Friday, April 12, 2013

Inspriational Friday

Alright folks, it's day 5 of week 2!!!
Let's just start by patting yourself on the back for making it to Friday!!! Sometimes, that in itself is amazing!!! Everyone take a moment to just sit and say way to go!

Yesterday I was a little worried because I thought that my schedule was going to make it difficult for me to workout. I was not looking forward to running at 8pm. But...I found out at lunch that I had signed up to work the choir concert!!! So, yay for me! I was able to run and do my daily reps all before the concert!
On the way to the concert I remembered that it was my last day for my Birthday Starbucks drink. You can get any drink, any size, for free! And of course I waited until the last day...but darn it...I wanted my free drink. So, I decided to get it on the way home. I knew in my heart, that I should not get a drink since that is just calories...but I told that rational side of my brain to shut it! Lucky for me it was cold outside, so ordering a Grande (yay for me not getting the biggest size in the world) Caramel Apple Cider! I felt that it was a bit better than a White Chocolate Mocha (man are those yummy)! Anyway, the point of this story is this...I did my workout and did not feel guilty about getting that drink!

Guys this is the whole point of us doing this! Well, okay..the whole point in us doing this is to workout, eat better, lose weight, and tone up. But if you take the actual points away...this experience for us is to lose the guilt. I mean who doesn't have guilt. And this guilt for the most part is in our own head! Here is how you know if the guilt should be real or not...

Pretend your friend came up to you and said I didn't workout because family stuff, crazy day...yada yada yada...then she says I feel so bad about not working out. What do you say as a friend? If you are a good friend (ha ha ha, just kidding) you say...hey stop feeling guilty! If you were busy then you were busy. Get over it move on, and try to workout tomorrow! I don't know many people who would say, wow, you are a bad person! You are never going to lose the might as well quit now!

Why are we so hard on ourselves? Why do we hold ourselves to some crazy high standard that we would never hold our best friends too or our family too? That is just silly! The best part about working out is that you can always start fresh! You ate everything in the house for breakfast, then eat a smaller lunch! You did not do the workout last night? No worries, try your best to do it the next day! Or split it up into smaller segments and do it throughout the day! You had 12 brownies while hiding in your closet so that no one else would see the brownies and want one? Well, now you might have a small problem! Once again I'm kidding (well if you are secretly eating in your closet, that is a bigger issue than these emails)! Moving on...

Folks, give yourself some credit! Feel great about how you have done this past week and a half! Even if you aren't doing everything that is on the list. Or you aren't eating your best! You are at least trying and thinking and moving some! Be proud of that and every day push yourself a little bit more than the day before. I know you can do it! You all know that you can do it!!! Yay for you guys!!!  

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