Tuesday, August 25, 2015

School...oh my!

So, I'm trying to go back to school!  I have been thinking about going back to school for the past couple of years!  It's been annoying, because there are no "quick" programs for me to take!  Each program is 2-3 years- depending on what I wanted to teach!

This past summer, I really started thinking about it.  I talked with my friends and family!  And as my sister pointed out- whether you start the 2 year program today or in a few years, it's still going to be 2 years!  You might as well start now!  It made sense!  So, I really started to look into the process.

I had it narrowed down to an online school in Wisconsin to get my teaching degree in FACS!  It was going to be hard, since some of the classes weren't offered online and I was going to have to find them around town.  But I am not afraid of hard work...I just want the opportunity!

Then I got brave and applied for the Masters of Art in Teaching program at Pitt State University!  I sent my transcripts and have filled out all of the paperwork!  I was in a holding stance for about 2 weeks!  It was rough!

Yesterday, I found out that I have to take 3 classes to raise my GPA.  These classes must be done by May of 2016- since the Master's Program will begin June of 2016!  Yikes!  I was disappointed.  But I got the list of classes that I must take and have found them at JCCC and one at an online school in California!

Last night I spent the evening applying for JCCC and Saddleback College!  I was getting ready to sign up for the class at Saddleback, when they said...you must pay by Credit Card!  Yikes!  It was $864 (not including text books)!  Man, school is pricey!  So, I'm going to wait about a week!  Figure out where the money will come from and we will be good to go!  The first class I will be taking is "Musical Theatre History and Appreciation"!  I am actually excited for the class...and a little nervous! It will be starting in October and run through December!  Hopefully, I will be done with most of my musical/ Christmas Program stuff!  It means I must get organized and be on top of my game!  I'm happy that Gardner has moved their rehearsals up to 5:30!  Yahoo!!!

I won't be talking about going back to school very much until I make the Master's Program.  It's the same with auditioning- you don't want everyone to ask how the audition went, because what if you don't make it!  So...once I make the program, then I will let people know that I'm going back to school to become a teacher!  I'm just so nervous about school...hopefully it will be different, since I actually have a goal in mind.  A purpose for going to school.

Here is the plan:
Take one class this semester- October-December- Musical Theatre History
Take two classes next semester- Jan. - May- Readers Theatre and Basic Visual Production
(The good news is that, all three of these classes seem interesting!  I am happy they are all theatre related)
I will also have to re-take the ACT or take a Praxis test and pass!
If everything works out and I pass the test and the classes then I will be starting the Masters program in June!
Masters Program- June 2016-May 2018! (6 hours a semester and 6 hours during the summer)  I would also like to Student Teach during the final semester...but again, I'm not sure if that is possible!  Once I make the program, then I will ask about that!
Graduate with my Masters in Teaching Speech/Theatre
Take a test to become a FACS teacher!
Be a teacher in the Fall of 2018!

So, I guess we will just see how it all goes!  I can't believe I'm actually going to try to do this!  Somewhere in there...I will also be having kids!  Ha ha ha!  Send prayers, happy thoughts, good luck vibes, and anything else my way!  I know that I can do this if I can stay calm, not worry about money, and work hard!

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