Thursday, September 26, 2013

Show #1 and Show #3- drama drama drama!

So, tonight I have ABMS Musical from 3:15-5:15.  Then I have to be at CYT at 6:00.  Then I'm supposed to be at Gardner at 7:00!  Yikes, it's going to be a busy night!

CYT- Tech week has been great and rough at the same time.  I'm glad that it's over!  Last night was the parent preview and it went great!  The only thing that made me sad was the director at the end of the evening did not tell the kids that the show was great.  She kind of ripped it apart!  These kids pulled this stuff out of no where!  So, that was really nice.  Was it perfect?  No, far from it!  But it was a lot better than I thought it was going to be!  For me that is a win!  So, over the next 6 shows the show should just grow and grow until it explodes in awesomeness!!!

Gardner- This week I got news that some of my dancers and their parents were complaining.  One girl twisted my words around and told her mom that I told them to embrace their inner stripper!  I don't ever remember saying that.  But if I did, it wasn't said seriously...I mean come on!  I'm hurt by this and angered by this!  Thankfully, the director had my back and refused to believe I would say that!  I did a few things wrong however, I told the girls to wear something that makes them feel pretty.  I also told them that one of their costumes might be daisy dukes and a stomach showing shirt (I asked the director and that is what he told me, however...neither of us has seen the that is a mistake on our part).  So, with that costume in mind I told the girls, wear something that makes you feel pretty and if I were you, I would wear something to rehearse FOR THESE NUMBERS ONLY something that shows some stomach.  I told them, I want you to be comfortable with that so that when show week comes around and you all of a sudden have to show your tummy, you all aren't freaking out about that.  I told them about when I was in chorus line.  I was the only one to wear a leotard and tights to rehearsal.  But when show week came around all of the other girls were all freaking out about not having cover ups on...and their bodies...blah blah blah!  And for me it was just another day.

Anyway, the next night most girls had crop tops on.  A few had form fitting tanks, one girl had a t-shirt but then twisted up the back so that it showed her stomach a little.  Then one girl had a sports bra on.  I never told them what to wear.  I never told them how much stomach they had to show in the costumes or anything like that.  A few of the girls had on dance shorts, which the director brought up to me...but I hadn't even noticed them since that is what everyone is wearing in dance.  But they were a little tiny!  Anyway, some girls went home and complained about what they were wearing and one girl tried to quit because they felt uncomfortable...

So, I'm mad that they didn't come to me and say, this makes me uncomfortable.  Then I would have said, well then don't wear a sports bra.  I would have mentioned that we don't know what the costumes look like...blah blah blah!  The rumor is that the biggest complainer was mad because she didn't get a lead.  And that her and her parents were kind of looking for a reason to quit the show.  But still!  The other parent that I heard about wanted to approve the costume before the girls were allowed to wear it!  Folks, it's Guys and Dolls!  I get conservative...but come on!  This is just getting nutty!

So, I'm seeing them tonight for the first time and I'm not sure what I want to say to them.  I want to let them know that the twisting of my words could have cost me my job!  And that the twisting of my words could cause the parents to talk about me in a negative way.  And the not trusting that we (the directors of the show) would take care of anything that makes you feel uncomfortable is just wrong.  And it made me lose the trust in them and the bond that I had with them.  Maybe I will say something like that!  The whole thing is just buggy!  I will update you all on what happens tonight at rehearsal!  Okay, I'm done with my novel for today!  Peace out and have a wonderful Thursday!

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