Tuesday, December 8, 2015

What a day...and it's only been a few hours!

I have 2 things to talk about today:
1. Going off of the pill
2. My car got hit...

1. Going off of the pill!
So, I'm going off of the pill and for some reason I'm terrified!  I have wanted to be a mom my entire life and now it might actually happen!  It's nerve racking!  Plus yesterday while driving- it's where I do my best thinking- I realized that I went on the pill in November 2003!  So, out of the last 12 years I have been on the pill for a little more than 10 of those years!  There was about a year and a half after I was divorced and/or I lived out of state (away from my boyfriend) where I wasn't on anything.  So...this is a new adventure!  I mean...this is real life here folks!  We are going to actively start trying...that is just insane!  For 33 years I have been told- "you don't want to have a kid until you are married"!  And now, I'm happily married and I want to have kids with my husband.  And my husband wants to have kids with me.  Are we in the most financially peaceful place?  No, but are we ever going to be in that place?  Probably not!  However, we are getting pretty good with money and we are learning together...so I'm like freaking out!  Does anyone else freak out when it's actually happening?  I'm not sure how I'm going to feel when I am actually pregnant.  Who knows when that will be...I hope I don't freak out like this for months!  Ha ha ha!  My thoughts are just racing and it's crazy!  Okay- last regular pill was taken today and the last period pill will be taken on Saturday.  Do I even have to take the period pills?  Holy cow...my mind is going to explode!

2.  My car got hit
Okay, so my car was backed into this morning.  But let me start at last night.  Last night I got home after 9pm, I had a migraine that started at 4:30 and would not go away!  Not even with actual migraine meds!  Wah wah!  And I was bringing home our new Christmas tree!  When I got home, there was no parking!  This is nothing new, our apartment complex is known for a lack of parking.  So, people park on the curb.  I normally try to find a place- even if it's a 5 min walk back, but because of my migraine and the tree I decided to park on the curb.  Plus, I was going to be leaving around 6am anyway...so I will probably be the first person up and out.  This morning, I was walking my dog Chandler, and I noticed a note on my car.  I thought oh no, someone write a mean note about my parking on the curb...(please take note that there were 4 cars behind me on the curb as well).  So, I put Chan in the dog park and walked over to my car.  The note said
"My wife backed into your car this A.M. Please call to discuss & to get things figured out. Sorry."  They also left their number.  I was mad at the woman, I was mad at myself, I was annoyed...I was feeling so many emotions!  So, I went and finished getting ready, and left for the gym.  I figured I would call them later today...but I am waiting to see a guy at my school can fix it!  I would rather not go to some place pricey!  And I feel like if you have to take your car anywhere...it's going to be pricey!  So keep your fingers crossed!  I feel bad because I wasn't in a true parking spot...but then again it's not illegal to park where I was parked.  That was not how I wanted my day to start...but then again, I doubt that she wanted to start her day by hitting my car either!  So, I'm trying to be thoughtful and hopefully it will work out!  If my work guy can fix it, I might just ask for a few dollars to get him a gift card!  I will let you all know in about an hour!

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