Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 1 of the Military Diet

Day 1 of the Military Diet-
Breakfast- 1/2 Grapefruit, 1 piece of toast, 2 TBLS of Peanut Butter, and 8oz of coffee/tea
My Experience- It was a rough start to the day.  I knew that I didn't care for grapefruit, but as I was about half way through...I started gagging!  I thought I was going to throw up!  But I prevailed and made it through!  I thought to myself, well no wonder you aren't feel sick after eating a grapefruit!  I put 1TBL of peanut butter on the toast and then just put the other TBL on a spoon!  I ate the toast and drank the coffee on my way to school.  I find coffee to be quite gross, so I would take a sip then take a bite of toast.  Sip, then bite...then I finished my spoon of PB!  I am slowly getting my water in-take.  I need to drink about 70oz.  That is about 9 yeah!
I feel a little jittery at the moment, but I can't decide if that is because I'm hungry or because the of the coffee.  I normally have a snack in between breakfast and lunch (grapes or granola) but I'm trying to be hardcore and  follow the directions to a "T".

I will tell you all about my lunch and dinner experience tomorrow!
Lunch- 1/2c of Tuna, 1 piece of bread/toast, and 8oz of coffee/tea
Dinner- 3oz of any meat, 1c of Green Beans, 1 small apple, 1/2 of banana, 1c of ice cream
(So excited about the ice cream!!!)

My evening and morning workouts-
Last nights workout was a pretty good one!  It was about 20 min long.  I did not use any weights because I don't have any.  I feel pretty good about how I did.  I actually feel as if I'm getting stronger.  Who knows if that is in my head or what...but I will take it if it is in my head.  Ha ha ha!

This mornings workout was strictly cardio.  It was a lot of jumping and moving around to get your heart rate up.  Let's just say I was tired after I finished.  Overall, I feel they were both great workouts!

Tonight I'm going to try...

Tomorrow morning I'm going to try...

Let me just say, that it's so nice to already have a workout in mind.  That way I can't use that as an excuse to not work out.  Trust me, I would try and use it as an excuse.  Hee hee hee, my mind is just that sneaky!

On a crafty note...there are a lot of new crafts that I found on Pinterest that seem like a lot of fun!
On a money note...I am about a month away from being Credit Card free.  I will still have my Chiropractor bill to pay off, but I don't really count that!  I guess by April I will be completely Credit Card Free!!!  Yahoo!!!
On a Flexibility note...I need to get back into preparing for my splits.   I feel that working out like I have been and now eating healthy...I will hopefully start this weekend to once again try and go for my splits!  I'm determined to get them...darn it!  Ha ha ha
On a random note...the gal who is playing Belle in my show Beauty and the Beast has pneumonia (why does that have to be spelled so weird?) so I have been playing her part.  It has been a lot of fun...but also weird at the same time since all the kids in the show are like 16.  Ha ha ha...hopefully she will be back on Friday and I can go back to concentrating on the dances!

I'm off now to fold 900 pieces of paper!  Don't be jealous!

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