Wednesday, October 16, 2013

My friend realization!

So today, I was having one of the many conversations that I have with myself while driving!  I thought everyone did this, but when I spoke with some middle schoolers they informed me that they do not ever talk to themselves!  Awesome!!!  Just me!

Anyway, we have a new girl who is not exactly the happy type.  We all believe she is very upset about having to move.  Which I get!  When I moved to Kansas in the 5th grade it was a very rough transition!  I did not have many friends and well...5th grade is just a tough  year!  Anyway, I was talking to myself and realized that most of my friends are around for a few years then I move on to other friends.  How weird right?  Until I realized that with moving so much as a kid, we made friends and then moved.  So, my friends were not my friends for longer than certain periods of time.

After realizing this, it seemed very funny to me!  But it is how I have been my whole life (until the last few years).  I have friends and we talk and are really close for a few years then things grow apart!  I had a different set of friends every couple of years in Junior High and High School.  Then in college, I went to JCCC for a few years, then I went to Emporia for a year, then I went to KU for a few years.  So, once again...friends for a few years!

Once I moved back to Kansas in 2008, I finally felt like I belonged!  Like I was part of the group instead of right out side of the group!  But that probably has something to do with the fact that I never stuck around for longer than a few years anyway!  It's crazy how you can realize something about yourself when you are 31 years old!

The good new is this...I now have a great group of friends and it's been pretty similar for 5 years now!  Look at me go!  My sisters have always been there and will always come first in my line of friends!  They are my best friends!  I get along with Sarah and Megan pretty perfectly!  When it comes to Dana, we are either in sync or so completely out of sync we can't be around each other!  As we get older (and now that we live apart) it has gotten better!  But when the 4 girls are together...there is nothing like it!  It's just laughs and jokes and making fun and laughs...and did I mention laughter?  I have gotten off track...anyway, besides my amazing sisters...there are a group of girls that I adore and love to be around!  I'm pretty lucky to find my group as an adult!

Okay, I think I'm done!  I'm off to fold 2250 pieces of paper!  Don't be jealous!

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