Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A little workout motivation

Hello folks,
I hope you are all doing great! I am feeling pretty good today! This past weekend one of my shows ended! Last week was such a crazy week! I did not workout at all! I did eat a lot of salads...but then I also ate a lot of pizza and snacks! Ha ha ha! However, I had a great week! I did not stress too much about not working out. Sometimes you have to let yourself rest and relax. Especially if your week is nuts! So, last week, I slept as much as I could.

Yesterday, I did an at home workout! And today I'm sore! Ha ha ha! I'm not going to lie, I feel great about being sore! It means that I worked all that much harder and that I'm using muscles that I don't normally use. The workout I did (find it below) I did all the sets that it says to do! WHat? I know! It said do 3 sets of 20 and I actually did 3 sests of 20! I am pretty sure I normally cut the workout short because I am hurting! But I did it and today I can tell that I worked extra hard! Yahoo for me!


This morning did not work out for me workout wise! I was sleepy! But I didn't feel to guilty about it, since I did 2 hours of cardio last night at Spring Hill's musical rehearsal! So, I might try to throw something in...but more than likely I will just pick it back up tomorrow! And you know what? I'm okay with that!
Taking a break should not be the issue...especially if you are trying to eat right while exercising! Just get back on the wagon as soon as you can! Do what you can and do it as full out as you can! As long as you are working your hardest and trying your best, you should be nothing but happy with yourself! Remember that phrase! I know for me, if I really look at what I do I would say...I'm kind of doing stuff half way (remember me being happy because I did the exercise the correct amout). So, if I'm not gainging muscle or losing inches...I can only be annoyed at myself! Or if I choose to eat a bowl of ice cream for dinner and don't lose weight...can I really say "I am trying so hard and not losing weight?" No, not really! So, if you are stuck and can't seem to lose any more weight or inches...take a look at what you are doing and see if there is anywhere to step it up! Try heavier weights. That is my next step at the gym. I have to move to the 10lb weights...and they look a ton bigger than the 5lb ones. Ha ha ha!

The goal is to keep you all motivated! To keep you all trying your best! To make sure you don't get discouraged by the lack of change. Or becuase no one is noticing, but you! remember it takes 4 weeks for you to notice a change...8 weeks for someone else to notice...and 12 weeks for the world to notice. I might have made up those times...but the point is that you must keep working at it! You all can do it! I believe in you all! So, get out there and rock this day out! Go to bed knowing you made some awesome choices in eating, drinking water, or working out!

Happy Tuesday People!

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