Saturday, June 29, 2013

Oh stuff

So, the first official rent check is due!  I'm a little nervous...and excited as well!  It's a bit crazy!  I have been paying off my bills for so long that the thought of putting so much money into something other than just nuts!  I still have $1300 left to pay off on the car!  I want to make big payment chunks on it...but other things keep coming up!  Like Skydiving...but that is another story!  So, wish me luck on Monday!!!

On another note!  My dad, brother-in-law and myself will be going sky diving!!!  We bought the groupon and now we need to pick a date!  There will also be a movie expense of $ the money is going out faster than it's coming in!  Lucky for me I'm working like a crazy person this summer!  I will tell you more, once I know more!

July is going to fly away as fast as June has flown!  My summer camp Stageworx is performing their show on July 17th and 18th!  Then it's off to the lake with STAMP!  Then it's hanging at the lake with the Alderman's, then it's off to Indiana for an Arnott Family Reunion!  We get back on Sunday and I will be back at school on that next Tuesday!  I can't believe it!  My goal is to just enjoy every single day and enjoy the weather and the people and just everything!

I have been so crafty lately...I will have to get my act together to show you all what I have done!   I have really tried to make my summer pretty crafty!  I promise that I will show all of my crafts to you all!  Or to just Megan...who might be my only reader!  Ha ha ha!  Hey Megan!  Okay, I'm out to go out to lunch and to begin my Saturday fun!!!

Friday, June 21, 2013

My big giant crafty ideas!!!

Once again I'm on a craft kick!  There is so much I want to do and create!  Here is my list:

- Black out curtains for the bedroom!  Waking up at 6am because it's light outside is pretty crappy on your days off!
- A canvas painting for the bathroom!  It doesn't seem to be all that hard, just a bit time consuming...and trying to figure it out is a bit rough.
- A canvas painting for somewhere in the house.  This one should be easier since it's only tape and spray paint.
- A curtain for the book case.
- Curtains for my mom!  I'm so behind on those!  I need to get her 4th of July ones before it's actually the 4th of July!
- A 4th of July door decoration!  It uses sticks, I'm just trying to figure out how to hook them together! 

I think that is everything...or at least every thing I can think of at the moment!  Most of it doesn't seem that hard...once again just time consuming and thought consuming!  I would also like to go to the pool to get some what of a tan!  I'm super white...and not the pretty Nicole Kidman kind of white.  Ha ha ha!

I am going to try my hardest to take pictures so that if it turns out amazingly...I can post it and be proud!  Here is too being crafty! 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Dreams and things to do...

So, whenever I sleep in anything less than a t-shirt and pants...I have the weirdest dreams.  Last night was no different!  I was so toasty when I went to bed that I ended up in a sports bra and my undies.  All night I had the crazy dreams.  I was not wearing the comforter very much either.  I don't know why I was so toasty!  Here are a few of my dreams...

1.  I dreamt that someone was trying to get into the house.  Already creepy, but then when you aren't dressed it's just that much worse. 
2.  I dreamt that some women were looking at me and talking about how in appropriately I was dressed.  I tried to explain that I was sleeping, but they were having none of it!
3.  This one goes along with the first one.  I dreamt that somoen was trying to get into my house, and these guys were all saying that they would protect me.  But I knew they only wanted too...because I was not dressed.  I know at some point I fixed it so the sheets were covering me. 

Anyway, they were never scary...just more annoying because I knew that I was having them because of what I was wearing!  <sigh>

The summer is already starting to fly!  It's the middle of June!  Which is crazy!  My summer schedule truely began this week and so far its going pretty well!  On Sunday Megan fly's into town!  I can't wait!  Then once she leaves it will be July!  Then it's a few weeks until show week, then STAMP at the lake, then an Arnott Family Reunion...then school will be starting once again!  I nee to slow down and try for the best to stop and enjoy my time!

My next task is to get my craft projects up and running!  I need to paint the ladder!  I want to make it into a blanket holder that I will decorate during the holidays and make one part a town holder that I can put in the bathroom.  Or put it in the laundry room so that I can hang things on it, like a grocery bag holder and a holder for my aprons!  So many ideas, but it's really hard to begin!  It is a 6ft or 7ft ladder after all!  Ha ha ha!  Maybe on Friday I can start that long process.  What I have found out is that once you get doesn't normally take all that long.  But it's the figuring out how to start!  I also need to figure out where to hang my awesome garage sale find...the mirror!  The more I write, the more I think about what I have to do!  Oh dear! 

Okay, I'm going to say good bye before I turn this into my to do list!  Peace out folks!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Oh Saturday...

I'm sitting here on my laptop in my apartment for the first time!  It's a total storm outside!  I mean, if I lived on the coast I would have said it was a tropical storm!  It's amazing to be in my own apartment!  I do however miss being around people all of the time, like at my parents house!  But, I think I will live!

Today, was my Step-Grandfather's funeral!  I never once has the urge to cry except for when I saw my Grandmother leave.  She was crying hard!  And that made everyone on her side cry as well.  We don't want to see her sad!  To see her hurting!  To see anything but happiness on her face.  She has now had to bury 2 husbands!  That just sucks!  John will be missed, but for me, he was 95 years old!  He was so ready to go and mentioned several times that getting old stinks.  So, I am more excited than sad for him to be gone and in heaven! 

To the funeral I wore one of my favorite dresses.  It's a navy pencil dress and until today it always made me feel so skinny.  But it was a little too tight today!  I thought as I was standing there listening to the Priest (it was a bit confusing and a little boring and my mind was wondering...does that make me terrible?) if I was a celebrity in a magazine, the title would say something like "Is that a baby bump?"

Here is the thing with everyone's obsession with baby bumps, is that sometimes it's just a pooch!  Sometimes folks, people just had a big breakfast!  Or had on piece of pizza too many, or both ice cream and brownies...or maybe everything that I have been eating has been labeled with "too many".  So, now I kind of feel bad for the celebrities who have been questioned about a baby bump!  Once again folks, sometimes you just have a pooch!

I think that is all, I'm going to figure out what I want for lunch and or dinner!  Have a wonderful Saturday and enjoy the weekend!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I love apartment life!

One week in the new apartment and I'm loving it!  I seem to wake up a little easier.  Maybe it's because it's still new!  Who knows?  I love putting things away and making sure everything is where it is supposed to be! I am really good at home life!  I know that I would be a perfect stay at home mom one of these days as well.  I say that now, when I don't have any kids crying, laughing, being sick.  Ha ha ha!  I have my ideas of how life should be, but I'm not blind to the fact that it won't always be perfect!

We still have to get a few things, like trash cans for all of the rooms.  Baskets to hold the small things in the desk area.  Pictures up on the wall.  Those type of things.  Nothing super big or super pricey...but a lot of little things!

We also need to go shopping for food!  I saw a thing for a months worth of crock pot meals.  That might be something to look into! Not that we would have to eat one every single night, but it would be nice to have things pre-made.  So that we can just pop it into the oven and be ready to go!  None of this, what to eat?  I don't know...let's just go out!  Type of stuff.  I have been trying really hard to eat leftovers...but we have had so much pizza with in the last week...that after today...I might need a break from it!  Okay, and by break, I mean I need to have something else for at least 2 days!  It's a good thing I love pizza!

Curt's friends are coming over for the first time to see the apartment.  I'm having a hard time letting go that everything needs to be perfect for them to come over!  So, I'm going to go home...get what I can get done...and call it a day!  I also want to bake the house smells nice!  Ha ha ha!  Oh well, my inner Susie Homemaker is coming out!  I love her...for the most part!  Alright, it has taken me about 4 hours to write this blog.  Lame!  I have been busy, not just staring at the computer!  Ha ha ha!  Well, have an amazing day and I will talk to you all later!

Monday, June 10, 2013

This is a nothing post...oh well!

So, I have done some crafts and moved into a new apartment!  I have no pictures to show you today...nor do I really have the time to post them!  So, I'm going to just tell you that I will be posting and writing more...but now is not when I will do that!

Have a wonderful Monday folks...I'm off to work like a crazy person!  I'm hoping that if I can get everything done, I might not have to come to work tomorrow!  Fingers crossed!!!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


So yesterday I moved into an apartment with my boyfriend!  It was so much fun with my whole family helping!  I love my family!  Anyway, at 10pm everyone started to leave.  Curt and I finished picking up the dinner mess and then I said...I'm going to walk Chandler.

I took Chan out, and while outside I started crying!  I did not know where to walk my dog!  For the past 4 or so years, I have been walking Chandler on the same path.  We have our routine!  During the 2 day walks we go a certain way.  And for the evening walk...we go another route.  Chandler knows where to walk.  He can almost do it by himself.  But last night, I had no idea where to take him.  There were no sidewalks, no "normal" places for him to go.  I guess it was kind of the same for me.  I was sleeping in a new place.  It is not my normal place yet.  The normal people weren't there.  The normal smells and things weren't there.  So, I started to cry!

I sent my folks a text that said I miss you guys already!  It's the truth, I did!  Am I more than excited to live with Curt?  Yes!  But for the first time it was weird!  I sometimes have seperation issues.  When I am with someone for so long (even on a road trip or a crazy weekend where the family is together for everything) I get sad when it's over and usually cry.  So, moving out of my folks house after 4 years...was sad!  Curt was so worried when I walked inside and was crying.  I told him that I was just overwhelmed with everything!  That is true!  I was overwhelmed with the move, moving out of my folks house, not having a clear cut path to walk was so much to take one day!

But today is another day!  I am ready to take it on!  To gather more things for the apartment- food, shower curtain, trash cans...and just enjoy the moment!  It's my theme for the time being...enjoy the moment!  So, right now, I'm at work, a place I enjoy, drinking a Starbucks Frappuccino!  I only have 4 more days of this job before my summer job begins...and I love that job!  I am living with the man I love and the puppy I Love!  I have the most amazing family in the world (and that includes some friends as well) who helped me unpack my new apartment!  That is my moment!  And it's so easy to enjoy that moment!  I might even cry because I'm enjoying that moment!  Ha ha ha!

Okay, I'm out to go do work at the job I enjoy!  Have a great day folks and enjoy the moments in your life today!

Curt, Chandler, and I after a long day of moving!

Inspirational Wednesday

Wow, I have been terrible this week! It has been a crazy week thus far! My poor little nephew fractured his jaw on Sunday! He is on a no chew diet! And I was thinking to myself. How would a no chew diet affect what I was eating? If I was on one for 4-6 weeks (his diagnosis as of right now) would I form better eating habits? I feel like on one hand, I probably would! I enjoy fruit and have wanted to try fruit smoothies for a while now. On the other hand, I think I would learn to suck on things until I could just swallow them. Cookie dough, chips, mac and cheese (let's be honest...who chews that anyway?).

My amazing sister said she was going to try and do the no chew eating with Luke! I am not going to lie, I kind of want to do it as well! At least until I want a cookie...ha ha ha! So maybe I would not be able to go to that extreme, but a smoothie for breakfast and maybe even one for lunch...would not be all that bad! Plus, to go to work knowing what I would be having for not have to think about it...might be nice!
THis week begins the summer schedule at my school. So we work 7-5! It's awesome, but then's crazy! That extra hour really adds a lot! Plus, I only have a week until I'm done working at the school. And I have to (or want too) get a lot done before I'm done here! Last year, I did not do enough which made the beginning of school a little crazy! So, I'm working is super speed mode! On top of all of that, I moved into a new apartment yesterday! It's amazing and I'm excited to finally be in the apartment! But it's a lot of work (as you all know)! We are not quite moved in...but we are close!

The good news is, is that I'm still thinking about what I'm doing or what I'm eating! I went up and down the stairs so many times yesterday! And then only had 1 piece of pizza. So...thank goodness no one can see the grande frappicino I'm currently drinking! Ha haha! Oh well, it's a live and learn thing! It is week 10, but I'm still thinking about doing video's starting next week! It's just a matter of figuring out how to film it! Could be interesting!

I hope you are having a wonderful week! I hope you are all taking time for yourself to be proud of what you have accomplished in these past 10 weeks as well as in your life! As my boyfriend would say, just enjoy the moment you are in! Don't think of the past, don't stress about the future...just enjoy the moment! So, take the time today to enjoy exactly where you are in life! There will be enough time to stress, worry, laugh, and who knows what else in the future...but for right now, just enjoy the moment! Write to you all tomorrow!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Inspirational Saturday

Sometimes I stress because I don't look like a model.  Or I'm not eating the way I should be...or some other stupid reason that is just lame.  Then you talk to someone whose family member just hit a tree yesterday with their car and are in critical condition.  

It puts things in perspective!  Why am I stressing about silly things.  Yes, health is important and should not be taken for granted.  But does it deserve it's own power to cause me stress?  No, it does not!  

If you all are like me, and let food and exercise have that power...don't let it!  Be strong and know that you are in charge of what you eat!  How much you exercise!  Don't let it run your life!  It is no where near as important as being with your family!  Hanging with your friends!  Making sure that you are okay with yourself!  

If I go today, tomorrow, or 85 years from now...what are people going to remember me for?  For being thin?  For being overweight?  I hope not!  I want to be remembered for my heart!  For the love of my friends and family!  For how I loved working with the crazy middle school aged kids!  I want to be remembered for my laughing at everything and for making people laugh. 

So, the next time I start stressing about my weight or how I look or how I feel. I hope I remember that it's not all that important!  Once again, being healthy is important...but not important enough to stress about!  Hug your friends and family a little more today!  Happy Saturday folks!