Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My workout routine!

Every so often...or whenever I eat a lot and feel bad, I start thinking about how I need to work out or eat better!  I get so gung ho into this stuff that I start feeling great.  Until the next morning or the next afternoon, when I say to myself "You could get up a little earlier and work out...or sleep for 45 more min." or "You could eat your grapes or that cookie that the Foods teacher made".  I normally chose to sleep longer or eat the amazing dessert.  Then I go into feeling bad again.  When I say I'm feeling bad, no one worry about me.  I'm not depressed or anything.  I could never be annorexic- I get angry when I'm hungry.  I could never be bulemic (or spell it for that matter) because I hate throwing up and I hate over eating.  So, when I feel bad it's like the feeling that you get when you were younger and you wore a shirt of your sisters and then spilled something on it.  The old "Darn it, Amy!" feeling...not the "I hate myself" feeling.  Just to clarify before my friends have an intervention!  Ha ha ha!  For the record if you are having "I hate myself feelings" or "I want to hurt myself feelings" please get help!  Those are not normal feelings and there are people out there who love you and want to help you!  Okay- sorry for the public service announcement!

So, I'm in the "Oh man, why must I eat that cookie" moment right now.  I'm actually looking at a cookie right now, wanting to eat it...but not really wanting to eat it.  Here you can see my desk while I'm writing this and the yummy oatmeal chocolate chip cookie just staring me in the face!  THROW IT AWAY AMY...JUST THROW IT AWAY!!!
So, this whole blog is not about the cookie surprising as that might seem.  I keep pinning all of these workouts on my pinterest board.  I really want to do them..but I tend to get board.  So, I had an amazing idea!  Which is why I jumped in here to type!  I have a month before the Chiefs Auditions (I'm going to stop saying cheer leading because it's so long to type and you all know what I'm talking about.  And if you don't, then you can go on thinking that I want to be a chiefs player.) I want to look good and be totally ready for this audition!  So, here is my big idea that I thought of...I will start going through my Pinterest Workout board and do one pin per day!  So, lets take a look at what that might look like for today (I almost said starting tomorrow...but that is just lame...start today!)

Day 1- 8 Poses To Turn Back & Belly Fat Into Muscles

I will try (I say this because it might not happen...) to take pics every day!  I hope you all want to do this with me so that it might be easier.  There is strength in numbers right?  On top of my Pin Excercises- I will also be doing my stretches and hopefully 30 min of cardio.  The other thought I had, was possibly doing stairs during my lunch break- or taking 10 min 3x a day to go up and down the stairs.  Just a thought- nothing set yet.  If I wasn't such a baby I would totally get up early and run.  Maybe that should be a goal for another month!  Ha ha ha-

Hey...where did the cookie go?

You look away for just a minute and the cookie is gone...

Maybe my sub-conscience threw it away... 

Okay, so you caught me...I had to eat it!  It was looking at me!  But I don't have to go and get another one...even thought it was so good that I really really want to!

Alright have a great day and I'm sorry for being a dork.  Sometimes I just can't help myself!  Ha ha ha, I hope I made you smile...even if it was from you saying "what a goof ball"!

Suzanne's Question: What are your motivations for working out or eating healthy?

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