Monday, May 6, 2013

Inspirational Monday

Who got up today on the first day of the second half of the workout and actually worked out?

Not me, but I did get up to shower! If you know me...that is kind of a big deal! Ha ha ha, but I do have a plan to workout later on this evening!

I started off my day with a bown of Cocoa Crispies, which migh not be the most healthy...but by the time I made breakfast...I wanted to eat pop tarts, muffins, pancakes, and cinnamon rolls. I am very hungry when I wake up in the morning! So, I felt pretty good! I found out this week that it's Teacher Appreciation week! 
Which means, that our amazing PTO feed us this whole week! It's amazing, but it's not exactly healthy! I'm going to have to work really hard at that!

But I'm ready to see some results! This morning I weighed .5 less than I did yesterday! It doesn't sound like a lot, but when you are trying to lose weight in a non crazy way...losing .5 lbs is great! So, I'm think more in a postive manner today! I can do this, I can eat right!

Can we just explain what eating right means. I'm sure there are people out there who might disagree with me...but it's more about portion control (at least for me)! I can not not have a cookie...if I want it and I say no..then the next day I'm going to want it more. And if I deny myself for too long, then I'm going to end up eating the entire box of Mint Oreo's! Wow, I love those things and really could eat an entire bag or box..or tray! So, for's about not eating the whole thing of oreo's...but only eating two. For example last night we ate salad! It was really good! But a few hours later I'm a bit hungry and I wanted something sweet! So, I went in and had a graham cracker with a little bit of icing! If I wasn't watching what I was eating...I would have brought the whole box with me. I would have also brought the icing into the family room with me. I would have sat down and eaten the entire sleeve of graham crackers all piled high with an inch of icing!
I have to be okay with that! I'm still eating the sweets I love...I just don't have to eat the sweets as if they are never going to be here twinkies! Yum! Okay, so go out today, eat better than you did yesterday! Don't deprive yourself of stuff that you love! But also know that it will still be there in the future! You can do this! You can make the healthy choice! You can improve yourself all by yourself! I know you can! As my mom once again pointed out yesterday...if you don't do this for yourself then the only person it hurts is yourself! So, do this for yourself! Know that you deserve for people to say "Dang girl (or man) you are looking so good! Have you lost weight?!?!?!" or "What are you doing look amazing!!!"! You will also hear this "I'm so proud of your hard work, it's really paying off! Look at my tushy!- said by you when looking in the mirror! People will say this, it might not be today or tomorrow...but if you work hard you can do this!!! You will say this...and you are allowed to say it every day! You will notice the little things before anyone else does...and it's okay to be proud! You are working hard! You deserve to be the best you can be! You deserve to notice your hard work and to praise yourself for your work! Rock this out! You can do it!

Tell yourself that you can do it! You can feel good from the inside out and look good (to yourself- we all know you look great) from the outside in! You deserve the praise you are working so hard for! You deserve the best this world can offer! You are loved, by others and also by yourself...if you can let go! Are you perfect? Heck no! That is what makes everyone so amazing and interesting! But you can work hard to be the best you can be! I'm proud of you all and now you can be proud of yourself!
P.S. It's mexican food day for Teacher appreciation week. I got a salad and churro! Not too bad...Go me! Praise even the small stuff!!!  

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