Thursday, April 23, 2015

I'm stress free!

The wedding is over!!!  To be honest, I loved it!  I had a wonderful time.  Looking back there are a few things that I might have changed...but overall it was amazing!  All that being said- I'm so happy that I am done planning a wedding!

A few moments ago, I realized that my week has been pretty great!  My moods have been great!  I am able to go home and get some stuff done!  I'm not feeling exhausted- or feeling like I should be doing something and that I don't have time to sit and relax!  I did not realize how stressed out I was about the wedding.  If someone would have asked me, I would have said- I feel great!  Until this week!  Even while on the honeymoon I would now say that I was a little stressed.  Probably the trying to bring life back to normal.  A new life of no wedding planning, no shows to's brand new terrain!  Ha ha ha!

So, looking back at the last 4 days- it's been great!  I have gone home and done some laundry!  I have been able to relax and just enjoy the evenings!  Curt and I have been getting along great!  So, maybe the wedding stress was more than I realized!

Yay for having an amazing week!  Yay for being in better spirits!  Yay for trying new things (I started having ITWorks Greens in the morning)!

I will begin my wedding posts today or tomorrow,  so stay tuned!  I'm sure all of my 2 readers will be waiting with breathless anticipation!  Ha haha!  Okay- bye!