Monday, January 28, 2013

My weekend

Hello Folks,
I hope your weekend was amazing!!!  Mine was pretty great!  Last week I started excercising...and I did really great until mid Saturday...then everything- the excercises, the eating better...all flew out the window!  But that is okay and I will tell you why.  Because today, Monday, is a brand new day and I'm allowed to start again!

I did feel a bit guilty Sat. night and Sun. for not working out.  But not guilty enough to work out!  Ha ha ha!  Oh well...I got up this morning and worked out!  So go me!

This Saturday was a great day!  I decided to not go into my part time job!  So, it was a day to relax, run errands, eat lunch with my family, and host STAMP!  The Peterson five, Dana, and myself ate a late lunch at Outback Steakhouse!  Yummy!!!  I had a piece of chicken, steak and 2 helpings of mashed potatoes!  There are some things that deserve to have 2 helpings, you know?!?!  We also ordered Cheese Fries and a Blooming onion!  We told our waiter that we were the fatty it was a funny and amazing time!  I love my nephews and niece...not to mention hanging out with my sisters and BIL!  After dinner we went and hung out at Home Depot!  I love that place and could totally hang out there dreaming about fixing up my non-existent house.  Ha ha ha!  Now, I will just live through my sister and parents as we fix up there place!

Then it was time for STAMP!!!  Now as you might know (Sarah and Suzanne-my two readers) STAMP is my cousins group!  I was the host, which means we have to come up with the activity.  It can be anything from playing tennis to carving pumpkins to going to see someone in a show.  On Saturday we did a craft and then watched a movie!

We made collage pictures!  The title of the picture was "Today I'm feeling...".  The collage pictures consisted of us making feeling faces (i.e. happy, sad, excited, you get the point).  Then we attached magnets to the corner of each pic and a magnet so that you can change how you are feeling.  My magnet marker is made up of a magnet and a purple poof ball!  I will post pictures when I take one.  Ha ha ha!

We also made STAMP magnets out of magnets, pieces of paper, and those stones you might put in a vase.  Those were supposed to be our magnet marker for the frame, but they were too heavy.  Ha ha ha, but they work great on the fridge!

There was an amazing ice cream bar for dessert and we watched the movie "Bridesmaids"- which is super funny...but also inapprops!  Sarah and Mike had never seen it was fun to watch it with them!

Last night I got to watch my nephews and niece while Mike and Sarah when on a date!  I had a blast!  They are the cutest kids ever!!!  I love everything about all of them!  I had a blast eating popcorn with them and watching "Casper"!  Putting them to bed was just so much fun!  Hearing a 2 year old call herself a princess is the cutest thing in the world!  And the giggles of a 5 & 3 year old!  Ryan ended up with the hiccups later in the evening and even those were cute!  I tried to give him a spoonful of peanut butter and he had no idea what to do with just peanut butter.  It was just...well cute!

Alright- tonights workout-

Tomorrow's Workout-

I'll let you know how they are!  Thanks for reading!

Have you hung out with your family and really appreciated the stage of life they are in?  Try it!

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