I love his family and would like to celebrate with them as well, but I work at a school and am not able to go.  But on the other he is able to do the whole Christmas morning thing with my family!!!  I can't believe it worked out in our favor.  Maybe fate is finally catching on that no matter what, we are going to be together!  I did learn to not freak out and get crazy selfish before talking it through.  Curt learned that he can't come up with a plan in his head and expect me to get it, I need to talk it out.  We both learned that we can conquor anything when we talk it out and work together.  Can anyone else see the cheesy lifetime movie coming out of this post?  Ha ha ha...

Now everyone can take a huge sigh with me!  Chirstmas sadness was avoided!

In my perfect Christmas world here is how the schedule of Christmas day would go...
Chrismtas morning- Curt spends the night...not with me but in my room while I bunk with my sister.  Just like old times right?
Christmas at the Arnott's
Christmas lunch with Curt's family
Christmas evening at my Aunt's House

To be honest this schedule is not all that far from reality!

Wow, an entire post with out talking about crafts.  I have kept busy and will have to catch you up later!  But for today this was a great post!

Monday, December 10, 2012

My speedy weekend

Okay, so this weekend was a pretty busy weekend.  What weekend is not a busy weekend?  I'm not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing.  I'm going to go with good, because that means that I'm getting stuff done and checked off the list!

Okay, so last Friday I made some pretty awesome (if I do say so myself) light switch covers!!!  I am totally in love with the one for our New York room and the one for the bathroom is really cute as well!

So here is what the New York Rooms light switch plate looked like before.  It was a fish themed room back in the day (7-10 years ago)

Now it's the New York Room!!!  I printed a picture off the internet and modge podge it on to the light plate!  So amazing!!!

Here is actually on the wall!  I can't wait for our first guests to come stay!  13 more days until my sister arrives!
Here is the Bathroom Switch plate.  It matches a picture that I made for $2.  For this I used scrapbook paper and modge podged it on.  It was easier and more durable than regular paper! 

Here you see the matching picture and then the pic and the light plate.  I kind of want to do the outlet thing as well.  It looks a little left out here in this last picture.

To modge podge a light plate:
1. clean light plate
2. Put modge podge on the light plate and on the back of the paper you are using to cover it.
3. Cut the corners so they will fold (almost like a christmas present)
4. Add a little more modge podge and fold the sides over the plate.
5. Fold the corners and the top and bottom portions of the pate.
6. Cut a hole for the light switch to go through
7. Put an extra layer or two over your entire light plate so that you are able to wipe it down if needed. 
8.  Then let it dry and hang it on your wall!

This weekend I also went to an Ugly Christmas Sweater skating party!!! I stayed on my feet the entire time. There was one time where I tried to do an arabesque and almost fell. But I didn't. I also stopped trying to do Arabesques. Ha ha ha! I didn't have an ugly sweater to wear so I wore a shirt that said "Home Sweet Home" with a ginger bread house on it. It was cheesy and a little ugly! The best part was that I wore Chirstmas Bows in my hair!!! Loved that!!! Here are some pics with my nephews and neice skating!

Here you see Abby and Ryan.  Abby was too little to skate so she just walked around and said hello to everyone.  Ryan was able to skate, but did not like it one bit.  I took him around the rink and he did great except for the constant crying and being afraid that he was going to fall.  Let's take a moment and ahhh at the TINY tiny skates that Ryan has on!!!

Here is Luke with his friend.  He did not enjoy skating much either.  But for the most part he was a trooper!  They had these really cute skating walkers for the kids.  You can see it in this picture, it's some type of piping with wheels!  So neat!!! 

After the skate party they let us dance on the skating rink!  I wonder if they knew it was a party of theatre people who love to dance!  Here my family is doing the Cha Cha Slide!  My brother-in-law, cousin, and the little newphew and niece!
I had to take a picture of Little Abby doing the part in Cha Cha Slide where they say "Hands on your Knee's".  It was so cute, I could barely stand it!
Here are my Chrsitmas hair bows!!!

 My Sunday was filled with the Church Christmas Program (my nephews were adorable and funny), a nap, and of course a few crafts!!!  This coming Saturday is the 2nd Annual Holiday of Fun with Aunt Amy.  I can't figure out a decent title for the day.  Anyway, I watch the kids while my sister and brother in law go get all of their Christmas Shopping done and wrapped!  I love this day, my sister and brother in law love this day, and I hope that my nephews and neice love this day as well.  I was thinking of doing some baking with I made them Winter Aprons! 

I have seen this several times on Pinterest!  And have had it pinned for ages.  But when it came to actually making it, this is the site I used!  Great tutorial and really easy to understand!

I did change 2 of my aprons since I have nephews.  I wanted them to look more like Chef's aprons instead of Kitchen aprons.  I am 99% sure that they will be huge on the kids, but they can grow into them right?  Oh was my first attempt and I didn't have any measurements!  I'm happy with how they turned out!

Alright!  I'm on to the next craft and getting ready for my 2nd Annual Aunt Amy Day of Holiday Fun!  Wow that is a lot to say...A to the third DHF?  I'll keep working on it!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Merry Craftsmas!!!

Holy moly I haven't posted in a few days and I have done so much...and have been a sicky baby!  So, where to start...

Monday- I had the opportunity to go into my 18th job.  I pulled into the parking lot and with the help of my sister, Dana (we can talk each other out of just about anything...ha ha ha) I decided to go home instead.  I'm not sure if I mentioned it but right now, I'm choreographing 2 shows, helping with my church Christmas program, working part time, and working full time.  To say that I work myself to the bone might just be an understatment.  Ha ha ha, oh well!  Remember I'm trying to pay off my bills by Feb.  But when I'm going nuts, I slack on going into my part time job because...well...because I can. 
So, home I went to see what my folks were doing!  And to get some crafts done!  So, here is what I have finished!!! 

I made White Christmas pillows!!!  I saw on Pinterest (my best friend after my boyfriend and sisters) this lady just wrote on the fabric with sharpie!  So I got out a pencil and paper to see if I could write like she did.  Mine wasn't as good, but I felt pretty confident.  And I didn't really have any other options as $$$ is limited!  So I went to Jo-Ann's the day after Thanksgiving which was a mad house and bought some fabric!  Here is how they turned out!
This first picture is the covers just laying on my work space!

Here they are with the pillows inside of them!


For the record, I sat with the pillow covers ready to write White Christmas for 3-4 hours.  I was so nervous that I was going to mess it up!  My folks loved the pillows (they can be tough critics) and have asked me to write other stuff for them. Which makes me really nervous.
Oh, by the way the back of the pillow is tied.  I also found that on Pinterest, but I can't find that pin at the moment!  If I find it, I will come and update this post!

My mom had also asked me to make a valence for her kitchen.  My cousin-in-law is this amazing creative person who is talented at just about everything she does (picture me but on a high dose of crack).  Last year she made my aunt and uncle placemats for every holiday!  They were amazing and super cute!  My mom always wanted something like it...then I suggested that I wanted to make a valence for over her kitchen sink!  She was thrilled and now wants one for every season and holiday!  So, I"m glad that I could do something for her like this!!!
It's the Christmas Valence!  And my first time to make a curtain!!!  Yay me!!!
Okay, I will tell you all about our New York room next time I'm on here!  I don't have all the pics that I you will just have to wait! 

On Tuesday I had rehearsal and felt super crappy!  So, Wednesday I stayed home from work.  And like a good person I would not let myself do any crafts!  Even though I really wanted too!  I did however put my christmas sheets on my bed!  Yahoo!!!  I still have several projects that I would like to get done before the Holiday season is over...but I guess we will see how far along we get!

Even though I was sick yesterday I did go to the chiropractor!  They said I have been progressing beautifully and will now only have to go twice a week!!!  Have I told you about my messed up neck?  I guess that might be a blog for another time! 

Tonight I get to go straight home and do a bit of crafting and then I might go see my boyfriend play basketball!!!  I'm so excited because I haven't really seen him all week with our schedules and me being sick!  So, yay for that! 

Okay tune back in later to see some of the other crafts I have been doing!

Monday, December 3, 2012

It's December!!!

It is finally December the month I've been waiting for!!!!  I'm so excited for everything during this month!!!
The weather
All of the holiday cheer!
All of the crafts!!
All of the family stuff!!!
The coming of Jesus!!!!

So this past weekend was great!  For the first time since school began I was able to go straight home on Friday.  Have I mentioned yet that I'm a bit of a workaholic?  I don't like to be...nor do I want to be.  But my thoughts are sometimes consumed with needing to pay off my bills.  After that happens I will might become consumed with saving for a wedding or a down payment on a house. long term plan is to be done working like a mad women by June of 2014.  So, I have about another year of craziness!  But it will all work out in the end!!!

Back to this weekend!  I went home on Friday and I got to crafting!  My pinterest projects are starting to rock!!!  My folks received this large out door vase from my grandmother when she moved into a nursing home.  I had told them to spray paint it...and they did!  So, then I decoratted it with ornaments and Christmas sticks with glitter stuff.  This weekend my dad and I added lights to the vase and a ribbon around the outside.  I don't have a picture of it, but I will post one shortly.

The Christmas sticks are stuck into garden foam.  I kept the plastic wrap on them so that they don't get totally ruined in the rain or snow.  Then we put news paper in a plastic bag to build up the bottom and sides so that they ornaments can sit up higher!  It looks so pretty during the day and like a vase of lights at night!   I love it!!!

Besides the lit up vase, my dad put up the Christmas lights!!!  I helped get the wreaths ready and held the ladder while he hung them.  In our entry way we added garland and lights as well as a tapestry with the beginning of "The Night Before Christmas".  I had to add the lights to one of the garlands, and while that was happening, my dog got all tangled in the lights.  Crazy Dog!
Okay, so he did not get all tangled in the lights.  I wrapped him up!  But he sat there for a small photo shoot!  And for all of those who think I'm torturing my puppy, he was paid beautifully for this photo shoot with treats and a ton of attention!  This is my baby!!!

My parents have been looking for some type of Christmas candle thing to take the place of their non Christmas candles on the mantel.  Lucky for them, I had a suggestion!
Ta Da!!!  It's a wine glass turned upside down (from the dollar's actually a really nice glass).  I found a little decorated pine cone thing at the dollar store (2 for a dollar) and then the candy canes were at the dollar store as well! 
Things you need:
Wine Glass ($1)
Something to put in the wineglass (2 for a $1)
Candy Cane (3 boxes/ $1 each)
Rubber Band
1. Remove any wrapping that you want too.  I took the wrapping off the candle, but not off of the candy canes.
2.  Put a rubber band around the candle
3. Put the candy canes around the candle.  The rubber band will help hold them in place.  You can also glue them to the candle, but I will probably want to use the candle at a later date.
4. Put as many candy canes as you want.  I put enough to cover 3/4 of the candle.
5. Cover the rubber band with a ribbon color of your choice.  I taped the ribbon together in the back.
6. Put your wineglass decoration into the wine glass.
7. Place wine glass upside down with decoration inside of it and place your candy cane candle on top of it.
Side note:  If I were to do this again, I would buy a taller candle.  So that you can see the candle over the candy canes.  I have also see this done as a center piece with a large 3 wick candle (it was not on a wine glass).
After crafting a bit on Sunday, my brother-in-law Mike, Sister Dana (not the married one), and myself took my nephews and niece on a carriage ride through the neighborhood!  It's the second year in a row that I am getting to go with these kids!!!  I love them!!!

The flash was a little bright for these little ones!

Sweet little guy! 
Notice how no one is wearing any coats.  Yes, ladies and gentleman it's December 2nd and it was 65 degrees. 
More crafts and fun times are coming for the month of December!  Stay posted! 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Crafts in the Making...

This is going to sound weird, but I didn't want the last post to be a post from my old blog.  Which I located by the way!  And deleted...because I can't have 2 blogs with the same theme!  So, now I only have one blog!  Fingers crossed right?

Crafts that are in the making:
1.  Merry Christmas Banner
2.  Holiday Ladder
3.  Cork Wreath
4.  Christmas Picture Props
5.  Magazine Christmas Tree
6.  New York Bedroom
7.  Pajama Pants
8.  Holiday Skirt?

I feel like there are more...but I really am going to try to get all of these completed and posted to here!  Once again I'm going to need your fingers to be crossed for me!  Okay, enough blogging for the day!

Follow up on 2011's Holiday Day of Fun with Aunt Amy

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Craft Day with Aunt Amy Follow Up

Okay, so things did not turn out as they should have. I think my crafts were meant for older kids. Also it would have been easier to have a 2nd person to help.

We did the hand print ornament, it worked with the 4 year old, mostly with the 2 year old...and not at all with the 1 year old.

We did the paper plate snowman! 2 & 4 loved that. We even hung them up and took pics by them.

I'm so proud of the themed snacks! The little ones really loved those! The snowman bananas and reindeer sandwiches...great idea!

We were going to do a marshmallow snowman, but I did not realize how long little kids take to do a craft. It's crazy.

While one of my nephews was at a birthday party and my niece was taking a nap, I got to share a cup of hot chocolate with my younger nephew. We snuggled on the couch and watched an old clay-mation movie. That night I took my nephews on a carriage ride around our neighborhood to look at the lights! We had a great time!

I will try some of these crafts again when they are older! The really great news is my sister and brother-in-law got all of their Christmas shopping done! Mission accomplished for sure! I will try to put some pics up, if I remember.
The Banana Snowmen were a success!!!

The only picture that I have with all 3 kids!  I love them!!!

Banana Snowmen!!!

2011's Holiday Day of Fun with Aunt Amy

Friday, December 2, 2011

Fun and Crafty Weekend with Aunt Amy!

Here we go:
It's finally the weekend!!! I told my sister about a month ago that I would watch her kids (4,2,1) for the day while they go Christmas Shopping. Then I started thinking...they might need to clean, wrap, or just recharge their battery for the upcoming month of December! So, we set a date and I have been trying to plan what to do with my little baby nephews and niece!

Here is what I have planned:
A- the baby girl (1yr old) we will do a hand print ornament, a foot print reindeer, and a paint in a bag thing to keep her occupied (the hand and foot print things were found on pintrest)!
R- 2yr old- he will do the same crafts as A. He will also be doing a paper plate snowman as well as a marshmallow snowman, and finishing up the craft day with a noodle necklace!
L- 4yr old- he will do all of the same crafts as R, then do a Thumb Print String of lights, and a Santa Candle holder!

I'm not sure how they will do. I think they are so smart and seem older than they we will just have to try it out!
I'm also planning on having some winter theme snacks and food!
Banana Snowman, Reindeer Sandwich, Christmas Tree pizza, and Snowman suckers!

Other items on my to do list:
1. Decorate my room for Chirstmas
2. Re-do my night stand
3. Make Pajama Eaters for nephews and niece
4. Maybe make an ornament for L

I'm going to try to post pictures as the day goes on...fingers crossed!

Operation Bill Pay Off (BPO)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Operation Bill Pay Off

Not a whole lot is going on here in my world. I have a lot of crafts that I would like to do, but my time is being completely obsorbed by my work schedule. Here is a little insite into me:
I am currently doing Operation BPO aka Operation Bill Pay Off. I have roughly $14,000 to pay off in credit card debt. Now before you start judging me...know that some of the money comes from my divorce, but then I went out and spent some money. It made me feel better to buy things like Make-Up. Trips to see my sister. Plane tickets for auditions. Not wise choices, but choices I made non the less.

So, I'm not working my rear off to pay that down. I mean it started off as almost $24, I'm doing pretty good. But that means at the moment I'm working at my full time job, my part time job, at the end of March I will working a part time part time job (choreographing for Christian Youth Theatre), plus I seem to pick up some 2 hour jobs here and there. But it's great to be so close to being done with it all!

I'm taking it one day at a time and just trying to enjoy the moments I have in between the hours of work. So, for now there might not be any craft projects. But hopefully soon, I'll be back!
Monday, November 26, 2012
Operation Bill Pay Off Follow Up
Alright, I am now down to around $5,000 to pay off!!!  I will hopefully be done by February!!!
Side bar:  I just found my other blog and I'm going to delete it!  It must be bad when you can't remember your own blog name. 

My first Blog

Hello peeps,

Here is a little about me before I actually get to blogging!  I'm 30!  Yay!!!  And I feel okay about being 30!  I'm not all that excited about turning 31...but I know that the best things in life (the love of your life, marriage, kids) will all be happening in my 30's!  So, I'm one happy camper!

My family is amazing!!!  I have three sisters and they are truely my best friends (not that it matters, but I'm number 2 out of 4).  I am currently living with my parents...which has it's up's and down's.  I have never "hated" my parents...even as a teenager!  I think my sisters and I embarassed my folks more than they embarassed us.  Ha ha ha!!!  My family is full of jokes and sarcasam.  We all sing, dance, and act like goof balls!  My older sister, Sarah, is married with 3 kids whom I love more than life itself.  Sister #3, Megan, got married 2 years ago (I planned the wedding)!!!  Sister #4, Dana, is not married, but I have hopes for this one guy and her!  Don't get me wrong, my family is amazing...but we aren't perfect!  We have arguments and disagree the same as everyone else.  We just usually get over it quickly...or make jokes about it!

Here are my sisters and I when we were little.  Remember I said I was 30!  I'm the blonde one with perfect bangs (my bangs no longer do that).  An apology to Dana, she hates this pic! 
From Left to Right: Amy (me), Megan, Dana, and Sarah)

Okay, don't judge this picture.  My dad had just gotten home from the hospital.  He had a heart attack (no one worry...he is doing great)!  But none of us have makeup on! 
Left to Right...
First Row: Amy (me, incase you forgot whose blog you were reading) and Sarah
Second Row: Dana, my dad, and Megan

This was after our Christmas gift exchange! 
Left to Right
First Row: Ryan (nephew), Mike (BIL) Me, Sarah, and Lucas (nephew)
Second Row: Curt (my boyfriend), Megan, Mishi (BIL), Dana
Not pictured is my mom and my niece Abby.  I will have to get some pics of them!
I should really start out with my favorite saying "I love love!!!!!"

Let me see- I first got married when I was 21 (way to young if you ask me now...but I wouldn't listen to people who told me that).  I was married for 4.5 years.  We had some crazy issues that could test a lot of relationships and he got mean in the end!  Gals and guys who are reading this...don't put up with someone being mean to you.  EVER!!!  It's not worth it!  There is someone out there who will be amazing to you!

Enter the love of my life!  We met doing a musical!  It was what we theatre people like to call a "Showmance"!  Wow, you just got a lot of information in that sentence. 
1.  Yes, I do theatre!  I was able to do it professionally for a while, but now it's mostly community. 
2.  My boyfriend loves to do theatre and sing as well.  It might be a pre-rec for joining my family.  But that is for another blog.
3.  We have now been dating for 4 years and it's amazing!!!  We have talked about getting married and I know an engagment is coming soon...I'm just not exactly sure when!

Here is a picture of our "Crazy for You" cast.  The show where C and I met!!!  I'm the gal in the center in the purple costume.  C is in the second row 2nd from the right (dark blue shirt big beard).  He no longer has a big beard.  That was only for the show!!!
Here is a picture from New Year's Eve 2011! 
Okay, so I have no kids, but I do have the best dong in the entire world!!!  His name is Chandler!  He is just a lay around kind of dog!  He never barks, and I mean never!  He doesn't really play around much either.  He follows me around and lays right next to me.  He is 8.5 years old!  And I can not express how much I love this dog.  I would be the crazy lady who does not get on a helicopter in a flood, because her dog is not allowed to go! 
I was able to bring Chandler to my old job.  He would sit on the desk with my all day and just lay there!  I can't express enough how calm he is.  Sometimes I check his breathing to make sure he is still alive.  Ha ha ha

Here is my happy dog in his Santa outfit!  Who am I kidding...I was the happy one, Chandler was NOT happy.  That is also a weird haircut!

Chandler and I taking a car ride!  I would take him everywhere if I could.  Before all the celebrities started caring their dogs around, I would take my dog places.  We once got kicked out of a library (I was in the checkout line.  Wah wah! 
Okay, I'm going to talk about me for a minute longer.  I love to do theatre!  I have worked at some one the main theme parks in Florida, done some runway in New York, and performed in a singing group with my family for 9 years (3 cd's, t-shirts, mugs, mouse pads, and numerouse autographs)!  I also love to be crafty!  I have discovered that I'm not always the gal with the ideas, but I do put ideas into action.  So, I will have a lot of craft things on here.  I will post the crappy ones as well as the ones that work out.  As I said in the beginning, I'm not sure where this blog will go or what direction this blog will take.  But, I'm going to try to have a great time as I go!