Friday, May 10, 2013

Inspirational Friday

Hello Folks,
Alright, since last Saturday...I have really been trying to eat better! You all hear about this every day...but it's paying off! I have lost 3lbs this week! I lost weight, then I gained weight, then I lost a few more...folks it does work! Has it been easy? Um....NOOOOOOO!!! I should post a pic of all of the food and homemade desserts that we have here! It's ridiculous! But, I have come through on top!

Yesterday I was doing great...I ate a salad at lunch and then had 1 cupcake! I was not even tempted to eat anything else! And I was thinking go me!!! Until I got a phone call at 3:00! It was an annoying phone call about things that are affecting the lives of the people I work with. There is not much I can do about the issue, excpet suck it up. But it's an issue of people being stingy with money! And when it's for a silly makes me a little annoyed. So, I did what they told me to do and then got up from my desk so angry! Everyone was gone...and I walked into the teachers lounge and got another cupcake! Then I was so mad because I let my anger get the best of me...and caused me to eat when I didn't want too! The only good thing about it, was the fact that the cupcake was amazing! Thank goodness, that would have been even more terrible! I walked up to the Receptionist and told her that I was so mad at this person then at myself. She said are you going to put that in your email? So, this is for you Jennah!
I am a total emotional eater! I'm so happy, let's have ice cream! I'm so sad, let's make brownies! I'm so "insert whatever emotion you want too" let's eat (insert any food you want)! It is something that I am trying to work on. To really listen to my body to hear if it's actually hungry. And when it's saying I'm hungry I try and listen to see if it's actually thirsty (bcause half of the time when you are feeling hungry, you are actually thirsty- crazy)!

For me, I have lost 3 lbs...and that is not really anything to write home about. But, as I said yesterday and probably several times before...celebrate your accomplishments. Just not with food! Feel proud of yourself! I know my folks really help me get motivated! The Wednesday before I really started watching what I ate, my folks went "All In"! My mom had started losing weight...and that motivated me to really work on it! This morning my mom said "I have lost weight, but you can't tell". She wasn't saying this to be "Debbie Downer" or anything, it was more of a "You might not be able to tell, but I have done it and am excited about it"! Of course I'm so excited for her! And that motivated me even more to keep up the healthy eating and the excercising!

That hard work is all on her! Just like another reader on here has lost weight and fit into pants that she hasn't been in in a few years! That is all her! I might have gotten this whole thing started, but I can't make anyone workout or eat healthy! That is something you have to do on your own! So, for all of you that have seen some progress! For all of you that are working hard and getting fit! Way to rock! I am so proud and honored to have been able to jump start this journey! You all motivated and jump started my journey as well! For those of you who have not started suck! I'm totally kidding! There is still time! You are not behind! Just jump in with both feet! You are on step one by at least being aware of what you are eating or how much you are working out. Move on out to step #2! You can totally do this! It's not as hard as it seems! I mean, it took me 5 weeks to start losing weight! The goal is in your reach! It's realistic! If it is not...then make it realistic! Sometimes I get crazy when I see these uber skinny models...and I think wow! I want to look like that! But I also want to eat a cupcake! And I don't have the luxury to workout every single day! So, that is my choice! My goal is not to be a VS model (although if they wanted me cupcake eating and all...I might change my tune)! Free under garmets...right? I love free stuff!

Okay, wrapping up my ranting! Set a realistic goal for yourself and then let your self reach for it! You all can do this! I know you can! You all know that everyone else in the group why not you?
Tell yourself this: You are not perfect! You don't have to be perfect! But if you try your hardest and work hard you will see the rewards in your life! Do this for yourself! Be proud of who you are and what you have and can accomplish! You are amazing! Everyone else already knows this, now it's time for you to know it!!!

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