Friday, April 19, 2013

Inspirational Friday

Happy Friday Folks,
Can you all believe that it is already Friday? My week has flown by...I can hardly believe it! I'm in an amazing mood today and when I think about this group, I don't really feel like I should be! I'm not meaning that how it sounds. I'm just saying that workout wise, I have not done good this week. But, I'm strangly okay with that. Why do you ask? Because I know that I can change my week around starting today! My week is not ruined! Have I used every excuse in the book? Oh yeah...and a lot of them worked this week. But once again I'm okay with that!

I have been trying to weigh myself every morning. I have read different things on that issue, weigh yourself vs. don't weigh yourself. But the one that I liked said, weigh yourself every day, at at the same that you can look back and the day before and say...Okay, I lost weight because I ate great or worked out...or I gained weight because I did not work out or ate terrible. You will always have exceptions to the rule, where muscle weighs more and that type of stuff. But, I weighed my self yesterday and I weighed XX0.5! That was the lowest that I have weighed in weeks! But yesterday was ice cream bar treat day and I did not take it easy. I had a brownie sundae for breakfast, an ice cream cone for lunch, and then pasta and cookies for dinner. It wasn't the best food day for me. Well this morning I got on that scale and it said XX1.5! Do I think that I gained an entire lb? I don't know, but I do know that the scale went up. So, I know that I need to eat better! Did I know that before I got on the scale? Yes, but I also know that I can twist my eating around. For example, I ate ice cream, but I didn't eat it's like the ice cream was my lunch! Anyway, the scale went up and my eating was terrible! That tells me that I need to change my eating!
As I go into the weekend, I'm going to try hard to workout these 3 days! I had such a thing going last week, but when I stopped working out...I stopped for almost the entire week! I know that I don't want to look back on these 10 weeks and say "What if I would have worked harder" "or that would have been a good thing if I could have just done it". I want to give it my all! I want to prove it to myself that I can stick with something! I want to fit into my clothes before the nice weather comes around and wearing leggings every day won't be possible! I not only want to fit back into my clothes, I need to fit back into my clothes! I refuse to go into the summer and warm weather feeling bad about myself! At least if I'm working on it, I can be proud that I'm trying!

Not a single person in this group should be sad about what they are doing! If you fell down like I did this week, where I didn't workout very much, pick yourself back up! Believe in yourself that you are worth all of this work! You should be able to feel as good about the outside appearance as everyone else does. And feel as beautiful on the outside as we all know you are on the inside and out! But outside people can only do so much for us! People can tell us that we are beautiful until they are blue in the face. Or that we are amazing people until they loose their voice, but if we don't believe it about ourselves...then no matter what they say it's going to be a lie in our ears! We can only be as pretty as we think we are. It sounds so lame when I type it out, but it's the truth! Why do I look in the mirror sometimes and feel ugly or chunky or compare myself to my sisters or friends? No one else is as mean or cruel or comparing as I am to myself! So, stop! Stop right now! We are all amazing people! We are working on things together! It might be baby steps some days and giant leaps on other days. But we are working! Sometimes we take a step forward and other times we take steps backs, but we are moving! We are working toward losing weight that took years to put on, we are working toward building ourselves up...after all of these years of knocking ourselves down! But we are working toward it! Be proud of what you have done in these last 3 weeks! Be proud of what you might be able to accomplish if you set your mind to it! Be proud of who you are at this moment, at this time, at this place in your life! Know that things can change and will change if you want them too! You are in charge of your own life and can do this for yourself!!!

Now go out and rock this day out!!! Email you all tomorrow!

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