Thursday, February 26, 2015

Things are winding down!

I can not believe I am here!  I have one week until my last show for the current season is finished!!!  I have been doing shows non-stop for almost a year and I'm tired!  I'm ready to just plan a wedding...and then after that, I'm ready to just do nothing!  To go home after school and hopefully want to read more!  Or do more crafting!  Or write thank you notes!

I would like for the house to be clean...and to only really have to pick it up!  I'm not sure why my life is going to be like Leave it to beaver after I'm married!  I mean, let's be honest, it won't be!  But the thought of only have one amazing!  Then, summer will be here and once again, I will only be working one job!  Then I will also have a full month that I have nothing going on!  That is what I'm so excited for!  To have nothing to do!  I'm also extremely nervous for that time as well!  Money wise that is...yikes!

4 more rehearsals & 2 shows until Aladdin is over!  44 more days until the wedding is here!  I can't believe it!  Then it's really time for me to get down to business!!!  To get my rear in gear for the wedding!  So much to do...with not exactly so little time.  But not exactly a lot of time either!

Okay, I'm out!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Not much of an update!

After some trial and error, I have found which flowers I want to use for the corsages.  I need to practice making them smaller, but the rose I made looked really pretty!  I can also make them in another color besides the dark purple!  That might also make it more "real". Now, I need to make a trip to JoAnn's/Michaels/Hobby Lobby to look for bracelets to put the flowers on and more bridesmaids bouquet holders.

So far, my list has not shrunk any...but it's not grown either!  I guess that is a good thing!  Unless you count...hold on...I have to add things to the list!  So, my list does keep growing, but I am not super panic-y about the list!  Most of it seems to be small stuff that we can handle!  Does that make sense!  And I can't forget that I have an entire week to do stuff over spring break!  I have got time!

Now I need people to turn in their RSVP's!  Come on folks!

2.  Table numbers- I need to find pictures of myself and start converting them to 4x6's.  Then I need to take all of Curt's pictures and make them 4x6's and see how many more of them we need.- I have a few pictures of me, but a lot of Curt!  So, I'm not feeling too bad about this!
3.  At some point we will need to put the centerpieces together- Waiting until Spring Break!
4.  Start looking at what pictures to use for the Escort Cards- Or an idea for the escort cards

7.  Gifts (Groomsmen)
8.  Bouquets- Done by March 7th- after bridal shower 
9.  Put Table Numbers Together

11. Finalize Menu
12. Specialty Drink
13. Reception Music
14. Wedding Video
15. Ball Conference Center Table Cloths- meeting sometime between 3/9-3/13

17. Ceremony Decorations- Lanterns, Chests, Fabric Draping?

19. Ceremony Music
20. Make a Pick a seat & not a side sign- Spring Break
21. Uncle Curt, Here comes your gal- Spring Break

23. Talk about cake- We are going to meet some time in March.  No rush!
25. Bridal Pictures & Hair Trial- March 15th
26. Corsages/Boutonniere's
27. Chose a reader

Friday, February 20, 2015

There are only 50 days left...

People, the wedding is 50 days away!  Last night I was sitting at my house watching tv and thinking about the wedding!  I do that a lot... I was thinking about how during Spring Break I can hopefully get a lot of stuff done!  Spring break still seems far away, until you actually think about it.

Next week- Feb. 23-Feb. 27
Week after- March 2-March 6- My Birthday
the week after that- March 9- March 13
Spring Break

So, I guess it's still 3 weeks away, but then the wedding will be less than 30 days!  I mean, this whole thing is just crazy!  And it hit me yesterday...that the wedding is getting closer and closer!

I just can't believe that it's almost here!  I can't believe that in a few short days I will be married to the man of my dreams!  I can't believe that I have 50 days to get everything done!  Yikes!

Okay, I'm done for today!

On a "non-wedding note" tonight is the first Friday where I have nothing to do since January 2nd!!!  I"m so excited to do nothing!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

My to-do list!!! It's getting smaller...and yet larger...ha ha ha

The wedding is now 51 days away!  That is less than a deck of cards!  Yikes!  Overall, I feel as if things are getting done...but then I have this feeling that there is still much to be done!  I need to go find my long list.  One second, I will be right back!

I'm back!  Here is my "Wedding To-Do" list:
2.  Table numbers- I need to find pictures of myself and start converting them to 4x6's.  Then I need to take all of Curt's pictures and make them 4x6's and see how many more of them we need.- I have a few pictures of me, but a lot of Curt!  So, I'm not feeling too bad about this!
3.  At some point we will need to put the centerpieces together- Waiting until Spring Break!
4.  Start looking at what pictures to use for the Escort Cards- Or an idea for the escort cards

7.  Gifts (Groomsmen)
8.  Bouquets- Done by March 7th- after bridal shower 
9.  Put Table Numbers Together-do with BJ and Kylie- As many pictures as I have

11. Finalize Menu
12. Specialty Drink
13. Reception Music
14. Wedding Video
15. Ball Conference Center Table Cloths- meeting sometime between 3/9-3/13

17. Ceremony Decorations- Lanterns, Chests, Fabric Draping?

19. Ceremony Music
20. Make a Pick a seat & not a side sign- Spring Break
21. Uncle Curt, Here comes your gal- Spring Break

23. Talk about cake- We are going to meet some time in March.  No rush!
25. Bridal Pictures & Hair Trial- March 15th

Okay, so that is making me feel a little better!  But it's still weird!  I just can't believe how fast time is flying!  I know that I will still have a lot of time (especially once my second show is over...but still!)  It's crazy!

As I told myself yesterday- we are doing okay!  We are doing fine!  We have time to get things done!  Just relax and make sure you are enjoying this and having fun!  I just don't want to forget anything!  Plus, I'm having to use a lot of my creative juices, since there aren't free downloads anywhere!  I'm having to come up with stuff on my own!  And that is not cool at all!  Ha ha ha!  Oh well, things are slowly starting to come together and I'm nothing by excited for these next 50 days!  But I will be even more excited for the final product of being married to my best friend!  Yahoo!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

I'm having a tough moment...

Today was a bad "wedding" day.  I am not sure if the word "bad" is the correct word, it was just a bit stressful!  The Videographer sent an email saying he wasn't able to film.  However he would get other people to film.  It turned out fine, he just meant that he himself is not able to film...but his company can still do everything that we wanted!  Then I got an email from our bartenders.  The email was written as if they just got my name and I wasn't yet a customer.  So, I emailed them asking if they still had our wedding date!  They assured me, I was on their calendar!  Overall- it was just stressful! 

For the first time I can see why a wedding planner would be handy.  Doing all the little stuff.  Calling the vendors, filling out the paperwork.  Right now in my life everything is seeming to be a little too much! 

All of the rehearsals, plus work, plus the wedding just seems to be piling up! During any normal time of the day I can deal with everything.  But there are moments when I only want to do one thing at a time!  Right now in my life, I'm over choreographing.  That sounds bad!  However, I have been choreographing so much...I have done 19 shows & 3 Christmas Programs in the last 2.5 years!  I mean, that is just crazy!  19 shows?!?!?!?  Out of the last 130 weeks I have had 18 weeks where I was not choreographing!  the totally nutty thing is that I was still working at other jobs!  I mean...who does that?  No wonder I'm burning out! 

That was a lot of negative up there.  Here is the deal:  From now on I'm only choreographing 4 shows a the most!  My school show, the high school show, the other middle school show, and the summer camp!  There is a light at the end of the tunnel!  9 more rehearsals for Cinderella and 13 more rehearsals for Aladdin!  And then it's just the wedding...and then for the first time since 2012 I will only have one job!  Here is where the light at the end of the tunnel gets even brighter...for the first time since...before I was able to work I will have the month of July off!  I'm sorry what?  It's amazing!  So, if I can just hold it together for a few more weeks, then I will be home free!

 For those of you who don't know me...I love where I work!  I love choreographing!  And I have loved planning the wedding!  But I'm ready for the shows to end and I'm ready to be married!  Over the past year I have had thoughts of "I might be really sad when the wedding is over" and "am I going to be depressed once the wedding is actually happening?".  I mean, I love weddings...but these past few weeks have been rough for me.  The good news now is that I know I will be okay once the wedding is over!  So, I'm happy!

Now back to the wedding stuff- My list is shrinking!  Thank goodness!

2.  Table numbers- I need to find pictures of myself and start converting them to 4x6's.  Then I need to take all of Curt's pictures and make them 4x6's and see how many more of them we need.
3.  At some point we will need to put the centerpieces together- I will wait February and until Cinderella is over.
4.  Start looking at what pictures to use for the Escort Cards- Or an idea for the escort cards

6.  Shoes- Be done by 2/15/2015
7.  Gifts (Groomsmen)
8.  Bouquets- Done by March 7th- after bridal shower
9.  Put Table Numbers Together-do with BJ and Kylie

11. Finalize Menu
12. Specialty Drink
13. Reception Music
14. Wedding Video
15. Ball Conference Center Table Cloths- meeting sometime between 3/9-3/13

17. Ceremony Decorations- Lanterns, Chests, Fabric Draping?

19. Ceremony Music
20. Make a Pick a seat & not a side sign
21. Uncle Curt, Here comes your gal
22. Passport- paperwork is filled out- picture is still needed
23. Talk about cake- sent text and called and left a message
24. What are the Groomsmen wearing

Monday, February 2, 2015

68 days- am I talking too much wedding?

Okay, if I really start thinking about things we need to get done...I might start feeling a bit overwhelmed!  So, my goal?  Is to not really think about it.  Ha ha ha!  Just kidding- my goal is to check off the list one thing at a time!

Some of the good news- I have had several people offer to help!  People have always offered to help, but that sometimes goes away when you hear how busy everyone is...and you get a feeling that you don't want to bother people!  So, I just do things on my own!  But as you can see, my list keeps getting longer and longer...instead of shorter and shorter.  Ha ha ha!

I'm trying to be positive and to keep calm- which over all I am doing pretty well.  I think once some of my other stuff goes ends, then it will really be fine!  It's just a lot to think about!  Okay- here is the list!

As of February 2 here is the current list: crap- 2 more things added and nothing taken off!

2.  Table numbers- I need to find pictures of myself and start converting them to 4x6's.  Then I need to take all of Curt's pictures and make them 4x6's and see how many more of them we need.- This needs to be done (or most of it done by next week!)
3.  At some point we will need to put the centerpieces together- I will wait February and until Cinderella is over.
4.  Start looking at what pictures to use for the Escort Cards- Or an idea for the escort cards
5.  Guest Book
6.  Shoes- Be done by 2/15/2015- go check out tennis shoes
7.  Gifts (Bridesmaids are somewhat done- Groomsmen are not)
8.  Bouquets- Done by March 7th?  After Bridal shower with Celia?
9.  Put Table Numbers Together- with B.J. & Kylie in February

11. Finalize Menu
12. Specialty Drink
13. Reception Muisc
14. Wedding Video
15. Ball Conference Center Table Cloths- called and left a message
16. Ball Conference Center- Friday Availability- called and left a message
17. Ceremony Decorations- Lanterns, Chests, Fabric Draping?

19. Ceremony Music
20. Make a Pick a seat & not a side sign
21. Uncle Curt, Here comes your gal
22. Passport- Printed off paperwork and will hopefully work on this- this week.
23. Talk about the Cake
24. What are the Groomsmen wearing????