Monday, September 23, 2013

My life is a little more than crazy right now...can I handle it? I'm not sure...yet...

Can we talk about my weekend?  It was so crazy...a few parts were awesome...but overall it was just exhausting!

Saturday- woke up early to workout- awesome
- went to Starbucks to welcome the Fall- awesome
- went to talk to Ford about getting a truck for the Sale- not too bad
- went to McDonalds for a healthy breakfast (oatmeal and a parfait- I also bought my lunch...salads)- fine
- went to Miller Marley to see my sister and niece- awesome
- went to rehearsal for CYT from 9:30-4:30- this was an exhausting part
- we got lunch at Johnny's- this was the bad part.  I should have said- no I brought a salad, but I had some espinaca dip (not the best either)- This was a bad part
- went and picked up the truck, grabbed Chan, and headed to my folks house for a steak dinner- this was an awesome part!
- had cake and Curt was able to come over to enjoy the fun.  I love my family

Sunday- Did not get up early to workout- not bad...but I wished I would have later in the day
- did some laundry and got some clothes organized for the Giant Sale at church- this was okay
- went up to church from 2-8:30 helping with the giant sale- it was fun but exhausting
- folded teenage girl clothes while standing on a concrete floor- it made my back hurt- wah wah
- put some things aside for myself from the sale!- that was fun
- went to go pick up the truck and ladder (that I got almost a year ago and painted a few months ago) from my folks house- that was fun
- got home and was exhausted- that was terrible

Monday- I could not get out of bed- no workout- bad
- went to drop the truck off at Ford- I was running 10 min behind
- realized that I did not bring my bread, that I only brought the peanut butter and fluff- bad
- had to stop at store for lunch- bad
- decided that my morning was in bad shape and I bought 4 donuts and some milk- good, but not good
- ate 2 donuts- yummy but not good
- got to work 30 min late!- BAD (however I did call in to let them know that I would be late)

Okay, so my week and my weekend were nutty!  I have no food at my house except for peanut butter type sandwich stuff.  Well I don't want to eat that all the time because I'm trying to be healthy...minus today's breakdown donut purchase!  I don't even feel better after I ate them!  That is the really lame part!

Oh well, I'm determined to make this week rock!  It's tech week with CYT which means long afternoons and late nights.  And another never ending weekend!  Oh well, it's almost over and I will miss some of these kids!  3 shows going- 1 show about to end- another show begins next week!  Crazy crazy crazy!

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