Thursday, December 19, 2013

Can my schedule be any crazier?

I love this season!!!  I love the hustle and bustle...but I'm not sure that I like all the hustling and bustling that I'm doing.  I am not sure what kind I would rather be doing (probably not working, hanging with family type)...but look at my nutty schedule:

Monday- work 7:15-4:00, dinner with out of town sister 5:00- 6:20, nephew's amazing Christmas Program- 6:30-7:10, Cousins concert 7:30-10:00

Tuesday- work 7:15-4:00, Choir fieldtrip 4:00-8:00, wrapping/delivering gift for Mishi 8:30-9:30 (Megan- a gift is coming your way for Mishi- keep your eye out for it!)

Wednesday- work 7:15-4:00, Bake- 4:00-6:40, Church 7:00-8:00, Dinner 8:30-9:00

Thursday- work 7:15-4:00, Bake 4:00-6:30, Small group 7:00-?

Friday- work 7:15-4:00(hopefully I will get to leave early), Grab Chandler & Party stuff 4:00-5:00, White Christmas Party 5:00-???

Saturday- Ford 7:30-9:30, Peterson kids 10:00-Sunday Morning

Sunday- Rehearsal 7:00-8:00, Sing at Church 8:00-9:00, Get kids ready 9:00-10:30, Sing at Church 10:45-12:00, Lunch, 12:00-1:00, Nails 1:00-2:00...then I have nothing else planned!!!

It has just been a go go go week!  It's fun stuff, but still...I'm tired!

Have wonderful Holiday, I probably won't write again until January!!!  Hopefully I will have a lot to report!  Fingers crossed!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

I hate hard choices- they suck!

Okay, I'm having a hard time trying to decide what to do!  I have been asked to choreograph a musical!  It would be my first one with adults!  Ahhh!!!  I am not in love with the show, but I have done the Jr. version, so I at least know a little bit about it.

So, now I have to try and figure out what my schedule would be, if I were to do it!  I'm not sure why I'm having such a hard time.  Curt said, it's because I want to do it.  Ha ha ha, but I can't tell.

I want to do it, but I'm so nervous that my summer is going to be like my fall!  And I don't want that!  4 shows was too much!  14 weeks of rehearsals was too much!

Right now on my summer schedule is:
StageWorx- June-July- 28 hours a week
Ford- working 20-30 hours a week (I'm not sure about this one- it probably depends how much money I need for my future wedding).

So to add another show- for the month of June- I can't tell if that is too much!  What I need to do is go home and pray over it and see what comes to me!

I don't want to be motivated by money!  That is what I always feel like I am!  I have to pay off my bills!  I want to have the wedding (still not engaged- wah wah) that I want!  Not saying that I need to have a $50,000 wedding, but I want to do everything that I want!  And to be honest, I don't even know what that is as of yet!  After the wedding, it will be money for a down payment then maybe money for kids!

My friend once said, you are never going to have money!  You will always think, if I could just make blank amount more!  She said this as I was talking about one of my many part time jobs.  I said that is true!  She said, I need to listen to what I WANT to do and not the money that is behind it.  I know that if I didn't spend as much I wouldn't need as much!  Ha ha ha!

I don't want to think any more today!  I just need to make a decision and go!  I will feel better once it's made...whether or not it's taking the job or not taking the job.  I just want the decision to be made.  I'm out!

Friday, December 13, 2013

It was a perfect start to the day...albeit early

So, I got up this morning and worked out!!!  Go me!!!  Let me tell you about my morning.  Curt went to see the Hobbit 2 at midnight!  It was of course one of the longest in the history of movies!  He got home around 3:40-3:50.  He is putzing around getting ready for bed.  I can hear him, but I can also continue sleeping- lucky me!

I do remember a flash light blinding me!  Not on purpose, but I remember saying "oh the light" and "turn the flashlight off".  Anyway, Curt is getting into bed and my 1st alarm goes off for my workout.  I hit snooze.  Curt asks if I'm going to workout now.  I said I don't know, but I want too!  He said, well if it's the only time for the workout, then you should go!  I waited another couple of minutes, then got up and went to workout!

This little story might sound lame, but the important thing is that Curt supported me and what I wanted.  He didn't laugh at me for wanting to workout.  He didn't try to convince me to lay back down with him.  He just said exactly what I wanted and needed to hear from him.  If you get up- great!  If you don't- great!  It was perfect!  And it made my day start off perfect!

Last night when I was walking Chandler- we were going over my schedule.  I tell Chan what to expect for the following day.  I said "A perfect day would be getting up and working out.  Going to work, then coming home to make cookie dough and relax!  That would be perfect!  And it was!

I have decided that if I can make it out of bed, then I will be good to go!  It's just that rolling out of bed part!  Oh well, here is to a great day!  Have a great weekend folks and be careful if the weather is crazy!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I'm so mad!

Today has not started off very well!  I woke up fine, but Curt got home last night and we talked for a bit at 4am!  He is normally out late on his Bowling nights, so that is not the issue.  Nor is us talking for a bit when he got home.  Here is where the issue comes into play.

He forgot to turn off the outside lights.  Not the real issue, but it is leading up to it!  So, I'm walking Chandler and I see that the lights are not turned off.  Which is fine, so when I get back inside I go and turn the lights off and I see that the tree has fallen over and some ornaments have fallen off and one broke!  THIS is where my real issue is!  Why is the tree knocked over?  There is no reason for that!  The lights are done by a remote!  So, I try to ask him...but of course he is sleeping and tries to answer with a mumble!  Which I can't understand!

So that is how my day started- trying to fix the tree!  Then some kids are switching lockers which reaks havoc on my job as locker keeper here!  Once again- yikes!

So, that is all for now, I need to eat, because I'm sure my being hungry is playing into my mood!  But it just sucks!

Friday, December 6, 2013

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

The last time I wrote, I was talking about decorating my house for the Holiday's!  I had planned a few days to get it done...but those did not work out.  I was tired on one day- lame excuse I know and then my mom asked me over for dinner- totally legit reason!  So, all I had was Tuesday.  Curt was supposed to be home on Wednesday.  How was I going to surprise him with a Christma-tized house?

So, I woke up early on Tuesday to workout!  I love working out in the morning.  I just wish it didn't have to be quite so early in the morning.  Ha haha!  But I did it, so that I could decorate after work!  And decorate I did!  I moved the furniture Monday night so that I could jump right in when I got home!  And I did!
Here are the before shots!  I moved the couch and both chairs (because I tried one, didn't like it, then moved the other one)!  I also moved the dining room table to the corner thinking to could look nice- it did not!  So I moved it back.  Ha ha ha!  Trial and Error! 

Then I brought out the Christmas Decorations!!!

 Then I chose to put the tree up first!  I figured it was the Kitchen Sink of the decorations!  This is my first tree to have as an adult in my own place!  After a few scratches and figuring out how the lights work!  The tree is up and working!  Yahoo!!!  So pretty!
 Then I got on a roll and went nuts!  I would add Christmas lights to everything if I had an endless supply!  I have also realized that I would like to add Garland to everything as well, but it's so messy and in an apartment, there is no space to store it!
Here is the dinning room, how it ended up!  These plates were my Grandmother's!  They are green with Holly's on them!  I loved them from the moment I saw them and when my folks asked if I wanted them, of course I said yes!  Mugs, bowls, salad plates, and big plates!  It makes me want to have people over for dinner, just so we can eat dinner on these plates!  Maybe I will ask my folks!
 Did anyone forget about the ladder?  I need to send these pictures to the woman that let me have the ladder!  I wrapped ribbon around the rungs and then added ornaments!  This type of picture was the inspiration for my getting the ladder in the first place!  Plus it's an amazing blanket holder!  Love love love!
 Here is my tree with my new Tree Skirt!  You can also see the stockings hung!  Curt, Chandler and I have matching stockings!!!  Chandler's has a paw print, Curt's has a C, and mine has an A!  I love it!

This second picture is with all of the lights turned off!  You can really get the feeling of Christmas!

Here the other side of the room!  You can see the outside lights, my new tall lamp.  The Christmas Ladder!  They new pillows!  The Christmas Blankets!  I also filled my lantern with Christmas Ornaments- but I think I will get some more before I take a picture of it!  Love this room!  It's so cozy with all the lights and decorations!

 On the counter going into the kitchen I have put up a cookie jar (I should probably fill that) and some Christmas nick-knacks!
 On the left you can see some of the hanging signs I have collected over the years!

On the right you can see the sign that I picked up on Black Friday!  It is the words to The Christmas Song

 These pictures are kind of weird because it's just a random wall.  The Noel sign belonged to my Grandmother!  It's hung on the wall going into the bathroom!

The towels are in the bathroom, but I loved them since they are KU colored!  Hee hee hee!

 This little guy on the left is one of my favorite things!  I think he is such a cute snowman!  You can see a better pic below!

On the right are some Christmas Star candles and some snowman lanterns!  I should put a candle in them and carry them around!
 In the bedroom I have put these candle holders, there is also a purple wreath, and I did put on Christmas sheets, but I have not gotten a picture of that yet!

When you walk up to our apartment you see this amazing garland and then this DIY Candy Cane Wreath!  I love making my own stuff, especially when it turns out awesome!  Ha ha ha!

There are a few other things that I am going to put up here!  It's some of the DIY projects that I did for the holiday!  Or maybe I will take pics of my decorations at school!

Happy Friday folks and Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

My was awesome!

Holy Moly, I have not written in so long!  Oh my goodness!!!  What shall we talk about?  Megan being in town?  Thanksgiving?  Black Friday Shopping?  Christmas Decorating?  Oh my goodness...

1.  Megan and Mishi came into town and once again it was amazing!  8 days of non-stop family time!  It really was a blast!  We spent a lot of time at my sisters new house!  We ate and played games!  We didn't even go out to eat all that much!  It really was a lot of fun!  My dad found a new game (new to me that is) called Dutch Blitz!  It was awesome and did not feel too competitive!  Sometimes too much competitiveness is not good for me!  Ha ha ha!  We literally just hung out and laughed!  It was awesome!

2.  I finished up my 30 day challenge!  I rested Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!  I was so tired after Megan and Mishi left that I took a nap...then the next day I took a nap!  Then I was told that I kept twitching myself awake throughout the night.  No wonder I was so tired!  I think it's because I wasn't working out!?!  I was not working out, but I kept eating what I was eating when I was working out.  Not good!  So, yesterday I started the 30 day workout again!  I'm going to try to work on my stomach muscles (did I mention that the other day...that I don't really use them while working out?  Yikes).  I will also try to do every exercise for the entire time!  We shall see how it works out for me.  So far (day 2) I'm doing pretty good.  There are a few things that just kill me!  Jump squats!  Those are terrible!

3.  Thanksgiving!  Wednesday was spent with Curt's family.  We had steak and baked potatoes!  It was nice because the food from Wednesday and Thursday were so different.  So I wasn't getting sick of anything!  We just hung out and talked.  It was a lot of fun!  Then Thursday was spent with my family!  We also had a great time and just hung out and talked.  Both days were great!  Both days I ate a ton of food!  It was awesome!

4.  Black Friday Shopping, should almost be called Black Thursday Shopping!  My dad, Megan, and I went to Kohls on Thursday at 8pm!  We got in, we got what we needed, and we got out!  It was bing bang boom!  Then we went back to my folks house (I spent the night there- due to shopping the next day), watched Hunger Games, ate Totino's pizza, and fell asleep- the falling asleep might just have been me!  Ha ha ha.  Then we got up at 6am, got dressed, and went out to find the good deals!  I think I spent about $300 and only bought one Christmas Gift!  The other $260, was money that I spent on things for me!  Ha ha ha, it was awesome!  I loved shopping!  I bought a lot of Christmas decorations and just had a blast with my Dad, Sarah, Megan, and Mishi!  So much fun!  My mom joined us after breakfast for some more holiday shopping!  I think we were up and shopping from 7am-3pm!  I did get 2 drinks from Starbucks since the Barrista made extra Egg Nog Latte!  Lucky Me!

5.  So, I have always had this dream to have my future kids go to sleep or school and when they wake up or  come home have the house decorated for Christmas!  Since I don't have kids yet, i wanted to do this for Curt!  However, on Sunday (the best day to decorate) I was exhausted!  And Curt came home that night!  So, I thought- Monday it is!  I will decorate on Monday.  Then my mom called and invited me over for Dinner!  So, of course I had to go!  Curt is out of town.  So I got home around 8:30 last night and decided to move the furniture around to accommodate the Christmas Tree!  That is as far as I got!  I moved the furtniture!  Today after school I will go home and really try to get some awesome decorations up!  I am meeting a friend for dinner, but I hope I can get a lot done before hand and then maybe finish it up afterwards!  Then I have tomorrow afternoon (if I workout in the morning) before I ahve rehearsal for the Christmas Program!!!  Thursday I am watching the Peterson kiddies!!!  Unless I workout before work, today will be my only day to really have the place explode with Christmas!  Curt is supposed to be home either Wednesday or Thursday...fingers crossed I won't be tired!

Okay, I think that is all for now!  I will have pictures of the before and after shots with the decorations!  So, that will be exciting!  Then I will also show some of the crafts that I have made!  I love this time of year, I love decorating for the holiday's and I'm excited for the crazy weather we might be getting!  Peace out!

Friday, November 22, 2013

A little lame...sorry!

So, it's Friday!!!  Thank goodness for that!  I'm so ready for this next week it's ridiculous!  Let's take a look at some of the fun stuff that is going on this next week:
1.  Tonight is a hang out night with Curt!
2.  I have 4 new books to read!  I had 5, but I finished one between the yesterday and today!  I love to read!
3.  I am getting my nails done tomorrow!  I spent $30 on 2 shellac manicures!!!  It seemed like a lot, but I am going to go is totally worth it!  Especially considering that one costs around $30 anyway!  So, that is very exciting!  And now I will not have to worry about my nails over the Thanksgiving Holiday!  Now my drama is "What color should I paint my nails?"  Oh, first world problems!
4.  My sister Megan is coming into town tomorrow!!!  Yahoo!!!  Enough Said!
5.  The family is going to see Catching Fire this week at some point!
6.  Family Time, family time, Family time!!!
7.  Mishi flies in on Tuesday!
8.  Only 2 days of school next week!
9.  Christmas Invites are almost done!
10. Who knows, maybe I will get engaged?!?!?!  Ha ha ha- this one is just for fun!  I don't think it will be within the week- but you never know!

Okay, besides those 10 things- there is not much going on!  Ha ha ha!

What I really need to happen is for the kids to hold themselves together for these last 2.5 days of school before Thanksgiving break!  That way we can have a nice and relaxing couple of days at school and then really relax after school and on vacation!  So much fun!

Okay, kind of a lame post!  But that is okay!  I'm off to lunch!

Monday, November 18, 2013

A small wedding rant!

Wedding Post:

I'm posting an issue I have!  It's not my issue yet, because I'm still not engaged!  If someone knows Curt, can you call...please?  Ha ha ha!  Everyone might already be in the know...just not me!  This surprise is taking way to long and is too much for me to handle!  Ha ha ha!  Okay I'm over that little rant!  It's just hard to wait for something that is going to make me so happy!  But as Curt has pointed out "We are about as married as you can get, without being married".  In which respond "Then why not just get married"!  Fun times!

So, here is my real wedding issue that I have!  Once I finally do get to start planning my wedding, I will be on a budget!  So, I have been browsing Pinterest to see what ideas they have for Budget Brides or DIY Brides!  The Budget Brides is where I have an issue!  This is how every article goes:

Click here for Brides who were on a Budget!!!  Find out there secret!  So, I click on it.  And it never fails that these Budget Brides had a small budget...but then also had no one at their party!  For example, I was reading one the other day and the brides budget was $3000.  I thought, hmmm..this could be interesting.  So I began to read...and she had 30 people at her wedding!  And another bride had a budget of $5000 and had 50 people!  And I think, that is not really budget savy...I think that is quite pricey for only 30 people.  And you had the wedding in your backyard and people all brought side dishes for the Pot Luck Reception you threw!

Anyway, that just really annoys me!  So, my goal is to actually have a normal sized wedding on a budget!  I was challenged by my hairdresser to have the best looking wedding for the cheapest price!  Which is exactly how I would like it to be!  So, we will see how that goes!  Once I actually start planning the wedding...once I actually get engaged!

One other thing and then I promise I'm done with my wedding rant for today.  I should start planning my wedding now, but I want for Curt to love the wedding stuff as well!  I still want to have the final say, but I want for him to be a part of the process!  Not like me, but a part of it!  My other reason for not planning as of yet, is that I don't know what I want.  Until I have a budget and a guest list I can't really do anything.  I don't want to plan a country chic wedding and then get married is some fancy place.  Or plan a fancy wedding and then get married in a barn!  So, I'm at a standstill!  I hate standing still.  I would rather keep moving or go to sleep.  Ha ha ha!

Okay, that is all for today and my ranting!  Back to my White Christmas Invitations!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Rough start or a blessing in disguise?

Okay, so my night last night was kind of a crappy one!  Which stinks because it was opening night for Gardner!  Here is how it went:

I was so sleepy after school yesterday that I got home from school and ate and chilled!  Then I was late getting to Gardner.  Then I could tell I was getting a headache!  I don't think I ate enough yesterday- I had 8 glasses of I should be hydrated!  So, I'm watching the show and feeling worse and worse.  They had some technical difficulties, which didn't help...but I stayed for 90% of the show!  I did leave early, there were 2 numbers left in the show.  But I was just I snuck out!

So, I get home- starving with a headache!  I take Chan out, eat a piece of cookie dough and fall asleep within minutes of laying down.  Then this morning I wake up at 3:45 with a headache.  I'm not sure why I always think "if I can just sleep, my headache will go away.  And I won't have to take meds."  I never think that when I'm fully awake, only when I"m about to go to bed.  Arg!  So Buggy of myself!  Anyway, I get up and get some headache medicine and go back to bed.  I take the strong stuff so I think, it should kick in pretty quick!  I'm laying down and nothing is happening.  My head is still hurting as bad as it did before I took the meds.  I look at the clock and see that now it's 4:10.  So, I have a discussion with myself:
Me- I should get up right now and go workout
Me- No, you should lay back down and try to sleep
Me- But sometimes working out helps my headache
Me- That is true
Me- And then after I workout I can come back and lay down for a bit
Me- Another good point
Me- And if I continue to lay here, my headache will go away, but then I will be exhausted and won't want to get up and workout.
Me- You are making some really great arguments
Me- Thank you, let's get up!

So, I got up at 4:15.  Got in my gym clothes, bundled up, and went to the gym!  I got done around 5:20am, came home, and got back into bed.  The only bad thing was that my hair was a little sweaty.  I never actually fell back asleep, but I dozed and thought about what I was going to wear and how to do my hair!  Then I left on time, because that stuff was ready...and I was awake and without a headache!  I also was so happy that I had got my workout in!  It was a great/rough start to my day!  I don't think I will do that every day, but it was nice!

I have been taking pictures of myself every 3 days!  To see if I can see the progress.  And I'm not sure if you can tell with the pictures.  However, I'm wearing pants that were a little too tight a while ago!  And I am not muffin topping over my undies!  I know it sounds lame, but that is a real thing!  I remember telling Curt that it was happening and he said, well maybe the undies are too small.  And I got annoyed with that.  They aren't too small, I have just put on weight!  So, maybe I will post the pics when I'm done with the challenge.  I'm so annoyed with myself that I did not take measurements!  But alas, I can not change it now!

I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!!!  Chat later!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Day 15!!! I made it!

Day 15 in the 30 day challenge!!!  I woke up early and I mean early early!  My alarm went off at 4:15!  I hit snooze once and then got up!  So, 4:25 and was out the door by 4:33!!!  The workout for today was a long one (1:18:35) so I had to give myself the extra time!  However, I did think to myself while walking "I'm less likely to get a stalker or someone who is just waiting to attack me because my schedule is just so out of wack"!   So, that made my getting up a little early worth while.  Ha ha ha-I'm looney!

It was a hard workout and one that made me realize that I need to engage my abs more!  I don't do it as much as I should.  So, that is something that I will work on for the next 14 days!

This weekend I watched the Peterson kids-it was amazing as always!  We had a grand time, but I ate kind of bad!  Oh well, I'm back on and working hard!  Right now all I can think about is the asparagus sitting in my fridge!  I am so hungry for that!  Yummy!!!

This week is Tech week for both Spring Hill and Gardner!  It's going to be a long week of going to rehearsals and shows...we shall see how we do!  The shows go all the way until Sunday, but I'm not sure if I'm going to make that many times!  I will be going Wed, Thurs, Friday, and Saturday- 2 shows per school.  Sunday would make 3 shows per school, but we will just play that by ear!  It might be nice to just relax on that day!  Ha ha ha!

Okay, a short post for me today!  Happy Monday folks!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

An addictive personality?

I have just decided that I have an addictive personality!  Does that make sense?  For example, if I hear about politics, I feel as if I want to know everything!  I become obsessed with looking information up!  Then I get mad because I don't feel as if anyone tells the truth!  And for some reason lying is a big pet peeve of mine.  I think it's the feeling stupid part because I couldn't tell you were lying.  Who knows!  So, I tend to stay away from politics!  Which might be a cop-out, but it's for my own sanity!

Right now, I'm currently working out every day!  I'm doing a 30 day challenge!  We just finished day #12.  Well 13 and 14 are "Active Rest" days.  Which means that we should do something like go for a jog or take a long walk.  But I'm sad that my british chick won't be there leading the workout!  I look forward to the workout and can see myself becoming addicted!  I even thought the other day, I wonder if I can get a workout in before Thanksgiving!  I mean, that is crazy?!?!?!  But, I guess if I'm going to be addicted to something it might as well be working out.  I'm just not sure what I will do once this challenge is over.  The british chick said she will have something else...but I would like to know what?

Other things in my life- I have one more rehearsal for each show, then it's show time!  I can't believe it's almost done!  I am so excited for it to be over!  I will miss the Gardner kids a ton!  I really got to know them this past year!  I will also miss the Spring Hill kids, but we did not get as close!  Maybe next year...if I do it next year!  Who knows!

I have not eaten any sweets or snacked for the past 2 days!  I'm talking about candy, cake, ice cream...those kind of sweets!  And at the past 2 rehearsals there have been brownies with peanut butter and cake!  Yum!!!  But I walked out feeling great because I did not have any!  I do have a pumpkin cheese cake in the fridge that I might eat tonight, but there is only one piece and I don't have to be a nut about it!  But I could tell yesterday that I was jonesen for something sweet!  I just felt weird!  I wasn't hungry, but I wasn't satisfied!  I even went as far as telling myself that I can just eat one spoonful of ice cream.  Or once piece of halloween candy.  But I knew I was probably lying to myself.  So I stayed away from all of that stuff!  My other issue is the fact that my inner brat comes out.  I got home from working out yesterday and I wanted the stuff crust pizza in my fridge and I want to eat an entire box of mac and cheese!  But I didn't and couldn't...or wouldn't...because I'm looking at calories for the first time!  It was a rough moment and some choice words came out!  But I stayed strong and did not let my inner brat get the best of me!  

I am wearing a skirt that I was not able to get into before today!!!  Why?  Because I'm saying no to stuff!  This weekend will be tough for me!  I will want to snack with my nephews and niece!  I will want to buy them donuts for breakfast and eat one myself!  I will want to get pop corn at the movies and just eat the entire bag...but once again...I'm worried.  If I have pop corn at the movies on Friday, what is going to stop me from having pop corn while watching a movie on Saturday with my nephews and niece?  What is going to stop me from making desserts for them?  And snacking with them?  How am I going to do this?

I will tell you!  I will wear clothes that fit better because I'm eating better!  I will pick and choose what I want to eat and when!  If I get movie popcorn, then I won't have popcorn on Saturday!  I will just motivate myself and text my friends if I'm going down hill fast!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Random...once again

I have been working out for 9 straight days...Okay if we are going to be technical- Today is day 9 and I have not worked out yet.  The other technicality is that I started on Saturday...missed Sunday, but started up again and have been going strong ever since!  I'm loving it!

I'm eating a little bit better, but I feel that I will ALWAYS have to improve on that!  So, I'm taking it in stride!  I have also been drinking a ton of water!  Thank you workouts!

Besides that my shows are coming to an end!  I have been working on Musicals since August 20th and I'm down to less than 14 days!!!  I can  not wait!  I will miss the kids, but I'm looking forward to having my nights free again!  I will start Blue Valley Middle's show at some point in December...but those rehearsals only go until 5:30!  Which puts me home at the amazing time of 6ish!  Love it!  Plus it's been a long time since I have only done one show!  Yikes!

So, another date has passed and I'm not engaged!  I am trying to go with the flow!  I want to know stuff is in the works, but I don't want to know details.  That is a weird combination.  I'm lucky I know anything at all.  Or am I?  If I knew nothing, would I be better off?  Who knows?!?!?

I'm pretty excited about the next few weeks...even months if you think about it!  I have a busy week with relaxing weekend, then a busy week with shows for 2 schools, then a relaxing week before Megan arrives, then it's Thanksgiving Week!!!  Then we only have a few weeks until Winter Break...which is the White Christmas Party, Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Years Eve, New Years...and maybe...just maybe...and engagement in there some where!!!

It's the most wonderful time of the year!!!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

It's Halloween!!!

Happy Halloween!!!

I hope your day is fun and spooky!  My day started off very rainy!  Which made it very hard to get up and work out...which is why I did not do that!  Ha ha ha!  But that is okay, because I will workout after school, why?  Because I have the time!  Yahoo!!!

Today I wore my Halloween Candy Corn dress!  I made it last year and I loved it!  I was so happy that it fit this year.  It's a little tighter...but I'm working on that!
As you can see, last year I had brown hair and white tights!  This year I have blonde hair and yellow tights!  I also changed my location from the bathroom to my colorful orange wall!  So fun!  I hope to wear this dress several times!  And maybe look as good in it as I did last year.  This year is not bad...but it is not as loose, which means it rides up a little bit more!  Once again, I'm working  on that!  Ha ha ha!
I can't believe November will be here tomorrow!  The month of October has taken forever to get least that is how I feel!  Let's take a quick look at my month.  Honk Jr. ended the last weekend in September.  Baby Amelia was born, I began rehearsals for Smile and continued rehearsals for Fame Jr. and Guys and Dolls.  My first free weekend included a movie night with a friend.  My second weekend was spent watching the amazing Peterson kids!  Now that was a blast!  My 3rd week was tech week for Fame Jr. and watching the Peterson kids as their parents moved into their new home!  My 4th week was Wicked, Parent Teacher Conferences...and did I mention rehearsal for Guys and Dolls and Smile was still happening!  I also did Trunk or Treating for the Church!  Plus started working out (this past week) and am still rehearsing for Guys and Dolls and Smile!

So, while it's been a fun and busy month...I am ready for a hopefully more calming month of November.  Let's see how this month looks thus far:
This Saturday is My 5 year anniversary with Curt!!!  I can't believe it's already been 5 years!  Crazy!!!
17 more days of musical
Tech week for both Guys and Dolls and Smile
Show week for both Guys and Dolls and Smile
Les Mis at the JCC (my dad and brother-in-law are in)
Baby Amelia's Baptisim!  I'm her God Mother!!!
Engagement?  Ha ha ha...but maybe not so much laughing...hee hee hee...
Black Friday
And please make the trumpet noise that they do when announcing something awesome in the movies where they have balls-than dancing ones...not the boy ones (I hope you followed all of that...)
Megan comes into town!!!  And Mishi as well, although I'm not sure exactly when he will be in town, but he will still be here!!! that relaxing?  Not really, but it should be fun!  I'm so excited for Megan and Mishi to come into town that I can hardly stand it!  I love having my sisters here!  And while Dana will not be able to join us (boo you and your Sesame Tour- just kidding) will be fun non the less!

Dana- if you are reading will come into play during my December schedule...ha ha ha!

Okay, I'm out!  Thanks for reading and have a Happy Halloween!!!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Why are my posts so random...

Hello people,

My work life has just gone from being insane to the calm after the storm.  Is that a thing?  The calm after the storm?  It must be...and if it's not, then it is now!  Last week was Parent Teacher Conferences!  I had to print off report cards, MAP test scores, a letter to the parents, and a form describing the MAP test scores.  Plus address labels...then folding everything and stuffing everything.  And making sure parents who are divorced are recognized for being divorced!  That is the most nerve racking thing (yikes)!  On top of that I was in charge of setting up appointments for Conferences.  So, I had to call all the parents, and re-call them, and sometimes re-call them again, then I sent reminder emails to the families who set up appointments!

<sigh> And today I had to mail report cards (done).  I had to copy a file for a girl who moved (done).  Now all I have to do is put the 7th and 8th grade pics in their files!  But the best thing that my desk is clean!  I have finally gotten rid of all of the papers, envelopes, and labels that were making my desk look like a loony bin!  Yahoo!!!  I love clean spaces!!!

This weekend was Trunk or Treat!!!  I made my car into a Barbie House!!!  It was pretty awesome, even though they didn't give me an award for it!  Rude!   I will have to post pics or something!  I don't think I ever got a pic of myself with my that was a big boo!  Oh well!  Pictures of the final product will happen now, but I will post other pictures at a later time when I am able to hook my phone up to my computer.

In other news...I'm still "single"!  As in not engaged.  I didn't really think he would carve "Will You Marry Me" into a pumpkin...but it would have been cute!  Maybe someday I will experiment for my book that I'm writing!  I am not technically writing a book, but it is a dream of mine!  Plus, maybe Curt and I can be in all of the pictures!  That would be pretty amazing!!!  Ha ha ha!  A real dream of mine...being proposed too over and over in all of the crazy ways that I have thought up in my mind!  Yahoo!!!

Tomorrow I am taking a sick day!  I have a dentist appointment, and I hate them!  So, I decided to take the entire day!  Curt and I are going to meet with Pastor Burt at 1pm.  It's a getting to know you type of chat, but I wish he would scare Curt just a bit.  That would be pretty funny!  After coffee, I think we will take a trip to the Cider Mill!  I have wanted to go for so long, but there was never any time with our crazy schedule (Okay, my schedule is the one that makes it crazy...but who is pointing fingers).

A few things when it comes to getting engaged (I know, I'm's on my mind and I know that I'm just take it or leave it)!  I wish someone would talk with Curt about the wedding and engagement...but if they have...would they really take the time to tell me?  No!  Because it's supposed to be a surprise!  Sigh...but then I am not sure if anyone has talked to him to find out something!  I's so hard!!!  It just stinks and it's amazing at the same time!  Why do I care so much...Oh well!  Our 5 year Anniversary is this Saturday!  Let's see what happens!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

This post gets a little weird in the end...but I think it's a good one...

So, there are some important dates coming up for Curt and myself.  He has been dropping hints about proposing...and he even told me yesterday that he told his mom when he was going to do it!  But the anticipation is killing me!  Ha ha ha!  It's like Christmas...but better!  When I compare it to Christmas...I'm talking about the gifts...not the Birth of Jesus, because is there anything as awesome as that?  No!  So...back to me!  Ha ha ha!

So, here are some of the potential dates I'm talking about.  If you think I'm nutty...just click on that little red X in the top corner.  This page will go away and you won't have to read any more.  I have been told to just be happy where I am and to not think about getting engaged.  But to those people I would like to say...hush!  Ha ha ha, just kidding!  I just can't help myself!  So, once again if you don't want to read Crazy Amy's blog...then close the window!  If you want to read, laugh, and think man I'm glad I'm not that crazy...then rock that out!

Potential Dates-
10/22- Wicked- important because we both love this show.  A lot of my family was there.  It could have been a dress up thing with a nice dinner attached.- Reality- we had a blast!  It was a great night with a lot of fun!  But no engagement!  Oh well, moving on to the next date.

10/26- STAMP Halloween- he could always propose with a pumpkin!  That might be cool!  I don't really see it happening, but I think it would be a fun way to propose!

11/2- Our 5 year Anniversary!  Need I say anymore?  And this year, it's on a Saturday!

11/24- Les Mis at the JCC!  It's the theatre where we's a show that we both love!  Megan will be in town.  So, I just think it would be cool!  Once again I don't really see it happening here, but it would be another awesome way to propose!

11/28- Thanksgiving!  I don't really want a proposal on this date.  I wouldn't mind one on Thanksgiving...but this is the day I got married the first time.  So, I think that would be weird.  Can someone please mention this to Curt?  I guess, if he does it on this date...he would have really changed the meaning of this day.  However...if we can avoid it...I think that would be best!  Maybe mention this to him...those that read it and actually know him.  Ha ha ha

I guess the next day we can say...would be Christmas Eve, Christmas, and New Year's Eve/New Year's!

Or it could be any day between here and whenever!  He could pick a totally random day...and that would be awesome as well!

Okay, I'm off to work!  I'm dying in suspense...but it's awesome!  I love this feeling!  I love the Holidays and we are gearing up for the Holiday season!!!  I'm so excited!!!  I love this time of year!  Everything seems possible!  Everyone seems a little happier!  If you aren't a little happier, find the joy in your life!  I find joy in middle school kids, my puppy, my friends, my family, my everything that you see...find something to be happy about.  If there is nothing in your life...then go out and create something.  Volunteer and make a difference in someone's life!  Don't let this holiday season go by with you feeling sorry for yourself or negative nancy!  You can find something in any aspect of your life!

Wow, where did that come from?  I'm sorry for the soap box comment!  I'm going to blame the SRO at my school.  He told me that suicides go up starting now...and that is what makes me sad!  If you think outside of yourself you might be able to see how much you do for others!  Or start to make that happen!  Do stuff for others that are in need!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Oh my was a joke! Awkward moment...

You know what is awkward?

When you tell a joke...and the person on the other side does not get it.  So, then they answer in a true manner...which makes an awkward situation.

For Example:

A guy was coming around to check the computers at my school.  I come walking up (I was helping a kid) and I hear "it's not her computer" and then they see me and say "No worries, it's not your computer."  I laugh and say "Well, you probably just wanted a donut".  I was obviously just kidding, because I don't actually think that the computer guy was going to steal one of the donuts that I was eating for lunch.  When he responds with "No I didn't want a donut.  I don't eat donuts."

There is the awkward I laugh (what else do you do during the awkward moment?) and said "Well, that is terrible news".  Then I opened this up and decided to write about awkward moments!

Ha ha ha, happy Friday!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

My friend realization!

So today, I was having one of the many conversations that I have with myself while driving!  I thought everyone did this, but when I spoke with some middle schoolers they informed me that they do not ever talk to themselves!  Awesome!!!  Just me!

Anyway, we have a new girl who is not exactly the happy type.  We all believe she is very upset about having to move.  Which I get!  When I moved to Kansas in the 5th grade it was a very rough transition!  I did not have many friends and well...5th grade is just a tough  year!  Anyway, I was talking to myself and realized that most of my friends are around for a few years then I move on to other friends.  How weird right?  Until I realized that with moving so much as a kid, we made friends and then moved.  So, my friends were not my friends for longer than certain periods of time.

After realizing this, it seemed very funny to me!  But it is how I have been my whole life (until the last few years).  I have friends and we talk and are really close for a few years then things grow apart!  I had a different set of friends every couple of years in Junior High and High School.  Then in college, I went to JCCC for a few years, then I went to Emporia for a year, then I went to KU for a few years.  So, once again...friends for a few years!

Once I moved back to Kansas in 2008, I finally felt like I belonged!  Like I was part of the group instead of right out side of the group!  But that probably has something to do with the fact that I never stuck around for longer than a few years anyway!  It's crazy how you can realize something about yourself when you are 31 years old!

The good new is this...I now have a great group of friends and it's been pretty similar for 5 years now!  Look at me go!  My sisters have always been there and will always come first in my line of friends!  They are my best friends!  I get along with Sarah and Megan pretty perfectly!  When it comes to Dana, we are either in sync or so completely out of sync we can't be around each other!  As we get older (and now that we live apart) it has gotten better!  But when the 4 girls are together...there is nothing like it!  It's just laughs and jokes and making fun and laughs...and did I mention laughter?  I have gotten off track...anyway, besides my amazing sisters...there are a group of girls that I adore and love to be around!  I'm pretty lucky to find my group as an adult!

Okay, I think I'm done!  I'm off to fold 2250 pieces of paper!  Don't be jealous!

Friday, October 11, 2013

So little time...

So, this cold is trying to kick my rear!  I keep fighting with still working 60-70 hours a week!  Ha ha ha, in your face cold!  I realized today that 22 of those 60-70 hours are me dancing like a 15 year old.  Ha ha ha!  No wonder I'm exhausted!

Today I woke up at 7:10!  I had to be at work at 7:15...needless to say I was late!  I jumped out of bed, wore the pants I wore to bed threw on a shirt, took out the dog and headed into work!  It was nutty!  I was 30 min late..and it takes me 15 to get to work!  So, I don't look like a movie star...if you know what I mean!
Anyway, I got to school just in time to not have a lunch break!  Wah wah!  I have not had a lunch break for a few weeks now, because of the school musical!  So, I was really looking forward to a lunch break!  But now I don't get one because I was late!!!  Ahhhhh!!!!  Ha ha ha!  Oh well...there are no kids here, no teachers I might have just eaten lunch at my desk anyway!  Ha ha ha!

This weekend I get to babysit my nephews and niece!  I'm so excited!!!  I have so much fun stuff planned...I do have to get supplies for this fun weekend...but that should not be an issue!  Curt and I are both so excited!!!

Okay, I need to get to work before I fall asleep or start thinking about what I need to do for this weekend!!!  Bye folks!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Oh Wednesday...

So, the temp is starting to drop!  Now I don't mean drop as in "When I got here it was 65 and now it's might snow or maybe no school!".  No, what I mean is the morning temps are starting off lower and lower!  This morning's low was 45 degrees!!!  I am totally ready (mentally wise) for this cold weather.  Clothes wise...I'm a little behind.  My rain boots (the grass is very cold and very wet in the mornings) are at my parents house...along with my winter coat, scarfs, hats, and gloves!

Now, if you are like most might laugh at me.  Why do I need all of that gear for a low of 45?  I mean, the highs are still in the high 70's early 80's!  But let me tell you...I hate being cold!  I hate having wet feet (that one was an obvious...and I don't know anyone who enjoys wet feet)!  But when I'm walking my dog and standing out in the 45 degree weather...and it's dark out...I'm freezing!  It does not bode well for the rest of the day!  I have been blasting my heat (which works again...did I tell you all that story?) so that I can be toasty warm on my way to school.  I even had a warm drink the other day!  I love being toasty warm.

Which is why I'm ready for the cold weather!  I have had the fun summer heat!  I love the summer heat!  But only for the summer months.  Now we are into fall and I'm ready for the fall chill.  Once December hits, I will be ready for the cold and snow!  Now, this is where people really think I'm nuts!  But I love the seasons!  I love the changing temps and I'm always ready for the season change to happen!

Now that you know that I"m ready...don't laugh if you see a girl who is dressed in her boyfriends winter coat walking her dog in the early hours of the day!  She just hates being cold and doesn't really care if you think she looks silly!

Show update-
Fame Jr.- We are starting to do full runs of the show!  Which is good because it opens next week!  And it closes next week!  So, by next Friday I will be totally done with show #2!!!

Guys & Dolls- I have 3 more dances to teach!  I have made 1.5 of them up.  By tomorrow, I will be done with all of the hard dances!!!  I'm so excited!  That is a huge load off of my shoulders.  Plus they are working really hard on the dances they know already!  Which is great, since I don't have a lot of time to re-teach them things.

Smile- Only a few more dances for this show as well.  But they should be pretty easy ones so that is good!  The girls are working pretty hard, but they will need to step it up since their show is so close!!!

Yahoo for me and my shows!  I'm loving this...but I'm also hating being so busy all of the time!  But I'm knocking these shows out one at a time and feeling great.  Well, I"m feeling great about the shows...I feel a little sick myself!  Darn cold!

This weekend is going to rock, because I'm watching my nephews and niece!  I think I want to make pumpkin shirts, pumpkin, ghost, or Frankenstein lanterns, watch a Halloween movie, and just hang out!  I'm thinking about going for a walk...and maybe picking up some McDonalds on the way home!  It should be a blast!!!  I love these kids so much!!!

Monday, October 7, 2013

I actually posted some pics!

So, over the weekend I wrote so many posts in my head!  Now I can't remember a single one of them!  Boo that!  I guess the most fun thing I did was decorate my house for Halloween!  I love doing stuff like that, so for me that is really important!  I cleaned and decorated on Saturday!  I had my friend, Stormy, over and we watched Pitch Perfect!  She had never seen it!  Which is terrible news!  Thank goodness we put an end to that!  She had never seen my apartment or my awesome decorations!  Loved it!  I also finished my ladder!!!  One that I started posting about a year ago!  It is now decorated for Halloween!!!  Yahoo!!!

Other fun things at the moment...
I am totally paid up on my bills!  I finished paying off both credit cards for my car!  I finished paying off my glasses and paying my mom back!!!  Yahoo!!!  I'm broke...but that is A-okay!  Because I'm debt free and broke!  Yahoo for me!!!

I got my hair cut and colored this weekend!  I love doing that!  I think he took about 4 inches off!  So, it feels really short, but it's not actually all that short!  Does that make sense?

 before after

I miss my long hair, but my thoughts are this 1. It's still long so don't be lame!  2.  What is the point of having long hair if it's going to be damaged long hair!  3.  Did I mention that it's still really long?  Ha ha ha

Then yesterday I laid on the couch all day and watched the Chiefs win again!!!  5-0!!!  I am nervous for when they do lose.  Because everyone will be so down on them!  I just want everyone to be nice.  And I don't want to lose to one of our main rivals (Chargers or Raiders).  Oh well!  Chan was looking super cute he kept going back and forth from outside to inside!  It's beautiful outside so the porch door was open!  Here he is in all of his cuteness!  He needs a bath and haircut, but his little face is so cute when it's hairy!
I love this puppy so much!  

My cousin had a baby this week as well!  That was an awesome bonus to this week!  Our picture is below!  The pressure is really starting to mount with how cute all of these babies are!  It's a bit annoying!  In the best way possible!

I love her!!!  I'm her God-Mommy!!!

Okay, I think that is all for now!  I need to get better at writing more!  Okay...peace out for now!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

If my schedule could be a little more packed...

I started working on show #4 yesterday!  I think it will be a good show!  Am I challenging them?  You better believe it!  Are they going to work harder than they ever have before?  Probably!  Only because I need them to do exactly what I tell them to do!  Ha ha ha!

Good news, I think they like me!  My sister taught their the last few years and they loved her!  So, they were some big tiny shoes to fill!  So far so good!  I guess I should see if they like me after a couple of weeks!  That is when the not so nice me comes out...ha ha ha!  I don't know if I would call it the not so nice me...just the I work really hard...why aren't you working really hard me comes out!  Some people don't like that person!  Oh well, not much I can do about it!  Work hard and there won't be an issue!  Ha ha ha!

As of today, I have 17 more days until show #2 will be done!  I have 48 more days until shows 3 and 4 are done!  The thing that makes me the most that the week after I'm done with all of the shows, Megan will be in town!  It will be so nice to not have to think of anything or have to do any dances while she is here!  I will start working on the Winter show in I won't have to worry about that!  And only doing one show will probably seem like a breeze!  *side bar- I might need help on a basketball number*

I'm creating 1 or 2 dances a day and I'm keeping up with my schedule!  I think that is the only reason I"m not freaking out or stressing more!  I'm as organized as can be for having a billion dances and shows in my head!  Thank goodness for that!  I should get off of here and get to working on those said dances!

In my home life, I am not doing too bad either!  I have been doing laundry a little at a time.  Not putting it away, but it's washed and set out!  A little at a time, just a little at a time!

Things I need to do this week:
1.  Come up with names for the kids in the Christmas play that I wrote and look for some cool versions of the songs.
2.  Create one dance for Smile
3.  Create 2 dances for Fame
4.  Create 2 dances for Guys and Dolls
5.  Keep doing laundry
6.  Clean house- people are coming over on Saturday
7.  Decorate for Halloween

Yikes, I better go before my list becomes a little too crazy!  I can do 7 things this week!  I can totally do this!  Folks, let's do this!  One thing at a time!

A little workout motivation

Hello folks,
I hope you are all doing great! I am feeling pretty good today! This past weekend one of my shows ended! Last week was such a crazy week! I did not workout at all! I did eat a lot of salads...but then I also ate a lot of pizza and snacks! Ha ha ha! However, I had a great week! I did not stress too much about not working out. Sometimes you have to let yourself rest and relax. Especially if your week is nuts! So, last week, I slept as much as I could.

Yesterday, I did an at home workout! And today I'm sore! Ha ha ha! I'm not going to lie, I feel great about being sore! It means that I worked all that much harder and that I'm using muscles that I don't normally use. The workout I did (find it below) I did all the sets that it says to do! WHat? I know! It said do 3 sets of 20 and I actually did 3 sests of 20! I am pretty sure I normally cut the workout short because I am hurting! But I did it and today I can tell that I worked extra hard! Yahoo for me!

This morning did not work out for me workout wise! I was sleepy! But I didn't feel to guilty about it, since I did 2 hours of cardio last night at Spring Hill's musical rehearsal! So, I might try to throw something in...but more than likely I will just pick it back up tomorrow! And you know what? I'm okay with that!
Taking a break should not be the issue...especially if you are trying to eat right while exercising! Just get back on the wagon as soon as you can! Do what you can and do it as full out as you can! As long as you are working your hardest and trying your best, you should be nothing but happy with yourself! Remember that phrase! I know for me, if I really look at what I do I would say...I'm kind of doing stuff half way (remember me being happy because I did the exercise the correct amout). So, if I'm not gainging muscle or losing inches...I can only be annoyed at myself! Or if I choose to eat a bowl of ice cream for dinner and don't lose weight...can I really say "I am trying so hard and not losing weight?" No, not really! So, if you are stuck and can't seem to lose any more weight or inches...take a look at what you are doing and see if there is anywhere to step it up! Try heavier weights. That is my next step at the gym. I have to move to the 10lb weights...and they look a ton bigger than the 5lb ones. Ha ha ha!

The goal is to keep you all motivated! To keep you all trying your best! To make sure you don't get discouraged by the lack of change. Or becuase no one is noticing, but you! remember it takes 4 weeks for you to notice a change...8 weeks for someone else to notice...and 12 weeks for the world to notice. I might have made up those times...but the point is that you must keep working at it! You all can do it! I believe in you all! So, get out there and rock this day out! Go to bed knowing you made some awesome choices in eating, drinking water, or working out!

Happy Tuesday People!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Show #1 and Show #3- drama drama drama!

So, tonight I have ABMS Musical from 3:15-5:15.  Then I have to be at CYT at 6:00.  Then I'm supposed to be at Gardner at 7:00!  Yikes, it's going to be a busy night!

CYT- Tech week has been great and rough at the same time.  I'm glad that it's over!  Last night was the parent preview and it went great!  The only thing that made me sad was the director at the end of the evening did not tell the kids that the show was great.  She kind of ripped it apart!  These kids pulled this stuff out of no where!  So, that was really nice.  Was it perfect?  No, far from it!  But it was a lot better than I thought it was going to be!  For me that is a win!  So, over the next 6 shows the show should just grow and grow until it explodes in awesomeness!!!

Gardner- This week I got news that some of my dancers and their parents were complaining.  One girl twisted my words around and told her mom that I told them to embrace their inner stripper!  I don't ever remember saying that.  But if I did, it wasn't said seriously...I mean come on!  I'm hurt by this and angered by this!  Thankfully, the director had my back and refused to believe I would say that!  I did a few things wrong however, I told the girls to wear something that makes them feel pretty.  I also told them that one of their costumes might be daisy dukes and a stomach showing shirt (I asked the director and that is what he told me, however...neither of us has seen the that is a mistake on our part).  So, with that costume in mind I told the girls, wear something that makes you feel pretty and if I were you, I would wear something to rehearse FOR THESE NUMBERS ONLY something that shows some stomach.  I told them, I want you to be comfortable with that so that when show week comes around and you all of a sudden have to show your tummy, you all aren't freaking out about that.  I told them about when I was in chorus line.  I was the only one to wear a leotard and tights to rehearsal.  But when show week came around all of the other girls were all freaking out about not having cover ups on...and their bodies...blah blah blah!  And for me it was just another day.

Anyway, the next night most girls had crop tops on.  A few had form fitting tanks, one girl had a t-shirt but then twisted up the back so that it showed her stomach a little.  Then one girl had a sports bra on.  I never told them what to wear.  I never told them how much stomach they had to show in the costumes or anything like that.  A few of the girls had on dance shorts, which the director brought up to me...but I hadn't even noticed them since that is what everyone is wearing in dance.  But they were a little tiny!  Anyway, some girls went home and complained about what they were wearing and one girl tried to quit because they felt uncomfortable...

So, I'm mad that they didn't come to me and say, this makes me uncomfortable.  Then I would have said, well then don't wear a sports bra.  I would have mentioned that we don't know what the costumes look like...blah blah blah!  The rumor is that the biggest complainer was mad because she didn't get a lead.  And that her and her parents were kind of looking for a reason to quit the show.  But still!  The other parent that I heard about wanted to approve the costume before the girls were allowed to wear it!  Folks, it's Guys and Dolls!  I get conservative...but come on!  This is just getting nutty!

So, I'm seeing them tonight for the first time and I'm not sure what I want to say to them.  I want to let them know that the twisting of my words could have cost me my job!  And that the twisting of my words could cause the parents to talk about me in a negative way.  And the not trusting that we (the directors of the show) would take care of anything that makes you feel uncomfortable is just wrong.  And it made me lose the trust in them and the bond that I had with them.  Maybe I will say something like that!  The whole thing is just buggy!  I will update you all on what happens tonight at rehearsal!  Okay, I'm done with my novel for today!  Peace out and have a wonderful Thursday!

Monday, September 23, 2013

My life is a little more than crazy right now...can I handle it? I'm not sure...yet...

Can we talk about my weekend?  It was so crazy...a few parts were awesome...but overall it was just exhausting!

Saturday- woke up early to workout- awesome
- went to Starbucks to welcome the Fall- awesome
- went to talk to Ford about getting a truck for the Sale- not too bad
- went to McDonalds for a healthy breakfast (oatmeal and a parfait- I also bought my lunch...salads)- fine
- went to Miller Marley to see my sister and niece- awesome
- went to rehearsal for CYT from 9:30-4:30- this was an exhausting part
- we got lunch at Johnny's- this was the bad part.  I should have said- no I brought a salad, but I had some espinaca dip (not the best either)- This was a bad part
- went and picked up the truck, grabbed Chan, and headed to my folks house for a steak dinner- this was an awesome part!
- had cake and Curt was able to come over to enjoy the fun.  I love my family

Sunday- Did not get up early to workout- not bad...but I wished I would have later in the day
- did some laundry and got some clothes organized for the Giant Sale at church- this was okay
- went up to church from 2-8:30 helping with the giant sale- it was fun but exhausting
- folded teenage girl clothes while standing on a concrete floor- it made my back hurt- wah wah
- put some things aside for myself from the sale!- that was fun
- went to go pick up the truck and ladder (that I got almost a year ago and painted a few months ago) from my folks house- that was fun
- got home and was exhausted- that was terrible

Monday- I could not get out of bed- no workout- bad
- went to drop the truck off at Ford- I was running 10 min behind
- realized that I did not bring my bread, that I only brought the peanut butter and fluff- bad
- had to stop at store for lunch- bad
- decided that my morning was in bad shape and I bought 4 donuts and some milk- good, but not good
- ate 2 donuts- yummy but not good
- got to work 30 min late!- BAD (however I did call in to let them know that I would be late)

Okay, so my week and my weekend were nutty!  I have no food at my house except for peanut butter type sandwich stuff.  Well I don't want to eat that all the time because I'm trying to be healthy...minus today's breakdown donut purchase!  I don't even feel better after I ate them!  That is the really lame part!

Oh well, I'm determined to make this week rock!  It's tech week with CYT which means long afternoons and late nights.  And another never ending weekend!  Oh well, it's almost over and I will miss some of these kids!  3 shows going- 1 show about to end- another show begins next week!  Crazy crazy crazy!

Friday, September 20, 2013


Okay, so sometimes as a create dances and you when you are done you can look at them and say "That was good".  Then there are times when you can create a dance and say "Wow, that is it!"  Yesterday I got to have a "That is it" moment!  One of my first dances to create, The Jitterbug, was a bit of a wow moment.  I just remember the kids saying I love this dance.  It's so cool!  They wanted their parents to come and watch it!  They gave me a feeling of "Okay, I can be a choreographer"!  I have created some awesome dances, some good dances, and some wah wah I wouldn't want to be in them dances.  But yesterday, I made up a dance to "Mabel's Prayer" from FAME Jr.  And it just worked!  It's a gospel type song, but it just clicked.  I didn't realize it until I had taught it to the kids!  And they loved it and it went so well with the music.  I just thought...Wow!  This is one of those moments!  Where the dancers and the dance just work!  It was a great experience!

This week I have had some really great moments!  I have loved going to Gardner!  They are working so hard!  This week I worked with the Hot Box dancers.  It was so fun to not only teach them the dances...but to also help them with their character!  It's a big jump for some of these girls to be a "showgirl".  It's a big jump for a lot of these girls to even be dancers!  So, it's been fun!  Plus, they are working, working, working like mad already!  They can see and feel a they will work as hard as they can to get that feeling to keep growing!  So amazing!

CYT's show opens in a week!  We have rehearsal tonight, tomorrow, and then tech week begins on Monday!  This show has been fun...but then also hard as well!  I really think it's my least favorite because it has young kids in it!  Now don't get me wrong, I think young kids are great...but 25 of them and it just turns into chaos!  As I sit here and think...CYT is the only show that I do with kids that are that young.  Everything else has Middle school kids and up!  And I love that!  So, if that doesn't tell you something right then...Middle School kids are the age for me!  High School kids are pretty cool as well...but they can get a little lippy.  Ha ha ha!  I will sad and happy when this show ends!

Anyway, these are my musical stories!  Funny kids, fun dances, and even better stories!  Love it and love life right now!

Monday, September 16, 2013

My week...was...crazy!

Okay, so I have been trying really hard for the past few weeks on eating better, working out...and blah blah blah!  Yesterday I weighed myself and I weighed 144!!!  Oops, I told other people that I lost 8 lbs...that is only 6lbs!  Oh well...I'm sorry for not being able to subtract!  Moving on, because my not being able to do 1st grade math is not what we are discussing!

I should take another set of pics!  Because I'm feeling great!  I am pretty sure I'm not nearly as hungry as I used to be!  That is probably due to the fact that I'm getting enough water!  When I am hungry, I tend to make more conscience decisions about what I'm eating!  That does not mean that I will stop eating chips and cheese dip for dinner from a wonderful Mexican restaurant (last nights dinner).  It just means that I will eat better at other times of the day!  I am still allowing myself to eat fun stuff (ice cream, jalapeno dip, sour cream and onion dip), but I'm not eating as much of it...and I'm trying to throw in some healthy stuff with it!  For example, last week I had a salad and half a Quesadilla!  I ate the salad first, so when it was time to eat the wasn't as appetizing!  I still ate it...I just thought it was interesting that I didn't want it as much.  Ha hah!

Moving on...even though I'm slightly obsessed with my working out and toning up...I can talk about other things!  So, I made a wreath the other day to hang on the front door!  It is for the fall!  I went to JoAnn's bought a 16" wreath (next time I would not use the green styrafoam ones, it was just the correct size...but it was messy).  I bought one thing of yarn (I probably could have used 1/2 of another on...but I didn't care that much).  I bought a little acorn decoration and letters that said Fall.  I was going to cover the letters, but they looked better as just the wood!

I love it!!!  It turned out so great!  It was $20 for everything, which is not the cheapest...but it's my own design and I made it myself!  So, I love it!!!

Other news, I won the Sprinkler Award at my school.  The staff can write thank you notes to others who have helped them do something.  It doesn't matter what it is...if they are thankful...they write a note!  So, this month, my name was drawn!  It means that I get to add something of my to the trophy (picture below), you get a cupcake, and people say congratulations to you!  It's a lot of fun!  Especially the cupcake part!

Yahoo!!!  It was a great way to end the day! 

The other fun thing, well fun...isn't exactly the word I would have used at the moment...but it's fun now to think about...I got my first "I'm sorry" flowers from Curt!  He had to cancel a date with me!  It was a little bit of drama, but we talked it out and I got some pretty flowers out of it!  Flowers don't solve anything...and I did not take to the flowers at no worries girls!  But they are pretty!

Alright, that is all that happened last week!  Crazy times were had by all!  This week will be another crazy one, followed by an insane one...and then hopefully it will go back to being mildly nutty for a while!

Show #1- goes up next week
Show #2- goes up in 5 weeks
Show #3 & 4- go up in 10 weeks

Stay calm and take things one week at a time!  Back to work for me!