Monday, March 30, 2015

12 days!

Holy Moly!!!  Folks, there are 12 days until I'm getting married!!!  That is just nutty!  I'm feeling pretty good!

What have I finished thus far:
1. Finish Table Numbers
2. Escort Cards
3. Groomsmen gifts- a little something
4. Specialty Drink- Wednesday? 
5. Ceremony Music is a 2 parter
  A.  Arrangement and words for "Can't Take That Away From Me"
  B.  Music for everything else
6. Make a Pick a Seat sign
7. Cake- I have a meeting on Wednesday  
8. Wedding Video is a 2 parter as well
  A. Video montage of pics of Curt and I
  B.  Other video- we have started working on it
9.  Bathroom Baskets- Girls & Guys
10. Rehearsal Dinner Stuff

Alright!!!  Now even though my list keeps getting smaller...I seem to keep adding things to the bottom!  So, here is the current list!
1. Escort Cards- I made the first attempt at a seating chart today!
2. Welcome bags- that should be easy!
3. I need to add music to the slide show
4. Background music for Rehearsal dinner
5. Print wedding programs
6. Fold the wedding programs
7. Wedding party announcement
8. Make CD of the music for the Ceremony
9. Make CD of the slideshow for the Rehearsal dinner & the Reception
10. Make CD/DVD of the Dance
11. Write letter for the wedding box
12. Wrap Groom's gifts & get card
13. Get Rehearsal dinner gifts
14. Get rehearsal dinner gifts ready to go
15. Finish shopping for the honeymoon
16. Get suitcase for the honeymoon
17. Pack for the honeymoon.
18. Pick a seat Sign
19. Tossing Bouquet

Wait a second?!?  How did my list of 10 things wind down to 4 things...and then back up to 19 things and counting?  That is just crazy!  A lot of the stuff seems to be pretty easy things, just getting them done!  And if you hadn't noticed as of yet...when I get something done...something else gets put on the list!  Oh dear!  Well, I'm off!  I'm not sure what I will be doing, but it will probably be something wedding wise!  I'm out!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Um, Spring Break was amazing!

Holy Spring Break!  It's almost over, but I'm feeling so great!!!  I have worked my fanny off to get a ton of stuff done!  The amazing thing is that tomorrow I get to relax!  And I mean really relax!  I might do one load of laundry, but besides's a do nothing kind of day!

As of right now we have 193 people coming to the wedding.  With 30 some people still waiting to hear from!  Then it's been a total crafty sort of week!  To show how much I have gotten done, I will highlight what was done this week!

2.  Table numbers- I need to find pictures of myself and start converting them to 4x6's.  Then I need to take all of Curt's pictures and make them 4x6's and see how many more of them we need.- I have a few pictures of me, but a lot of Curt!  So, I'm not feeling too bad about this!- I still have a few more to scan, but I'm feeling pretty great!
3.  At some point we will need to put the centerpieces together- Waiting until Spring Break!
4.  Start looking at what pictures to use for the Escort Cards- Or an idea for the escort cards

7.  Gifts (Groomsmen)
8.  Bouquets- Done by March 7th- after bridal shower 
9.  Put Table Numbers Together

11. Finalize Menu
12. Specialty Drink
13. Reception Music
14. Wedding Video
15. Ball Conference Center Table Cloths- meeting sometime between 3/9-3/13

17. Ceremony Decorations- Lanterns, Chests, Fabric Draping?

19. Ceremony Music
20. Make a Pick a seat & not a side sign- Spring Break
21. Uncle Curt, Here comes your gal- Spring Break

23. Talk about cake- We are going to meet some time in March.  No rush!- have an appointment on Wednesday
25. Bridal Pictures & Hair Trial- March 15th
26. Corsages/Boutonniere's
27. Chose a reader 
  I mean, it's just so exciting!  I can go to bed a super happy Bride!  So, if we start a new list...
1. Finish Table Numbers
2. Escort Cards
3. Groomsmen gifts- a little something
4. Specialty Drink- Wednesday? 
5. Ceremony Music is a 2 parter
  A.  Arrangement and words for "Can't Take That Away From Me"
  B.  Music for everything else
6. Make a Pick a Seat sign
7. Cake- I have a meeting on Wednesday  
8. Wedding Video is a 2 parter as well
  A. Video montage of pics of Curt and I
  B.  Other video- we have started working on it
9.  Bathroom Baskets- Girls & Guys
10. Rehearsal Dinner Stuff
I mean, 10 more on my To-Do list is not exactly terribly when I'm 3 weeks out!  So, yay and go me!  I'm outta here to relax and fall asleep a happy bride!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

I feel like I did stuff today!

Last night was a bit rough.  Chandler was bleeding and it took a long time (okay, so maybe a few minutes, but it seemed like a very long time).  I think it was a popped hemorrhoid or something.  He stopped bleeding and acted fine all last night and this morning.  Since he has to get his rabies shot, I decided to schedule that for tomorrow- so that we can take him to get that done and have the Vet look at him.
I don't like it when something is wrong with Chandler.  He is already getting just makes me tear up!  Hopefully it won't be anything too crazy!  I will let you all know once we know something!

Then last night I had some really weird dreams.  The kind that linger with you after you wake up.  You know, give you weird feelings during the day.  There was about 20 min this morning when I couldn't remember the dream...but knew it was a weird/bad one...then it hit me when I was in the shower.  Very strange- a guy following me and a circus theme.  Anyone would be scared with that!  At least there were no clowns!  Yikes!

Alright, so in trying to move on from feeling weird from the dream/nervous about Chandler/ and well life...I decided to get some stuff done!  Things I have gotten done today:

1.  Found a wedding topper and ordered it!
2.  Got my days off approved (okay, so I didn't really have to do anything for that)
3.  I found a gal in Olathe that rents wedding items!  She has lanterns- which I want to use for the Church!  We have a meeting set up over Spring Break!
Hmmm, well I thought there were more things that I had gotten done.  Oh well, I'm so excited...wait I'm going back to type #3.  Okay, I feel better with my list!  Checking things off one item at a time!

I'm feeling better, still a little weird, but I also just might be hungry.  Ha ha ha!  Okay, I'm off to fix up my lunch!  Have a wonderful rest of your day and peace out!

Monday, March 2, 2015

It's not personal


When people aren't coming to the wedding- it's not personal!
When people have family plans or weird plans or stupid (I mean come on...just say you don't want to go to a wedding)'s not personal.  Well, that last one might be personal, but they also might just hate weddings.  Which would not be personal.

I have to keep telling myself that...especially since I feel like right now we have a lot of people saying "no".  It's not personal!  

I have to keep telling myself that the people that I really care about- nothing personal on that either to the other people- will be there!  I know that if I host a party with 50 people, how many do I actually hang out with?  About I'm doing okay!

We are at 128 people out of the 310 that we invited!  

We are still waiting on a ton of invites as well!  The good news is...the less people- the less money we spend!  So, maybe I will re-think being upset and really just enjoy the lower cost!

So, it's not personal in either direction!