Wednesday, April 3, 2013

My priorities...oh dear

So many things to do...and it seems like there is never any time!  Or maybe my priorities are just a bit off.  Okay, so I don't think they are just seems like the fun things I want to do are not at the top of the list.  For example, I want to do some crafts...but it's not any where near the top of my lists.  Here is what at the top of my lists...
1. Work (full time and part time)
2. Family time
3. Eating (this should be up even more...but I felt weird putting eating first)
4. Relaxing
5. Napping
6. Crafting

Now I know what you are saying, Hey about you don't relax or nap and then you can move your crafting up...but those things are super important to me!  Ha ha ah!  So, I guess no complaining for me!  This summer I'm hoping to have some "real" time off.  I will work a ton from Monday-Thursday so that I can relax on Friday and Saturday!  Or do crafts or just chill or go to the pool!  Who knows what this summer will bring!

Here is a list of things I want to make this summer: I am hoping to take pics of everything
1. Dress Form 
2. The darn ladder that is still in the basement of my folks house (which is still my house as well)- picked up the end of November beginning of December
3. The side table- picked up last summer from the side of the road.
4.  Dress that I started making at the latest in 2008- now that is just sad!  But I can't figure out how to make the top...hopefully this summer it will be easy with a dress form!

Alright, I'm getting a little busy here at work, so I'm peace-ing out!  Dreaming of the wonderful days of summer with Camp and a bit of Ford...and hopefully some crafting stuff!!!  Bye!!!

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