Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Inspirational Tuesday

Happy Tuesday!!!
So, last night I found out that 85% of the time I should go with my first answer/thought/instinct. You know when people talk about gut instinct and all that jazz? Well, I don't always have that...but when it comes to working out and eating...my instinct is pretty good. But I found I don't really listen to it.

Yesterday I went from full time job to part time job. Yay for listening to my first thought!!! On the way home I said, when you get home eat, take Chan out, and then do your daily workout. I did not have to do the run because I was going to dance class. Then I got home and my second thought was "I don't really have to workout, I am dancing for an hour". So, I did not do the daily workout. Just wait folks, it gets worse. I did go to dance class, (yay, first thought!) Then on the way home my first thought was "Get home, jump in the shower, take Chan out and go to bed. Do not pass go, do not collect $200". Okay, so I did not think about Monolopy. Did I do that? No, I sat down and watched a TV show. And it wasn't even a new one. It was a recap of all of the episodes that I have already seen. And when my thought was, don't eat anything because it's after 8pm and you get weird dreams when you eat after 8pm. Did I listen? No, I went and got some ice cream! And did I listen to my first thought of taking a shower so I wouldn't have to get up earlier than I wanted too? No, I just sat and watched TV until I took Chan out at 10:45pm. Then did I go to bed after walking Chan like my first thought told me too? NO!!! I sat back down and watched more TV until going to bed around 11:30!!!

What was my problem? I could not have listened to myself any less than I did yesterday!!! I was so annoyed when I went to bed! I should be showered right now, it should only be 10:30, I should not be feeling a little ill because I ate the ice cream! ARG!!! Sometimes we can't see what is best for us. Or maybe we can see it (hence the first thought) but we don't want to listen. I guess that is our inner brat coming out! Here is the thing, most of the time the first thought is the best one. Go to bed early, eat better, do your workout! Then our inner brat talks us out of it! How many times has your first thought been, I'm going to get up early and workout before my day starts? And how many times have you hit snooze (if you are like me, you hit snooze at least 6 times). Why is it so easy for us to ignore ourselves. If anyone else ignored us like we ignored ourself...they would be grounded or sleeping on the couch or defriended on Facebook! Why are we so different?

Why is it okay for us to be mean to ourselves? Why is it okay for us to treat ourselves as if we don't matter? Because darn it, we do matter! In fact we should matter the most to us. I'm not saying you should be your very own first proirity...but you all know that if you are happy...those around you will notice and be happy with you. If you are in a bad mood..those around you will be more down. Or not want to be around you any more. Treat others how you want to be treated!!! And then actually treat yourself like that! (Cheese Moment) Stop right now and tell yourself that you are right where you are supposed to be! Tell youself that your goal for today is to not be a super hero but to just do better than you did yesterday! You are an amazing person on the inside and out. But if you are unhappy about the out...that is okay because you are working on it! You are amazing and are doing great! You know there is always room for improvement, but yesterday is done and today is a brand new day!!!

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