Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Holy anxiety this afternoon...

A few years back, I got the feeling that something was stuck in my throat!  It was so bad and buggy that I even went to see a Dr. about it.  It was around the same time that I was having some chiropractic work done on my head and neck...so I actually thought it was a nerve poking into my throat.  The Dr. assured me it was nothing.  He actually asked if I was stressed.  I said, yes I am stressed!  But not really any more than normal!  He said, this feeling might be caused by anxiety.  I felt that thing in my throat for about 3 weeks.  Today, in the middle of the day...I am once again feeling that thing in my throat!  This time, I'm at least aware that it's anxiety and am able to try and work through it.  To be honest, I do feel stressed, but once again...not more than any other day.  

I don't know if it's the music/choreography for a show I'm doing.  There is a ton of music...and zero dancers!  Or if it's a control issue- Curt is doing all of the car stuff and while I'm thrilled...for some reason it had me rattled earlier today.  Or it could be all of the candy that has been given to me today for the Holiday's...and I want to eat it all...yet not have anything!  Or it could just be my emotions flying out of whack due to being off the pill!  Who knows!  The good news is...I'm pretty sure I can control it and fix it!  I just need to do some deep breathing and relax!  

After tomorrow at 5pm...I will feel a bit more free!  Then really after Sunday at 9pm...I will be free for 2 weeks!  Free from school, from choreography, from crafting, from every job...just free!!!  So, for now I will do some relaxation breaths, and go teach my dances, and go to school...and I can do it!

*Topic Change*
I'm on day 16 of working out and eating clean!  And I am loving it!  Well, today there is not so much love as annoyance- since I want to eat the candy, cookies, cupcakes...and everything wonderful!  Ha ha ha!  But besides all of that...I'm loving it!  My booty and thighs are sore from the squats and lunges!  But I'm making it work and wearing clothes I haven't been able to wear for a while now!  Yahoo!!!  I really do enjoy lifting weights!  I feel like I get so much done with my body...way more than running!  And as one person wrote "Only 12 more days until phase 2"!  That is crazy!  12 more days and I will have been working out and eating clean for a month!  Wow!  I love it!  I hope after a month, I will feel comfortable enough to eat a cookie here or there.  That is my goal!  To be able to have a cookie or drink a coffee without feeling guilty or without having to eat 12 more!

*topic change*
I have been officially off the pill for about a week now...but technically I have only been off for three days since my period pills were the last of the pill packet I was on!  Overall I'm feeling normal!  I did get all anxious this morning about the car.  But I'm not sure if that would have happened anyway!  The other day I said to Curt "oh my goodness, I might cry"  He said "That is because you are all prenatal".  Ha ha ha!  It was so funny!  I am also really loving this fertility calculator.  Not for any other reason than I'm a nerd who likes to enter data and see the graphs it designs!  I am actually trying to not get pregnant this month...which is why I got the app in the first place.  But now I just find it fun!  I try to enter in as much as I can...ha ha ha- I'm such a nerd!  That is all for now!

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