Friday, January 4, 2013

Holy Moly- it's been a while!

Holy long time no writing! 

I actually tried to stay away from anything electronic during the Holiday Season!  We had a snow day on the last day of school.  On one hand that was awesome, I stayed home and did nothing.  Okay, that is a lie...I'm pretty sure I made some desserts and finished some crafts!  We finished all of the dancing snowflakes and cut out all of the photo props!  The bad thing about a snow day on the last day of class is that it's just a fun day.  There are snacks galore and the kids were leaving at 10:30...everyone is just excited for the break.  So, I am sad that I missed that!

The White Christmas Party was a success as was getting my nails done!  I really enjoy having my nails done for me!  It's just convenient and it lasts when you get the gel.  My nails are going on 2 weeks and they still look amazing!  I will try to post some pics of the party, I just didn't take any with my phone.

I got my hair did!!!  This is step one in the going from Brunette to Blonde.  This pic isn't that great, but you will see in my Christmas Pics how my hair is darker.  (At this time, it won't let me upload any of my photos- lame sauce!)

My sister and brother-in-law came into town that night.  And when I say that night I mean 2am Sunday morning.  But my mom, dad, Dana and I went to get them and their dog Moosie!  It was her first time in the snow and she loved it! (Again, pics will have to come at a later time) Update: The pics!

On Sunday we went to the Chiefs Game!!!  It was supposed to by my parents, 3 sisters, and 2 brother-in-laws...but my mom was pretty sick and said it would be better for her to not go!  The rest of us went and we sat 3 rows from the top of the stadium!!!  We were up there, but you could see everything!  The sun was shining and the wind was no where to be found!  Absolutely beautiful weather for it being December 23rd.  Mike even took his coat off!  We lost, but over all it was a great game!

On Christmas Eve we just hung out with the family and then went to church that night!  We watched a really good Christmas movie and went to bed so that Santa could visit!  Curt came over that night and spent the night!!!  Woot woot, it was our first time I saw him on Christmas morning!  I did spend the night in my sisters room (just for the record)!

We woke up Christmas morning and I was able to wake Curt up.  I think he thought we were crazy for getting up early (9am) and being so excited for the day to start!  Sarah, Mike, and the kids came over and we ate breakfast and opened gifts!  My dad was my Secret Elfster!  How exciting!!!  I got a gift card to Michaels, a basket for my sewing/craft stuff, and my elephant ring that I wanted!!!  Curt got my a trip to Myrtle Beach during Spring Break for Christmas!  For lunch we went and ate with Curt's paretns and hung out with them for a while.  Then it was over to my Aunt Ann's house for some family fun and pictures!  Finally it was back home and to bed for this family!

The next day was a pretty relaxing day.  Not a whole lot happened.  My dad went out with Mike and Mishi (son-in-laws) and Curt (future SIL) that evening!  They were out until 1am.  At one point they stopped by the house to all ride together in one vehicle.  Curt was the only guy who came in and said hello to me!  It made my night...I"m sorry if that is too cheesey...but I loved it!

The rest of the break was just like that, a lot of fun, a lot of eating, and a lot of relaxation!  We went to Fritz's, the Johnson County Museum, had a photo shoot with my cousins in 19 degree weather, and just spent time with the people I love the family!  Overall it was an amazing Winter Break!!!

I don't really have any New Year's Resolutions, but I do have some goals...
1. Pay off bills
2. Get engaged

Okay, so these are goals I know I will achieve...but I will be so excited when I can check them off my list!  Ha ha ha..okay...back to work for me! (I'll upload pics when I am able too)

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