Monday, April 8, 2013

A bit random...but that is okay!

Good morning Monday!  My day is going great!  Monday's can be a bit rocky...but I'm fully prepared for an amazing day!  I actually woke up and worked out today!  How cool is that!  I wish I could say it was easy, but it was not!  I have not been sleeping well lately.  I guess it's been a while now.  I'm pretty sure it has something to do with my eating habits.  But I just dream like crazy and they are vivid dreams where when I wake up the next morning I feel like I didn't sleep at all.  I read last week that if you fall asleep the moment your head hits the pillow then you are exhausted and not getting enough sleep.  Wow, Sherlock was it?  Anyway, that is how I am!  So, when I dream like this I'm exhausted throughout the day.  Last night I had some crazy dreams and they weren't terrible, but I woke up with a weird feeling.  The most annoying part is that I can't remember the dream!  I hate when that happens.  Anyway, back to me waking up and working out.  I made myself do and I feel better!  I also woke up with a headache so the jumping jacks kind of sucked...but I made it through them and the rest of the workout and feel amazing!!!

I had cereal for breakfast.  As I was eating it, I thought I should make myself a snack because cereal doesn't last all but 10 min...and here it is about 90 min later and I just ate my snack.  Why doesn't cereal last?  I feel like those are just wasted calories and if I counted calories I would never eat cereal!  I was however proud that I made a snack of English muffin and nutella!  Yummy!!!

As of right now, the rest of my Monday isn't anything to write home about, but it's going to stay amazing and I will make it stay amazing!

This past weekend was a busy one.  Wolverine Night was awesome!  The kids don't know how to dance.  Okay, so a few of them do...and then you have to tell them to not dance like that because they are 12.  I was told that I dance like a sista, which was cool!  It beats being told that I dance like a goofy white chick!  So, I left happy!  Then I got to see Curt and hang out there!  The book I made about Colorado arrived and we looked at it together!  It was awesome!

I worked on Saturday, went to lunch with out of town family, went and bought stuff for my cousin-in-law's baby shower and then made a diaper tricycle!  You can see a picture below!  Then Saturday night I went to the Roller Derby with my family to celebrate a friends birthday!  It was actually pretty cool.  It was like stepping into a different world.  I was told that I should do the Roller Derby.  That my character would be amazing!  That I can agree with, but I would not want to be shoved or tripped.  That is a big ewww, for me! But who knows what is in my future!  Sunday was the baby shower.  It was a complete success!!!  Now I can't wait for the party we are trowing for our other Cousin-In-Law, Betsy!!!

Here is my idea, I would love to be a party planner!  So, I'm going to treat Betsy's shower like my first real party!  How fun is that?  My wedding will be the first wedding that I do!  So, maybe this will either show me that I love it...or that I don't like it as much as I thought!  Yahoo for me!  Okay, I'm out for today!  I need to start filling up my water bottle and getting my drink on!  Peace out folks!

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