Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Inspirational Tuesday

Good morning workout folks,
This morning I woke up with a headache! I was so frusterated, because I should not have had one! I drank 8 glasses of water, ate 3 good meals, and went to dance class where I worked my rear end off, and went to bed at a decent hour. And I still have to wake up with a headache? So, I got out of bed, took some headache medicine and went back to sleep for 30 min! When I woke up again...it was almost gone!

First off, let's give a huge thank you to modern medicine! Can I get an AMEN!!! Secondly, let's be honest...did I drink plenty of water on Sunday? Did I eat healthy on Sunday? Did I get plenty of sleep this weekend? The answer to all of those is No, I did not! So, as mad as I was...and as much as I wanted to eat some chocolate to get rid of the headache...I had to face the fact that it was my fault that my head was hurting!

So, I'm staying on track with my healthy eating, water drinking, workout doing self! But man, it's not as easy as I wish it was! A few of my friends found out they were Glutten intolerant when they were in high school. It makes them physically sick. Not that I want to be physically sick, but it sure would make it easier to stay away from butterfingers if they made me sick. Instead I have to rely on myself...and that sucks! Ha ha ha! I think we all need to focus and give ourselves praise for the things we do right! For example, I went to fill my water glass, and there was a cake in there! It was Hy-Vee cake...I'm not sure if that is awesome cake or not...but it is still cake with what looks like yummy icing! And I walked away! I looked at the decorations, but I did not touch it!
Amy Cake
1        0

I have set a smaller goal for the next two weeks! And now I'm going to praise myself for the small accomplishments in my life!!! I'm not sure if I have said this in an email or just in my head (car, while walking my dog...or any other time I might talk to myself) but this whole "dieting" thing is all a mind game! How can I trick my mind to not want certain foods that are bad for me and to want foods that are good for me? Or how can I tell my mind that I love working out...when in reality I don't really like working out? It's all a game! So, for me to win this game, I need a lot of praise! So, I'm going to start by patting myself on the back for not eating a piece of cake!!! Congratulations Amy, you are a cake refuser!!!

Folks, do what you need to do to get yourself motivated!!! Whether it's offering rewards to yourself or patting yourself on the back! Everyone can do this! Everyone can feel good about themselves physically! You just have to figure out what games to play with your mind!!!

Say this out loud...I love myself! I can do this!!! I can do anything that I put my mind too! I can achieve my goals! Anything that I'm doing now, is better than doing nothing!!!

Okay, peace out folks...til tomorrow!

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