Monday, February 23, 2015

Not much of an update!

After some trial and error, I have found which flowers I want to use for the corsages.  I need to practice making them smaller, but the rose I made looked really pretty!  I can also make them in another color besides the dark purple!  That might also make it more "real". Now, I need to make a trip to JoAnn's/Michaels/Hobby Lobby to look for bracelets to put the flowers on and more bridesmaids bouquet holders.

So far, my list has not shrunk any...but it's not grown either!  I guess that is a good thing!  Unless you count...hold on...I have to add things to the list!  So, my list does keep growing, but I am not super panic-y about the list!  Most of it seems to be small stuff that we can handle!  Does that make sense!  And I can't forget that I have an entire week to do stuff over spring break!  I have got time!

Now I need people to turn in their RSVP's!  Come on folks!

2.  Table numbers- I need to find pictures of myself and start converting them to 4x6's.  Then I need to take all of Curt's pictures and make them 4x6's and see how many more of them we need.- I have a few pictures of me, but a lot of Curt!  So, I'm not feeling too bad about this!
3.  At some point we will need to put the centerpieces together- Waiting until Spring Break!
4.  Start looking at what pictures to use for the Escort Cards- Or an idea for the escort cards

7.  Gifts (Groomsmen)
8.  Bouquets- Done by March 7th- after bridal shower 
9.  Put Table Numbers Together

11. Finalize Menu
12. Specialty Drink
13. Reception Music
14. Wedding Video
15. Ball Conference Center Table Cloths- meeting sometime between 3/9-3/13

17. Ceremony Decorations- Lanterns, Chests, Fabric Draping?

19. Ceremony Music
20. Make a Pick a seat & not a side sign- Spring Break
21. Uncle Curt, Here comes your gal- Spring Break

23. Talk about cake- We are going to meet some time in March.  No rush!
25. Bridal Pictures & Hair Trial- March 15th
26. Corsages/Boutonniere's
27. Chose a reader

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