Monday, April 22, 2013

Inspirational Monday

It's the 4th week for a lot of us! I know for me personally, last week was more of a "Bi-Week" to use a sports term. To be honest, I'm not even sure if that is the correct term. But in my statement it means that I took a week off! I'm not proud of that, but I'm over it! It was a decision that I made every day for myself. If I let myself look back, I will be disappointed in myself. When I get disappointed in myself, I tend to eat more and do less activity! So, that is why I'm over it!

Today is the start of a new day! It's the start of a new week! I was talking with my friend today who is doing this workout with us...and she mentioned that her running endurance is getting better! I replied with a similar thought. When you do the workouts they do get easier! You can run a little more or a little faster! You can do more jumping jacks in a row without stopping! You can squat a little farther down! Folks, this will work! 
But it can only work if you put the work into it! Don't be angry with your progress, focus on the positive! If you have started yet, that is okay! Make a point to start today! Don't go through these last 6 weeks doing things half out! Push yourself! You can make your life better!

Folks, let the past go! Let what you didn't do last week, month, year...go! It doesn't matter any more! What matters is what you do today! Is how you change your life from here on out! Do, I want you to go nuts and try to run a marathon right now? No, we are not weirdsmobiles! Take it slow, but to take it slow you actually have to move! You can do this, say it to yourself! I can do this!!! I can do this for me! I can do this for God! I can do this for my friends and family!!! I CAN DO THIS!!!!! 

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