Friday, March 28, 2014

It's finally here! My Engagement Party Weekend!

The weekend is finally here!!!  For me this week has just flown by and been pretty good in the process!  I have heard other people say "this week  has gone so slow".  I'm sure it's helped to have something fun...but this was the first full week since January!  At least I think so...ha ha ha!  Plus getting McDonalds and Starbucks for breakfast this morning really made my day!  Yahoo!!!

So, Megan flew in last night, but I'm not sure if I'm going to get to see her until tomorrow night at the party!  Ahhh man!  I love helping set up for this is a bit hard for me!  But since it's for Curt and I...I guess I will get over it!  Ha ha ha!  My goal is to go home and clean.  Hopefully take a break from cleaning to have dinner with the sisters.  Then maybe finish up the cleaning!  Then tomorrow, go to Ford, and look into getting my make up and hair done.  Nothing crazy...I mean I'm not talking an updo...just something different and fun!  Dana suggested curls and I happen to agree with her!  Ha ha ha!

Then the party will be tomorrow night and it will be fun and amazing!  Then Dana comes in on Sunday (after a day of performing) and then Monday is the first day of dress shopping!  I'm not saying that I have to find the dress on Monday, but it would be way more fun to find the dress with everyone there!  Okay, we will just have to wait and see!  I was going to post some pics of the dresses on here, but now I'm not able too since Curt has started reading my blog!  Which makes me smile...but there goes my posting dress pics!  Okay, I'm out for today!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Breakfast Issue

So, this morning I was getting ready and I thought I will make myself an egg mcmuffin sandwich!  I have english muffins and I have eggs!  This is going to be good!  So, I make it and I am heading out to my car.  I get in my car and start driving to work.  I put my sandwich down hold my milk while I go over the speed bumps.  I'm heading towards a stop sign and I come to a complete stop and my sandwich slides off the plate and onto the floor!  The sandwich seperates into multiple pieces even though it should only be in 3 pieces.  I pick it up and it's just covered in dirt.  I'm so sad!  I try to brush it off and some of it actually comes off.  I think, okay...I'm starving I think I got all of the rocks and I take a bite.  And the bit is crunchy!  I about throw it up in my car...and then am so mad because my sandwich is ruined!  Thank goodness I have yogurt at school.  However, I was not hungry after eating a bite of my dirt sandwich.  I'm not particularly proud of trying to eat it, but I was hungry and I try not to think about germs and that type of stuff!  However, the crunchy sand feeling...I was not able to handle!

On another note, my sister Megan comes into town on Thursday!  It's so soon!  Today I'm trying to decide if I should go into Ford or just stay home and work on some crafts that I have to finish by this weekend.  Decisions decisions!  It's a matter of working for a few hours...on one will be another $30.  But is it worth it in gas to go out there.  Another thing, it's right by a fabric store, which I was wanting to make something for me...since I decided to give all of the things I have made away!  Ha ha ha...and I want one for myself!  So, it's another little added bonus if I would go to work!  I just can't decide!  I guess I will see how hungry I am by this afternoon!

Other fun things that are happening...Megan comes into town!  Our engagement party is this weekend!  Dana comes into town on Sunday!  And then it's dress shopping time for me!  So, when I scheduled my appointments- I asked 2 of the stores if they had a certain dress.  At the time (February) they said no.  I'm thinking I should call them again and see if they have it.  So here we go!  I'm so nervous!  I just want to be able to try this dress on.  I mean I love how it looks on the model...but what if it looks awful on me.  If I can at least see it, then I can move on and figure out what I want.  If not, I'm afraid that I will always wonder.  Darn me and my mind!  Okay, so I'm going to make the call...first I'm going to call Ida's.  She said she has some of the dresses but not all of them.  I'm on hold now to see if they have the one I want!  Fingers crossed!  Waiting...waiting...had to give her the style number.  Waiting...waiting...this is killing me.  Why am I so nervous.  Ha ha ha, I'm a dork!  They don't have it!  Wah Wah...Natalie are my only hope!  Just dramatic!  Okay, so Natalie M does not open for another 20 min.  Ha ha ha!

Okay, I guess that is all for today!  Everyone have a wonderful rest of your Tuesday!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Spring Break is almost over

So, spring break is almost over and I'm sad...yet okay with it!  I have been working at Ford during my spring break.  It's not hard work, but it's still getting up early to go into a job.  So, it wasn't much of break for me.  I did try to do something fun every day.  I got my hair done and my nails done.  I found an outfit for my Engagement party!  And I have made gifts for all of my Future Bridesmaids...even though they don't know who they are yet.  Ha ha ha!  So, this week has been productive! 

A few things that weren't bad...but weren't good either.  I have been watching my Aunt's house.  It's been fine, but it's not my house.  You know?  I had to pick out my clothes a week in advance.  Having to figure out what to eat.  Not seeing Curt and not sleeping very well.  Good stuff about it?  I got all of my crafting done.  I don't know if I would have done that with Curt as a distraction!  It was easier to get up and go into work.  I would have wanted to cuddle with him instead!  And talking with him on the phone has been a lot of fun! 

I am lucky, because I didn't go on vacation!  Nor did I have an amazing Spring going back to work is not going to be too bad!  The best reason that I'm lucky is because I have stuff this week to look forward too!  My sister Megan is flying into town on Thursday!!!  My sisters will be throwing the Engagement party for me on Saturday!  My sister, Dana, will be coming into town late Sunday night!  And then we are all going dress shopping on Monday!  I have already asked off from work!  And it will just be an amazing day!

Then when all that excitment is done I have a massage the Tuesday after dress shopping!  Yahoo!!!  Then it's auditions for Gardner Community Theater and before we know it school is out and it's Summer!  I actually counted today and there are only 48 more days of school! 

Here is my amazing timeline:
Megan comes into town
Engagment Party
Dana comes into town
Dress Shopping
Trip with school choir kids
Schools out
Gardner's show
Wedding for Curt's friend
StageworX show
Gardner High School Show
BVMS show?
Spring Hill High School?
Christmas Program (I need to write this)
Christmas + the Schuellers
New Years
Teacher Conferences
Valentine's Day
My Birthday
One Month til our Wedding
Curt's Birthday
Spring Break

Okay, so this is a crazy timeline!  I was only going to go until the end of school, but then just go so excited!!!  Love it!  I love life!  Okay, I'mout for today!  See you when school starts back up (2 days!)

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

It has started!

Okay folks, the wedding journey has officially started!!!  I mean, technically it started back in December, when my amazing then boyfriend proposed to me!  But it has really started now, because we have put deposits down!!!

Here is where we are thus far and what we have put deposits on
Venue- Ball Conference Center
Drinks- Diamond Girls Bartenders
Music & Lighting- Complete KC
Videographer- Tower Studios (we put the deposit down tomorrow)

My theory was correct about the movement of time.  It was moving really really slowly...because we did not have any set and in place.  Now that we have done most of the big stuff, everything is all good!  Time is back to moving at regular speed!  I don't want nor need the time to fly!  I really do want to enjoy every moment of this process!  However, I can't have time standing still, that was just buggy!  Ha haha!

Where do we go from here?  I want to talk to my bridal party!  They don't know they are in my bridal party yet.  I am currently making them welcome gifts, and I'm going to get them all done this week!  It's so fun being organized and having a nice long week like Spring Break! 

Next week my sister Megan comes into town!  So EXCITED for that!  Then there is the engagement party!  Then dress shopping because my other sister Dana is coming into town as well!  Also very EXCITED about that!!! 

I feel so calm now, and as my mom said, Finish getting the big stuff set and then take the next year to have fun, craft, and enjoy this time!  There will be no more stressing to see if venues will book up.  I just feel so calm and happy! 

We still need to set the food stuff for sure.  We have a general price and what we want...but we need to nail it down and put down a deposit!  That way we know for sure that they will be ours on our date!  We also need to figure out a photographer.  But we have a meeting with someone scheduled for after spring break.  So, I'm not too worried about that! 

I guess that is all for now, I'm going to sign off as the super calm bride to be!  Happy Tuesday folks!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Did anyone watch the Bachelor?

So, I watched the Bachelor last night!  It was weird!  There were some good things that happened and then there were some weird things that happened!
Good Things:
I don't mind that Juan Pablo did not propose.  Nikki, said it best when she said "There are couples that say they are in love and then a few weeks later they break up".  I totally agree with that!  I mean, if Juan Pablo is not ready to say will you marry me, I don't think he should.
Weird Things:
The fact that he didn't say I love you or that I'm falling in love with her is a bit weird.  I mean the dad said don't propose if you aren't 100%...he didn't say don't say I love you until you want to propose.
Good Things:
I felt as if the family was pretty open about JP.  They told both girls that Juan can be mean.  They also asked what to do if Juan tries to walk away from the relationship.  To all of us viewers it was a red flag galore!  But, when you are in love you put a positive spin on it.
Bad Things:
The girls did not bring that up with Juan Pablo.  Um, your cousin said that if things get rough you are might try to walk out.  That is not going to work.  No, they just went back to kissing him and did not ask about any of it!  That was shocking and really made it seem as if they weren't listening to things that the family said.
Good Things:
I think Nikki will be a better fit for Juan Pablo.  I think she will fight and get angry and not be a total pushover.  I mean at the final rose Juan said don't get cranky.  Probably because it was so hot.  She said, I won't...maybe later.  So that lets me know that she has gotten a little cranky around him.  Or has at least told him that she gets cranky when it's hot.
Bad Things:
In the after the rose show, Nikki didn't say anything.  She looked down a lot, and hardley spoke unless spoken too.  So, that seemed weird.  It has to be a bit awkward "Does it bother you that he hasn't said I love you?"  Um,  of course Chris!  Thanks for bringing that up!  What is she supposed to say, either she looks like an idiot or he looks like a complete jerk.  It's a tough place.  However, once JP came out...I kind of felt as if she were taking cues from him.  It was a little battered women syndrome to me!  It might just be me...or because it was so awkward.  Maybe I would have been super quite as well...with everyone judging!  Or ganging up on them.  Who knows!

Bottom line, I'm so interested to see where they end up!  I hope they work out.  As I said, I don't mind that he didn't propose...but he could of acted a bit different.  To be honest, I did not like Juan Pablo from the beginning.  I didn't like him when he was a guy on the bachelorette.  And was very unimpressed with him as the Bachelor!  I wish them the best and hope that the Kansas City native gets to be in love and get married with the guy she loves!  Fingers crossed...

New Bachelorette- Andi!  I'm not sure how I feel about her.  I didn't really like her on the show.  She seemed a little too insecure for me.  Always crying for what I felt they sympathy card!  It got old.  I love how she left, but then felt that she was a little too angry because he was not bawling and crying and begging her to stay.  It will be interesting to see how she does as the Bachelorette!  I will have to wait until May!

I'm ready for some amazing reality tv show- So you think you can dance!  When is that show coming back?  It's by far my favorite!  Okay, folks...that is all for now!

Monday, March 10, 2014

I love Great Theatre!

This weekend I saw some theatre!  Lucky for me, it was Awesome Theatre!  Which does not always happen with community theatre.  I will admit, that Kansas Community Theatre is actually pretty good theatre, but some are better than others.

On Saturday afternoon I saw Rockhurst High School's rendition of Drowsy Chaperone!  First off, that is such a funny show.  Sarah, said it perfectly, you feel like you are hanging out with the Man in the Chair.  Something happens to him and you just giggle as if you were there.  So, funny!  Or as if you are in on the secret with him.  I have seen this show once before when my dad was in it.  It was so good, but then I thought the Man in the Chair died.  I shared this with Sarah, and then we just started laughing.  We laughed so hard that I started tearing up!  Holy Moly!  Then for the bows...the audience lights came I'm standing there wiping my tears and they can all see me!  Oh dear!  Ha ha ha!!!

The other cool thing I found out was that they still dance on the stage after the shows!  To the same song that I danced too back in 1996 when I did my first show at Rockhurst!  Love, love, love!

Saturday night, I was able to see OCTA's rendition of Little Women!  WOW!!!  It was the first time I had seen the show.  I'm not sure if it meant more to me because I am one of 4 sisters!  But it was just an awesome show!  The music was great!  Even the solo's were more up-tempo!  I didn't really think there were any ballads.  Then there was one moment, where Lauri (the neighbor) came over and the 4 sisters declared him to be one of them!  And it just brought me back to when Sarah started dating Mike!  I was 13, Megan was 9, and Dana was 7.  I mean, Mike is brother to me in all sense of the word.  I mean, minus the getting beat up on in the younger years.  So, in reality, Mike was better than a brother!  Ha ha ha!  I just kept seeing all of my sisters and I throughout the whole show!  I kept trying to figure out which sister was was a little rough!  Then in Act 2- I just bawled!  I mean (spoiler alert) Beth dies!  And the song she sings before it was just beautiful!

I can not speak highly enough of the show, the actors in the show, and just everything about it!  If you get a chance to see it, I highly recommend it!

The last show I saw, was my cousin in his Disney show!  He is going down to dance at Walt Disney World over Spring Break.  He has just become such an amazing dancer!  It has been so much fun to watch him!  Sometimes I even hate him, because he is that good!  When I say hate, I don't mean hate hate...just a loving way!  Ha ha ha!  Watching him I leaned over to Curt and said- I want our future kids to take gymnastics!  I want them to dance, flip, sing, play sports...just be super well rounded!  We shall see what they want to do and what they don't want to do!

Okay- that is all for today!  Peace out folks!

Friday, March 7, 2014

I'm one relieved Bride!

So, the past few days have been bad because of my stomach ache...but wedding has been amazing!

With the decision of the reception site, the decision of the music, lighting, photobooth, videographer, food, and drink has also been decided!

I don't think you all can know how big of a relief this all has been.  I know, I know...crazy bride here I come.  But I was really nervous things would get booked...moving away from crazy bride now...

The next step is too put down deposits on things, but once that is done...we can just relax, and raise money for the wedding!  There are a few big things that we still need to look into...photographer, invitations...but besides that...the big stuff is planned and ready to go!

So, now it's time for me to sit back and enjoy our progress and enjoy the time of us being engaged.

For the record,  I was never a crazy bride to anyone else.  I had just heard such crazy things about venue's getting booked.  I mean one that we looked at was already booked for May of 2015.  So, while I was only crazy in my head, it's nice that I no longer have to be crazy in my head.  Ha ha ha!

I will post more later about the other venders and costs of everything...once we have put a down a deposit!  Happy Weekend folks!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

My tummy ache

A few days ago it was my birthday!   The people at my school know me really well.  2 of my co-workers bought me cupcakes, and another bought me a cake!  Then my sister also brought me cupcakes!  I love desserts, so needless to say I was in heaven!

I ate one of the cupcakes and then later that day had cake...and for dinner I had Arby's!  I'm pretty sure it could go in the hall of fame as worst eating day ever!  But it was yummy!  I saved one of my co-workers cupcakes for later.  It was chocolate cake, peanut butter icing, and reese's peanut butter cups on top!  This was the kind of cupcake where the icing was piled super high and it was super rich!

Yesterday for lunch I ate a salad, then I was so excited to eat the cupcake!  It was AMAZING!  About half way through, my body said...okay, stop eating!  But my mind said NO!  So, I kept eating.  I ate the whole thing (I'm feeling a bit sick just writing this).  Needless to say my stomach hurt a bit.  I drank some water and did not eat anything else.

The stomach ache felt like gas (sorry folks, this is getting real).  But it wouldn't go away.  Now I have a pretty good metabalism!  I go to the restroom restroom at least once a day if not more.  So, being super gassy is not really my thing.  Anyway, my stomach was hurting so bad!  And of course I had an eye doctor appointment after school.  So, I'm sitting at the doc's and I realize that I have to go to the restroom.  I think thank goodness for me, because then I will feel better.  I go...and I don't feel better!  What?!?!?  That is not right!  I have always felt better after I use the restroom!  Arg!

Finish at the eye doctor's - $100 later which also makes my stomach hurt.  Ha ha ha!  I head home and I'm in some serious pain!  So, I lay down on the bed.  By this time it's 4:30.  The Lent service that I would like to attend begins at 7pm.  Then a knitting class that I would really like to attend and only meets once a month was meeting at 8pm.  So, I'm laying in bed hoping to feel better.  The fetal position does not help, laying on my back does not help, if I lay on my stomach and prop myself up on my elbows...that helps!  So I prop myself up with pillows and my arms and doze until 7:30.  Nothing!  It's not better, thankfully it's not's just painful.  So, I pick myself up and head out to the knitting class.  I have to get gas of course.  Because who doesn't want to stand outside in 30 degree weather pumping gas with a horrible stomach ache.  *sidebar- as the gas was pumping, I was sitting on a guard rail with my head down, hood up, freezing and in pain.  When an attendant comes by and scares me.  He asks if I want a carwash.  I say no.  But I felt so embarassed that I didn't see him or hear him coming!  ha ha ha*

I finally make it to the Knitting class.  And I stumble onto the floor- since my stomach hurts.  I don't mention it to anyone.  I mean what do I say "for the first time in my life sugar has given me a stomach ache"?  That just sounds weird.  So, I'm learning how to knit- which is the only thing taking my mind off of my pain.  Thank goodness!  The only part that was really weird was when the Pastor walked by.  I wanted to shout, I'm in a lot of pain and listening to an hour long sermon would have killed me!  But I didn't, I did try to show my pain a bit.  But let's be honest it probably came across as a weird scowl.  Ha ha ha!

The class is over and we are all leaving, even though I want to run out because it hurts 10 times worse standing up, I don't.  I walk with the nice ladies who taught me how to knit!  It really was fun- minus the pain.  Ha ha ha!  I finally get home and Curt has people over.  I knew he was going too, but it's just bad when you are doubled over in the doorway.  Ha ha ha!  Curt came in, asked if I needed anything.  I didn't!  I just went back to laying on my stomach in a propped up kind of way.  No matter how hard I tried, I could not go to the restroom.  It was terrible!  I did go home and post to facebook that my stomach hurt.  I'm not sure if Pastor Burt would care...or even read it.  But I hate feeling guilty like that...ha ha ha!

At 12am I woke up and knew that I should go to the restroom.  And I did!  It helped for a second, then I started to drink water.  I did not want to get dehydrated and get a headache!  Then at 3am I had to use the restroom, then at 5:40, and at 6am, and at 6:55...I was contemplating calling in...but kept many more times can I use the restroom?  I have not eaten since 2:00!  I did drink a glass of OJ and grabbed 2 pieces of bread and a blueberry bagel.  In case food started to sound good.  Which at that point in the morning it did not!  Not even treat day!  The OJ did not set well and sent me to the restroom a few more times at school.  Which is terrible news.  Then I was having terrible stomach pains (blamed on the OJ) when all of sudden I realized the pains were changing into hunger pains.  So, I grabbed a piece of bread and began eating small bites!

Now it's 11am and I'm feeling pretty good!  Not good enough to go and eat a burger or anything.  But at least I'm not in pain and I'm thinking that I am done with the restroom.  It was a crazy intense day and I'm so thankful that it's over (hopefully).  I came to school so that I could go to the show tonight without feeling weird about it...but there were some moments when I's not going to happen today!

Okay, well there is my dramatic telling my my stomach ache!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

I'm 2 months in and I'm stressed...kind of...

Okay, lately I have decided that I like to make a decision and then move on!  To be honest, I can't remember if I have talked about this in a post...but if I have you can just skip on down past this part!

If I have to make a decision, I like to think it over for a bit, make the choice, and then move on!  I remember when I was 16, I decided to break up with my boyfriend.  It's not that I still didn't like him, because I did.  I just knew that it wasn't the right thing for me.  He was not making me happy.  And I knew that I needed to be happy.  So, I thought about it.  Felt bad about it...and thought about for a day or so.  Then made my decision to end it and I felt so much better!  Then I went and broke up with him.  Sorry ex-boyfriend!  When I thought about auditioning for Disney again, I was worried about it and thought about it for a day...and then made the decision to audition!  I felt great about it and booked my plane ticket and the job!  Now that was really lucky!

My point is this, I have been looking at venues since I got engaged.  I have looked at prices, pictures, set up appointments to go and see these places, and sent out email after email...!  I mean, 2 months to make a decision!  I'm being driven crazy by my own wedding and it's still over a year away!  I'm going to be a bridezilla for sure!   I don't want to be that annoying bride, that is a wah wah!  But I feel as if time is moving against me!  And that my personality of making fast decisions is being tortured!  And then as if I'm over-reacting like a mad woman!  I am not a crazy bride, but having to wait this long is going to drive me crazy to make one decision...

Until this past weekend...

I was talking to Curt.  Showing him pictures of the Monarch Room (who were wonderfullly nice and it will be a beautiful space once finished).  When he said, since we lowered our numbers, is the ball conference center back in?  I said, yes I guess so!  But I"m not sure I can handle another option!  He said, what if the Monarch room isn't as nice as the BCC?  And why is it so much more expensive?  I said, it's pricey because we are paying for the downtown view!  He replied with, I don't care about the downtown view!  He also said, I thought you might not want to have it there, since that is where Megan had hers!  I thought that was very sweet of him to think of me, but it doesn't bother me in the least!

So, the next day I went and redid the pricing for the BCC.  And it was all starting to come together!  The prices were right!  Everything was starting to fall into place!  That night after Curt got off work I said, I think we are going to go with the BCC.  He said, okay!  I said, I'm going to call them tomorrow to see if the day is open.  He said, okay.  I said, if it's open I am going to ask them to put a hold on the place.  He said okay.  And from there, I have picked out the DJ, Photobooth, Lighting, and bartenders.  All of the big stuff that I was worried about!  Nothing else is final final, since I have not talked with Curt about them yet.  But he has been so great, and knows that I have been really into my research!  So, I'm not too worried.  And if he doesn't like them, then too bad!  Just kidding, then we will search some more!

So, the wedding is going to be at the Ball Conference Center!!!  I'm so excited and relieved to have the day set and the venue on hold (it's not for sure until we have put down a deposit)!  It really did lift a weight that was on my shoulders.  Now I can take the time to create everything else!  We can start knowing how much we need to save!  And all of that jazz!  The stress is gone and once again replaced with excitement!  Peace out for now!

I thought I posted this a while ago...sorry

Is it just me or is time standing still?  I just feel as if these last 2 months have gone by so slowly!  Everyone keeps saying that the next year is going to fly, but I'm pretty sure right now it's trying to kill me with slowness!

Here is where I think the issue is:
I have things that I have booked for the wedding.  But I am not a person who takes weeks to mil over a decision.  So, this waiting weeks to see venues and for them to be done from being under construction is a lot for me to handle.  I had to wait 3 weeks to see the Chiefs Stadium, and then 2 more weeks to see the Urban Even Space, then 2 more weeks to see it again, and then one more week to see the Monarch room.  Which he tried to reschedule until next week.  That would have really killed me!  Then there are a few places that we haven't seen as of yet.  So, it's just all crazy!

Some of you might be thinking that I'm being a little dramatic.  But I'm not!  I promise.  I just want to look at the options, go see the options, talk over the options, then make the decision.  Not, see one...wait for forever, then see another, then wait some more to see another one.  Then talk about it.  Then think about it.  Then think some more...and maybe just maybe make a decision.  Ha ha ha!  Okay, so maybe I am being a bit dramatic!  But I'm the bride!

Okay, so I'm totally kidding about the whole "I'm the bride" thing.  I might have a type A personality, but I'm not that nuts!  I also like to check things off my list and I have not been able to do that!  Arg!  I love to list check not just list look.  Ha ha ha!

Step away from the wedding thoughts.

My birthday is coming up!  I have printed off a list of freebies that you get for your birthday!  I would love to take a day or an evening and go get a snack at one place, an appetizer at another place, an entre' at a third place, then dessert...or maybe a few desserts!  On top of that, a free movie would be great!  My choice!  Yay!  Wow, this post is really trying to bring out my selfishness and it's winning!