Wednesday, December 16, 2015

I can't imagine feeling like this all the time...

My anxiety:
So, I'm feeling a bit anxious today.  It has been coming and going...which is how it was yesterday as well.  Although, yesterday was more here and less gone!  Last night rehearsal was great and it went away while I was dancing and teaching.  Then this morning I got up and rocked out the day 17 workout and was feeling great.

A few hours into work an upset kid comes in and all of sudden I'm feeling the anxious feeling again.  So, I'm talking with my school nurse and she says it might have to do with the energy levels that kid was giving off.  He can be stressful!  She said it might be your hormones trying to sort themselves has been 4 days since I have been pill free.  I said, I might just be done with everything for the moment.  It might also be money.  A big bill was taken out yesterday...and we don't get paid until is always a stressor for me.  I need to figure that out.  So, I went into the restroom and did some stretching stuff and felt better.  Now I'm eating an apple, drinking water, and listening to Christmas Instrumental music and I'm feeling much better!

My schedule is looking pretty good"
Tonight I have school and then I can relax this evening!  Or maybe go look at Christmas lights with Curt!  That would be fun!  Who knows...

Thursday- Work then...NOTHING (can you tell I'm a bit excited?  Ha ha ha)
Friday- Work then rehearsal for the Youth Ballet- 4-7
Saturday- Teach dance, school, Ballet performance at 2, and a ballet performance at 7!
Sunday- Church, ballet performance at 2, and a ballet performance at 7!!!

Then it's 2 weeks of relaxing, working out, and hanging with the family!  I might do a little bit of choreography...since it will help me in the future...but who knows!  Ha ha ha!  I'm so excited!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Holy anxiety this afternoon...

A few years back, I got the feeling that something was stuck in my throat!  It was so bad and buggy that I even went to see a Dr. about it.  It was around the same time that I was having some chiropractic work done on my head and I actually thought it was a nerve poking into my throat.  The Dr. assured me it was nothing.  He actually asked if I was stressed.  I said, yes I am stressed!  But not really any more than normal!  He said, this feeling might be caused by anxiety.  I felt that thing in my throat for about 3 weeks.  Today, in the middle of the day...I am once again feeling that thing in my throat!  This time, I'm at least aware that it's anxiety and am able to try and work through it.  To be honest, I do feel stressed, but once again...not more than any other day.  

I don't know if it's the music/choreography for a show I'm doing.  There is a ton of music...and zero dancers!  Or if it's a control issue- Curt is doing all of the car stuff and while I'm thrilled...for some reason it had me rattled earlier today.  Or it could be all of the candy that has been given to me today for the Holiday's...and I want to eat it all...yet not have anything!  Or it could just be my emotions flying out of whack due to being off the pill!  Who knows!  The good news is...I'm pretty sure I can control it and fix it!  I just need to do some deep breathing and relax!  

After tomorrow at 5pm...I will feel a bit more free!  Then really after Sunday at 9pm...I will be free for 2 weeks!  Free from school, from choreography, from crafting, from every job...just free!!!  So, for now I will do some relaxation breaths, and go teach my dances, and go to school...and I can do it!

*Topic Change*
I'm on day 16 of working out and eating clean!  And I am loving it!  Well, today there is not so much love as annoyance- since I want to eat the candy, cookies, cupcakes...and everything wonderful!  Ha ha ha!  But besides all of that...I'm loving it!  My booty and thighs are sore from the squats and lunges!  But I'm making it work and wearing clothes I haven't been able to wear for a while now!  Yahoo!!!  I really do enjoy lifting weights!  I feel like I get so much done with my body...way more than running!  And as one person wrote "Only 12 more days until phase 2"!  That is crazy!  12 more days and I will have been working out and eating clean for a month!  Wow!  I love it!  I hope after a month, I will feel comfortable enough to eat a cookie here or there.  That is my goal!  To be able to have a cookie or drink a coffee without feeling guilty or without having to eat 12 more!

*topic change*
I have been officially off the pill for about a week now...but technically I have only been off for three days since my period pills were the last of the pill packet I was on!  Overall I'm feeling normal!  I did get all anxious this morning about the car.  But I'm not sure if that would have happened anyway!  The other day I said to Curt "oh my goodness, I might cry"  He said "That is because you are all prenatal".  Ha ha ha!  It was so funny!  I am also really loving this fertility calculator.  Not for any other reason than I'm a nerd who likes to enter data and see the graphs it designs!  I am actually trying to not get pregnant this month...which is why I got the app in the first place.  But now I just find it fun!  I try to enter in as much as I can...ha ha ha- I'm such a nerd!  That is all for now!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Day 11 of a 12 week program!

So, I'm on day 11 of the workout/eat clean program and today something crazy happened!  I put on short dress/long shirt that I have not been able to wear in probably 6 months to a year!  I am not kidding!  This made me so happy!!!  And on top of the fact that it fits...there is actually some room to breath!!!

So, today I walked into the Treat room (it's Treat Day Thursday) I looked at all the stuff that a few short weeks ago would have filled my plate (donuts, cookies, chips and dip) and I didn't even want it!  A co-worker was in there and said don't even come in's filled with sweets (he knows I have an issue...a love issue...with sweets).  I said, I am fine and don't even want any of that stuff?  You know why?  'Cause I have this dress on!  And this dress was not fitting a few weeks ago!  Thank you very much!

This morning I went and worked out at my apartment gym!  It's getting easier and easier to wake up at 5am.  I think it's because I'm sleeping better.  Which is probably because I'm not loaded up on sugars!!!  It was an abs and shoulders workout...although it was more focused on the shoulders...than the abs!  I might have to start doing a few extra things with the abs and inner thighs...

Anyway- seeing some fun results like the dress thing makes it worth it!  And it motivates me for the weekend which is filled with 2 holiday parties, and a Christmas program!  Yikes that just screams desserts all over the place!  Eventually I will get to a place where I will be able to have a cookie here or a sliver of cake there.  But for now...when I'm nervous and not sure if I can stop at one cookie...I might keep resisting those sweets!  Plus, if I can resist stuff during Christmas time, surely I can resist during regular times...right?

My goal is to keep up the eating clean and working out until I go to Disney...then I'm going to eat everything!  Bwahahaha...okay...that is probably not very realistic...and I don't want to work really hard to throw it I will just go with the flow and how I feel on a daily basis!

P.S. if you are reading this and live in California and are related to better start blogging again!  I am now!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

What a day...and it's only been a few hours!

I have 2 things to talk about today:
1. Going off of the pill
2. My car got hit...

1. Going off of the pill!
So, I'm going off of the pill and for some reason I'm terrified!  I have wanted to be a mom my entire life and now it might actually happen!  It's nerve racking!  Plus yesterday while driving- it's where I do my best thinking- I realized that I went on the pill in November 2003!  So, out of the last 12 years I have been on the pill for a little more than 10 of those years!  There was about a year and a half after I was divorced and/or I lived out of state (away from my boyfriend) where I wasn't on anything.  So...this is a new adventure!  I mean...this is real life here folks!  We are going to actively start trying...that is just insane!  For 33 years I have been told- "you don't want to have a kid until you are married"!  And now, I'm happily married and I want to have kids with my husband.  And my husband wants to have kids with me.  Are we in the most financially peaceful place?  No, but are we ever going to be in that place?  Probably not!  However, we are getting pretty good with money and we are learning I'm like freaking out!  Does anyone else freak out when it's actually happening?  I'm not sure how I'm going to feel when I am actually pregnant.  Who knows when that will be...I hope I don't freak out like this for months!  Ha ha ha!  My thoughts are just racing and it's crazy!  Okay- last regular pill was taken today and the last period pill will be taken on Saturday.  Do I even have to take the period pills?  Holy mind is going to explode!

2.  My car got hit
Okay, so my car was backed into this morning.  But let me start at last night.  Last night I got home after 9pm, I had a migraine that started at 4:30 and would not go away!  Not even with actual migraine meds!  Wah wah!  And I was bringing home our new Christmas tree!  When I got home, there was no parking!  This is nothing new, our apartment complex is known for a lack of parking.  So, people park on the curb.  I normally try to find a place- even if it's a 5 min walk back, but because of my migraine and the tree I decided to park on the curb.  Plus, I was going to be leaving around 6am I will probably be the first person up and out.  This morning, I was walking my dog Chandler, and I noticed a note on my car.  I thought oh no, someone write a mean note about my parking on the curb...(please take note that there were 4 cars behind me on the curb as well).  So, I put Chan in the dog park and walked over to my car.  The note said
"My wife backed into your car this A.M. Please call to discuss & to get things figured out. Sorry."  They also left their number.  I was mad at the woman, I was mad at myself, I was annoyed...I was feeling so many emotions!  So, I went and finished getting ready, and left for the gym.  I figured I would call them later today...but I am waiting to see a guy at my school can fix it!  I would rather not go to some place pricey!  And I feel like if you have to take your car's going to be pricey!  So keep your fingers crossed!  I feel bad because I wasn't in a true parking spot...but then again it's not illegal to park where I was parked.  That was not how I wanted my day to start...but then again, I doubt that she wanted to start her day by hitting my car either!  So, I'm trying to be thoughtful and hopefully it will work out!  If my work guy can fix it, I might just ask for a few dollars to get him a gift card!  I will let you all know in about an hour!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Days 3, 4 and a little of 5 of this workout! Plus a crazy schedule!

Today is day 5 of the LiveFit challenge!  I have done better than I thought I would!  After the first 2 days...the eating was better!  I was eating a bit more and the sugar headaches were gone!

I have had rice and egg whites for breakfast...then yesterday and today I added avocado with it!  That really made it do-able!
Greek yogurt with strawberries for a snack
Turkey, a spinach salad, and sweet potatoes for lunch!
On Wednesday evening I had sirloin steak wrapped in bacon- was it on the list?  Probably not, but it was a 5 oz I was feeling okay.  I also had asparagus with it!
Then last night I had a bowl of rice chex mix!
The amazing thing for me is the no snacking!  Meaning no sweet treats!  We had snacks ( a lot of yummy holiday desserts at the office on Tuesday) and I didn't touch anything!  Wednesday evening at the Christmas Program rehearsal there was a snack mix with marshmellow's and m&m's!  And I said...I can have one m & m or one marshmello...that won't hurt!  Then I said no!  Because then you would have one of something else...and it would be down hill from there!  Then on Thursday it was Treat Day and everyone brought a dessert of some kind!  It's as if everyone knows that I am trying to eat better and they are testing me!  Well, folks...I am passing with flying colors!  I did not eat a single thing!  I didn't even feel the need to go and smell it!  So, I was pretty proud of myself!  Then last night I was getting home from rehearsal and wanted/needed a snack (a bowl of cereal at 6:15 is not going to last very long) first snack thought was carrots and hummus!  What?!?!?  Just the night before carrots and hummus did not cross my mind as snacks!  All I wanted was a snickers bar or something of the sort!  Yahoo!!!  So, last night as I was getting my salad ready for today...I also made myself a veggie plate!  It was yummy!

Yesterday's workout was shoulders and abs!  I kind of wish they would do more with the abs...but it was only the first day so, I will wait and see!  I started off with 10lb weights, moved down to 7lb weights and then ended with 5lb weights.  I was afraid with doing all of the shoulder moves that I would end up dropping the weights on my head since my arms were feeling like jello!  Today, my shoulders are sore and my abs are sore...but what is killing me today (and yesterday) are my legs!  I mean...they are really hurting!  I'm used to my thighs hurting.  I can handle that!  In fact they have hurt worse in my time i worked out so hard that my leg muscles gave out on me and I fell down the stairs.  It's okay to laugh...I wasn't hurt!  And they tried to give out when I was just walking as well!  So, yes, my thighs hurt but it's whatever!  What I was not expecting was the pain in my calf muscles!  Who would have thought that 70 calf/toe raises would hurt so bad!  It's like an unexpected jolt of pain every time I stand and walk!  It kind of sucks...but then it reminds me of what terrible shape I'm in!

Day 5, 6, 7...
I now have 3 rest days in a row!  Thank goodness!  So far I'm eating well today...I am nervous for this weekend.  I have rehearsal tonight, a Christmas party tomorrow night, and then a day off on Sunday!  I'm going to have to be good and really be aware of what I'm eating!  My goal is to not have any bad snacks.  I would also love to not have a drink...but a glass of wine might be needed...ha ha ha!  We shall see!  I will report more on Monday!

One more schedule is getting kind of crazy!  So, I'm really trying to stay calm.  I have a schedule-claustrophobia.  When my schedule gets too crazy I start feeling really overwhelmed!  I guess here is my schedule
Friday- Work, take Chan out, make dinner, and head to rehearsal, rehearsal
Saturday- Teach dance, school, Christmas party
Sunday- rehearse for Children's program at church
Monday- Work, musical auditions, ballet
Tuesday- Work, a different musical audition, CYT
Wednesday- Work, musical callbacks, Children's Program rehearsal
Thursday- Work...what?  that is it?
Friday- Work, Christmas party
Saturday- Christmas program rehearsal, Christmas party
Sunday- Children's Christmas Program

So, as you can see...the next 10 days are a bit crazy!  After those 10 days we have one week of school left...but there is also the Ballet which will be Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!  So...that will be nuts!  But school will be out after and I can relax!

Can I make it through this crazy couple of days?  Yes...I just have to think about it one day at a time!  If I go all together it will get to be too much!  Okay- I'm out!  Have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

We have started Day 3!!!

Today I am starting day 3 of LiveFit!
Food Glorious Food!!!
Day 1 ended with a headache!  Day 2 began with a headache...and also ended with a headache!  So that kind of sucks!  I'm pretty sure I'm not eating enough.  Or maybe I just need to eat more of certain things like starch...or protein!  The alternative is that I have been eating terribly for a while and now that I'm trying to eat healthy my body is saying "What the heck is happening????  Where are the sweets?  The candy?  The pasta?!?!"  The day before I started this workout program I had a huge helping of Kraft Mac and Cheese, a soft pretzel with cheese, and 2 Reese's peanut butter cups...and I wasn't even hungry!  Ha ha ha!  Either way, it's been rough!

I will say that the past 2 mornings- even with a headache yesterday- I have gotten up so much easier than I have in months!  I feel as if I slept better as well!  So, if anything...I'm sleeping better and that is totally worth it!

Day 2-
1 t. of peanut butter
Brown Sugar Instant Oatmeal with 1Tlbs of Flax seed and 1t. of peanut butter
Cottage cheese w/ strawberries for a snack
Tuna w/ green beans for lunch
Vegetables for a snack
1 talapia fillet and a spinach salad w/ onions and jalapeno's for dinner
Carrots and hummus for a snack
And a handful of chex rice cereal...I was starving!
Plus about 10 cups of water and 1 cup of milk

Day 3-
1 cup of brown rice w/ 5 tlbs of egg white (and salt...I had to add it or I don't think I would have been able to eat it...remember my love of sweets?  That goes for breakfast as well!)
Vegetables- a few pieces with my helps
Greek yogurt for a snack
Turkey with sweet potatoes- the potatoes have brown sugar and marshmallows- but they are leftovers and I can't let them go to the piece of pie I have sitting in my fridge (insert crying)
Spinach salad with onions and jalapeno's...and a bit of ranch (but I normally drown my I'm hardly using any)
More vegatables and rice if I need more to eat for a snack!
Hopefully for dinner I will make those sirloin things I have in the fridge and asparagus!

I'm hoping that today I will make it through without a headache...that is the goal!

I have loved the workouts!  My arms are killing me!  But since you work different muscles's not as bad!  I mean don't get me wrong...I'm in arms are killing me!  Ha ha ha, but it's the good kind where you know you killed the workout and should feel proud!  So, I do feel proud and I have the sore arms to prove it! Ha ha ha

Arm workout- amazing!  And I was only using 5 or 10 lbs weights.  I have no arm strength!  So, I don't feel as if you have to be a weight lifter to get some amazing benefits!
Back workout- I think I need to work harder on these workouts.  I think I use my arm muscle a lot, when I should be using my back.  So, my back doesn't hurt all that much!
Leg workout- today was the leg workout and let me tell you when I was done and had to walk down a flight of stairs...I thought I would fall.  The muscles in my legs were all wobbly!  Luckily I was holding on to the railing!

One more thing- someone said "You don't need to lose weight.  You look beautiful".
1. I appreciate the sweet thought!  It makes me smile and feel good!
2. It's not about how I look it's about how I feel.  And I have been feeling gross.  I'm always tired to the point where I was thinking I might have Mono.  I am not sleeping all that well- waking up 20-30 times a night.  Eating when I was happy, sad, angry, tired...I mean as if I need a reason...but I would say if I could just have a candy bar (a mini one) that would make me feel better.  It was terrible!
3.  I'm not made of when a lot of my clothes don't fit, because I got them when I weighed less...and I can't afford to go and buy pants that fit me now...the alternative is to loose weight.  And again- it's not my main goal...but it will help the bank and my fashion to have so many more options.
4.  I'm eating's not as if I'm saying that I am only going to lettuce!  Or I want to weigh 90lbs.  I just don't think I need to eat mac and cheese, a soft pretzel, and a candy bar...or have 4 pieces of cookie dough in 30 min because that is easier/tastier than making a sandwich!
5.  Curt and I are going to start trying in the future, and I want to feel the best that I can feel when I get pregnant.  If I already feel bad about how I am looking/taking care of myself...that will only be more stressful as I gain weight for my future child.  So- why not start now and get to a great place where I can eat well and workout on a regular basis before that baby comes along!

Okay- I'm off now to finish my eggs and rice.  The veggies really help!  If only it didn't hurt to put the veggies to my mouth!  Ha ha ha!  Have a wonderful Wednesday!