Thursday, December 10, 2015

Day 11 of a 12 week program!

So, I'm on day 11 of the workout/eat clean program and today something crazy happened!  I put on short dress/long shirt that I have not been able to wear in probably 6 months to a year!  I am not kidding!  This made me so happy!!!  And on top of the fact that it fits...there is actually some room to breath!!!

So, today I walked into the Treat room (it's Treat Day Thursday) I looked at all the stuff that a few short weeks ago would have filled my plate (donuts, cookies, chips and dip) and I didn't even want it!  A co-worker was in there and said don't even come in's filled with sweets (he knows I have an issue...a love issue...with sweets).  I said, I am fine and don't even want any of that stuff?  You know why?  'Cause I have this dress on!  And this dress was not fitting a few weeks ago!  Thank you very much!

This morning I went and worked out at my apartment gym!  It's getting easier and easier to wake up at 5am.  I think it's because I'm sleeping better.  Which is probably because I'm not loaded up on sugars!!!  It was an abs and shoulders workout...although it was more focused on the shoulders...than the abs!  I might have to start doing a few extra things with the abs and inner thighs...

Anyway- seeing some fun results like the dress thing makes it worth it!  And it motivates me for the weekend which is filled with 2 holiday parties, and a Christmas program!  Yikes that just screams desserts all over the place!  Eventually I will get to a place where I will be able to have a cookie here or a sliver of cake there.  But for now...when I'm nervous and not sure if I can stop at one cookie...I might keep resisting those sweets!  Plus, if I can resist stuff during Christmas time, surely I can resist during regular times...right?

My goal is to keep up the eating clean and working out until I go to Disney...then I'm going to eat everything!  Bwahahaha...okay...that is probably not very realistic...and I don't want to work really hard to throw it I will just go with the flow and how I feel on a daily basis!

P.S. if you are reading this and live in California and are related to better start blogging again!  I am now!

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