Friday, July 31, 2015

I love this time of year!

So, I have not written in a long time.  Sorry about that!  The summer has passed and school is about to begin! 
I love this time of year!  This time and the time around New Years!  It's a time for new beginnings, it's a time that anything can happen!  You have the whole year ahead of you to be who ever you want to be or to do anything you want to do!  No matter what happened during the summer, the school year brings a fresh start!

I also love this time of year, because it means fall is right around the corner, followed by the Holiday season and winter!  Then of course it's the new year, my birthday, spring, and summer is here again!  Ha ha ha- it would seem that I love the entire.  But that is not true- I hate the month of February!  There are some super awesome days in February (mom's birthday, Megan's birthday), but besides that...the past few years have seemed to be very stressful!  I normally have a lot of shows, it's dreary outside, I'm over winter...but why am I talking about that?  Let's get back to right now!

I love this time of year!  You know what I read the other day?  I read that tonight will be a blue moon!  I'm so excited to see it!  I also downloaded an app for the stars!  I love the stars!  I totally aced that section of my earth science class!  Wow, my thoughts are all over the place! 

Let's write down everything I would like to do during the first half of the year:
1. Write the Christmas play- I have done it for 2 years in a row and I think I can totally rock it out again!
2.  Start writing another play called "Family Reunion". 
3. Pick a date for the White Christmas Party!  This should be #1 on the list! 
4. Get a few things in my life under control- my ideal life vs. reality!  Sometimes they match up, sometimes they don't!  I need to work on handling the not so matchy matchy life!  Ha ha ha
5.  Feel comfortable teaching dance
6.  Get 2 shows choreographed and try to not stress out about it!
7.  Move money into the logical category and not the emotional one.
8.  Go to the cider mill and have an apple cider donut!
9.  Walk the arboretum with Christmas lights
10. Carve a pumpkin
I guess 10 things is a good start! 

So, if you are like me, you are ready to go!  Let's start the year, because I'm ready to see what exciting things are in store for me, my family, my friends!  You never know what is going to happen...and that is exciting!