Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 1 of the Military Diet

Day 1 of the Military Diet-
Breakfast- 1/2 Grapefruit, 1 piece of toast, 2 TBLS of Peanut Butter, and 8oz of coffee/tea
My Experience- It was a rough start to the day.  I knew that I didn't care for grapefruit, but as I was about half way through...I started gagging!  I thought I was going to throw up!  But I prevailed and made it through!  I thought to myself, well no wonder you aren't feel sick after eating a grapefruit!  I put 1TBL of peanut butter on the toast and then just put the other TBL on a spoon!  I ate the toast and drank the coffee on my way to school.  I find coffee to be quite gross, so I would take a sip then take a bite of toast.  Sip, then bite...then I finished my spoon of PB!  I am slowly getting my water in-take.  I need to drink about 70oz.  That is about 9 yeah!
I feel a little jittery at the moment, but I can't decide if that is because I'm hungry or because the of the coffee.  I normally have a snack in between breakfast and lunch (grapes or granola) but I'm trying to be hardcore and  follow the directions to a "T".

I will tell you all about my lunch and dinner experience tomorrow!
Lunch- 1/2c of Tuna, 1 piece of bread/toast, and 8oz of coffee/tea
Dinner- 3oz of any meat, 1c of Green Beans, 1 small apple, 1/2 of banana, 1c of ice cream
(So excited about the ice cream!!!)

My evening and morning workouts-
Last nights workout was a pretty good one!  It was about 20 min long.  I did not use any weights because I don't have any.  I feel pretty good about how I did.  I actually feel as if I'm getting stronger.  Who knows if that is in my head or what...but I will take it if it is in my head.  Ha ha ha!

This mornings workout was strictly cardio.  It was a lot of jumping and moving around to get your heart rate up.  Let's just say I was tired after I finished.  Overall, I feel they were both great workouts!

Tonight I'm going to try...

Tomorrow morning I'm going to try...

Let me just say, that it's so nice to already have a workout in mind.  That way I can't use that as an excuse to not work out.  Trust me, I would try and use it as an excuse.  Hee hee hee, my mind is just that sneaky!

On a crafty note...there are a lot of new crafts that I found on Pinterest that seem like a lot of fun!
On a money note...I am about a month away from being Credit Card free.  I will still have my Chiropractor bill to pay off, but I don't really count that!  I guess by April I will be completely Credit Card Free!!!  Yahoo!!!
On a Flexibility note...I need to get back into preparing for my splits.   I feel that working out like I have been and now eating healthy...I will hopefully start this weekend to once again try and go for my splits!  I'm determined to get them...darn it!  Ha ha ha
On a random note...the gal who is playing Belle in my show Beauty and the Beast has pneumonia (why does that have to be spelled so weird?) so I have been playing her part.  It has been a lot of fun...but also weird at the same time since all the kids in the show are like 16.  Ha ha ha...hopefully she will be back on Friday and I can go back to concentrating on the dances!

I'm off now to fold 900 pieces of paper!  Don't be jealous!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Today I feel...

Let's start by talking about last night's and this mornings workout.
Last nights workout was a little lame!  I don't think I was putting my full effort into #1.  I'm not proud of that fact, but that is just how it is sometimes. I was hot and it was a workout, just not as good of it should have been.  #2, I needed to have weights to really feel the burn for some of the moves.  #3, I was a little annoyed at the website because it didn't tell me how many reps I should do.  So, I did 10 of each...and sometimes I did 2 sets of 10.  But, I kind of need a number.  To make it official!

This mornings workout was a good one!  It was about 8 min long and I was winded and sweating!  It worked the whole body and if I wasn't soooo tired I would have done it twice all the way through!  Overall, it started my day off well!  I will say that my tushy muscles are sore...I'm not sure what exercise it might be from...but it's a good thing!

Tonight I'm going to to do:
I hate mountain climbers and every Ab workout has them...

Then Tomorrow I'm going to do...

I like doing a cardio type workout in the mornings!

Okay, so yesterday I talked about the Project "Today I feel..." and I have taken a picture of it to post for you guys!

Alright, here are the directions if you need them...
1. Take 12 pictures with your friends, family, or just yourself.  Make each picture a different emotion.  In this picture we used (from Left to R top to bottom) Unsure, happy, sad, disgusted, sleepy, excited, suprised, sick, mad, sneaky, "who me", and loved.  I know who me is not really an emotion, but it works sometimes in life.  Ha ha ha...
2.  Upload them Walgreens (or your preffered picture place) and click on collage.
3.  Arrange the pictures, decide where everyone goes, and add a title.
4.  Print out the picture.  At Walgreen's the 8x10 collage was $4.50.
5.  Buy a frame at the Dollar Store ($1).  Take the glass out of the frame and carefully throw it away.
6.  Put the picture in the frame and close it up.
7.  Buy a magnet sheet at Michaels (I'm sure they are at other craft stores as well).  A roll was $9.99.  I might suggest buying a smaller amount since we ended up hardly using any of it.
8.  Cut the magnets into small squares.  We were going to do strips behind the picture, but the picture was too thick for the type of magnets that I bought.  Place the magnet squares in the corner of each picture!  You can't really see the magnets unless you are really looking for them.
9.  Make your magnet marker.  I put a puff ball on to a circular magnet!  You can see it up on the first picture.  Other people in my family took a small square of magnet and instead of taking the backing off to reveal the sticky part wrote on it instead!

I hope you enjoyed this fun picture!  I have put it on my desk at work and everyone loves it!  They come and move the puff ball all around!  It's something fun and different for a total of $7!!!  Yahoo!!!

Oh, I almost forgot!  My parents and I are starting a diet thing tomorrow!  It's called "The Military Diet"!  It is a 3 day event and they tell you exactly what you need to eat and how much you need to eat and you just do it!  They say you can lose up to 10lbs.  Obviously the less you need to lose the less you will lose!  But I will be talking about that as well this week.  Wed, Thurs, and Fri.!!!  I'm excited and nervous all at the same time!

Okay, that is all for now!

Monday, January 28, 2013

My weekend

Hello Folks,
I hope your weekend was amazing!!!  Mine was pretty great!  Last week I started excercising...and I did really great until mid Saturday...then everything- the excercises, the eating better...all flew out the window!  But that is okay and I will tell you why.  Because today, Monday, is a brand new day and I'm allowed to start again!

I did feel a bit guilty Sat. night and Sun. for not working out.  But not guilty enough to work out!  Ha ha ha!  Oh well...I got up this morning and worked out!  So go me!

This Saturday was a great day!  I decided to not go into my part time job!  So, it was a day to relax, run errands, eat lunch with my family, and host STAMP!  The Peterson five, Dana, and myself ate a late lunch at Outback Steakhouse!  Yummy!!!  I had a piece of chicken, steak and 2 helpings of mashed potatoes!  There are some things that deserve to have 2 helpings, you know?!?!  We also ordered Cheese Fries and a Blooming onion!  We told our waiter that we were the fatty it was a funny and amazing time!  I love my nephews and niece...not to mention hanging out with my sisters and BIL!  After dinner we went and hung out at Home Depot!  I love that place and could totally hang out there dreaming about fixing up my non-existent house.  Ha ha ha!  Now, I will just live through my sister and parents as we fix up there place!

Then it was time for STAMP!!!  Now as you might know (Sarah and Suzanne-my two readers) STAMP is my cousins group!  I was the host, which means we have to come up with the activity.  It can be anything from playing tennis to carving pumpkins to going to see someone in a show.  On Saturday we did a craft and then watched a movie!

We made collage pictures!  The title of the picture was "Today I'm feeling...".  The collage pictures consisted of us making feeling faces (i.e. happy, sad, excited, you get the point).  Then we attached magnets to the corner of each pic and a magnet so that you can change how you are feeling.  My magnet marker is made up of a magnet and a purple poof ball!  I will post pictures when I take one.  Ha ha ha!

We also made STAMP magnets out of magnets, pieces of paper, and those stones you might put in a vase.  Those were supposed to be our magnet marker for the frame, but they were too heavy.  Ha ha ha, but they work great on the fridge!

There was an amazing ice cream bar for dessert and we watched the movie "Bridesmaids"- which is super funny...but also inapprops!  Sarah and Mike had never seen it was fun to watch it with them!

Last night I got to watch my nephews and niece while Mike and Sarah when on a date!  I had a blast!  They are the cutest kids ever!!!  I love everything about all of them!  I had a blast eating popcorn with them and watching "Casper"!  Putting them to bed was just so much fun!  Hearing a 2 year old call herself a princess is the cutest thing in the world!  And the giggles of a 5 & 3 year old!  Ryan ended up with the hiccups later in the evening and even those were cute!  I tried to give him a spoonful of peanut butter and he had no idea what to do with just peanut butter.  It was just...well cute!

Alright- tonights workout-

Tomorrow's Workout-

I'll let you know how they are!  Thanks for reading!

Have you hung out with your family and really appreciated the stage of life they are in?  Try it!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Workout Day this becoming a workout blog? Crazy!

Hello people...I feel like I'm on a roll with working out!!!  Today will be the 4th day of the nightly work outs and the 2nd morning one!  So far I'm enjoying it!  I'm a little sore, but it's the good kind of sore.  I hurt, but it doesn't hurt to move or laugh.  Well, it does hurt to do those things but not in a crazy really painful fall down the stairs kind of way.  

*Sidebar- Once I went to a personal trainer.  I told him that I was a dancer.  I should have said...I used to be a dancer.  He gave me these exercises and they killed me.  I worked my rear end off because he kept saying things like this isn't that hard for a dancer is it?  So, even when I wanted to cry I just smiled as if I was drinking tea or something (that is a bad analogy, because I don't like tea so my face would probably be cringy while drinking tea).  Anyway, I worked hard!  The next day I hurt and hurt bad!  Day 2- when you always feel the worst- I really did feel the worst.  My legs hurt so bad I had to shimmie my way down the stairs.  Day 3 after the evil man made me workout I was walking down the stairs to watch a movie with my boyfriend and the muscles in my legs gave out.  It had happened earlier that day at work, but it wasn't a big deal...well let me tell you it's a big deal on stairs!  Down I boyfriend jumped up then realized I was laughing and started to laugh with me.  Needless to say that I never went to a personal trainer again.**

So, last night I did the Tummy Tuck (see yesterday's post for the link)!  It was hard but not anything crazy!  I enjoy working on my mid-section, so while it did hurt it was a good I"m working hard pain!  So woot woot!!!  This morning I did a 4 min Exercise that I have done before.  It's crazy short but I am crazy dead after I have done it.  Are you ready for this?

20 sec squat thrusts
10 sec rest
20 sec mountain climbers
10 sec rest
20 sec high knees
10 sec rest
20 sec jumping jacks
10 sec rest

Then you do this twice through!  It sounds a little goofy, but I do love how I feel as if I've worked out for an hour after I've done it!  

So, tonight I have to go to Physical Therapy so I did not do any afternoon stairs.  But, let's see what workout I will do for tonight!  Spin the Wheel of Workouts.....

That is the lucky 15 min ab work out that I will be rocking out tonight!!!  I will see you all back here on Monday!  This weekend try to relax, workout, eat some what healthily, and enjoy your life!!!

I'm doing a craft this weekend, so hopefully I can talk about that and not just about exercise...that gets boring!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day 3 of exercise!

Okay folks...I am really trying to work it out!  A few nights ago while browsing Pinterest I decided to actually use the Workouts that I was pinning.  So, my goal was to do one per day.  I am really needing to work on my Abs before the chiefs auditions.  As I was pinning workouts I saw this really great 10 min workout.  I loved it and thought, I can do that in the morning!  Before I do that, let me recap on my Day #2 workout-

15 min Belly Blasting- Overall it was okay.  Some of the things were great- the running crunches.  But other things- did not seem to work at all.  I never even felt a burn with the standing twist crunches.  For a few of the exercises you needed an exercise ball.  I think my ball was a little flat, so doing the mountain climbers on them was a little difficult.  So much so, that I decided to just do it on a chair.  That worked!  Overall, it was a fine exercise and I'm just trying to stay motivated to do it everyday!

So, now we are on to day #3 of exercising!

This morning I got up (it was not easy...I set my alarm for 5:15 so that I could get up at 5:30.  Well, I hit snooze!  So at 5:30- I hit snooze again.  At 5:45 I finally got mad at myself telling myself to get out of bed or stop complaining that my jeans are too tight!  So, up I got!  I did the 10 min Victoria Secret Model workout!  It was great!  My thighs were burning and my tush was feeling the burn!  I need to remember to bring water up so that I'm not dying!  But overall I loved!  And I felt great about working out!!!  Plus, I loved that it was a 10min work out!!!

Now, the goal is to not eat everything under the sun during treat day!!!  I have a plate here next to me that I'm nibbling I feel okay about that!

Tonight's routine is going to be....(insert drum roll)

If you go to this website, I'm only going to do the Tummy-tuck core stuff, not the running!  Ha ha ha- okay have fun and enjoy this workout with me!

Suzanne's question- Does anyone want to workout with me?

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Workout Day #2

So, last night I did my work out!!!  I did not want too...I tried to excuse my way out of it...
It's too late...
I'm so tired...
I should start tomorrow fresh...

I probably could have come up with excuse after excuse!  Then I remembered this blog that I read yesterday it's called Bit's and Pieces (URL) !  This gal had a goal to lose weight and to get toned.  She says it flat out that it sucks!  That it's hard!  That the word fun does not really describe it!  But...and this is why people lose weight and get toned...But, she feels great after losing over 50 lbs!  She got married and worked hard to look as gorgeous as she did at her wedding!  Would she have looked beautiful at her wedding had she not shed the weight?  Yes!  But would she have been able to see the beauty and the person who she is?  No, probably not!  It's about how you feel about yourself!!!

So last night, even though I was tired after working from 7:30am-8:30pm then seeing my boyfriend after that...I did my workout!  The 8 moves that I did were more difficult that I thought they were going to be.  I'm not sure if it's because I used to dance or what.  But I thought the steps were going to be easy.  Some of them I had to actually modify to even do them.  Ahhhh!!!  Ha ha ha, oh well!  The last move was a bridge.  And as I was in that weird upside down bridge pose doing my 5 deep breaths...I thought, when was the last time that I was in this position?  It had to have been at least 5 years if not more!  Ha ha ha!!!

Okay, so that work out was a success and now I'm a little sore!  But we are on to the next one.
Workout #2
The (15-minute) Belly Blasting Workout

I will report back tomorrow on this one!  Have I mentioned that I'm excited to be doing these workouts?  Here is my main reason- what is the point of pinterest if I'm not going to use the stuff on there!  So, here I am using the workout stuff!

No question for the day!  Sorry folks!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My workout routine!

Every so often...or whenever I eat a lot and feel bad, I start thinking about how I need to work out or eat better!  I get so gung ho into this stuff that I start feeling great.  Until the next morning or the next afternoon, when I say to myself "You could get up a little earlier and work out...or sleep for 45 more min." or "You could eat your grapes or that cookie that the Foods teacher made".  I normally chose to sleep longer or eat the amazing dessert.  Then I go into feeling bad again.  When I say I'm feeling bad, no one worry about me.  I'm not depressed or anything.  I could never be annorexic- I get angry when I'm hungry.  I could never be bulemic (or spell it for that matter) because I hate throwing up and I hate over eating.  So, when I feel bad it's like the feeling that you get when you were younger and you wore a shirt of your sisters and then spilled something on it.  The old "Darn it, Amy!" feeling...not the "I hate myself" feeling.  Just to clarify before my friends have an intervention!  Ha ha ha!  For the record if you are having "I hate myself feelings" or "I want to hurt myself feelings" please get help!  Those are not normal feelings and there are people out there who love you and want to help you!  Okay- sorry for the public service announcement!

So, I'm in the "Oh man, why must I eat that cookie" moment right now.  I'm actually looking at a cookie right now, wanting to eat it...but not really wanting to eat it.  Here you can see my desk while I'm writing this and the yummy oatmeal chocolate chip cookie just staring me in the face!  THROW IT AWAY AMY...JUST THROW IT AWAY!!!
So, this whole blog is not about the cookie surprising as that might seem.  I keep pinning all of these workouts on my pinterest board.  I really want to do them..but I tend to get board.  So, I had an amazing idea!  Which is why I jumped in here to type!  I have a month before the Chiefs Auditions (I'm going to stop saying cheer leading because it's so long to type and you all know what I'm talking about.  And if you don't, then you can go on thinking that I want to be a chiefs player.) I want to look good and be totally ready for this audition!  So, here is my big idea that I thought of...I will start going through my Pinterest Workout board and do one pin per day!  So, lets take a look at what that might look like for today (I almost said starting tomorrow...but that is just lame...start today!)

Day 1- 8 Poses To Turn Back & Belly Fat Into Muscles

I will try (I say this because it might not happen...) to take pics every day!  I hope you all want to do this with me so that it might be easier.  There is strength in numbers right?  On top of my Pin Excercises- I will also be doing my stretches and hopefully 30 min of cardio.  The other thought I had, was possibly doing stairs during my lunch break- or taking 10 min 3x a day to go up and down the stairs.  Just a thought- nothing set yet.  If I wasn't such a baby I would totally get up early and run.  Maybe that should be a goal for another month!  Ha ha ha-

Hey...where did the cookie go?

You look away for just a minute and the cookie is gone...

Maybe my sub-conscience threw it away... 

Okay, so you caught me...I had to eat it!  It was looking at me!  But I don't have to go and get another one...even thought it was so good that I really really want to!

Alright have a great day and I'm sorry for being a dork.  Sometimes I just can't help myself!  Ha ha ha, I hope I made you smile...even if it was from you saying "what a goof ball"!

Suzanne's Question: What are your motivations for working out or eating healthy?

Friday, January 18, 2013

Date night success!!!

So, here is an update in regards to my jinxed relationship.  I think we broke the jinx!!!  Okay, okay...we probably weren't jinxed at all...but it sure did feel like it.  So Curt calls me at 6:15 last night.  He isn't supposed to be off work until 8pm and says, do you want to go to that dinner and movie?  Of course I said yes!  So I finally got my date!  We went to Panera Bread and then went and saw Les Mis!  It was just as amazing for the 3rd time as it was the first time.  The company also might have had something to do with it.  I cried more this 3rd time around than I did the 2nd time.
*Side story on the wallet- Curt went into his boss and said...I need to get off work early today.  My girlfriend is really made at me and I need to make it better.  He "had" to tell his boss the entire story as too why I was mad, but I guess it worked!  I thought that was hysterical!
*Side story about Panera- My parents asked me to buy a quart of Baked Potato Soup.  I got up to the register and could not think of the word quart.  So I said...can I have a tub of baked potato soup?  Worker a quart?  I said...Yes, like a quart.  He said...okay that is $12.81.  I said...okay I will have to go get more money (I only had a $10 on me and my purse was at the table).  He said...Let me see what I can do.  He dropped the price down to $10.  His co-worked was giving him a hard time and I think the worker was flirting with me.  But things like this don't happen to me.  I don't even let guys buy me drinks very often, because I don't want to feel bad when I don't talk to them.  Ha ha ha!  So, I got a $2.81 discount on my soup!!!

Anyway, so I went out to dinner, saw a movie, and was still in bed by 10:45!!!  I have not eaten anything after the 8 o'clock hour for the past few days and I feel as if I have been sleeping better.  So, I'm going to really try and focus on that!  Chandler did wake me up this morning at 4:15, but then I was so happy because I could sleep for almost 2 more hours!  And I told Chandler that it wasn't time to wake up yet, so back to sleep we went.  I wanted to snuggle with him...but feel asleep before I could grab him to snuggle.  Ha ha ha, my poor dog!

Today, I'm really trying to take my one word to heart!  This morning I decided to forgo the Friday Jeans day for a dress.  I feel very cute in my outfit and that makes me excited for the day!  I was a little sleepy when I work up this morning so I decided to forgo a shower (this is a bit of a common occurrence with me...sorry about it) and put my hair in french braid pigtails...which I am excited about.  I also am wondering if I will ever be too old to wear the french braid pigtails.  But that thought does not make me I'm going to push it aside for the moment!  I'm excited for both of my rehearsals today and was actually excited to come to work this morning.  Especially after grabbing my lunch from the fridge- turkey meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and asparagus!  Love it!!!

I don't know if I'm still giddy from my date last night or if trying to be excited for every day is just really an amazing feeling!  I kind of hope it's the latter...because if I can feel like this just about every day...that would be awesome!!!

36 more days until Chiefs Cheerleader Tryouts- I'm working on my flexibility at the moment.  I took yesterday off because of how sore I was.  I need to work on my abs a bit in the next month.  Maybe my excited towards life attitude will help me wake up earlier in the morning.  Ha ha ha...we will have to see about that!  Okay...I'm out for the day!  Or at least for the moment!

Suzanne's Question:  Can you name one thing that you are excited for today?  Make it something that normally does not excite you and see how it changes your point of view!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

One word

Quick update on my jinxed relationship:
Curt lost his wallet yesterday.  To say I was mad might be an understatement!  When he told me, I said okay...I'm going home.  Call me when you find it!  So, home I went.  He finally found his wallet at 8pm, which when he called I deemed to late to see him.  I might still have been mad that my date night did not happen.  Oh well, I got my laundry done (which I hadn't gotten to do the week before).  I finished watching a movie that I had to leave early on last week, and watched the end of the movie "Kick Ass"!  I do love that movie.  I ate a bowl of cereal and was pleased with myself for not going out and spending money when I wanted too.  I also watched an episode of Once Upon a Time with my parents whom I hadn't seen in 3 that was nice.  Then I went to be around 11:15 and slept really well.  So, overall it was not a complete waste of a just wasn't what I had planned!

A few years ago, I was introduced to the concept of not having "New Years Resolutions" but to pick one word for the year to kind of live by.  There is actually a website that has activities you can do...but during the first year they randomly stopped sending me emails.  Maybe I wasn't responding like they wanted and they thought I was being annoyed by them...ha haha...I might have an issue with over thinking things.  So, my first word was "Flexible" and it had a double meaning.  I like to think of myself as a relatively calm person...but when plans change (for the not so better) I have a rough time with that.  I can become bratty and selfish.  So, I still need to work on that, but I don't want to have that word again.  Then last year, I did not pick a word because I forgot about it.  I had actually forgotten about it this year...until my friend Suzanne and my sister chose words.  My sister's word is Simplify which is an amazing word!  I tend to try some crazy difficult stuff or try to take on more than I need in truth I have been trying to simplify.  At this time, while I'm choreographing 2 shows and working 2 other jobs, I decided to take a break from singing at Church.  It was one way to simplify my week.  Great word Sarah!!!  Suzanne chose the word Expand!  It means To make larger. Undergo a continuous change- it is another great word!  I feel like my life is always changing and sometimes I don't change quite as well with it!  Both of these words are something that I could work on...but I'm going to let them have their own words!  Sarah and Suzanne- don't even say anything...if I didn't have a word in mind already I might have chosen your words.  I know that neither of you would care if I took your word.

Alright folks, the moment has come for me to reveal my New Years Word (it only took 3 weeks for me to think of something, ha ha ha)!  Here I go, my word is (if this were a tv show we would go to commercial break at this time...hee hee hee) Okay, I'm getting on with it:

I chose this word for several reasons.  The first being I want to be excited for things.  From my room being clean to watching my choreography come to life through the amazing kids I'm working with.  Last night, I should have been excited to have a night to myself, to relax, or to do laundry.  I need to stop thinking in negative way and start being excited about things.  For example, I'm trying out to be a chiefs cheerleader.  I'm very excited about it!  But I'm kind of excited to see whether or not I make it.  If I do, how exciting that I will go on a brand new adventure.  If I don't, how exciting that I will get to see what else God has in store for me!  I need and want to be excited for life!  I want to wake up and be excited that I'm going to work at 3 jobs...ha ha ha yikes! or getting to sleep in before meeting my family at church.  This being said, I know that I will have a grumpy day or two...but if you can train yourself to look at life (even the arguments) in a more positive much better could your life be!

Today's Question- (I might just call my question at the end...Suzanne's Question)
Suzanne's Question- What would your one word be?

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

It got a little real in here folks...but only towards the end!

Okay, so here is an update on the whole eating healthy thing.  I didn't do a very good job...ha ha ha!  The next day of a few days later I had dinner at like 9 pm ..oh my!  I honestly do believe that how you sleep is based on what you eat...ha ha ha.  Oh well!  I will just keep trying and picking myself back up with the whole eating healthy.  Oh the plus mom bought fruit and I ate some of that yesterday and I'm eating grapes right now!  Go me!!!

Do you all believe in jinxing things?  I would normally say No.  I feel as if you can wash your luck socks or stop hitting the switch 12 times before the game.  I find all of that stuff to be silly...however when it comes to Curt's and my relationship it sometimes seems as if we are Jinxed.  I swear...we make plans and then things come up or I feel sick or he feels is just goofy.  Here is an example, last week we had Wednesday off.  I went over to his house on Tuesday with a headache.  He wasn't feeling fine.  We planned on going out to dinner and seeing a movie.   I call him Wednesday (still hanging on to my headache) and he sounds as if his throat is on fire.  So, I tell him that I'm going home and that he should stay home and maybe we can hang out on Thursday.  Well, Thursday he is not better.  They even sent him home from work early that is how crappy he felt and looked.  He did get to come over at 11pm on Friday...but I was so tired by that point.  Ha ha ha!  This week, I said let's try for date night on Wednesday...he said "oh great, you probably just jinxed us."  So, I guess we will have to wait until tomorrow to see if we are jinxed or not.  Ha ha ha...

So, I have made up my mind to audition for the Chiefs Cheerleaders!  I have had a rough time making this decision because I haven't been able to go to the dance classes that I have wanted too...or anything like that.  I have also not told too many people past my family.  This is so that if I don't make it not everyone is going to ask me about it.  I have been thinking about that though, because my friend is also trying out and she isn't telling anyone about it.  I think overall, as embarrassing as it is to not make something...I had the guts to at least try!  So, I think I will let people know that I'm auditioning for it!  If I make it, that is awesome...if I don't...I know that God has another plan for me for this upcoming year!  Here is what changed my mind about telling people (and this does not mean that I will be shouting it from the rooftops or facebooking just means that if they ask what I'm doing this weekend...I will say auditioning for the Chiefs Cheerleaders).  Oh, my mind change...I had to tell Julie (the director of the CYT show that I'm choreographing) that the auditions are during the show's performances.  I was not sure how she would take it.  I had told her about wanting to do this, but I did not know the dates until recently.  She was totally cool with it...and she said well since it's during the show you will have 107 little kids praying for you!  That is what it's all about right?  Having people who love you support you and have your back!  Not only that...but having them shout your name up to the heavens so that God can do his thing and put all of us on the right path!

Here is a little bit of honesty, I don't think I'm going to make the cheerleading team.  But I'm okay with that.  I'm going to go out there and give it my best shot!  I learned a long time ago that you have to follow your heart and you can't have any "what if's" in your past.  They will drive you crazy for the rest of your life!  So, while the Chiefs would not be a big "what if" saying yes to this audition makes it easier to listen to yourself when you have to make life changing decisions!

Wow, this post got a little real folks!  My friend Suzanne always poses some amazing question at the end of her can hardly read it because her posts are so amazing...but here is my question to you (ode to Suzanne) what are you doing about your "What if"s"!  Okay, back to work...

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Am I just typing to avoid working? Maybe...

I really have nothing to write today.  But  I thought that other people who read this (my sister and possibly my friend Suzanne) might be bored and need something to read!  So, I'm here it's first thing in the morning and I don't want to do anything else!

On Tuesday I had a headache.  My headaches usually go like this...head kind of hurts, head is killing me, I feel sick!  It's probably technically a migrane...but I have never been tested so I will call it what ever I want too.  Ha ha ha!  These headaches used to come on slow, but lately they come out of the blue.  I'm sitting at my desk thinking about love or something and I sit still for a moment and wonder if that little bit of pain is a headache...and then BAM!  It's a full blown painful headache!  Then before I can even swallow the headache meds...I'm feeling sick!  Crazy right?  Here is the thing though...I have been going to a chiropractor for the last 2.5 months for some headache/neck issues.  So, I'm wondering if my recent headaches are from dehydration or the neck issues.  So, I am trying to drown myself in water and really making sure I don't do stupid things like wait to long to eat.  I'm also trying to relax my shoulders when I'm sitting at my desk (I just noticed that I was tense as a turtle (I'm not really sure if turtle's get tense...but I couldn't think of any other cute animals that started with T).
Here I am at work with my trusty water bottle not wanting to work!  Hee hee hee

Tuesday I had Middle school musical rehearsal and then CYT musical rehearsal after that.  Overall I had a great time!  The only issue I had was that I thought this certain group was the dancing group...and then there were girls who couldn't dance in that group.  So, needless to say I did not get as much taught as I wanted too...and I felt bad for that gal!  It will be fun to see how she improves over the next 2 months!  

The best thing about my Tuesday was that I got to see my boyfriend!!!  It sounds lame but it's a big deal in my little world.  Normal when we see each other I go to his place or he comes over to mine and we talk and watch a movie or TV.  We don't really do much else nor do we really go anywhere.  It might sound weird, but we are usually seeing each other after a full day of activities or really late in the evening...and we are both exhausted.  So, I went over to his place and he suggested that we go to QT and get some hot chocolate!  I was excited, because I also needed gas.  So, I got gas and we both went into the store together.  Got hot chocolate together, then he bought our stuff and we finished up with the gas and we got in the car and left.  It was awesome!  I mean, it was lame...but awesome!  We had never done that together before so I of course got all excited and told him that we just did something normal together!  It's like the one time we went to KenTacoHut and had dinner just the two of us.  Something so normal, but for us it's the first time...and I love it!  I told him that I will probably be saying things like that for the next year when we move in together and are doing normal stuff together.  Ha ha ha!  Love it!

Okay, here is my last issue...I am by no means fat...or even chunky.  But (stop rolling your eyes if you are) I have gained weight and now my jeans are a little too snug!  So, I'm going to try to eat healthy and try to excercise.  I don't really believe in dieting.  People hear that word and freak out!  So, I might start talking about that on here as well!  I would like to go all out and put my weight...but it's not really about weight as much as it is fitting into my clothes and feeling good about myself.  But I'm going to try!  Last night I slept really well, and I wonder if it's because I didn't have anything to eat after 8:30.  That might be something.  So I will keep you posted on what I'm doing (or not doing).  This morning I had hot chocolate (best choice...probably not...but it was cold out), for my snack I have cereal...the hard thing about today is that it's "Thursday Treat Day"!!!  Which can be hard to stay away from.  However I have heard it's not the best, so that makes it easier for me. we go with eating healthy...Wish me luck!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

4 things that are on my mind today...

Okay, so I have a few things on my mind.

1.  My life for the next 7 weeks.  It's going to be crazy!  I'm choreographing 2 shows at the same time.  Lucky for me, one of the shows began back in December, so everything is made up...but not taught.  So, I should probably rephrase...I'm rehearsing for two shows at the same time.  On top of that, I do work full time as well as work part time.  So, at this moment...I'm not exactly excited for the next 7 weeks. 
I personally think that once I start getting into will get better and I will enjoy myself.  But it's the first day where I rehearse for both shows...and the thought of having rehearsal every day...then another rehearsal twice a week is making me a little nervous.

Here is a little insight to me...I can get claustrophobia of the schedule.  It might not a real medical thing...but it's where my schedule gets pretty crazy and I go into a panic of sorts.  I normally have to take a few deep breaths and realize that it's only for a short amount of time.  Then I'm better.  I also have to tell myself that I would rather do multiple shows at once and then be done then doing them back to back and not having any time.  So, while I'm whinning a bit at the moment...I do actually like doing this.  I just need to adjust my mind around my new crazy schedule.

2.  Today I got my first Blue Star Award Review!  I'm not exactly sure how I feel about it.  There was not a lot mentioned about the choreography.  One "negative" thing that was said..."This ensemble, however, did not always seem to know their purpose. Two examples are the Jitterbug number and the Ozian dance in ‘Merry Old Land of Oz.’ The choreography didn't really articulate why it was there, and the dancers didn't seem to quite understand, either."
My natural tendency is to get defensive about my work and the kids work...but I'm trying to not do that.  Because what is the point.  I'm going to just take it in, and look back for a brief moment to see if there was anything that I could have done to change that person's opinion.............Okay, after some thought the answer is yes and no.  So, I'm okay with it and I will just put that in my bag of knowledge for the next show I choreograph!
On the plus side, my amazing dog Chandler got to play Toto and they loved him!!!  They said if there would have been an award for best live Animal, they would give it to my puppy!  So, that really makes up for anything about my choreography.  Ha ha ha!

3.  So for Christmas this year I had an idea!  And it was an idea that I had before anyone on Pinterest had...okay, I actually don't know that for sure...but if they have had it...I did not Pin it.  What is this amazing idea you ask?
It is Note Stockings! 
I made these on my computer for each of the family members who were staying at my house in Dec!  I even made them for the Puppy Dogs!  You hang them on your door, then whenever you want too (we did every couple of days) you write a note and put it in their stocking!  Then the next day or evening you get to read the note and it makes you feel happy and loved!  I wrote a poem to explain what the stockings were for and put that on everyone's bed and hung the stockings on the door!  A fun little holiday thing that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy!

4.  My last thing for today (I am actually going to go and post some pics from the other day, since I found out what was wrong...the answer is in case you were wondering is that Internet Explorer is having issues.  Bottom line...use Google Chrome or Firefox).  Okay, back to my number 4.  Megan and I were at a craft fair in L.A. and we found these really cute coffee mug holders.  I got one that looked like a snowman and Megan got one for our dad that is a sock monkey (inside jokes...we all dislike sock monkeys).  All of the mugs we have at our house have I haven't been able to use it...but my dad found the perfect way to use it.

How amazing is this!!!  He used it on a wine bottle!!!  Love it and my creative dad!!!  Woot Woot!!!  Okay folks...I'm off to choreograph, make labels, and eat lunch!  What a weird list of things to do!  Peace out for today!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Holy Moly- it's been a while!

Holy long time no writing! 

I actually tried to stay away from anything electronic during the Holiday Season!  We had a snow day on the last day of school.  On one hand that was awesome, I stayed home and did nothing.  Okay, that is a lie...I'm pretty sure I made some desserts and finished some crafts!  We finished all of the dancing snowflakes and cut out all of the photo props!  The bad thing about a snow day on the last day of class is that it's just a fun day.  There are snacks galore and the kids were leaving at 10:30...everyone is just excited for the break.  So, I am sad that I missed that!

The White Christmas Party was a success as was getting my nails done!  I really enjoy having my nails done for me!  It's just convenient and it lasts when you get the gel.  My nails are going on 2 weeks and they still look amazing!  I will try to post some pics of the party, I just didn't take any with my phone.

I got my hair did!!!  This is step one in the going from Brunette to Blonde.  This pic isn't that great, but you will see in my Christmas Pics how my hair is darker.  (At this time, it won't let me upload any of my photos- lame sauce!)

My sister and brother-in-law came into town that night.  And when I say that night I mean 2am Sunday morning.  But my mom, dad, Dana and I went to get them and their dog Moosie!  It was her first time in the snow and she loved it! (Again, pics will have to come at a later time) Update: The pics!

On Sunday we went to the Chiefs Game!!!  It was supposed to by my parents, 3 sisters, and 2 brother-in-laws...but my mom was pretty sick and said it would be better for her to not go!  The rest of us went and we sat 3 rows from the top of the stadium!!!  We were up there, but you could see everything!  The sun was shining and the wind was no where to be found!  Absolutely beautiful weather for it being December 23rd.  Mike even took his coat off!  We lost, but over all it was a great game!

On Christmas Eve we just hung out with the family and then went to church that night!  We watched a really good Christmas movie and went to bed so that Santa could visit!  Curt came over that night and spent the night!!!  Woot woot, it was our first time I saw him on Christmas morning!  I did spend the night in my sisters room (just for the record)!

We woke up Christmas morning and I was able to wake Curt up.  I think he thought we were crazy for getting up early (9am) and being so excited for the day to start!  Sarah, Mike, and the kids came over and we ate breakfast and opened gifts!  My dad was my Secret Elfster!  How exciting!!!  I got a gift card to Michaels, a basket for my sewing/craft stuff, and my elephant ring that I wanted!!!  Curt got my a trip to Myrtle Beach during Spring Break for Christmas!  For lunch we went and ate with Curt's paretns and hung out with them for a while.  Then it was over to my Aunt Ann's house for some family fun and pictures!  Finally it was back home and to bed for this family!

The next day was a pretty relaxing day.  Not a whole lot happened.  My dad went out with Mike and Mishi (son-in-laws) and Curt (future SIL) that evening!  They were out until 1am.  At one point they stopped by the house to all ride together in one vehicle.  Curt was the only guy who came in and said hello to me!  It made my night...I"m sorry if that is too cheesey...but I loved it!

The rest of the break was just like that, a lot of fun, a lot of eating, and a lot of relaxation!  We went to Fritz's, the Johnson County Museum, had a photo shoot with my cousins in 19 degree weather, and just spent time with the people I love the family!  Overall it was an amazing Winter Break!!!

I don't really have any New Year's Resolutions, but I do have some goals...
1. Pay off bills
2. Get engaged

Okay, so these are goals I know I will achieve...but I will be so excited when I can check them off my list!  Ha ha ha..okay...back to work for me! (I'll upload pics when I am able too)