Wednesday, January 28, 2015

My new's actually my old one with new stuff added!

Here was the list that I made the other day:  It's really helping keep my mind from spinning out of control!  Ha!  Or from going all sorts of cra cra on me!

1.  Centerpieces- spray paint the tall vases and that one lone one- this weekend is supposed to be 50's outside.  So, I will try to get those painted this next weekend (Saturday, Sunday, or Monday)
2.  Table numbers- I need to find pictures of myself and start converting them to 4x6's.  Then I need to take all of Curt's pictures and make them 4x6's and see how many more of them we need.
3.  At some point we will need to put the centerpieces together- I will wait February and until Cinderella is over.
4.  Start looking at what pictures to use for the Escort Cards- Or an idea for the escort cards
5.  Guest Book
6.  Shoes- Be done by 2/15/2015
7.  Gifts
8.  Bouquets- Done by March 1st
9.  Put Table Numbers Together- March
10. Programs
11. Finalize Menu
12. Specialty Drink
13. Wedding Muisc
14. Wedding Video
15. Ball Conference Center Table Cloths
16. Ball Conference Center- Friday Availability
17. Ceremony Decorations- Lanterns, Chests, Fabric Draping?
18. Ceremony Readings
19. Ceremony Music
20. Make a Pick a seat & not a side sign

As of January 28th here is the current list:

2.  Table numbers- I need to find pictures of myself and start converting them to 4x6's.  Then I need to take all of Curt's pictures and make them 4x6's and see how many more of them we need.
3.  At some point we will need to put the centerpieces together- I will wait February and until Cinderella is over.
4.  Start looking at what pictures to use for the Escort Cards- Or an idea for the escort cards
5.  Guest Book
6.  Shoes- Be done by 2/15/2015
7.  Gifts (Bridesmaids are somewhat done- Groomsmen are not)
8.  Bouquets- Done by March 1st
9.  Put Table Numbers Together- March

11. Finalize Menu
12. Specialty Drink
13. Reception Muisc
14. Wedding Video
15. Ball Conference Center Table Cloths
16. Ball Conference Center- Friday Availability
17. Ceremony Decorations- Lanterns, Chests, Fabric Draping?

19. Ceremony Music
20. Make a Pick a seat & not a side sign
21. Uncle Curt, Here comes your gal
22. Passport

So, I guess we are slowly getting there!  And yet things keep getting added down at the bottom!  But I'm sure that everything will get done and everything will be great!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

My mind won't be still...

I can finally see a little light at the end of the tunnel!  My shows are coming down in rehearsals as are the days until I'm married!  Yahoo!!!

13 more Cinderella, 17 more Aladdin, and 76 (she says with a question) more days until the wedding!  I still have a ton of things to do, but for now...I'm doing okay!  The biggest thing on my list is getting my invites out!  I have had them ready to go (minus sealing the envelopes) since New Year's Eve!  I do this a lot!  I feel like it's going to take a while so I put it off!  I'm about 2 weeks behind from where I would like to be with them.  

Oh well!  I will get them out by this weekend (that is the goal)!  And I will still be over 2 months out!  Most people were a little shocked that I was going to send them out so soon!  So, I it's fine!  It will be really fine once they are gone and away from me!  

The other thing that is really weighing on me are the table numbers.  Only because I have to get pictures put together and I have not done that at all!  Curt's mom got me some of his pictures.  But I will probably need more.  However- I have a few of him- 20 and older.  So, that might work.  Do you all mind when I type my thinking out loud thoughts?  Wow, does that even make sense?

This weekend I'm so excited because I get to have my first fitting!  I can not believe that things are coming together!  So excited!  Quick thought- when ordering your pictures take the time to get the matte finishes.  That way they will send them to your house and they won't be shiny.

Other thoughts besides the wedding-  What?!?!?  I'm shocked!  Ha ha ha

I'm not sure how anyone else's mind works, but my mind moves at 1000 thoughts per minute!  I am talking about one idea and another idea pops into my head.  Then I have a 3rd idea that pops into my head, that will go a long with the first idea and sort of with the second idea.  If I could just figure out how to connect the three.  

Anyway- that was a really simplified way of looking at it!  I guess use the above thought process with about 75 separate ideas.  Ha ha ha!

I guess for me, I need to slow it down!  I need to focus on one thing and once that one thing is done, then we can move on to the next thing.  Doing this will help my schedule claustrophobia!  I can't look at the whole week and what I have to do every day.  I should only look at one day at a time!  Or look at the entire week on Sunday- but then focus on the individual days!  Slow it down!  My goal for this week is to work on the invites!  To get them mailed out!  It won't be hard once I get started!  So what am I waiting for!  Just start!  

I will start once everyone leaves for the day 1:10!  Bye for now!

Monday, January 12, 2015

A list, I needed a list!

I know that I should post about the 2nd week of spring break, but I'm too focused on making a game plan for the wedding!  It's only 89 days away!  And I have 2 shows, Parent/Teacher Conferences, Progress Reports, 3rd Quarter Grades, Enrollment, Bridal showers...all of this on top of planning a wedding!  My mind is screaming- make a list!  Make a list!  You just need to know exactly what you are going to do and when!  Okay, so exactly seems extreme!  I just need to have a time that I don't forget anything!

So, here we go!
1.  Centerpieces- spray paint the tall vases and that one lone one- this weekend is supposed to be 50's outside.  So, I will try to get those painted this next weekend (Saturday, Sunday, or Monday)
2.  Table numbers- I need to find pictures of myself and start converting them to 4x6's.  Then I need to take all of Curt's pictures and make them 4x6's and see how many more of them we need.
3.  At some point we will need to put the centerpieces together- I will wait February and until Cinderella is over.
4.  Start looking at what pictures to use for the Escort Cards- Or an idea for the escort cards
5.  Guest Book
6.  Shoes- Be done by 2/15/2015
7.  Gifts
8.  Bouquets- Done by March 1st
9.  Put Table Numbers Together- March
10. Programs
11. Finalize Menu
12. Specialty Drink
13. Wedding Muisc
14. Wedding Video
15. Ball Conference Center Table Cloths
16. Ball Conference Center- Friday Availability
17. Ceremony Decorations- Lanterns, Chests, Fabric Draping?
18. Ceremony Readings
19. Ceremony Music
20. Make a Pick a seat & not a side sign

I think that is all for now!  I'm sure that I will be making the list longer as I get closer to the wedding date!  89 days until the wedding!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The first half of winter break!

So, winter break is over!  The second semester has begun and we are at 95 days and counting!  There are times when I think- 95 days until the wedding!  That is way to much time!  Then I have the panic moments, when I think...I have got to get starting doing stuff!!!  Oh my goodness...I'm going to be so behind!

So, let me see!
Winter Break-
I watched my nephews and niece!  We had a sleep over!  I like to do this over the holiday season!  It gives my sister and BIL a chance to go Christmas shopping, wrap gifts, and do anything they need to do before the big day!  It's normally earlier in the month, but this year our schedules did not match up!  But it worked out perfectly!  We had a blast!

I made a pinterest skirt!  It was amazing!  I'm very proud of making was not easy!  7 yards of tool is never going to be easy!  But it turned out great!  I even wore it for my bachelorette party, but we will talk about that later!

Alderman Christmas- we had 2.5 days of relaxation with my future family!  I love them to death!  We actually took a family picture!  It was the first one that I have seen them take in the 6 years that we have been dating!  We also took some couple pictures as well!  It was just great!

Arnott Christmas- We left Christmas Eve and headed to my church for the Christmas Eve service.

 We then went and enjoyed a nice Christmas Eve dinner!  During that dinner we decided to save the worlds problems!  Love is the solution for all!  If everyone loved everyone else, then no one would find the need to hurt anyone!  Done, thank you, I will bill you all later!  The next day we had Christmas at the Peterson's house!  Curt had to work, but was able to hang out for a bit in the morning and then come over after work!  He is a real trooper!
It had been three years since everyone was together for a major holiday!  A family picture with everyone...amazing!  We had a wonderful day and I feel very blessed that I have 2 amazing families!
Okay, enough with the super cheesy, sappy stuff!
Christmas was on a Thursday, my cousin turned 21 on Friday!  So of course we had to go out and celebrate!  It's not every day that my cousin/bridesmaid turns 21!  We went out to dinner with the fam and then danced the night away at Kanza!  Good times!

Saturday was my Bachelorette Party!!!  It was a Barbie themed party!  And it was amazing!

I was "Workout Barbie"!  Which included some 80's leggings and an amazing "Bride" sweatshirt!  When I first got it, I didn't realize that it said Bride.  I thought it said Barbie.  After I put it on, I looked in the mirror and thought "I think they spelled Barbie" wrong.  That was a special moment for me!  It was early, we went out the night before for Nicole's birthday...okay, it was just a dumb blonde moment!
 My sisters and I before the workout...or maybe after!  I can't remember!  They are wearing their amazing MOH socks that I got them!  I was mad for a while that I forgot mine, but was then happy since I got so hot while working out!
 Here is the group that took the class with us!  My wonderful friend Annie was our instructor!  Here you can see my mom, my sisters, my bridesmaids Nicole, Celia and Betsy, and my amazing friends Emily, Ashley, and Melissa!  Each event had a select group of people!  To mix things up and to make it so that not everyone had to be there all day long!
 After our workout, a lunch at Panera was the only smart thing to do!  I won't show you pictures of face is so red and I look all sweaty!  Ha ha ha!  We were able to go home after lunch, shower and get ready to be "Movie Star Barbie"!

 My sisters rented out a small theatre to watch the movie Bridesmaids!  I love that movie and it just makes everyone laugh!  There was movie popcorn, movie candy, and my movie star family!
 Above you can see some of the snacks!  My dad and other male family members help set this up!  Dana's friend, Angela, was our connection to the small theatre!  It was perfect!  You can also see the amazing outfit that I was provided to wear!

To the Right you can see my family- Heather, Megan, Nicole, Dana, myself, and Sarah acting out the cover of the movie!  So amazing!
To the left you can see the picture of the small theatre that we were in!  So cute and a pefectly relaxing afternoon with wonderful people and a funny movie!

 The final Barbie of the evening was "Bridal Barbie"!  After the movie we went back to my sister's house for the big event!  Everyone was paiting canvas' for Curt and I to hang (I'm into the do it yourself stuff...ha ha ha)!  Then we went to dinner, took pictures in a Barbie Box, and I opened my gifts!  Below you can see a few of the pictures of us in the Barbie box!  Everyone dressed as their favorite barbie!  It was the perfect night for me!

 Here is the amazing Barbie Box!  My Dad, BIL Mike, and BIL Mishi put it together!  They spray painted the letters, Mishi hand drew the Barbie head, and they wrapped the box itself!  Brilliant!  Brilliant!!  Brilliant!!!

 We ended the night playing "Cards Against Humanity- the Marriage Version"!  I had a blast!  It was amazing and I can not thank my sisters enough for putting this together!  Here are a few more pictures!  I will write more about the rest of winter break!  But I was so excited to get this written down!  One week of winter break blogged!  So much was done, so much fun was least by me!  I think my sisters might have been relieved when it was over!