Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Inspirational Tuesday!

Hello Workout Peeps,
How is your Tuesday so far? Mine has been kind of wah wah! I am going to blame the weather! I love Kansas weather! I love the seasons, I love snow and heat and freezing weather and the perfect temperature weather! That being said...my seasons are not lining up like they are supposed too! Spring was supposed to start in March! Here we are the end of April and it might snow today!!! So, this weather is bringing my mood down just a little!
You know what is not bringing my mood down? The fact that I worked out yesterday!!! I feel so proud of myself! I went to bed totally exhausted and wiped out! I did the daily workout and then went to dance class! Once again I did the dance full out almost the whole class and it was hard! I was hot, sweaty, and could not breath all that well...but I was happy with myself!
I'm a little nervous about working out today, because of the weather...it's totally go home and get into your flannel pants weather! Curl up on the couch weather! You all know what I'm talking about! So, my challenge to myself and to you all...is to go home and before you get into your flannel pants do your workout first! Then get comfy and cozy! You will feel better about yourself!
If you are like me, then tonight's choice of working out or not will affect the rest of your week. I know that if I don't workout tonight, then there is not much chance of me working out the rest of the week. I did yesterday's workout, can I do tonights? Can I workout for 2 days in a row? And if I do it for 2 days, can I do it for 3 days? Then 4? And if I'm working out on a regular basis, will I feel better? sleep better? Eat better? Who knows, but I kind of want to figure that out! Don't you? Don't you want to be able to look back and see all the hard work you have put in? Don't you want to be the best that you can be? So, join in! Let's do this together! Let's complain because we don't want to workout togehter...but we do it anyway for our own good! Let's talk about how awful squats are...but how amazing our thighs and butts feel once we are done! Stop sitting around making excuses! Stop talking about how hard it is to lose weight! Let's get out there and try! Let's do this together because we can! We can do this!!! If you did not workout yesterday, forget about it and do it tonight!!! Let's do this together and really push ourselves to be who want to be!!! I know you can do it!!! Now, show yourself that you can do it!

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