Thursday, April 11, 2013

Motivational Thursday

This is an email that I sent out to my amazing workout group!  Enjoy!

Happy Thursday Folks,
At this moment I'm feeling a little guilty, but only because I'm eating a cookie. It is after all Thursday Treat Day! The good news is, is that it's the only treat I have had. Remember last week when I was sitting here with my cake and many other desserts! This morning I made myself eat breakfast so that I would not be starving (like I normally am) for the treats. The other thing that helps, is that today's treat day doesn't seem to be all that awesome! Either way, it is helping me not eat everything that I see!!!
So far this week (all three days of it) I have done the daily excercise!!! Two of those days I also did the running and the other day I danced for an hour. Last night was a little rough! I had gotten home from school and did my running. Instead of doing the daily workout, I put a load of laundry away! Then I went and sang at Church and went to visit my boyfriend!

By the time I got home it was 11pm, I had to walk my dog, and it was freezing and drizzling outside. Once again the entire walk with Chandler I was trying to talk myself out of doing the daily excercise. I thought about nice it would be to just crawl into my flannel pj pants and then into bed. But then I thought of how great I had been doing. I mean, I already ran and that to me is the hard part. So, I got home, went upstairs and did the workout. It seemed harder than I remember, but maybe because it was 11:30 at night and my body was just done! But, I did it! And I can say that I did it! And as I fell asleep, I thought...yay me!

I hope that you all are allowing yourself to feel that! If you are making better choices with your eating and/or working's all awesome! You are doing this for your health. Your choices in the short term only affect you! If you want to workout or eat better...that will not change anything other than your life. So, this is purely a selfish thing to do! And let's be honest, most of us could use a purely selfish moment! If you start looking out beyond yourself, you will see this decision affects those around you. If you eat better will your significant other eat better? If your kids see you working out and eating right, won't that affect how they eat and take care of themselves in the future. So, if you can't handle taking a moment or doing something for yourself...then think of if like this...your actions will affect and change those around you! My BFF FlyLady says all the time, if you are happy then those around you will be happier!

So, get out there and make yourself happy! Go to bed happy because you worked out! Go to bed sore because you kicked your own rear end and pushed yourself harder than you did yesterday! I know you can do it! You know you can do it! You just have to let yourself actually do it! Push away all the negative thoughts, the fears, the tiredness, the stress, the excuses...and make yourself happy! You deserve it as much as you think other people deserve it!  

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